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Open file (27.56 KB 624x455 18001179de9_sfcytr.jpg)
Anonymous 05/03/2023 (Wed) 19:20:08 No.2761
People want to believe video games are artworks that will be able to be enjoyed for years to come and can constantly be critiqued by a fresh set of eyes. Nobody wants to admit the more grim reality: That nobody who isn't part of your immediate generations is going to give a single fuck about any of the video games you think are amazing. Its sad but thats just how it is. Any attempt at some kind of video game art historical curation or museum thing is just millenials desperately floundering and trying to make the thing they really loved matter more than it does. The truth is that the generation after Zoomers(Alpha) wont give much of a fuck about any of the old games and the generation after that even less. It'll all become even more ephemeral and esoteric when all the original hardware has finally bitten the dust and the only way to experience these things is emulation (which they can't into).
>>2761 Hard to take blackpill.
>>2764 it's not even a blackpill
Gayming is already collapsing, even normalfags talk about it - https://yt.funami.tech/watch?v=imjdglomBGY There won't be any "gaming" past this generation.
who cares what happens when I'm gone?
>>2798 Me!
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What are you retarded? Kids love old games. Maybe not atari but you show a kid OoT or even some SNES games and they love it. You're just jaded and old and hate everything and you project that onto children.
>>2761 Remember OP, gaming in general was smaller back than and it will likely become even smaller as gaming slowly but more surely casulizes and the fad bites the dust, what is done is done but you can carry that esoteric knowledge and perserve it and you can spread it to the next generation of autists, of true aristocrats of the soul, who are the only people who matter. >>2798 Post-modern nihilist moment.
>>3412 >Maybe not atari but you show a kid OoT or even some SNES games and they love it Are you retarded? Zoomers don't play old games.
>>3414 >and it will likely become even smaller as gaming slowly but more surely casulizes and the fad bites the dust Nah that's never happening, it's gonna continue getting transformed into this bloated abomination and normalfags are gonna eat it all up because A) they're retarded and B) that's the only world they know, being born into it.
>>3415 Playing the most mainstream SNES games means nothing, besides modern zoom-zooms barely care about 5th-6th generation geimus. >>3416 I agree with you but the gaming you knew is becoming what I said previously, much like the internet we knew. It is being replaced with casual bullshit, with shit everything and gatcha p2w games where people actually pay for some cute anime girl when they could literally go anywhere and find ecchi or hentai cuckime for free. The internet is a microcosm of real life or a mirror, and watching everything slowly die just depresses me a ton, glad not every brother has left into the annals of history yet.
>abloobloo kiddies don't know or care about stuff before dey wuz born Yeah and you probably didn't collect vinyls and go to discos either when you were young faggot, I swear to god autists deliberately seek out the dumbest shit to whine about. Oh nooo wah wah life changes and it's the terribleblelbllrr boooohooooooo
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>>3454 >zoomer seethe
>>3455 Well good to know this shithole isn't any different from any other video game nigger hive. I genuinely had to look at my address bar to remember which /v/ splinter this was.
>>3483 You sound like a fag tbh.
>>2761 People who constantly talk about videogames being art are the biggest down syndrome riddled spergs! The moment they see play something they dislike they promptly forget about "muh art" and revert to the "videogames are supposed to be a product!" statement.
>>3484 Oh no
>>2765 brown?
>>2761 >That nobody who isn't part of your immediate generations is going to give a single fuck about any of the video games Good. Normalfags should be gatekept out of gaming at any cost.
>>3416 >>3442 If zoomers won't play Deus Ex that's their loss. If Alpha/Omegas will not boot up Shenmue in their lifetime then it's a crying shame for them. All I'm going to do is curate my own things that I like and hope that a few amongst the newer generations are already interested before they come in from the cold to look at what I've got, and maybe learn a thing or two they didn't know before. Maybe most won't do that, maybe it's poppy playtime/fortnite/FNAF all the way, I don't know. But most people won't go to a museum regardless of what generation you're talking about. Gaming is one of the most self-preserving hobbies you could choose to pick on in terms of culture that gets passed down and in terms of surviving upheavals. I refuse to doom over it. We'll be culturally bereft of many more important things before we're left bereft of some of the most basic recreational activities like that.
>>8469 Modern gayming has literally nothing to do with real gaming. It's like the difference between a PS1 and an old pong console, sure they're technically both "videogames" but not really.
>>8472 But these companies making "the current thing" are making decreasingly low-tier level of slop. Are you sure even the ignorant and culturally bereft are to never notice this? These companies, they're beginning to lose money slop over fist... Do you think the fortnite character skins market should "progress" in perpetuity? Take the film industry as a parallel example. Kids might start to notice this crop of films suck shit from Goldsteinberg's ass. Said film companies may stand to make a little bit less profit. As for the millennial generation becoming a cultural irrelevance, it's worth reminding OP that due to the nature of millennials having fewer kids, millennials are the majority demographic after boomers turning from retirees to deceased. It's said that kids dictate the buying habits of adults through pester power and things, but it's mostly been about the fact the younger generation outnumber their adult peers, yet now that dynamic has reversed. So if you want your "product" to carry the broadest appeal and milk the most monied groups, then millennials are the audience you should be pandering toward. That we *all* bear irrelevance compared to the genuine well-to-do is a little bit besides the point OP had for us. Sure, we'll all be told to eat the ESG. Even if that ESG is corporate-facing and not customer-facing, any companies awash with ESG cannot help themselves from contaminating and reaching their end product(s). So, in some bizarre way I'm being an optimist. Soon Porsche will not only delete from history the Christ the Redeemer landmark (which the zoomers won't care one jot about) but the product(s) they make will turn from stagnatory, to regressive, to dead-to-market in a reasonable, single-generation length of time. Let's see these kids buy/rent these products that functionally don't work and no amount of DLC aftersales will fix them.

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