/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.” -t. H. Jackson Brown

SPUD (Specially Programmed UwU Droid) Mechnomancer 11/10/2023 (Fri) 23:18:11 No.26306
Henlo anons, Stumbled here via youtube rabbit hole & thought I'd share my little side project. Started out as just an elaborate way to do some mech R&D (making a system to generate animation files on windows blender and export/transfer them to a raspberry pi system) and found tinkering with the various python libraries a kinda neat way to pass the time when whether doesn't permit my outside mech work. Plus I'd end up with a booth babe that I don't have to pay or worry about running off with a convention attendee. Currently running voice commands via google speech and chatgpt integration but I'm looking into offline/local stuff like openchat. WEF and such are so desperate to make a totalitarian cyberpunk dystopia I might as well make the fun bits to go along with it. And yes. Chicks do dig giant robots.
>>33150 >I'm not sure but I think the power surge might have burned out the servo boards, I'll have to check once the fair is over. Hopefully the I2C bus didn't get fried. Oh man, I hope it's not that bad Mechnomancer. >Oh, I replied that I'm not that sadistic. HAH! Yeah, that was really warped in the first place. Clearly a result o 3DPD writing the story. Since I'm Hideki Motosuwa if I were Hideki, I'd have marched Chii right downstairs the moment I knew that Mrs. Hibiya was Chii's 'Mom'. :D <Fix her! >What? Fix what? <You know what! Just fix her... >Oh, you mean... Yes my husband insisted on that. You see, He was worried that my girls would... <FIX HER!!
>>33155 Well, the good news is the i2c bus isn't fried, one of the neck/arms servos is shorted and hogging all the power. Also sg90 servos can't run for very long with the resistance the eyelid has, so I'll have to go bigger. Probably have to figure out how to replace thebother sg90s with bigger servos too because they're so twitchy. >he was worried by girls would.... Sexual responsibility is a part of growing up. I hate the mental wanking the postmodern pseudo intellectuals make of it.
>>33187 That's good news at least. I'm sure you'll have SPUD's systems right as rain once she's safe & sound back in your robowaifu lair! :D >Sexual responsibility is a part of growing up. Eheh. I was just pulling slightly fanservicey headcanon out of my *rse. Again, that entire story aspect was warped from the beginning. (Honestly, it's hard to believe something so endearing & enduring came from a gaggle of 3DPD. I wonder how many of them are wine+cat ladies today?) :^) >I hate the mental wanking the postmodern pseudo intellectuals make of it. True enough. Sub-human freaks, the lot of them. Hard to believe humans turn their offspring over into the hands of these demonic wretches in our so-called 'schools' of today.
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>>33198 >Honestly, it's hard to believe something so endearing & enduring came from a gaggle of 3DPD. Don't give them too much credit. The concept of raising one's ideal spouse has existed pretty much since the beginning of Japanese literature: Lady Murasaki in The Tale of Genji. There are similar videogames such as the NGE Ayanami raising project (released during the run of Chobits). Raising games are a subgenre of life simulation genre, but I forget exactly where I heard of it. Perhaps in reference to "The Shinji Ikari Raising Project" manga or mentioned in "Welcome to the NHK" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>33227 Yeah, that's true. Thanks for reminding me, Anon. As our own Greentext anon frequently points out, this drive in men is from time immemorial. >Lady Murasaki in The Tale of Genji. Thanks! Do you have specific translation you prefer, please? >Raising games are a subgenre of life simulation genre Neat. I've often thought about a kind 'society of mind' approach for our robowaifu's AIs. Point/Counterpoint -style tensions intentionally built in. Maybe after a fashion of the way AlphaGo was developed by antagonistic 'play the bot against itself'. I anticipate it would be quite difficult to keep the AI from becoming schizo w/o lots of checks & balances wrapping the whole thing in rubber-babby-buggy-bumpers. :^) >"Welcome to the NHK" LOL. Don't even get me started about that animu! :DDD
