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Anonymous 04/05/2023 (Wed) 13:26:03 No.2126
It seems common to say these were poor transitions to 3D graphics, but I think they still hold up today. Especially SA1, its open-ended world and impressive early online features are a standout.
>>6946 Fuck me
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>>6963 Fuck off, Amy.
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>>6963 >>6967 >>6952 the superior choice right here
Being a sonicfag doesn't have to make you that type of sonocfag anons...
>>6991 *sonicfag
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>>6991 They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
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How did Sonic survive the intense cold and lack of oxygen in outer space?
>>7012 Sonic Speed
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>>7018 oh my
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It's gotten uglier.
>>7246 shaders were a mistake
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I've never heard a single convincing argument as to why this game is bad, only plebs getting filtered.
>>7489 It's the same 3D Sanic jank but with black Sanic who has a gun. It's alright tho.
>>6932 This sounds great. I'm hyped. But kind of implies previous Sonic games were AA or at least not using cutting-edge tech, which we know a lot of the Japanese gaming industry struggles with, starting at PS3 era. Like here:>>7246
Sonic Mania is probably the greatest Sonic game of all time. That probably makes Sega seethe though, bc Sega didn't directly make it. So they don't give it the shine it deserves or give us Sonia Mania 2. However, it's sort of unfair to say this is the greatest Sonic game bc it has the hindsight of being able to look back through the entire Sonic catalog and see what works and what doesn't while blending a good amount of nostalgia for us and giving us the 'drop dash.' It doesn't break new ground like Sonic 1 or 2. And came decades later than these games. Imagine if they make a new 2D Sonic game and dropped the sprite art entirely and used hand-drawn 2D art like Cuphead. That would be insane but probably more work than Sega wants to do. Maybe use AI art to cut corners if it can be done well.
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I don't usually like Funko Pops but I think the simplistic Sonic art style works well here. Ugh, I might have to buy these from Gamestop.
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Amy and Metal Sonic. Hmm...
>>9908 >i don't usually suck cock but this one just appeals to me
>>9906 >>9907 >>9908 >>9909 Thanks for the sonic autism Mr Wolfspider.
>>3467 I miss gaming, I miss anons. I just wanna go fast like the blue hedgehog himself at this point.
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>>2136 >>2140 Sega could make a gorgeous Sonic game. Maybe copy the style of how 2.5D was done in Guilty Gear Xrd, where its cel-shaded on 3D models but they use keyframes to make it look more hand-drawn and 2D and cut out the smooth interpolated animations. Maybe this supergame >>6932 could be what we're seeking.
>>9921 Not a chance imo. Supergame means an attempt at an open world online cash cow like gta 5. Bet it's going to be an open world online subscription sonic game.
>>9921 A sonic like kirby 64? Would be pretty good at this point and could easily be done. Could be an interesting comparison to the generations pure 2D and 3D levels. >>9922 Yeah it could be cool but only in some ways, Sonic Frontiers had some okay stuff and decent music as Sonic always had but open worlds have truly become empty cancer as time has gone on. I remember playing MGSV back in the day and as much as I enjoyed a lot of the gameplay, the lack of witty MGS dialogue and the emptiness of the suprisingly "alive"ish world left a lot to be desired.
>>9922 >open world online subscription sonic game Pretty sure out of Korea and Nippon MMOs have become a closed system for aging autists, but who knows it might be brought back, its the original cashcow bullshit system after all. I'll say that I would take an MMO subscription based game over a modern F2P game and all its microtransaction bullshit any day.
>>9923 >A sonic like kirby 64? Well, I didn't mean side scroller 2.5D. But that could be interesting too. I meant 3D open-world but visuals in 2.5D. Make it look hand-drawn, even though it's not. If they were to make a side-scroller, think Sega should hire an entire anime company in South Korea or Philippines to draw the whole game in pure 2D. Like an anime company would do for an anime season. Or even hire 2D art by Lizarcube who made Streets of Rage 4 and Wonder Boy remake. >open world I know. Groan. The problem here is Sonic is supposed to go fast so this necessitates having a large environment for him to travel around fast. No one wants an empty open world though. But I think a compromise could be made. Make a tight open world of just a couple miles of space. Imagine something like a Dark Souls semi-open-world where the environment loops in on itself many times but still has enough space for Sonic to travel around and collect rings. Speeding up mountains and diving into lakes. But there are several towns to explore.
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Or imagine this idea. Make a Sonic game in the style of an old fps boomershooter from Gearbox software in the style of Duke Nukem 3D on the Build engine. Powerslave Exhumed, Blood: Fresh Supply, Doom 64, Ion Fury. Except take out the fps hands overlay. All these games use 2D sprites in a 3D world. Like Doom. The sprites/enemies are flat 2D and rotate to the view of the player. Nightdive studios remakes all these types of boomer shooters and uses interpolation to make them super-smooth like 144 HZ, >60 fps. Basically Sonic would be in the center of the screen and the world moves around him in flat 2D sprites that rotate with the player. This could be a smaller-scope game that doesn't require a massive budget.
>>9925 A semi-open world like DS1 would work great anon. The idea of 2d sprites in a 3d environment is almost giving me a sonic x-treme but done right feeling. >>9926 Boomer-FPS for a sonic game? Honestly imagining a first-person sonic, basically DoomGuy with the spin-fash and it sounds awesome.
