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Handhelds Anonymous 04/05/2023 (Wed) 16:20:27 No.2130
So Soyny is making a new handheld console that requires constant internet and can only work via remote play off a PS5 - https://archive.is/H63Pt But enough about horrible flops, what is the best handheld system? What are your favorite games?
>>8940 3DS is right under it.
>>8909 PSP has the best design.
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>>8987 Kino.
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Zoomers are getting nostalgic for the PSP.
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What does the n stand for?
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>>9036 This is never happening but could Xbox compete in handheld market?
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>>8568 Game Gear anon here. I was able to clean the corrosion off, but that didn't seem to be the problem. So I opened the fucker up, and found that 4 capacitors inside had burst at some point. I don't know jack shit about soldering, but I could give the affected circuit to my dad, he probably would know what to do if I buy replacement capacitors. With how long the capacitor corrosion sit on the surface, am I still fucked?
>>9144 >am I still fucked? Likely. Also soldering capacitors on complex motherboards is virtually not a thing, this isn't a radio.
>>9036 to play what games?
>>9144 By "burst" you make it sound like these are aluminum electrolytic caps, which, in the world of PCB components are relatively huge and easy to solder/desolder, SMD or through-hole. Post pics and I can probably walk you through finding out what values they are and replacing them. t. electrical engineer not afraid to take an iron to 0402 parts without magnification unlike this bitch >>9145
>>9150 One fried Game Gear coming up.
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>>9150 The capacitors that burst were actually quite small. They gave little to no resistance when I ripped them off. This is the nastiness they left on the board.
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>>9157 >actually quite small Compare them to the little brown ceramic caps nearby, C4 and C8. Those look like 0603 size, which is quite small for beginners maybe. The ones you removed are relatively large, like I said they'd be. Which is good for you, because now you've got some PCB surgery on your hands. Get a soldering iron and some solder, and see just how much, if any of those pads are left on the board. Not gonna lie, it doesn't look good. One should never "rip off" components from a PCB, ever. They need to be properly heated and desoldered or you risk: losing the solder pads, which it looked like you may have done here, lifting and breaking traces, bending the board and breaking internal traces or creating cracks in nearby solder joints. Just don't. Anyway, if you're still dedicated to this thing, it can be saved. See my pic for a possible fix using leaded electrolytics laid on their sides to hopefully fit in the same vertical space as the old SMDs. You can either scrape solder mask off of the remaining traces to get a point to solder to, or, you can find a component lead on the same net, as I highlight in a few places. As for your replacement parts, I found documentation here that has everything you need - https://gamesx.com/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=schematics:service_manual_-_game_gear_va1.pdf See section 8-3-3, "Sound Circuit Board" for the parts we're talking about here. You're not gonna find those mid-90s Japanese parts anywhere though, but I can find you modern equivalents if you want. These are bulk capacitors used for power regulation and maybe some audio filtering stuff IDK I didn't really look, but they're not critical components in the sense that we need to match ESR or they gotta be CG0 or something or it won't work. Any cap with the same capacitance and voltage range will work here. Let me know if you want to try to tackle it.
Anon if you actually fix this thing on your own, you will be the greatest gaymer of all times.
>>9145 >>9154 >>9162 Fixing this is like the electronics version of making a PB&J sandwich. They should be teaching it in schools.
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Something I should have asked first - does it work? Did you try putting new batteries in and turning it on? This sound sub-assembly seems to be analog output only, and it being broken or even missing should not prevent you from turning the thing on and playing - you just won't have sound. How do the power supply and main PCB look? Any burst caps or heavy corrosion there?
>>9164 It's not hard to solder. To solder and make it actually work is the challenge because usually something goes tits up, even just by looking at stuff like techmoan.
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>>9164 not everyone has this type of screwdriver
>>9169 Or soldering gun, or soldering shit, and many other shit to fix this. You need to buy all this. Quite an investment.
>>9170 >>9169 was a joke; you're an idiot. >Quite an investment. A servicable iron, solder, flux, desolder braid, and a tip cleaner will run you less than a triple-ayy game these days.
>>9171 >instead of buying a game buy all this crap that will do you no good unless you're an engineer and who's an idiot here
>>9172 you fail to realize this is the darksouls of gaming
>>9165 It does turn on, but the screen is just white.
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psp should have stayed in production indefinitely. perfect system for low-medium budget jarpigs, VNs, arpgs etc. you literally do not need more
>>9413 True.
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>>9425 talk about being late to the party, the only reason Shits is popular is because you can play the same shitty underpowered game as back at home
>>9425 To play what games? Just emulation?
>>9425 That's a big handheld.
>>9484 for you
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>>9554 >anything xbox >only gaylo
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>>9571 > ywn be this dedicated to ur vidya Why even?
>>9571 What is he about to play?
>>9578 >xbox it's gotta be gaylo
>>9571 embarrassing. Getting second hand cringe just looking at the picture
>>9571 King.
>>9180 Sorry, don't know what else to tell you. Sounds like you got power to the backlight at least. If it were me, I'd have it open and powered up, poking with a voltmeter and scope probes while looking at the schematic, working from the power supply to the processor. Unfortunately that's about all you can do at this stage, as more often than not parts will fail in ways invisible to the human eye, they're not all packed with liquid chemicals. I'd say your next step is to either git gud with electronics plus buy that BASIC KIT that the other anon said would cost TEN WHOLE RUPLES in his country or, look for one with a broken screen or something to swap parts with, since it seems like you can at least take one apart and put it back together. Good luck.
>>2131 The Vita was a fucking mistake and the PSP could have easily taken on the 3DS. All snoy had to do was hire the cfwspics to slow down piracy so publishers would stop kvetching. Instead we got an absolute abortion of a handheld with TWO bespoke proprietary cables, a new propriety game format and a new, expensive and unreliable proprietary storage format. Keep in mind UMDs were cheap as shit to produce and held more storage than 3DS carts. Double density UMDs held more storage than psvita carts for a fraction of the cost. Before you say I'm wrong, snoy now directly pays haccers to not release exploits. They just paid out 50k to someone a few months ago.

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