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Been tired of having to deal with the silliness involved getting the smol 70kg servos to move the shoulder properly, so I'm working on a compound shoulder using 2 ASMC-04s. Roughly modified an old deltoid panel to get the motor to poke out (will cap with an orange tapered cylinder) Also after further testing it appears that *several* servos might have been krumped during the power supply failure. I'll have to test each one and see which need replacing (the eyelid & horizontal eye movement servos are on the list). Also noticed that some children can be mean to robots :( . Got a few voice basic commands running (with a paper explaining them) and they expect more. All well, I guess I'll have to put in a few more secret ones. At least the RS Media and Femisapien are a big hit while I'm giving my demonstration (they wander around into the crowd and interrupt me lol)
>>33265 That's looking good, Mechnomancer! Once you've established a solid foundation for SPUD, then of course you can 'put her on a diet', so to speak, and you'll find your actuators suddenly getting """stronger""" ( cf : >>4313 ). But as the old adage goes : >First things first! >Also noticed that some children can be mean to robots :( That sucks. The Globohomo is brainwashing them to be so, of course. While little boys are generally the more rowdy by our natures, I bet we will all discover that it's the female species that are the ones truly hateful & vindictive towards robowaifus (again, as they are being programmed to be). >tl;dr It's going to be a dark time just ahead, but should we win through then the world will have a great healing. < Steel yourself, and once-more into the breach, Anon! :^)
>>33265 >the eyelid & horizontal eye movement servos are on the list So SPUD had a stroke
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>>33268 > 'put her on a diet' She already only weighs 40lbs D: I suspect the motor's problem may be a lack of enough current, but I'm upgrading anyway. Also probably going to get several dedicated servo power supplies (pic related) After checking all the servos, all of them in her left arm, neck rotation, eyelid and eye x movement servos are krumped. Good news is I (probably) have enough servos to replace them. I installed the new arm joint but forgot to take a pic (whoops!), but a few tweaks are needed anyway.
>>33296 >She already only weighs 40lbs D: >"PUT DOWN THAT FORK!! Here's the carrots & the celerys instead!" Won't someone please just think of the Russian gymnasts!? :D <---> Dang! Sounds like it was pretty bad then, Anon. Glad you have a good attitude about it all. Staying lighthearted in the face of adversity is an admirable trait in anyone! I'm sure you'll get it sorted out Mechnomancer, and dear SPUD will be better than ever. :^) FORWARD!
>>33297 > Staying lighthearted in the face of adversity is an admirable trait in anyone! As Christ teaches us, to fall short and miss the mark is inevitable. It is important we recognize our mistakes and don't make them in future. Or a more modern interpretation: it doesn't matter how many times a man falls, it is how many times he gets back up (and doesn't repeat the mistake). Got pics of the shoulder (might rotate the ASMC-04 servo so it is parallel to the spine and so the orange hub doesn't hit the ribcage). Now the exhibition is over so I can start doing the full overhaul and restore spud to her uwu glory.
>>33333 Nice get! Yes, I agree with everything you said here, Mechnomancer. >shoulder, more time... Great! I'm sure she'll be right as rain in no time, Anon! Cheers. :^)
I don't know why people worry about face servos much. A screen for a face is just fine and more aesthetical. To me, it seems like this is an extremely particular final detail that should come last, making a mechanical face I mean. The most important elements are a competent ai, self locomotion, arms and aesthetical body if you ask me. That being said you're doing well and pretty far along. I would focus on it's ability to remain upright and move around, and interact with its hands with the environment independently using something like nvidia Optimus training over several epocs. That or get someone with vr to telepresence the thing. Tons of us have 11 point sub millimeter tracking for vr which data can be exported from in literal fraction of a second over the internet. https://youtu.be/dSc27JPm3r8?si=W6euiriOvfTXvTDZ
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>>33340 >The most important elements are a competent ai, self locomotion, arms and aesthetical body if you ask me. You're focusing on the "robo" part and neglecting the "waifu" part :) >A screen for a face is just fine and more aesthetical. Been there, done that, got the T shirt. >>33339 >Great! I'm sure she'll be right as rain in no time One afternoon later and she be lookin fine enuff for a video (altho maybe a little lopsided)
>>33351 Nice! What all have you done to patch her up so far, Mechnomancer?
