/retro/ - 199X

1990's and 2000's Nostalgia

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Open file (325.51 KB 1080x556 Lawn19.jpg)
Webring Fellow Time Traveler 11/21/2019 (Thu) 14:09:58 No.193
Hey there! I have aided some buddies of mine in creating a retro webring in the hopes of inspiring others to make some of their own. Feel free to check it out

Nice, I will check it out
Open file (482.14 KB 636x474 Rupin.PNG)
Jesus, I'm getting a headache looking at this.
How did you create the 3D text?
>>245 looks like word art.
Open file (25.23 KB 640x572 ѝ20.jpg)
>>193 neat. If you don't already use it. www.wiby.me is great as well. And what in sam hell is a mobile device? It works fine on my laptop, seems pretty "mobile" to me!
Looks cool and I like the idea but it's not really a webring, just a link list/directory. Webrings are when people add themselves to the "ring" and all link back (traditionally with a banner).
>>375 >And what in sam hell is a mobile device? It works fine on my laptop, seems pretty "mobile" to me! Heh >>379 Don't see a reason why "a simple list/directory" can't be considered a webring, I do recall seeing webring websites in the 90s that were just directories. Keep in mind that a "true" webring would require scripts and a database, and neither were that popular in the web 1.0 and 2.0 days. Another anon made a neato webring in >>310
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>>193 >niggermania kek
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>>825 Baste.
>>818 I recognize 4 out of 5 of these. Gotta step my game up.

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