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Prince of Nigeria Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 14:52:07 No.3747
This looks like a PS3 game, how the fuck is this allowed? If this isn't a budgeted release at like $20 they're not even trying anymore. Sheeeeit
At this point shit like this looks like parody. I guess after nigger Ariel there are no red lines left and everything people were laughing at even just 10 years ago will become reality: name a character and say he'll be turned black - done.
>>3747 i first thought this was that poojeet-made remake of sands of time lol. at least there this level of graphics is understandable
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>>3747 >how the fuck is this allowed Companies used to have to try so they could get good sales but nowadays since normies have invaded the market, people will pay for goyslop like this. Remake the game and give it nigger as the main character and the niggercattle will gush over it.
>>3747 Let me guess ubisoft, classic of them, just hope they go bankrupt already.
>>3755 /thread.
>>3755 we live in the age of bloated AAAAAA release that are all about dem graphics, this is what normalniggers consume. This is made for nobody, nobody is gonna buy it. A tax fraud perhaps.
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>>3758 This is made for people that never played Prince of Persia games aka niggercattle and they will buy it and praise it as being "cool and progressive". It will be the best game in the series according to them even though they never touched any of its predecessors. They will fawn over the nigger protagonist and say something along the lines "this is just what the series needed to gain their interest to play it and modernize the game". So its not made for nobody, just not for anybody that remembers the original games.
>>3761 normalnigs that never played the originals will never touch this due to primitive graphics.
>>3761 It'll get praised by (((gaming journalists))) for the stunning and brave decision to have a nigger protagonist instead of a Persian, the sales will be abysmal, (((they))) will blame ebil racist nazis for why the game sold poorly and then (((they))) will get this ESGbux. Rinse. Repeat.
>>3747 what happened is that consoles became more like consoles and PC gaming also became more like console gaming. This retarded both sides of the market, and then they or developers realized that people will pay full price for 2d games. So thank yourself for letting the retards pay full price for a 2d game. >>3755 Sure, but at the same time when it is only nigger cattle that buys games then you cannot complain when games turn to shit.
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>>3765 >consoles became more like consoles
>>3765 >Sure, but at the same time when it is only nigger cattle that buys games then you cannot complain when games turn to shit. <You have no rights goyim, stop complaining! You are the problem.
*smacks lips*
*steals nike shoes*
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>>3747 It's weird they brought back PoP at all when the AssCreed series has completely displaced it. I guess it's been long enough now that normalcattle is nostalgic for the name?
>>3802 Maybe asscreed isn't making the money they want and they think kang of niggerland will for some retarded reason.
>>3812 >>3802 Well seeing how the game looks like it was made in 2010, they're clearly not spending any money or effort on it.
What the fuck is this and why is the Prince Of Persia not an Aryan, oh wait, kikes.. Screencap is funny as fuck, the new face of Persia and its (((powerful))) Also OP, PS3 games look better than that, at least some, respect muh PSTripple.
>>3835 >Also OP, PS3 games look better than that That is true, however, the point here is that PS3 and 7th gen games in general were current gen state of the art and worth their $70 asking price. This looks like a PS3 game after 2 gens have passed but they have the audacity to sell this at retail price now.
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>>3841 >>3844 >>3845 >>3846 >>3852 >>3854 Tiny nigger pecker btfo by big hwite cock.
>>3865 Reminder that it was a black man who told the world that white cock is so amazing it makes black men turn gay.
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>>3869 sheeeeeit
>>3747 dead on arrival
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This makes DmC look cool and respectful to the source material.
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PoPbros, I don't feel so good...
>>3894 nah, DmC is still shit.
>>4130 >asscreed remakes why? it's literally the same game conveyor belted over and over again
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Hold your breath, an actual Wakanda game is coming. And it's gonna be - wait for it - open world!!!
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>>4584 Broken bucks have no culture of their own or importance to history. If they're not trying to steal it from whites, they're trying to steal it from aisians.
>>4586 To be fair there were negro samurai but of course it's not gonna be about that but about Wakanda and BTFOing ypeepo.