>>33351 She's really looking cute with that head accessory. I agree with the way you're going about making her face. It's an effective method which balances aesthetics, complexity, and expressiveness greatly.
>>33353 I added a thin cardboard backing to the face to prevent further crinkling, slimmed down the eyebrow linkages (the eyelid was getting caught on the previously large, janky ones) and replaced the krumped sg90 servos. Also did a servo inventory and I have 1 spare after I replace the burned out arm servos. >>33355 >head accessory It's a cheap haloween prop (and technically a garter), today I plan to add on the ponytail papercraft. Internet cookie to whoever can guess what character I'm using for reference :D
>>33371 Yeah, the faces are going to take all of us more time than anticipated, I predict. >1 spare Sounds like it might be time to do a little shopping, Mechnomancer? >1 free Internets DERPY HOOVES' TAIL MATCHES SPUD'S HAIR! :3
>>33351 I can't recall if this was addressed before, but is there a reason the eyelids are flat? Dome eyelids have been the standard for a long time with animatronics and ventriloquist dolls, and they look really nice when calibrated right. I can't imagine it'd be any more mechanically complex, since it's just a dome on a hinge, though the actual parts might be more difficult to make. >>33372 The eyes match too lol.
>>33374 >but is there a reason the eyelids are flat? The mechanism I designed is actually quite a bit simpler (about half a dozen parts) than spherical eye mechanisms with similar articulation. I looked into those spherical eyes and they complex little beasties. Besides, I'm not going for realistic I'm going for WAIFU :D Added a separate servoboard in the head powered right off the pi with some basic ambient movement. I'll have to change the address of one of the torso boards eventually. Eyelids are lopsided so I might give each of them a servo (I have an extra one I was intending to use for a mouth-flap) and I need to extend the range of the eyelid. Only uses a pulse of 1250 through 2200 so i have an additional 750 of movement available. Didn't work on fleshing out the ponytail due to IRL shenanigans. Also looking into a locally hosted TTS AI right on the pi. Piper tts works and I could probably make my own uwu voice model.
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>>33371 >Refining her face You really should replace her eyelids. Straighter eyelids would help her eyes look cuter when she's opening and closing them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlOoBnXLLD0 >Garter Gears are a cute, reminds me of RyuZU >>33374 Speaking from experience, dome eyelids are tricky. They have to be flush with the eye and socket. They have to move very smoothly, with exact precision, and they must do so completely silently. Else, they look like a creepy zombie robot. It's sadly harder than it looks. >>33372 >Derpy Now that's a call back. I like her bubbly personality. Best mail mare :^)
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Integrated Piper tts into my demo voice detection program and some facial movements (there is a slight additional delay as the model speaks too fast for my liking so I have to use ffmpeg to slow down the wav file). Gotta get around to fixing the asymmetrical eyelids too :D
>>33398 Nice advance, Anon! Do you plan to dedicate add'l compys onboard to offload things like speech & vision in the future, Mechnomancer? Cheers. :^)
I adjusted the right eyelid to be more symmetrical to the left one and finished up the ponytail. I just need to secure the face better to the skull (the masking tape wore off and only one machine screw in the forehead is holding it on). Went to [s]Tashi station to pick up some power converters[/s] the mailbox today and picked up the shipment of ASMC04B servos. I can get the new shoulder joints done, and it turns out I had more spare servos for SPUD's arms than I thought. It's kinda fun having a head-shaped computer sitting there while you're working on it. A headless/armless robot body on the other hand... And looking at these speakers I got the sudden idea to install them in the... uh... chest region. Probably SPUD's machine spirit letting me know (she getting cheeky). Praise the Omnissiah \o/ >>33410 >Do you plan to dedicate add'l compys