/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

Who wouldn't hug a kiwi. Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:58:04 No.104
Important good news for Kiwi! (>>14757) === Howdy, I'm planning on manufacturing and selling companion kiwi robot girls. Why kiwi girls? Robot arms are hard. What would you prefer to hug, a 1 m or 1.5 m robot? Blue and white or red and black? She'll be ultra light around 10 to 15 kg Max with self balancing functionality. Cost is dependent on size, 1000 for 1 m or 1500 for 1.5 m. I'm but one waifugineer, so I'm going to setup around one model to self produce. If things go well, costs can go down and more models can be made. Hopefully with arms someday. >=== -add news crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/23/2021 (Thu) 06:43:53.
>>104 Status report anon? id totally purchase a little ponchobot
>>104 Legs are the hard part, not the arms. Also 2bio4me
Any progress updates OP, how are things going?
I had a random dream about having a qt kiwi girl living at home with me, but one thing really stood out and made us both sad. Without arms how is she going to be able to hug you?
>>6117 We'll create an 'Arm thread general' here and together you two can both work on her upgrades anon. F
>>6117 Well if she was soft, she could still serve well as a /comfy/ Dutch Wife hugging pillow anon. Except this one would actually talk to you.
>>6119 and would have a fleshlight vagoo
>>6115 I don't know anon. I think both are hard, but the fact that hands, arms are harder tbh.
Aren't kiwi girls gondolas?
>>6122 this. I think this would be a popular market idea right now OP.
>>6123 Would people buy a 1 meter tall kiwi girl? She'd be really short, only 3 feet tall. Would you pay 1000 dollars for such a companion?
>>6124 I think many young men would if she was really /comfy/ like a pillow, could actually talk at a chatbot-tier level at least, using some super moe VA talent for the words (even if it was just stolen clips from an animu or something), had a replaceable fleshlight vagoo, rechargeable batteries to run all this, and provided some way to change clothing. And it would have to be durable to endure years of humping by anon of all stripes. So the outer cloth shell would need to be both removable and washable. In other words, it would have to be a legitimate business producing a legitimate, quality product. A grand is a lot of money tbh for most of us anon. And obtw, I'd want lots of different characters available to choose from in the catalog. But bring all this together with a solid plan and execution and I'd think they'd sell like hotcakes at that price point once the word got out in the otaku communities.
>>6124 Yes, as long as >>6125 happens.
>>6125 Essentially, you all want a walking talking dakimakura? Production waifubots won't have a catalogue, that's expensive. Creating one model drastically simplifies manufacturing, reduces cost, and decreases development costs. As a waifugineer, creating a single model makes the most sense. A simple model which could be altered by dressing her up seems ideal. I do like that idea of a waifubot having a mechanical endoskeleton with a cloth exterior for skin. Would make cleaning easy. As for giving her an onahole…I don't know much about them. Is there a standard size for them? If I had a standard then it's as easy as molding a plastic fitting for the onahole. Didn't really consider the sex part before. I do imagine it's a very big selling point though.
>>6124 No. Too complicated for a toy, too simple for a lifetime companion. You should do it right the first time. >>6127 A good standard utilizing off the shelf parts is worth a thousand blueprints.
>>6127 Actually, the best way to do it (at least to start) would be to take a page from the Chinks' book and have the same guts with a hundred different shells. I see it all the time with IP cams. Almost every single one out there is one of three or four models marketed by a hundred different brands selling anywhere from $5~200 depending on how I need to go back to cuck/pol/ish the company is. No matter which onje you buy though, they're all the same exact thing produced by the same Chinese companies.
>>6128 Suggestions on what you'd like in a eaifubot Anon? >>6129 I need to go back to cuck/pol/ J e w More shells means more manufacturing capacity and as one Anon my resources just aren't chink level.
>>6130 Well, none of us really has the capacity to mass-manufacture anything. Either way we're going to need to go to other companies for a lot of things. We could just get a chink company to make the shells, which we would then buy cheap, slap some off-the-shelf parts in there (bought in bulk from the source for maximum cheapness), and then sell them. The most we could effectively do is assemble them.
