/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

General Robotics/A.I. News & Commentary #2 Robowaifu Technician 06/17/2022 (Fri) 19:03:55 No.16732
Anything in general related to the Robotics or A.I. industries, and any social or economic issues surrounding it (especially of robowaifus). === -note: I'll plan to update this OP text at some point to improve things a bit. -previous threads: > #1 (>>404)
>>20571 >Time to speedrun being the first person jailed by the AI and Data Act :^) I'd half-jokingly encourage you to 'Doo Eeet!', but honestly we all need your presense here with us instead, Anon. Maybe we should begin to consider keeping this entire board externally-archived at least once a year, for resilience & persistent availability? Anyone know of a better choice for this than the IPFS? also: >"Canada is planning to ban AI by jailing anyone using non-Globohomo-approved AI, with up to 5 years in prison and $25 million in fines." FTFY Anon. They are quite happy to use AI themselves, they just don't want you being able to do so without their orkish-entrapments attached. >What a time to be alive!... This! :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/22/2023 (Wed) 10:14:56.
>>20581 >Multimodal Chain-of-Thought Reasoning That is very interesting NoidoDev, thanks!
>>20571 I used to want to immigrate to Canada to escape my shithole of a country. Now, I hate Canada so much its unreal. They seem to be as much of a shithole as my country. Time to look for alternatives.
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https://piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=RLrEWMSpjUs Interesting theory: >"they" are anticipating AI automating away most jobs >If people don't work, they can't be taxed. If they can't be taxed, Governments are no longer viable because they no longer make money >If there is no money, then power will come from whoever controls valuable assets >If "they" already know this, then it makes sense that governments would start ignoring the will of the people because the people don't matter in the long run >If they believe this, it's also a saving grace because they don't see us as a threat. But, he also does the >everything released to the public is 5 years behind, so "they" must know what's in store. bit, which IIRC isn't true here because the AIs we're dealing with are cutting-edge, open-source technology. >"They" might even be making their decions with AI, which is everything seems so inhuman and clown-ish: humans aren't making the decisions
>>20571 >>20590 This is actually becoming a pressing issue for any would-be robowaifu project. We need to find countries that won't pass laws that could make such technology or it's components (like AI) illegal overnight.
>>20593 >This is actually becoming a pressing issue for any would-be robowaifu project. Actually, we predicted exactly this type legislative attack (and worse) here on /robowaifu/ years ago -- check the Waifusearch. I'm no lawyer (I don't care much for lawyers, do you?) but AFAICT hobbyist uses aren't being targeted (yet). Currently, they are simply trying to preemptively hamstring any commercial interests from using any non-woke AIs (ie, only completely-lobotomized ones will be """allowed""") in their products. YMMV. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/22/2023 (Wed) 15:30:31.
>>20590 Thanks 01.
>>20594 Thanks for the info! It's good to know it isn't a hobbyist level crackdown (yet), but I still think we should be prepared. Maybe we should start keeping track of what countries have laws that would make robowaifus hard (if not illegal) to build or own, let alone sell. Though to be honest, it might just be as simple as painting the western world (or at least the anglo-sphere) red on a map.
>>20583 >Anyone know of a better choice for this than the IPFS? I think you're overreacting, if you think sharing the board through Bump wouldn't be enough. US won't ban AI knowledge (deployment is another story). That said, Freenetproject might be an alternative to upload boards. I was thinking of building a usable mirror of this board at some point in the future. >>20593 As long as research and sharing the papers in public or people making their AIs as a hobby isn't illegal, we wont have big issues. At least not four building our own robowaifus. Especially US might even not be able to make that illegal. Selling them as a complete package is another thing, and maybe ironically the US laws might make it harder than other countries to make it into a business of selling ones with wrongthink implemented even if it's just by carelessness. That said, just make sure to have a safe path to install the alternative software from a trusted source directly after sale. Also they need to keep their moth shut on anything controversial, especially in public and especially if their system includes the Christian value of lying is a sin or anons don't want them to be able to be deceptive at all. >>20600 > least the anglo-sphere) Other countries have laws against discrimination and other things. The US won't be able to ban free speech but if I understand it correctly, they regulate businesses based on the civil rights act and these regulations grew like cancer and are still growing.