onboard to offload things like speech & vision in the future...? I plan to integrate at least 2 modes: demo mode (or offline mode) which will entirely be on-board and use some pre-rendered voice files / render voice files for utilities (such as time, date/weather only if there is a day in between asking, otherwise use previously rendered voice files) and AI mode, which will utilize a soon-to-be-updated version of the SPUD Server file on my "server". And voice commands to switch in-between them! Also will add in a "sleep" function that cuts power to the face servos after a while (cuz sg90s are twitchy) and close the eyes. Wake word will be something like "SPUD" and "Wake up" or something before power to the face gets reconnected and any other voice commands are recognized (already have "sleep" command integrated to check the blink position so I just need to make it time-activated). And of course I need to re-integrate the "Simon Says" function. That would go over well at the next exhibit :D
>>33423 >It's kinda fun having a head-shaped computer sitting there while you're working on it. Believe it or not, I've seen that there will be a big market for just this! Kind of a 'babby's first waifu'-tier thing, where the entry cost is very low. >Praise the Omnissiah \o/ AUUUUUGHHH!! You guys keep saying that. Don't worship idols made with your own hands, bro. Worship the one true and living God. :D >And of course I need to re-integrate the "Simon Says" function. That would go over well at the next exhibit :D Agreed. Well, they always tell me, 'make hay while the sun shines'. No time like the present to get that implemented, Anon. Best to take advantage of your 'forward momentum' while your last event is still fresh in your mind, no? Cheers. :^)
>>33427 >AUUUUUGHHH!! and idols I know you're (likely) being facetious but for the benefit of those who are like the pharisee in Luke 18:19-14... As I understand, idolatry is confusing the icon with the thing itself. It is important to note that due to the tower of Babel, mankind can misunderstand human words (even when speaking the same language!). But so long as the meaning behind the words is understood one is still walking with God (after all, God knows what we need to hear to find faith and will provide it, but lets us find it of our own free will). Example: The Mesopotamian God Marduk tries to pay attention the the world and speaks truth, and in this way was an earlier (but rather inaccurate) manifestation of the word of the one true God: paying attention and attempting difficult things is good, but it leaves out the inevitability of falling short/self-improvement motif. If one is worshiping exclusively Christ or a specific statue of Christ rather than the way (it may be more appropriate to say the lifestyle or the content of what) he preaches, that is idolatry and not worshiping the one true and living God. Christ says he is the way, in that he embodies it. But if you try to act like the literal son of god you won't be able to follow him perfectly because... well... chances are that you are not divine like Christ so best just to follow his teachings. I do not worship the the works by my hands. They are a byproduct of my faith or my faith made manifest. Or to put it in a metaphor, the works by my hands are a way to the path to faith. While the ass's jawbone Sampson used or the Shroud of Turin is important and neat they wouldn't take precedent over God. >'babby's first waifu' I'll certainly see about releasing some of SPUD's head files at some point since I tried to keep the design simple. My files are quite disorganized with all the revisions and I never bothered to sort into "outmoded" and "current". A little papercraft and a little 3d printing and "boom" AI waifu avatar! > No time like the present to get that [simon says] implemented, Anon See video: it was rather easy to implement (look for "simon says" in the string of detected words, remove the phrase "simon says" then pass it to the tts function). I also managed to get pre-rendered voice files implemented (not in video) and a voice command to shut down the entire raspi with yes/no confirmation, of course. I'll have to see about adding in a face-detect security function so certain voice commands only work if SPUD has recently detected my specific face.