>>6127 >dakimakura Well tbh you're OP(?) says 'who wouldn't hug a kiwi'. The assumption it was for hugging so yea. >is there a standard size Do some homework anon and let us know. We're just giving you our checklist. I'll get you started: https://www.amazon.co.jp/s/&field-keywords=fleshlight >I do imagine [sex with you're waifu is] a very big selling point though. It's fundamental to success tbh. After all it's current year +2. Good luck OP.
>>6130 I wanna be able to pick a frame and bolt on whatever parts and outer layer I want, just like you'd build a PC right now. Don't care who makes the parts as long as they fit. And personally, I want something taller, waterproof (enough not to die from light rain, washing or some dumb fuck tripping with his soda), and not missing any parts. And above all, seamlessly upgradeable because the tech is bound to improve, and you don't wanna get attached to a model you can't upgrade. >>6127 >Production waifubots won't have a catalogue, that's expensive That's what we used to say about computers.
>>6133 Hey I think you have really good ideas about the open modularity of the PC world and the hoped for similarity with the robowaifu world. It will be up to us the innovators to try and make that happen because face it totallynotgooglelargecorp_inc will do their best to force users into the ghettos of vendor lockin. Even IBM didn't plan on making an open platform and had good lockin until Compaq came along and broadsided them with the first clone and opened up the Pandora's box of an open market reverse-engineered BIOS. We'll have to work hard and fast here, because the first successful movers almost always set the de facto standards thereafter.
>>6133 >>6134 A mini ITX case waifubot would be interesting. The user could choose their board, processor, and all other internal parts. Her personality would need to be on its own flash drive so it could be transferred into the computer. This could lead to problems with weight though as computers are heavy. Also mechanical HDD's couldn't be used and high powered components would lead to terrible battery life. It'd be upgradeable but, would probably cost more.
>>6135 Not even the most oversized moe head can fit a minITX board inside. Don't even think about putting the stuff in the chest, that spot is reserved for other parts. You could cheat and distribute some components between both, but it's probably not worth it. We need to go smaller, into SBC and embedded stuff. Some of these can use almost desktop grade CPUs, they also usually have a lot of I/O options because this is exactly the kind of thing they were made for. The complete head would be pretty heavy and power consuming, but within reason. Hey, nobody said this would be easy.
>>6136 What's the model frame you posted? Reverse image search didn't find anything. The chest would definitely be the only place to put a mini itx motherboard. I agree a smaller board is pretty much necessary but, then that would limit upgradeability unless a smaller standard was used like NUC. A raspberry pi like board would be the best aside from lower upgradeability.
>>6135 Yep you have some good points to consider anon. Good engineering is all about balancing trade-offs, and picking the correct subset of possibilities to optimize. >>6136 >We need to go smaller, into SBC and embedded stuff Absolutely this. For both size, weight, power consumption, heat generation, and cost. Amazingly all these are feasible in SBCs readily available on the market today–and they're pretty powerful too! Almost too good to be true tbh. I have both the Beaglebone Blue, Beaglebone Black Wireless, and Raspberry Pi 2b, and plan to get an Arduino R3 shortly. The Blue is expressly designed to support robotics and has a large number of connections and capabilities already onboard. For example you can literally run 8 different servos with one of these. This also happens to be exactly the number I need for each of the dexterous hand designs I'm working on, and there is plenty of networked processing power onboard I can also tap into for other uses beyond just running a hand. ]]40 related
>>6138 In terms of cost, processing power, size, and most importantly, power consumption, a raspberry pi 3 for audio visual processing and an Arduino for lower level sensors like touch and distance along with controlling motors and servos, would be a good compromise. A pi can also output the waifubots face to a screen so that she looks like an anime girl instead of having and uncanny face.
