/ita/ - Sezione Italiana

Lupi Italiani, Memi Ilari, Ritratti di Rita Ciano, False Bandiere

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Lupo Lucio 10/22/2020 (Thu) 09:39:31 ID: e56730 No.11813
This board belongs to Finland now :D
>>11813 Why don't you ask for your own board and join the infinity cup, lads?
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>>11813 That's right, you should join us in the Imageboard soccer cup We even have your guy Gondola on our team (more info @ https://anon.cafe/icup/ and http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page )
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>>11821 Can we have a clown version for memtic purpose about this clown gay comunist trend?
>>11821 :DDDD
>>11823 What do you mean by this?
Also we prolly need an /int/ thread otherwise we'll be swarmed by foreigners
>>11813 Daily reminder that Finland doesn't have bidet.

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