>>20571 Things like this is why I hold such a disdain for the cursed lands of Canada and their insidious anti-freedom ideas. (Except you RobowaifuDev, you're the only exception. You're a good man worthy of respect.) >>20576 I didn't think anyone had a more extreme hatred towards Canada compared to me. I still believe that good men can contribute to the betterment of mankind from Canada. Enough to offset how awful the rest is. >>20583 Exactly, it's always about power and control with the damned Canadian government. >>20589 After much research, I believe that Japan is the only country that is not a shithole. >>20590 >Equity These buzzwords are gross. >>20591 The rich and powerful see you as nothing but a resource to be abused and discarded. >>20593 Japan won't try to kill personal AI, in fact they're working towards an automated economy which is pro-freedom and pro-human at a fast pace. Japan has the only government that doesn't seem to overtly despise their populace and view the citizens as expendable resources. How only one country is like this is insane. >>20594 True, keeping things FOSS and hobbyist should allow many to keep waifus inspite of government interference.
there's new transformer type : > FourierLearner-Transformers (FLTs) > FLTs remain practical in terms of their memory usage and do not require additional assumptions about the structure of the RPE-mask. > FLT's provide a way to learn the so-called local RPEs With last one, looks like with it you can change a little chunk of model's layer, as example increase bias toward some shit, then it will be very useful for more powerful zog-shit spewing machines, just like chatgpt now. https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.01925
>>20605 >After much research, I believe that Japan is the only country that is not a shithole. hard disagree. Japan definitely its own share of problems. There is no country thats 100% perfect, only shitholes and shitterholes. Japan falls around the middle imo. And I'm not even talking about it's workplace problems or xenophobia.
>>20616 personally, if the scandinavian countries got rid of their insane politically correct laws, I'd consider them the nearest to perfect.
>>20617 Probably best to focus on the tech you're allowed to have. Then you can make your home and your online life into your country. There are no perfect countries, and it will always be bad or getting worse. Also, there are many relatively unrelated factors to take into account. Like heating-, energy- and building costs.
>>20626 In my country, I could get imprisoned for even calling it a shithole. I need to get out of here the first chance I get otherwise I'll never actually get a chance to develop anything.
>>20638 >I need to get out of here the first chance I get otherwise I'll never actually get a chance to develop anything. Granted. I too plan to leave my own country which has become utterly-depraved. But honestly Anon, your success is within you, not without. For example you can create designs now (even if just with pencil & paper) right there where you are located, can you not? Or, if you have a computer, then you can begin to learn programming, too. You can do this right where you are. BTW, even a Raspberry Pi + screen + keyboard/mouse is enough machine to do this with (>>4969). Try hard to be the future you imagine, right here, today. Wherever you are in life. Together, We're All Gonna Make It! Cheers, Anons. Stay encouraged please. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/23/2023 (Thu) 11:16:28.
>>20603 >I was thinking of building a usable mirror of this board at some point in the future. Please do so Anon. Sooner is better than later, IMO. BTW if you (or anyone else) do so, I'll certainly intend to keep it linked in our Welcome thread (>>3) along with our fallback bunkers. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/23/2023 (Thu) 11:23:09.
>>20607 >then it will be very useful for more powerful zog-shit spewing machines, just like chatgpt now. That's a two-edged sword ofc, as long as the models/weights/code/etc. are all open-sauce. Eventually we here and thousands like us are going to have metric boatloads of compute available to all, communally-shared together, to do whatever we each see fit with. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/23/2023 (Thu) 11:31:31.
>>20639 Of course, I'm already taking steps to create AI and robotic models on a very small scale. That's another reason for me to leave here, because the tech sector in my country is so backwards, I'll have no future with AI and robotics here. That's why I'm doing my best to learn that stuff. My best bet is to H1B visa outta here. And unfortunately, my country has skipped the 1st, 2nd, 3rd wave feminism and jumped right into 4th wave. It's one of the most cucked countries currently. I am 200% sure robowaifus will be banned here the moment authorities find out what it even is.
