Nuzach is destroying tvch and scaring off users. Nuzach is costing tvch money. Nuzach is bullying users of this site. Nuzach is causing every problem on tvch. Every post that I disagree with is Nuzach. Nuzach is responsible for everything on every board at all times. Nuzach is every moderator and every shitposter. Nuzach is the pedo poster and the anti-pedo poster. Nuzach is every user everywhere at all times. Nuzach creates the dankest memes but they are too powerful so they will destroy us. How did this happen? How did 10-15 shitposters become so powerful that they are everywhere at all times. The answer is that he is a Jew. He was always a Jew. We must put an end to the Nuzach reign of terror. I say we raid zzzchan into oblivion and send him back to where he came from. Nuzach must be destroyed before it is too late. If Nuzach is not destroyed he will destroy tvch. Just as the Jews with to take over the world Nuzach wishes to take over tvch. Just today Nuzach posted BBC porn and blamed it on tvch Even though everyone on tvch is also Nuzach this cannot be allowed to stand We must take our website back from the dangerous shitposters that call themselves Nuzach. Nuach is the cancer killing tvch. Nuzach is spreading aids. Even though we ourselves are Nuzach. Nuzach is the
GAMERGATE of tvch. Nuzach is the illegal immigrant of tvch. Nuzach is the boat people. Nuzach is smell. Nuzach made the ogre sad. Nuzach will stop at nothing to destroy us all. Nuzach will destroy us for our own good. Nuzach is the hero we deserve but not the one we want right now. So we will hunt him. bickers he can take it. Nuzach is crashing this website with no survivors. Nuzach is a big guy
for you. If we remove Nuzach will it kill him? It would be extremely painful. Remove the Nuzach now.