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Open file (115.91 KB 725x232 Fallout 3 sisters....png)
Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 01:21:05 No.9873
My fav ecelebs said Fallout 3 is actually great and best of them all... So why our numbers are so low???
Because fallout 3 is a shit game, into the trash it goes, into the trash it goes.
>>9888 So is New Vegas. I only played fallout 3 once to completion, and like 15 years ago, but I have way fonder memories of playing it than new vegas. I remember liking New Vegas and being addicted to playing it, but looking back, it wasn't really enjoyment. It was an addictive gameplay loop that was ultimately empty.
>>9919 Really liked the story of new vegas, don't really agree about the gameplay. Its nice to see the Fallout 1 devs clarify that Fallout is not communist propaganda.

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