>>9927 What about an online sonic racing game (not carts just completing 3d levels in shortest time race against others)? But to keep people from just memorizing levels, have some sort of AI generated level modifications each time a scenario is loaded.
>>9928 Diablo race-tracks, would like to see it and make it like Sonic R but well, easier to control like the PC port.
Imagine if they made the next Sonic game in this art style. Maybe hand-drawn or cel-shaded. Using this art as the key concept art for the project. They could do 2D or 3D. But 3D would be insane.
Look at this sweet art. They could do this art style for the whole game. Or imagine a 4 player Sonic in Super Mario 3D World's gameplay style. Let you play as all the characters.
The problem with Sonic multiplayer though is it's designed like a damn pinball machine and for speed. You can't have 4 players and have them zipping around the level lost. So maybe cut out all the big skateboarding loops and ramps and just make a damn slow platformer like Super Mario 3D World.
Let us play as Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, Cream, Rouge, Shadow, and Espio the Chameleon. I really like Espio's design, despite being a newer character. I really like the design, color, and aesthetic of some of these iconic characters. Sonic really does deserve something good these days. Something very creative using the IP, something beautiful and fun. Something AAA with a huge budget.
>>10053 Shadow generations was actually pretty good by 2025 standards, and it actually was just a pretty good game in general.
>>10052 Like Sonic Lost World? I thought it was okay when I played it, you couldn't have multiplayer with a game like sonic and less you had splitscreen dead or another console/pc.
>>5101 >Turns out he was the protagonist of the I'm Sorry arcade game.
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>>10060 There really is something so funny to me about ironically depicting evil kikes as based and redpilled.
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>>10061 I'm more surprised nobody has caught up with Eggman being an anti-semitic caricature, he's definitely the embodiment of the bolshevik revolution, even his color palette resemblances the anarchist communist or any of the leftwing asian parties taking into account his 90s design with the yellow cape.
>>10063 Yeah but ironically Ivo Robotnik himself is literally how the nips view super smart Germans/Americans. Hes a fat red haired turboautist that creates his own civilization all by himself and colonizes other lands. Jews cannot create and so the idea that robotnik is a jew cannot be true. On top of this he plasters his face on everything, something kikes are always afraid to do. He also made his own daughter and loves living, jews hate life.
>>10064 >he plasters his face on everything, something kikes are always afraid to do >but call him a jew and see how he recoils how injured he is
>>10065 How is robotnik jewish? Often times I never see a concrete reason for it, he literally seems like a colonizing chud.
>>10066 >colonizing >chud Even if you were somewhat more innocent when you were younger, fren, today you are clearly part of the (((brainwashed))) problem. GTFO.
>>10067 Explain how I'm brainwashed, I'll listen, and I'm aware the term chud isn't often used around the older 8chan remnants but my lurking of zoomer imageboards had it leak out. I don't see what's wrong with Europeans colonizing places because someone else would have colonized if we hadn't, like how the Aztecs colonized all of what would later become New Spain Mexico and how the Roaches colonized parts of Europe because Christianity left Europe divided. I just think people hate on Europe and by extension Nippon because they copied Europeans because >we were the most successful at it. You'll never see a Mongolian feel any remorse for their colonizing exploits. I just don't think Robotnik is Jewish, I can't understand the argument in the older games if you want Sonic to be hedgehog Hitler, but his grandfather's creation of Shadow, the ultimate life form to help mankind isn't something a jew could due, nor would the great care he gave to his obviously Aryan Grand-Daughter Maria. Robotnik literally comes across as an autistic Germanic Natzee hunting for hidden artifacts when he teams up with chaos to awaken his power. Robotnik ultimately creates and that isn't something Jews are capable of. He is very much an indicative of the Faustian bargain of modern western civilization because he is willing to destroy a lot to get what he wants, this is for better, or worse, and mostly for worse in his case.
>>10066 For starters. his outfit colors represent many leftwing nations: >Black and red (Anarchist communist), or even yellow alluding to the gooks <Wants to robotize everyone as a form for everyone to comply and never question his narcissism: >Literally the term "robot" came from the USSR <The closest thing to robotize or a morally accepted lobotomizing, is racemixing, mulatos' inferior genes are perfect for them to not tell apart semites from white folks and genuinely believe Karl Marx was a hero. >>Doesn't give a shit if he wipes out the whole planet into a dystopia, as long he triggers the Great Reset: <Wuhan <Chernobyl <All of South America It's worth mentioning lefties still praise jews despite the spontaneous protests against Israel. As for Sonic being a green protestant, lefties will never get along together once they're face to face hence the sudden betrayals: >Trotsky >Cienfuegos >Jonas Zambibi >And the many chinks at DPRK and CCP <Also the fucking inbreedtubers hyperventilating when their lovers brings up evidence debunking their shit at Pisscord
>>10074 >Would throw a Roman and read again/10 Thanks, Anon.
>>10074 >>10075 So is there anyone you would consider an Aryan Analogue in the Sonic Universe? Sonic? Surely not Shadow since he came from Gerald. Or is Sonic another totally subversive franchise? Are the black doom representives of the Aryan Race as conquerers, is Shadow an example of a jew stealing and grafting Aryan DNA to turn it against themselves? Is shadow a mixling golem? This post made me think of so many autistic questions.

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