>>6139 Fair points. One of the reasons I have a variety of SBCs so far (and plan on more) is to be able to test different components to find out the best compromises for my specific designs. And imo the Beaglebone Blue with it's wide array of connectors, drivers, sensors, processing, and networking is by far the champ currently in a number of contexts–particularly robotics ones. But I will learn a lot over the next two years or so I imagine (my initial timeframe goal for a working prototype) and I'll figure out the best choices for each section and part of my particular robowaifu. Thanks for the good advice Anon, and btw the pi 3 is on my list as well tbh.
>>6137 The first two pics are just something I scribbled as an example. Someone will have to make something like that eventually. Pic 3 is a PC104 computer, and the last pic is a 3.5" SBC with a normal Intel socket. (3.5 is another common embedded form factor) The problem is that I can't see any of these nice compact x86 parts available anywhere, you gotta order them straight from the manufacturers. The parts are there and there's plenty to pick from but there's no retail market for them. >>6139 A screen? How would that even look like?
>>6141 Will look into PC104 and 3.5 SBCs. Thanks for bringing them up. As for using a screen for her face, consider these pics.
>>6142 Neither is good if you consider the flaws of replacing the head with a tablet. Unless you have a freeform display and some way to actually project the image onto a curved face from the inside.
>>6141 I love this guy's arts tbh. Think you could do a dump of his stuff over on the reference stick anon?
>>6142 How is the left one an example of using a tablet screen for the face of a waifu anon?
>>6143 If you compare the options of, using a tablet for a face, using a pre molded face, a very expensive and complex mechanical face, or an expensive rear projection face, the tablet and pre molded faces are the only ones which aren't creepy and wouldn't dramatically increase manufacturing costs. Also free form displays are still fairly experimental. Wish they would be usable. The pre molded face is the cheapest but, a tablet is able to mimic your waifus face. A tablet is the best option I can think of given my research. The sheer cost savings of a pre molded face are pretty good though.
>>6145 It's an example between a female robotic face and a display based robowaifu face.
>>6147 Oh I see. It's a contrast between. Like almost everyone else, I have the effects of the uncanny valley w/ the one on the left but find the one on the right kawaii. Not sure either example would be particularly pleasing as a robot wife I'd get intimate with tbh. Tough choices at this stage.
After taking a sad look at my bank account, I'm going to need to make the first model robowaifu simple. Something like pepper with a a zip on machine washable fabric skin. She'll be sent needing basic assembly but her owner. This reduces manufacturing costs and I hope that when you put they together, you'll feel closer to her. >>6136 I would love to see more designs from you, maybe an outline of what you'd like in a basic robowaifu? You seem knowledgeable. Any help from anyone is appreciated though. I'd like to get her on Kickstarter by Christmas.
>>6149 Those are cute Anon. Good luck.
>>6150 Got a 3D pen to experiment with drawing a robot waifu.
>>6151 Cute!
>>6151 Getting some practice, here is An-Attempt-Was-Made Chan. I'm not good at drawing in general let alone drawing in 3D with melted plastic.
>>6153 A CUTE. Practice makes perfect anon. The key is to create a strong structure. I think using a 'subdivision approach' a la the youtube video about the puppet in the other thread will be the key. Are you going to cut fabric out and create a shell for her anon? The papercraft waifu thread has some good ideas too.
>>6151 >>6153 You know I had an idea, what if someone had a mannequin or styrofoam head (like the wig props) and laid down a lattice of filament around it using a pen? Seems like the form would support the filament while you build it up, and then the mesh could be cut and removed from the form and then repaired. Maybe somebody could even sculpt a shape with clay and then use the same technique? Just spitballing here tbh.
>>6155 >Build on styrofoam That's actually a really good idea for a composite, she'd have the ridged aspect of foam and the sheer strength of PLA. Would make her super light yet still strong. >>6154 Thanks for the encouragement, I'll make a cloth skin for my real robot. Right now I'm practicing before I make one with real servos and electronics.
>>6156 >That's actually a really good idea for a composite Yes, kind of makes sense. I suppose theres and effect kind of like laminating layers of things together. Each part brings a beneficial property and they are even better when bonded together. Interesting.
