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Tomb Raider thread Anonymous 03/11/2023 (Sat) 12:10:36 No.1312
Which had the best puzzle design?
I've yet to play the classic Tomb Raider games but I am very fond of Legend series. It has that perfect mid 6th gen vibe to it and a great atmospheric score. Comfyness all-around.
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>>1334 I remembr that time when Tomb Raider was the comfy coom game and there was like comicbooks of Tomb Raider and the art was pretty good. Too bad that the series died, and never became the same.
>>1312 I remember playing the first two Tomb Raider games they were good fun. Could be fun to revist them and play a few of the other titles before the NuTombRaider titles that came out.
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>>1338 Yeah, sexy Lara, both irl and 3D, used to be in literally every gaming magazine in the '90s and '00s. You could unlock her in bikini in games. When games were made by men for men, no trannies or activist had hijacked the medium yet.
>>1339 I was actually thinking about maraphoning the classic games. There are quite a few of them too.
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remember the nude mode and the promises of your classmate who totally knew the cheatcode for nude Lara? Good times
>>1367 Hot triangular boobies.
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Still mad they made her tits smaller, cuckeo games will never recover.
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>>1405 Not just the tits, she dresses like a fucking nun now. Also removed the braid and the glasses. Not a book nerd anymore. Why even call here Lara at this point, a complete assassination of the character.
>>1405 The first numake of Tomb Raider she had nice tiddies if one likes small tiddies. The cope was that they wanted it to be a new Tomb Raider because at the time, Uncharted took over that spot and the last Tomb Raider game didn't sell so well or good, it was an actual flop. So then they wanted it to be more realistic and such nonsense, so that's why her tiddies became smaller and the guys on that island are basically rapists, ironically enough instead of it being seen as gurl powerthe Male journalists started to say it was creepy and the game wasn't worth buying, even when it was at that point an actual game, it wasn't really as scripted and had as many set pieces as Uncharted 2 or 3. But it was seen by Square Enix as a flop, so they retconned that game, until you got a new game with nu-Tomb Raider which was also a flop, it was an actual flop because it wasn't multiplat at the start, then came 3 which was worse than 1 and 2 imo. >>1409 It was nu-Lara Croft for a new audience that might have remembered Tomb Raider but didn't bother to buy the two other games that was released in that generation. There are talks that this PS5 and xbox Series S and X generation might just last 3 more years.
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>>1428 Nobody needs Lara with small booba but by the third numake they completely cut her tits off.
>>1430 Depends on the NU-Lara one of them have nice tiddies but in the third game, if I remember correctly. She has a nice ass and birthing hips.
Here one can compare old models to the 3 new models of Lara Croft. I like Underworld because she is coomerlicious tbqh famalam, mang.
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A reminder that Angel of Darkness is underrated.
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>>1844 Dollars to dimes that by the next nuMake, 'she'll have a square jaw and Adam's apple.
>>2609 She kinda does already.
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What went wrong?
>>2642 we didn't gatekeep good enough
my waif
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>>2642 Damn that figure is really hot.
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which iteration of Lara does anon prefer?
>>4013 Every preHD Lara is great.
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>leaks say new game is about older dyke Lara retiring with her gf after teaching a playable cast of diverse misfits how to guard ruins >Netflix series is about her protecting artifacts, "desexualizing Lara" and "exploring facets of her life everyone wonderes about"
>>4283 >new game and (((netflix))) series will be complete shit surprising no one
>>4289 >>4283 Didn't they already make some titless mystery meat NuLara tv or some shit?
>>4290 It flopped but that means that evil Dup nazis must be taught a lesson. Have 5 more.
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>Lara will only get fatter and flatter in the future sad future
Why isn't Lara Croft as popular now that she lost her sex appeal? Men and women both loved Lara Croft, and Tomb Raider was one of the most well-known vidya series to normies for the late-90s and early-00s. Now nobody really cares, Lara isn't sexy and badass anymore (she just gets nearly raped repeatedly), but journalists say she is better than ever...?
>>5092 Many such cases.
