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Anonymous 02/22/2023 (Wed) 07:00:51 No.840
There was a lot of discussion about how physical media will all one day be historical artifacts that will 100% be absolutely useless. While some anons saying "disc rot will eventually make all disc-based media useless", other anons defending cartridges as people knocked down those too saying the actual code within those games will eventually scramble themselves into being unplayable. So that begs the question, will eventually every piece of hardware, from the CRTs to all the original hardware, be 100% useless garbage fodder, or is there a way to utilize the original casings of the games/consoles/etc to have fresh parts within making them work? What will the hobby of retro video games look like 100 years from now, will all of these things we enjoy from the 80s and 90s be cast into the void of obscurity and loss?
>>6519 >can just change anything >can just change >can just >can
>>6516 >not keeping multiple, redundant copies on different media, + stored on your own servers in different datacenters around the world shiggy.
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>>6522 That cute, but the end result will still be the same.
>>6523 No you (((can't))) >>6524 TKD? Agreed tbh.
>>6522 based
>>6522 Wait so I'm not paranoid for having multiple drives with the same backups? Thank gawd.
>>6537 EMP will fry 'em all, anon.
>>6541 Only the electronics for any reasonably-likely EMP attack scenario (ie, Ionosphere nuclear burst). Removable media should come through just fine if that's all they face. Ofc the entire world will descend into an unprecedented shitfest at that point, so vidya will be only a secondary concern for a long while afterwards.
>>6543 >Ofc the entire world will descend into an unprecedented shitfest at that point, so vidya will be only a secondary concern for a long while afterwards Good, we will finally get rid of all the normalfags.
>>6550 Imagine a world where people actually care about the things that matter, I am doing my best so that I will be able to survive and make a stronger race of humans, one that doesn't fall to subversion and actually plays video games that are good, and doesn't go into jewtube comments like a subhuman dog and say: <really needs a remaster even tho I could just play it but I am a retarded subhuman brainwashed by a corporation into thinking I need a beautiful game to be remade but with niggers and ugly woman
>>6551 That's how it pretty much used to be before the social media cancer. People just played video games and discussed them on forums/imageboards. We really just need to nuke all the shitter, jewtube, faceberg etc. offices.
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>>6970 Good thing there is an alternative method to trying a game for free. And just playing through it for free if you decide it's worth your time.
>>6971 Good thing there's an alternative method of playing every game for free.
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>>8742 They need to get comfortable with me never buying or playing their propaganda gaymes.
>>8742 I'm very comfortable with never playing any of the modern slop, thank you very much.
Is emulation killing preservation? When you can play everything on a PC, then what happens to the physical consoles and games?
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Physical mediabros, we're so back!
>>9285 Toddbros, we can have our 12 million polygon sandwiches now!
>>9285 nice, fuck digital, fuck jews
>>850 Also remember to disable any automatic updates whenever possible and always revert to a backup copy of whatever you are using. Because they will brick your game so the physical media does not work anymore for no reason.
>>9466 this applies even to browsers
>>9226 I hate when this happens
>>842 if only there was a easily available internet archive of all media physical and digital from the past... oh well time to off myself because of some schizo imaginary problem
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>>9473 >if only there was a easily erasable internet archive of all media physical and digital from the past... Yeah man, never happened before, sites never went down with everything they had
>>9475 yeah bro i'm gonna nuke a internet server becuz izreal told me so kirby is a evil terrorist doncha know
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>>9476 >y-yeah, such a thing never happened before! <not counting all those times when it did
>>9478 name 10 that didn't target nintendo shit and weren't rehosted by 5 different new sites the next day
>>9479 >name 10, name 20, name 50! >b-but also not these specific goalposts that I moved! Nigger they literally removed 8chan and kiwifarms from the internet entirely.
>>9480 >deflects from answer >but muh cansa tumors cowardly nigger
>>9481 >b-but those don't count as well! I accept your concession.
>>9482 >but it's based when troons lose their site
>>9483 One concession was enough.
>>9543 the only concession needed was you are a retard who posts nothing but nigger pills all day and is too much of a nigger to even steal right
>>9547 >One concession was enough
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You will own NOTHING
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>>9979 Valve was good, 20 years ago.
Ultimately the only solution is for anons to get educations in electrical engineering and to recreate/preserve the blueprints that create these forms of physical media. Some of the best NES emulators have boards derived from the remains of NES's.
>>9982 In what year Steam became a full on spyware platform?
>>10001 I mean wasn't it always kinda shit since you never really owned the game? It was basically xbox live but for pc gamers and racist in the past.
>>9480 Kiwifarms is back (at .st), for what it's worth - shit was down for a couple of weeks at most. Troons just pretend it's dead because the alternative is admitting they never actually accomplished something.
>>10059 I have mixed feelings about the Foxdick Farms, but I do find it admirable the way Jewsh is so persistent in keeping the site up and running despite all the people working against it.

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