Explain how I'm brainwashed, I'll listen, and I'm aware the term chud isn't often used around the older 8chan remnants but my lurking of zoomer imageboards had it leak out.
I don't see what's wrong with Europeans colonizing places because someone else would have colonized if we hadn't, like how the Aztecs colonized all of what would later become New Spain
Mexico and how the Roaches colonized parts of Europe because Christianity left Europe divided. I just think people hate on Europe and by extension Nippon
because they copied Europeans because >we were the most successful at it. You'll never see a Mongolian feel any remorse for their colonizing exploits.
I just don't think Robotnik is Jewish, I can't understand the argument in the older games if you want Sonic to be hedgehog Hitler, but his grandfather's creation of Shadow, the ultimate life form to help mankind isn't something a jew could due, nor would the great care he gave to his obviously Aryan Grand-Daughter Maria. Robotnik literally comes across as an autistic Germanic Natzee hunting for hidden artifacts when he teams up with chaos to awaken his power. Robotnik ultimately creates and that isn't something Jews are capable of. He is very much an indicative of the Faustian bargain of modern western civilization because he is willing to destroy a lot to get what he wants, this is for better, or worse, and mostly for worse in his case.