>>5144 quite frankly, all the cases are such
>>5147 Lol, I didn't mean in the real world Anon. Rather the Current Year, body-positive, troon-loving, nigger-worshipping, CIS-White-male-shaming, Anti-Christ, gayming dev. But what could possibly go wrong with their (((carefully-laid))) plans, tho? :^)
>>5143 Well how can she still be popular when you can't discuss her sexuality, her '90s 'tude, talk about the nude mod, post lewds etc, etc. People who made her popular were just average nerds chatting about her on forums and chans. Now they cut off her tits, put her in a burqa and prohibited discussing anything about her other than her female empowerment. The games themselves now are also just boring cinematic walking simulators instead of the action-packed platformers. Who the fuck would even want to be a fan of Tomb Raider nowadays.
>>4561 >>5025 sexooo
>>5153 >Now they cut off her tits, put her in a burqa and prohibited discussing anything about her other than her female empowerment. And that's a good thing.(tm) :^)
>>4283 Tom Raider.
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New Lara. No tits though.
>>5245 Generally an improvement, I like that they returned to the classic look, she doesn't even look like a man. That being said, regardless of how she looks she's gonna be a raging lesbian patriarchy smasher. Our Lara of late '90s is never coming back.
>>5245 >No tits though. We gotchu fam.
>>5247 hot
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>>5247 does she nudes ....uh for research purposes purely
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>>4319 >making your agitprop so shitty and stake that not even soys consumed it >oh yeah well here it is again goyim If no one is watching it what's the point in making it?
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>>5558 >>5563 Check em' boys we got exactly what we need.
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>>5699 >can't even do a proper remake >has to be this cheap low effort "remaster" with subpar PS2 graphics <wew, you can switch between the two! Gee, thanks a lot Rajesh.
>>5706 Would you really trust (((current year western devs))) to remake the original Tomb Raiders?
>>5708 No, but since this was outsourced to some Pajeets in Bangladesh the cuckening could have been avoided.
>>5709 Pajeets are some of the most cucked shitskins out there though. They always buy into progressive cancer hook line and sinker because they think it'll get them vegana and bobs.
>>5738 >pajeets >progressive lolwhat, they have the highest rape rates in the world
>>5742 >thinking being progressive stops rape You should know better by now.
>>5742 1. look at any group of diversity hire faggots pushing wokeshit and there will be a pajeet involved. Sometimes they're easy to overlook because the obligatory kikes are always so slimy. 2. wokeniggers rape all the time almost every soyboy with a public face gets caught out for sexual assault and not the fake "ewww he touched my arm :(" kind
>>5755 >every soyboy with a public face gets caught out for sexual assault and not the fake "ewww he touched my arm :(" kind Usually involving children.
I love Lara so much anons
>>5755 Pajeets hate whitey even though their entire culture stems from whitey and a ton of their upper caste are very white, who they also hate and resent btw, but these whiter Indians, smaller in number are not as cucked as western whites. These pajeets only exist due to excess aid from western countries and so like the subhuman animals they are they bite the hand that feeds them most. And of course they are somewhat traditional outside of the cities but the majority of Indians live in cities, and cities are as libtarded as you might think, hence their natural subversive nature/hatred of whites/jew cock sucking. t. Pajeet scholar
>>1312 tomb raidah
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>>5964 Some anon get a hanky and wipe poor Lara's face off for her! She seems to have gotten it covered in mud somehow, poor helpless dearie.
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>>5964 Looks like some fucking youtube fan animation. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=cb9AUAZBcOk Also lol at picrel.
>>5964 why does she look so brown wtf looks more like legend of korra
>>5967 they made her a mutt >>5966
>>5967 >(((netflix))) adaption >why does she look so brown wtf Truly a mystery for the ages.
>>5969 I'm surprised she's not a curly haired negress to be honest.
>>5970 >curly haired negress Nah. It'd be more likely they'd have her with that side shave thing twitter dykes all have.
>>5971 She doesn't have that only because it's based on that shitty Uncharted clone numake.
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>>6000 Lara my love.
Why don't they make their own strong independent titless female man, why must they torture Lara...
