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Open file (199.49 KB 660x780 wizardry.gif)
Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 14:06:37 No.4133
What are some games I should buy during this summer sale?
Open file (36.10 KB 604x604 oy vey.jpg)
>>4134 I torrent most everything but there are some games you can't torrent.
Open file (62.77 KB 640x569 kot of the rings.jpg)
>>4141 like what?
Torrent, get repacks, don't buy games anon.
>>4148 truth
>>4148 Also, burn and share so that (((they))) don't alter the media.
>>4151 Optical media chads are based and redpilled and anon must become his own Library of Alexandria.
>>4160 Also buy old games and keep them safe when Post-Apocalypse happens.
old games from gog.
>>4160 >and anon must become his own Library of Alexandria. This. There are even better mechanisms than optical disk media, but certainly its a good start for an individual anon today.
>>4167 I buy a lot of hard drives as well, I am trying to think of a decent super long term storage solution tho tbh.

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