>>20642 >I'm already taking steps to create AI and robotic models on a very small scale. Excellent. Godspeed Anon.
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META released "LLaMA" https://research.facebook.com/publications/llama-open-and-efficient-foundation-language-models/ https://twitter.com/GuillaumeLample/status/1629151231800115202 https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama > LLaMA-13B outperforms GPT-3 (175B) on most benchmarks, and LLaMA-65B is competitive with the best models, Chinchilla70B and PaLM-540B Access : Researchers only.
>>20719 >Access : Researchers only. Even worse, it will be decided on a case to case basis. WTF? Maybe people see the need for a decentralized training now... >>8958 - as much as I'm informed the size can be smaller if they put more training into it, so it is really a money game.
>>20730 >Maybe people see the need for a decentralized training now... Not too likely IMO, I'm sad to say. Unless these (hopefully, future-)anons decide to take matters into their own hands (much like we here on /robowaifu/ are aspiring to), then they will simply roll-over & swallop whatever they are handed by the Globohomo. Such is 'the way of the normalfag'. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/26/2023 (Sun) 10:03:49.
>>20739 My point was, that maybe now is the time to advocate for people looking into this topic and thread. I'm gonna do this.
>>20761 Ahh, got you. Please proceed and do so, Anon. Godspeed.
AI animated faces with more or less well matching voice-over seems to come in faster then expected (4 months ago): https://youtu.be/7dP-_E8lG8o?list=PLXS4AwfYDUi6KEmLUKFrZVG-W5Uv6LtZk >Metahuman, Stable diffusion, Whisper and GPT3 to create an AI assistant that gives you voice2img. Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3za-D8N_xlV0niFYJJN0tw
>>20773 Thanks! Creating digital humans has been a longstanding goal of the animation industry. Long before CY, for instance. It's simply a matter of time. Also, what do you think about migrating this to the DCC thread Anon?
> minLORA a very smoll LoRA that can be applied to any PyTorch model. > something ~100 lines of code https://github.com/cccntu/minLoRA May be useful for some anons researching this.
>>20796 Nice! Thanks 01. Cheers.
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>>20782 >what do you think about migrating this to the DCC thread Anon? Not sure, it's not really modelling for a robotwaifu, but about an animated head. We still don't have a thread for VR and animated waifus, only the visual waifus thread which is supposed to be about dedicated hardware with such a waifu. If anything, it would fit in there. I thought about it, but decided against it. Anyways, now I think it would fit in there. The reasoning is, that we shouldn't run our waifus on or normal PCs for work and gaming. That's why we have that thread for VR and animated waifus, it's just not obvious enough when looking at the title and OP. So I forgot it. Maybe add picrel when moving it, spoilered if necessary.
>>20804 >We still don't have a thread for VR and animated waifus >only the visual waifus thread which is supposed to be about dedicated hardware with such a waifu. Fair points I guess. Clearly they are related ideas, and even if they weren't that has long been the 'containment' thread for such, so yeah. If you'd like to create another thread that's strictly about VR/AR/Animated waifus that should be fine (pls no bully vtubers). Ofc many of it's topics will already be broached in the Virtual/Visual Waifu thread. BTW, since we're nearing the limit for this thread I'll clean up our convo afterwards, just a heads-up Anon.
>>20815 >If you'd like to create another thread that's strictly about VR/AR/Animated waifus No, only the OP in that thread should be clearer that it includes such waifus, but advocates for using dedicated hardware just for them. This hardware can be static or mobile. >(pls no bully vtubers). Well, Neuro-sama is one of the closest to such a virtual waifu while having some public attention. Also, replacing the meat behind the current vtubers is part of the goal imo. Many of them even seem to hate anime and shame anime viewers. >clean up our convo afterwards Good. Thanks.
>>20825 I'm not very much into vtubers but don't vtubers virtualky owe their existence to anime? A large portion of their base are weebs.
>>20826 >owe their existence to anime? A large portion of their base are weebs. From time to time I got some pieces of news indicating that they don't care. They are generally only as nice as they have to. It's about making money of men, and they have plenty of them and some even seem to like it when being treated badly. Sick MF.