>>104 I've been working on a leg design which should cut down on needed servos and this weight and cost. It's based off of titrus 3. Any help would be appreciated, trying to figure out how to make the lens more human like. https://youtu.be/GxVv4WNlXMA
>>6159 Why don't we make a 'Bipedal Legs General' thread anon? It's obviously an important branch topic and deserves it's own special attention rather than being buried in other threads with varying topics.
>>6159 >>6160 I made one. >>237
I've been practicing my 3D drawings and have come up with a basic design for a potential open source Moebot. She's designed with stripes for strength and because that's my fetish. What do you think?
>>6162 I think if you steal the RoboAutisma GF approach of anon's pic ]]870 you would have a very, very popular robowaifu design anon. That looks like good reinforced work on the stripes part, is it pretty strong and light?
>>6163 Her body and legs are very strong and light. I really like how the stripes worked out. An Anon mentioned in the humanoid video thread that we should have a Fairy/Moebot thread so I'm considering making a new thread for her and other Moebots. > if you steal the RoboAutisma GF approach for her design Kek, that's a great idea. Making her a little moe cat girl who follows you around, dropping her spaghetti while trying to love you would be adorable.
>>6164 >a little moe cat girl who follows you around, dropping her spaghetti while trying to love you would be adorable. ;~; I WANT ONE!
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An idea to make her easier to manufacture is to make molds for small plastic parts that connect via dowel. Dowels are cheap and fast to cut, for her first production run, speed and ease of manufacture it's important. https://youtu.be/pHRaK5dpREM
>>6166 It's not a bad idea. Certainly for prototyping, if not production, using kits of prebuilt parts like this may have some real benefits. Good idea anon. Probably should be in R&D general, sage for off-topic.
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>>6167 >Anon building production waifus >Gives update on how they'll be manufactured >Off-topic On topic, I'm looking into giving her a low weight silicon skin via making plastic plates with with a thin layer of silicon so she'll still have a little softness under her clothes.
>>6168 My mistake then, I misunderstood. Have you had a look at these yet anon? They may be useful as well (and they're really fun too). https://www.knex.com/ We look forward to seeing more info on your silicone skin ideas Anon.
On topic, I'm looking into using silicone for less cost molding.
>>6170 BTW, can you add a link about what you are studying for silicone molds Anon?
>>6165 Soon.
We want our kiwi-gril robowaifus OP!
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LOVOT robot debuted in Japan today, a cutesy thing that rolls around and flaps its arms, basically what a kiwi grill can be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcgGFYBqo9A
>>6175 I don't know about the weird nodule on it's head, but with a little more plushie and a little less exposed plastic this looks fairly close to what some anons have said they'd be happy with tbh.
>>6176 The weird nodule on the head is the 360 degree LIDAR. I've been looking for a nice way to have 360 degree vision for my waifu and having a weird nodule on her head suddenly looks like the best cute compromise.
>>6177 Integrate the sensors into a hat.
>>6178 Or a big crystal like that female sensei character, sorry I don't know her name but I've seen her in images beside Ellen Baker.
>>6179 Actually, it just dawned on me that one of our earlier threads has a crystal-hat waifu, Aoki Lapis. ]]73
>>6175 tbh these things appear to be A) brown, and B) wearing hajibs. trying to brainwash little nips into how awesome miscegenation with mudslimes is? i get that these are simply toys, 'so what?", but i've become extremely distrustful of jewish globalism agendas. i prefer to see the Japanese remain Japanese, not just another EU-alike cesspool.
>>6180 I was originally going to say you read way much into things, but then this is from one of the Pepper creators, so as mainstream as robots get, so I dunno. The bigger crime to me is that this thing costs 3000 bucks for one piece or 5K for a two-pack. Cute but otherwise useless robots should be in 200-500 range.
>>6182 whelp, meant to answer >>6181
>>6182 >>6183 A) you've probably forgotten what it's like to be a child, and how gullible they are, and B) Never underestimate the sinister designs of Evil and it's puppets, evil men and women.
>>6136 > I'm not even bothering to fit any electronics inside my robowaifu aside from servo motors which drive the joints. There are so many structural and movement concerns that at the moment I am keeping the electronics separate and joined to the body with long wires. Once I have the structure and movement figured out, I'll maybe add mounting points anywhere there's space to conceal a circuit board or two, but I can see my robowaifu being connected to a big box of tricks at the moment.