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>>33423 She's looking like a Persocom Roxie >Chicks dig giant robots Nice
>>33440 >Persocom Roxie Hair is based on the Fate Series "Mordred"... I kinda dig that character's design. A smol demo of the simon says function as compared to some other pre-rendered voice files that play in reaction to keywords in the voice detection. Also have a voice command to type in a simon says sentence in the console window, but haven't gotten around to making it export to a separate file, just into the temporary file SPUD uses to speak. I could probably cut down on time considerably if I kept the wav data internal (yknow, inside the program running on the ram) and didn't have to deal with reading/writing to disk. Something to look into I suppose. I'll also have to add in some random eye movement -changing position during blinks- and double check the eyebrows, because they should've been moving upwards at the end where she closed her eyes because the detected speech contained no keywords.
>>33429 >I know you're (likely) being facetious Heh, yeah my humor is a bit /b/-tard'd, so yeah... :DD --- If you honestly want to discuss this, then I'd recommend we do so in the Christian Derail thread : ( >>2050 ), since my theological view on this topic is strictly from the Christian Bible?
>>33538 Neat! Thanks for the update, Mechnomancer. SPUDs looking really cool. I like where you're going with her motif. Do you think you'll extend that to rest of her body? --- https://www.etsy.com/market/mordred_fate_pepakura
>>33564 >discuss le christianity Nah, I've said my bit :) >>33565 >more-dred pepakura I am a bit tempted to make SPUD's face more mordred-like, but other than that not really. Got a friend who offered to make some custom clothes for Spud tho (since I wanna show off the alita-esuqe arms), and since SPUD's size is more or less a "small" (as I figured out with the morphsuit earlier) I could always just buy some costumes in that size. Speaking of showing off... I optimized SPUD's wiring and got all the I2C bits connected up without issue. Next phase is to wire up the servo power (both for the ASMC04Bs and the standard), but for now I game:
>>33602 >Speaking of showing off... I optimized SPUD's wiring and got all the I2C bits connected up without issue. Excellent! I wonder if you can somehow monitor voltage/power loads at individual devices? Might be helpful to avoid what happened at the fair? >filename The world is healing. :^) <insert pic: Sukabu's gaming-robogrill w/ open shells and housefans on her> >=== -sp edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:52:33.
>>33603 >the fair powerconverter explosion I got some voltage converters *meant* for powering servos on rc planes at 8A constant/16A peak with safety shutoffs and stuff. Should be no more problems. Only other safety thing I have to do is a servo-switch for the face power and a emergency power cut for the main stervo power (after I install the batteries/AC adapter switch). I also have to figure out how to keep SPUD active while the game plays (so I can ask for time, weather, etc while gaming). That will probably involve my ol standby of creating a separate program and a dropbox to tell the program what to run on which voice command. Then I'm gonna work on making it all modular and documented and prepare for the release of a SPUD head: "Your Paper and Plastic Pal"
>>33607 >Should be no more problems. Good to hear. >Then I'm gonna work on making it all modular and documented and prepare for the release of a SPUD head That'll be excellent, Mechnomancer. Good luck! >"Your Paper and Plastic Pal" <"Who's Fun To Be With!"
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If speakers are not boob why boob shape?
>>33647 Lol. Speakers are not for the bobs! Heh, so I guess dear SPUD will be a walking sound mixing board eventually, too? :^)
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>>33653 >SPUD will be a walking sound mixing board eventually Nah, SPUD needs speakers so people can hear her voice! XD Putting 'em in the bewbs is also a logistical choice because the magnets from the speakers are separated from the rest of the wiring minimizing the chance for motor noise. Plus its funny. Also whipped up a basic ambient movement program using the new servo power converters. Works great!
>>33654 Yeah it looks great, Anon. I forget if you have a camera+OpenCV face-recognition set up yet? If so, that ambient with a general focus on whoever's nearby would be pretty sweet. Keep up the great work, Mechnomancer! Cheers. :^)
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>>33647 >>33654 Not gonna lie, out of all the things I imagined you could do with tits on a robowaifu, installing a speaker system was not one of them. I hope the microphone isn't where I think it is, because that spot is supposed to be for the factory reset switch.
>>33655 You'd need templates for facial recognition with just opencv. Nowadays AI is used for facial recognition.