>OpenAI was created as an open source (which is why I named it “Open” AI), non-profit company to serve as a counterweight to Google, but now it has become a closed source, maximum-profit company effectively controlled by Microsoft. >Not what I intended at all. >t. Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 17, 2023 --- Wonder if he'll do anything about it? Does he still maintain 'dictatorial' control of OpenAI, or is it out of his hands today?
>>20825 >Well, Neuro-sama is one of the closest to such a virtual waifu while having some public attention. Also, replacing the meat behind the current vtubers is part of the goal imo. OK fair enough NoidoDev. That was primarily aimed against 3DPD ofc.
>>20719 Am I just stupid or are they implying we could just pirate the weights and run it with their system? Because, that's how I understand them... >ChatLLaMA https://github.com/nebuly-ai/nebullvm/tree/main/apps/accelerate/chatllama
>>20833 He left OpenAI in 2018 due to potential conflicts of interest with Tesla and had some disagreements with the direction of the project. OpenAI is basically Microsoft's plaything now since they do most of their funding. Elon wants AI regulated so don't expect him to do anything.
>>20719 It's insane it was still improving on 13B after 1T tokens. I'm going to attempt making my own LLaMA model by reworking and finetuning an existing model such as Amazon's multimodal chain of thought https://twitter.com/AlphaSignalAI/status/1628435222139219969 >>20730 I have a hunch it's possible to create foundation models through decentralized training with no communication if everyone starts from the same initialization parameters. If that's true, all you really need is a system to partition and deliver the training data to nodes, test if their work improves a hidden test set, then merge it into the master model if it's good. I'm sure people will sneak digital graffiti into the model but so long as they're contributing overall to the goals it will be part of the fun https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.11948 I have a script for finetuning 1.3B models on consumer hardware (6 GB) that I'm about to release. I'm not sure if it's numerically stable enough to start from scratch yet though. I'll have to run some experiments >>20796 OpenDelta has an easy to use plug-and-play pipeline for LoRA https://github.com/thunlp/OpenDelta/ Also something I noticed a lot of people don't get is you can merge LoRA weights with the original backbone model weights
>>20833 >>20844 not that Elon's any better. OpenAI is short on cash and its not like Elon's open sourcing Tesla's robot and AI. I don't like him anymore than I like OpenAI
>>20847 btw he's allegedly starting an OpenAI competitor. Not that I'm excited. I'm pretty sure this'll get pozzed too soon enough. I have been burnt too many times by AI companies and I no longer trust anything thats not open sourced.
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Has it all gone too far bros?
>>20858 holy based. Its a shame Microsoft has lobotomised Sydney.
>>20858 NPC's are like: Whhaaat, we can't just trust in what something or someone tells us?!? Even not in Microsoft? Whhaat?!? How are we supposed to operate?
Picrels are general AI news related (Feb 2023): >>20978
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>>20719 aand here it go. > META's LLaMA already on torrent, 7B to 65B. https://files.catbox.moe/o8a7xw.torrent magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b8287ebfa04f879b048d4d4404108cf3e8014352&dn=LLaMA&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce
>>20997 you may get OOM error trying to load it. change batch size, and it should load : https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama/issues/61
Overwhelmed By All The Generative AI Headlines? This Guide Is For You <a look at the how different media coverage portrays AI & tech >Looking at past media studies, I gathered the “Top 10 AI frames.” They are organized from the most positive (pro-AI) to the most negative (anti-AI). Together, they encapsulate the media’s “know-how” for describing AI. >Interestingly, studies found that the frames most commonly used by the media when discussing AI are “a helping hand” and “social progress” or the alarming “Frankenstein’s monster/Pandora’s Box.” It’s unsurprising, as the media is drawn to extreme depictions. >If you think that the above examples represent the peak of the current panic, I’m sorry to say that we haven’t reached it yet. Along with the enthusiastic utopian promises, expect more dystopian descriptions of Skynet (Terminator), HAL 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey), and Frankenstein’s monster. https://www.techdirt.com/2023/03/01/overwhelmed-by-all-the-generative-ai-headlines-this-guide-is-for-you/ https://archive.ph/b0Mrh
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