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Squeenix Thread Anonymous 03/12/2023 (Sun) 20:04:07 No.1335
Squeenix is losing money. I won't be surprised if they're bought by Soyny or something. Really sad state of things thinking back on their illustrious work in the past. FF16 won't be a big hit that's for sure and Forwoken undermined their brand really hard.
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>>7329 they should pay you to play that shit
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No bikini for the Dolphin Girl.
>>7348 soul vs soulless
>>7348 All it does is make me want to replay the original.
>>7346 They should have paid someone at least. I can't imagine anyone with a functioning brain played that shit at any point in development and thought it was okay to release onto an unsuspecting public.
>>7363 Everything about Forewoken was misguided. Poor japs thinking that if they make super woke shit with a nigress, those white devils who are into that sort of stuff will sweep it of the shelves.
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>there's Kingdom Hearts 4 huh?
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>>7403 KH3 killed the series.
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Soul vs soulless
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>>7329 it's over
>>7440 it's amazing how generic photorealism ruins everything it's applied to.
>>7445 >FF16 is officially the lowest selling mainline FF in history
>>7451 maybe now they'll put it out of its misery
>could literally single handedly decide what console wins >constant back to back good to amazing games >on top of the world unstoppable >even normalnigs could talk about cloud strife like he was mario >until they had to pair with Enix and became utter jokes >Square-Enix together are way worse than they were separately What the fuck happened
>>7485 Chasing the MMO trend with FFXI
>>7487 Back then it wasn't a trend. At the turn of the millennium MMOs were seen as the way of the future. If you look at contemporary media, everything was supposed to be online soon.
>>7491 Either way, they got caught up in it and it was a mistake. Going all in on in it with their mainline franchise and alienating their audience was not very smart.
>>7492 They didn't go all out on it tho. They had several projects at the turn of the millennium - FFIX as the last hurrah to the classic style, FFX as the next gen and FFXI as the, as they saw it, the future of gaming.
>>7493 Derailing the entire numbered mainline franchise is going all in as far as I'm concerned. They took the flagship FF franchise to an MMO only game using a numbered entry. Even XII was still like an "offline MMO".
>>7493 >as they saw it And they were wrong. Why do you care so much about intentions? It proved to be a mistake. It was stupid. I remember thinking it was stupid at the time too because I was an FF fan who had no interest in MMOs.
>>7494 >Derailing the entire numbered mainline franchise is going all in as far as I'm concerned. How did it derail anything? >It proved to be a mistake How was it a mistake? It's one of the most popular MMOs of all time that people still play to this day.
>>7496 >How did it derail anything? How is that not obvious? You completely change the type of game you're making drastically and alienate your main audience. >It's one of the most popular MMOs of all time It wasn't at the time. I recall it being initially a failure. It's only been popular again relatively recently as people have rediscovered it due to youtube influencers, etc. Also, I completely forgot about the Spirits Within. That failure is always cited as being a main reason for the merger. But I still think, in terms of FF losing its direction, the FF XI and XII era were far more damaging.
>>7497 >You completely change the type of game you're making drastically and alienate your main audience. Like mentioned >>7493 they didn't make just one game, they made 3 games both for old fans and new. If anything, they expanded their audience with XI. >It wasn't at the time. I recall it being initially a failure. It's only been popular again relatively recently as people have rediscovered it due to youtube influencers, etc. Er, no, completely wrong. It's was a big success right away. By 2004 it was one of the best selling games. After 2005 it exploded even more as PCs and broadband internet became commonplace.
>>7498 Then why has FF been obviously completely derailed? There were no more turn based games after X. It's sounds like you are just being a contrarian.
>>7498 >Like mentioned It doesn't matter if there was an overlap in their development. They were released in an order. IX and X were a lot alike. X was still more of the same formula, just with better graphics. XI was the big change. >If anything, they expanded their audience with XI. You sound just like what their board was probably telling each other. Except it's a completely different market. There's some overlap, but not that much. I'm an example of someone it alienated. Never have wanted to play an FF game since after X. Tried XII and hated it because of the MMO style combat and world.
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They're gonna do it, aren't they...
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>>7661 think that's bad?
>>7740 I hate how every little small moment from FF7 has to be the big extravaganza set piece now
>>7744 >I hate how every little small moment from FF7 has to be the big extravaganza set piece now May as well get used to it until the DOTR. The J*wish women running the show now, will simply attach, vampire-like, to whatever they perceive from the past and direct their hordes of highly-enriched, highly-vibrant, highly-diverse, highly-incompetent staffers to wear it into the ground. Xir does this ofc to placate their own ineptitude as a manager, and in the faint hope of squeezing out a few more drops of blood from the now-dead franchise. RIP.
>>7744 They're turning a single game into three at least. Have to find some way to stretch it out like their axe wounds. I assume the first numake was a 40-50ish hour game despite only being Midgar. I don't remember how long Midgar took originally it's been decades since I last played it but I'm pretty sure it's not even half that.
>>7757 Midgar section is real FF7 is about 10 hours long but if you take your time, do everything there is to do it's about ~20 hours.
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FF16 is officially over. What a colossal failure.
>>7788 it will surely go down in history as the most forgettable FF. 15 might have been a worse game but it's far more memorable and stands out in some ways, including its turbulent production history. Most people already forgot 16 even came out.
>>7789 >Most people already forgot 16 even came out. Waitwat, something came out?
>>7788 FF16 also came after XIII and XV. The franchise is in a definite slump at this point. FF16 is probably the best FF which came out recently but that isn't saying much still. I think the game is decent but I wouldn't call it excellent. But that's about it. I found it relatively fun to play but there's no real depth to it. It's definitely not an RPG considering how shallow everything is. It's a pure action game in my opinion. It should've been an FF spin-off instead of a mainline FF. Still a decent game though but it would be considered a disappointment if it came off the back of actual good FF games.
>>7810 There used to be a time when each and every mainline Final Fantasy game was a monumental event that sent ripples throughout the entire industry. Nowadays a new game is barely a footnote that's forgotten after what, 3 months of its release. This is a microcosm of modern gaming in general.
>>7788 lol even 13 got two fucking sequels
>>7814 But was that a good thing.
>>7788 Maybe if they didn't make it such a fucking boring slog, shove in forced gay shit and and didn't lock it to the PS5 of all things it would've sold.
>>7818 Exclusivity is a good thing and never hampered any of the previous games. But being boring gay shit definitely played against it.
13 is looked at as good now.
>>7820 well I like it
>>7820 It's still complete shit. It's just that what came after was somehow even worse.
>>7822 >It's still complete shit I disagree. Though it's very lackluster and disappointing in many ways, it's the last Final Fantasy that anyone actually wanted to make over at SE and that people were excited about.
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somebody put them out of their misery
>>7842 soon
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Will you buy a PS5 to save her?

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