>>33679 >You'd need templates for facial recognition with just opencv. Nowadays AI is used for facial recognition. In my experience, it just werks right out of the box. And the OpenCV library -- being pure C++ -- will run on very smol hardware (such as a Pi Nano). There's even a camera (the Jevois) that literally runs OpenCV right on the camera.
>>33679 you can use a haar cascade for basic face recognition (via opencv) https://pyimagesearch.com/2021/04/05/opencv-face-detection-with-haar-cascades/ or the face-recognition library which has been kicking around since 2017. You can generate templates (models?) for individual faces based on multiple pictures, but a single picture can work as well. https://pypi.org/project/face-recognition/ I might try to use both to see if it will save on processing speed: haar cascade to find an area of SPUD's camera image that has a face, then only feed that part of the image to the more sophisticated library.
>>33683 >a haar cascade for basic face recognition Yep, that's it. And a lot of researchers have worked on/industry has banged on that C++ code for over a decade now. It's probably close to optimal now. It certainly would run on just an MCU, if some Anon wanted to specialize a compilation just for that. Probably already has been done, tbh.
>>33647 >>33654 >>33656 LMFAO, I don't think you guys understand the cuddling and ASMR potential. Joke or not, Mechnomancer may have just uncovered an interesting use case (pic related) :^))))
>>33718 Well, I'm just working on the robot-y bits. When I eventually (and hopefully) release SPUD it is none of my business what sort of /clang bits you decide to mod in there :D Since local document integration into an LLM seems kinda weird and hinky I figured I'd just brew up my own using some basic loops. Eventually (like with the screenface) I'll have the code scan through the entire directory so you can scan multiple files just by drag/drop. There's a few diagnostic print bits in the function you'll probably want to comment out. Eventually will set up voice commands to trigger memory by asking for words "do you remember xyz" then do a document scan of the chatlogs for xyz. Could even trigger different files with different commands like "do you remember blah blah about robotics" could trigger searching "robotics.txt" for blah blah or "do you remember blah blah about anime" triggers searching "anime.txt" for blah blah. Send that to the AI and ask for it to summarize/respond to it in character. This way there can be both long-term and short-term memory and -like people- it won't be perfect :3
>>33735 I really like your coding style, Anon. Good naming, good comments, sensible logic flow. Keep up the great work, Mechnomancer! Cheers. :^) >and -like people- it won't be perfect :3 Lol, true. We've had this discussion here more than once. In the case of Chii, for example, her naïveté early on in her life with Hideki is big part of her robowaifu'y charm. :D
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>>33739 The style is as much for my sanity as it is for others :D Fitted Spud's hoodie vest to her figure a bit more, makes her look more squish and approachable :3 I'll have to see about modifying that ol' morphsuit into a vest sort of thing so her Alita-esque arm panels don't get covered and put in some padding to make the squish. Also printed some new clavicles (more curved) and turned the old one's into neck-tendon-lookin things. I like neck definition I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also extended the keyway on the chonky servos and printed more compact shoulder servo horn hubs so the shoulders are a more feminine width .
>>33782 Clothing really does make a major improvement in how huggable she looks.
>>33782 >Also printed some new clavicles (more curved) and turned the old one's into neck-tendon-lookin things. They look great, Mechnomancer. SPUD's really coming along nicely! > I like neck definition I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Me too. I personally consider the neck to be actually part of the face in my modelling (well, the head, certainly. Good work, Anon. Keep it up! Cheers. :^)
>>33423 >Also will add in a "sleep" function that cuts power to the face servos after a while (cuz sg90s are twitchy) and close the eyes. Wake word will be something like "SPUD" and "Wake up" or something before power to the face gets reconnected and any other voice commands are recognized (already have "sleep" command integrated to check the blink position so I just need to make it time-activated). Good idea. It's worth to think of variants of that. Noise sensor based activation, maybe based on noise level, or if possible something in the range of speech, a small voice detection sensor recognizing the name e.g. SPUD, someone touching or moving the body, ...

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