>>4598 >To be fair there were negro samurai Why be """fair"""? Name one. And even if by some oddity there was a small enclave of such in human history, it would amount to 0.0000000000000001/1% of all samurai. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'd suggest you lay off the kike-pill Anon.
>>4601 Read more instead of screeching about kikes in every post. https://wiki.froth.zone/wiki/Yasuke?lang=en
>>4602 Sure thing, Shlomo. >(((Jesuit))) slaves serving massah So even less of the ridiculously-low percentage already mentioned. GTFO.
>>4611 nupol is one helluva drug grow up kid
>>4613 Refute my position logically or GTFO.
>>4613 Shut up kike.
>>4619 >nigger refugee >in japan >during the time period where samurai were a thing I don't think japan takes many-if any- refugees from nigger infested shitholes in (((current year))) let alone more then 100 years ago.
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*punching a nazi*
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>>4619 >refugee can't make this stuff up
>>4708 If race swapping doesn't matter, why do it in the first place?
>>4715 inferiority complex
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I miss them bros. Which one is your favorite?
>>5026 2 had the best soundtrack
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>>5077 >>5078 Thank gawd anon.
>>5026 Warrior Within was my jam. Sands if time is alright but they were still getting the formula right. Two thrones is too gimmicky.
>>5077 >head down, ass up Broken sandbucks.
>>5087 the only thing from the two thrones i remember is the chariot race mechanics they used to shill in every magazine back in the day
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>"Unlike most Assassin’s Creed games, Assassin’s Creed Red is understood to have two playable characters – a male Samurai and a female Shinobi." >"The male Samurai is an African refugee who learned the way of the creed."
>>5492 >The male Samurai is an African refugee this will never not be funny
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>>5550 The new asscreed looks like shit.
>>5495 $20 says the shinobi is a lesbian.
>>5553 Photorealism!
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>>3747 this looks fucking awful
prince of wakanda
>>8145 shiieeeet
>>8145 >preorder bonus is the nigger stealing the protagonist from a vastly superior game's stuff lol
>>8165 funny that it's not a skin but just an outfit, can't play as huwite Prince in this melanated game
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He looks the average arab we have here in UK, so I have no problem with that, the only important shit is the gameplay.
>>8281 Why did they give 2004 prince of persia a femboy ass?
>>8283 >He looks the average arab we have here in UK, so I have no problem with that How does that follow?
Where an immigrant takes two generations in a Burger town to become an American, an immigrant takes two generations in a Bong town to become an Immigrant town Culturally we just simp
>>8285 It was a simpler time.
>>8287 The "average arab" in the UK is a South Saharan African.
>>8304 Ok, but what does that have to do with Prince of Persia?
>>8305 Look up where Persia is.
>>8306 Persia was long before the Arabs, brainlet. Persians were white.
>>8287 The UK is niggers. That's how.
Lot's of people are saying this crap is a massive success, true or not? If true, I fucking hate this world.
>>5077 No matter which race or nation, soyboys always have the same aesthetic and retarded opinions.
>>4708 >*going waaay into the red*
>>8331 Huh? Sounds like you are the problem if you're fine with that tbh.
>>8283 He's saying that Arabs are just a half-way house between white and tribal Ugandan and that this is how they were meant to look. But he's ignoring the character #1 is kinda ugly even by Iranian yardstick & #2 he's on the jungle fever edge of being more tribal Ugandan than white. >"Let's just sample some gameplay first guys" just seems to afford them tremendous generosity and/or appears to be terribly naive
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How did we get from this...
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>>8532 to this
>>8535 But he's not ugly because of his ethnicity, although it doesn't help. It's because he's a precious peacock where every single facial element is vastly exaggerated and lacks subtlety. You can get away with *some*, having a based-chin or some such. But he's even more of a "character" than handsome squidward in this way. Eyebrows? Giant. Duckface pout? Overly so. Everything about that just makes him quite naturally unlikeable. Instinct says to me some quite ugly mutts still won't look aspirationally upon this character and still won't buy into it. Anon tells me it's selling well? Love it - love to see it. Press X to insalubriously inquire...