>>6276 Heh, (((their))) agenda is to torture you, Anon. Breast-reduced, desexualized Lara is just beginning her journey of corruption I'd say. You can probably expect that before all is said and done, she'll wind up as a F-M-F morbidly obese nigra women, whose primary aim isn't to collect treasures & loot, but to shame and destroy Colonizer CIS White males! Unless, ofc, the kikes actually wind up loosing this war, and thus their grip on the entire Western civilization. After that vidya will enter a new Golden Era. :^)
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>>1312 Cistern is overrated For me it's the entire Egyptian arc followed by Palace Midas and Colosseum. But I think we can all agree that the worst level is Tomb of Tihocan, and the final level isn't great either outside of a couple of okay boss fights.
>>6286 There's something about the original TR games' color palette and ascetic level design that always unnerved me. I prefer the PS2 era comfy games.
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>>7026 Why is she so perfect, bros
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>>7038 Because she is best girl.
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Which Tomb Raider does anon think was the last game she was really super hot in, I know she got her tits cut in the cucked remakes but I want to know what other anons think specifically.
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>>7107 She was still smoking hot in Underworld which is the last game before the NuBoot. They gave her a slight booba redux in the Legend reboot (which Underworld is a sequel to) so she's not as mega busty but she still got a nice rack.
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>>7107 for me, it's 90s Lara
>>7108 >>7109 Yeah shes still got a great rack reguardless. Love 90s Laura but Underworld Laura makes my cock hard as well. Its such a shame that hot vidya game fertility goddesses will never be the same.
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>>7115 For me it's Anniversary.
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>>7113 >>7115 >>7176 COOM RAIDER
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>>7567 Pardon me, but I'm rather skeptical that's a Current Year nuMaster.
>>7567 soul vs soulless
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>>7925 They may as well have done a side-shave + purple hair at that point. What's next, scar-chest?
>>7925 sovl vs soulless
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I miss booba.
>>8652 Why can't zoomers just play the originals and need muh photoreal in everything...
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>>8687 The original still looks better to me.
>>8712 Because it has a consistent art direct that's coherent. It was made by people who knew what they were doing and were into basic principles of art. Super HD 8K IMAX remaster is a cobbled together monstrosity of ugly garish colors because all they did was switch the "photorealism" plugin on.
>>8713 *direction
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Here's your demaster.
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>>8949 >big tits intact >showing skin >doesn't look like a ma'am I'm honestly kind of surprised a modern numaster could get away with any of that. Is this not being made by a (((western dev?)))
>>8949 sexo
>>8953 Nobody cares about this dollar bin remaster that doesn't even have photorealistic TM graphics, so the poojeets making it can get away with anything.
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>Tomb Raider Collection opens with apology for "deeply harmful" and "inexcusable" racism LOL
>>9076 Pathetic. If I remember right the people that remade Destroy All Humans did something similar, but basically called anyone that would get their dilators in a twist over the content pussies.
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>>9076 > "...This is deebly goncerning... < LOL BUT WE'RE KEEPING IT ANYWAY! > "...Hopefully we can """learn""" from it... < BUT KEEP SENDING THOSE SHEQELS GOYIM!! Kek. Typical kikeish doublespeak.
>>9080 They all do that. All western devs from the 00s became absolute soy guzzlers. Imagine being brainwashed by 'diversity consultants' who all these studios had to hire, for 20 years. They've been completely lobotomized and brainwashed to hate their old games.
>>9076 fucking kek
>>9081 >pic Legally mandated abortion of all nigger babies when?
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>>9089 To the kikes, you are the 'nigger' (goyim), Anon. And there is no political solution.
>>9076 Even if I wanted to play, I would literally never touch a game that starts with a message like that.
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Nu Nu Lara design. Looks like a tranny.
>>9109 I hope her penis is feminine.
>>9109 Anyone who helps to fund this deserves all the soy they can swallop.
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>>9147 Now that's sexo
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>remaster of PS fucking 1 games >full of bugs and glitches
>>10017 The future of gaming anons, its here!

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