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this thread is kinda dead but I'd recommend using your time for voice recognition and endearing expressiveness, it'd be a lot simpler and less time consuming/realistic than getting a good voice output program going, and it being bad could even make it worse so maybe some little simple wings, some legs, and a cute face, with voice recognition and facial/body expressions, but mute that functionality will of course be added later, but much more important than functionality upon base release is the initial push into more people's radar to bring in more money, innovation, and competition, kind like with VR headsets
>>10227 Good points Anon.
>>10227 (Part One) To further elaborate on this idea, and then the technicalities of it and its relative benefits to a completely human body, take a look at this harpy (image one, very very cute, artist is rnd.jpg) and imagine that you want to build something along the lines of this model. The biggest and most apparent differences are, of course, the wings and the legs, which you may think would complicate the build further, but it's the contrary, as it would eliminate; 1. The needs for human hands and feet, which have just a fuckin shitload of bones in them, which in turn makes for much more complex construction. for instance, a single bird's wing (image two) only have three joints from the main connector at the 'shoulder', compared to humans, who have 27 in just a single hand, a much smaller and dense space. The legs (image three) have even less, with a single 'ankle' joint and a 'knee' joint, although depending on the style of feet for the bird species the toe phalanges (up to five a toe in some species!) may give some trouble, but that could be circumvented by simply creating the foot of a species with less of them lol So not only would the construction be much easy, but it would have a higher relative quality. 2. The problem of the uncanny valley that could be triggered by limbs and/or appendages trying to perfectly resemble those of humans and failing. We have such a response to the uncanny valley because we're socialized with humans to notice even the slightest thing that's off, but we don't have nearly the same capability with other species, on top of the anatomy of certain ones being much easier to deal with. Both those points are pretty applicaple to several different species of monster girls as a whole, and make them, in my opinion, a much more viable alternative in this stage of robowaifus, much in the same way some anons push for RWs that go out of their way to not appear human while still being endearing. (shoutout to /monster/) (Part Two) So on the other side of this proposal is the actual interaction and how such things could be done for max 'oh god oh fuck I wanna cuddle you'. Both for capitalistic budgeting/marketing and also because I would want one for myself. So essentially it would be a mute, as I've said in my previous post, because frankly the technology for irl, face to face conversations isn't there yet, and probably won't be for quite a while. So all that time that would be otherwise spent on the 120(!) joints in the hands and feet alone and the voice output system could instead be pumped into two main interaction systems that feed into each other for a wholly more immersive waifu experience. Firstly, the voice recognition system. For just a basic setup, let's say that, before your customized harpy petwife shipped out, it has both it's own name (picked by the owner) and the owner's name/face already calibrated into it. It would use a kind of emotional recognition system via voice (and likely a small visual system as support) to know when to perform various actions. Say, you're feeling kind of down, it'll come waddle over and cuddle up to you, etc, etc And this is where the expressions start to come in. So secondly it would have a complex series of body language and facial language, paired with a haptic systems. Say if you were to pat its head, it would have give a more content expression, but if you were to suddenly stop after a very small amount of time it may try to cozy up and look up expectantly to you in an attempt to get more. Or, alternatively, if you don't pay it enough attention, it may become dejected (you monster) and ruffles its feathers at you, which reinforces your desire to take care of it and incentivizes daily bonding. If you hold it in a standing position long enough, it may wrap its wings around you, or if you hold around it in a vertical/sleeping position long enough it goes into sleep mode. etc, etc. And you can fuck it, of course. I've got a couple ideas for aiding with the facial emotiveness, which is the most important thing in RWs, most notably shifting eye colors depending on the 'mood' wheel (corresponding with the color wheel), but I really don't know how else to go about it for the anime aesthetic, and it seems neither does anyone else, barring just a screen for a face. The