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>>8537 Every single blackman in media must be the most jiggaboo big lipped nostrils inflated meganigger imaginable to "own the racists". The same reason why all women must be ugly.
>>8538 Seems weird to "own da rasseesit notzees" by proving their point about niggers being mindless violent apemen to me. But I guess my brain hasn't been rotted by the electric jew enough to ignore something that obvious just yet.
>>8535 >kang of niggerland assaults unarmed women for no reason >health pickups are going to be fried chicken and grape drank >an auto scroller stage where you have to flee from the police after robbing a 7/11 >stealth stage where you have to follow a white woman and avoid the cops so they can't prevent you from gettin' yo rape on Truly a game about the "black experience."
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We wuz Zoroastrian n sheit.
>>9512 sheeeeeeeiiit
>>9512 >it's all so tiresome.jpg
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>>9512 This is why the crash is happening.
>>9538 But anon it's not crashing. The kids are just going elsewhere. ffffucking Palworld my man. Giving a crash to them that is good and hard and wide requires ultra-discernment and too many people want the escapism and are willing to put up their money. Until they do history books will not record their defeat like I want.
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>>9552 The industry is crashing.
>>9553 The explanation I've been given is that companies overhired during Covid because games were selling ludicrous figures during that time period and they are since having to correct for that. No idea of the extent of that tbh. But I want a tangible moment recorded in history for when woke intersectionalism killed AAA.
>>9573 People are just tired of the wokeslop. It's like the Superhero fatigue. Wokeslop fatigue.
>>9553 Crash Crash Crash
>>9573 >I want a tangible moment Odds are you've lived through multiple "tangible moments" and haven't realized it because the shit you see in history books is viewed with the aid of 20/20 hindsight and decades/centuries of fallout from events that people didn't take much notice of at the time. Some tremendous calamity destroying shit so quickly to the point it's an undeniable turning point in history is an exceedingly rare occurrence.
>>9590 >Some tremendous calamity destroying shit so quickly based
Apparently the gameplay is not too bad but the ugly nigger is too distracting to enjoy it.
>>9710 At this point I'm so tired of the woke shit that I don't care how good a game is if it has the stink of ESG/DEI on it I don't want anything to do with it.
>>9711 Yeah, some people try to ignore it but I don't see how you can.
>>9597 >two more weeks
>>9717 until what?
>>9720 Until Tyrone lets you out of the cuckshed.
>>3747 >how the fuck is this allowed? Wrong question, here's a few smarter ones: 1. Why do you still care about Prince of Persia in 2024 when the series died in 2008? 2. Why haven't you learned to ignore anything published by Ubisoft? 3. Why do you still pay attention to AAA in general? But feel free to spam about niggers for another 100 replies, that will surely help.
>>9723 If you follow all 3 paragraphs, then why are you here or anywhere online and talk about vidya at all? Don't try to act high and mighty.
>>9720 until you do nothing and wait two more weeks because thats what this anticipation for an ebig habbening does, it makes people do nothing and nothing ever changes >two more weeks for the rapture bros
>>9723 >Why do you still care about Prince of Persia in 2024 when the series died in 2008? to laugh >Why haven't you learned to ignore anything published by Ubisoft? to laugh >Why do you still pay attention to AAA in general? to laugh >But feel free to spam about niggers for another 100 replies ok
>>9726 >>Why do you still care about Prince of Persia in 2024 when the series died in 2008? i like the gameplay formula, parkour + combat, its very interesting and few games do it its dead now though kek kill copyright
>>9724 I talk about vidya because there's more good vidya coming out now that at any time in the past, you just have to look outside AAA and especially outside the cash cow series that try to bait you with nostalgia. Fucking City of Brass is a better Prince of Persia than any recent entry in the series, and that's not a good game by any means.
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sad news
>>9750 >marked down 20 freedombux already I wasn't even aware kang of niggerland even came out yet and it's already on discount.

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