Mirai head (image four) from Furhat Robotics/Bandai Namco is a step in the right direction, but I'm still kinda worried that this aspect is lagging. In closing, again, this is more just a baby step towards a total interactive relationship with full voice capabilities, but it's more important to establish the market for robot companions (not even necessarily in a romantic sense, although that's most likely how it'd turn out, but in a pair bonding sense) as a way to bring in investors, and therefore competition, and therefore innovation, resulting in more and more advanced upgrades to your once-mute bird wife until she can somehow make you miso soup with her bird... hands... every morning and reaffirming her love for you verbally I went in pretty deep, probably should've just made a thread about monster girl robowaifus, but I didn't want to bump one off the board (image five: endgame)
>>10237 Very nice post Anon. I liked the details you went into about the bones/joints, and the /comfy/ homelife scenario you painted of Anon and his RoboPetgirl . Just like as seems very commonplace in my favorite Chinese Cartoons on the subject, and as you brought up too, some way to solidly imprint a waifu (whether RW or Petgirl) onto her master alone needs to be solved. The obvious idea is some type of bioinformatics scanning system for the Anon to use. I'd be hesitant to use just one method -- say voice -- alone. Too easy to mimic. In general I'd say emotiveness is a very fundamental part of Character Appeal (one of Frank & Ollie's 12 Principles) , and is something we all need to be creative about addressing well. Also, the eye color-shift thing is a nice idea.
>>10237 Glad I found your post anon. A sub one meter waddling very fluffy harpy petwife that makes cute squeaks sounds really nice. Will save your "features list" for reference. As for recognizing her master, we can start really simple and have an RF (radio frequency tag) ring which the owner wears, and the robot will just triangulate the location of that ring. Then only voice or facial recognition if the system is secure and not in the wrong hands.
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Surprise! I graduated Summa Cum Laude and lost my job. Now I want to dedicate myself to building a robotics company for robowaifus. For now I need to come up with something that can be rapidly fabricated and sold for a decent profit. I'm considering making basic miniature robot kits shaped like battery girls from Rumble Garanndoll. Though, I'm very open to suggestions. Maybe a simplified Femisapien inspired kit?
>>14757 >Surprise! I graduated Summa Cum Laude Amazing job! Earnest (and well-merited) congratulations Kiwi!! I know you put an amazing amount of work into that achievement. >and lost my job Well, they say that the Lord doesn't close one door without opening another one! :^) >Now I want to dedicate myself to building a robotics company for robowaifus. Ebin news Anon. I wish you great success, and I'd like to help out in some way if I can. Please let me know if there's anything we can do to help you Kiwi. >For now I need to come up with something that can be rapidly fabricated and sold for a decent profit. I wish I had a complete software package ready to freely give to you. Unfortunately that's a good ways off still. You are exactly the target 'market' for my works however, and why everything I do here is MIT-licensed. >Though, I'm very open to suggestions. I don't feel particularly qualified to make any myself personally--but why not your very namesake idea ITT? It was a good idea all the way back then, and it's still a good one today. I bet thousands of anons would pay a little to be able to have a cute little Kiwi daki that they could snuggle, and that would talk to them. You could probably expand that into a line of child's plushies that could conceivably have tens of thousands of sales. The chat bit it probably key, so you may need to invest lots of groundwork into finding a reasonable solution for that. Certainly it would also help Anons on /robowaifu/ as well to have a solution to that, myself included. Again, great congratulations Kiwi. You deserve a big celebration soon! Please let me know if there's something I can do for you Anon. Cheers.
>>10237 As a fellow harpy chad, I think you're onto something. I do not believe in robots having bio inspired bones. I took too many A.P. biology classes to want that craziness. But, there are some aspects of harpy anatomy worth copying like the structure of the tendons and muscles. I completely agree with your assessment of the uncanny valley. Monster girls like harpies are so different they should bypass the feelings of unease. Would also help her stand out from accusations of selling sex dolls. >Max out 'oh god oh fuck I wanna cuddle you'. Now that is a good design goal. Using sensor fusion to obtain contextual activation cues for behaviors is actually pretty clever. Bonding and you can snu snu her will help with sales. I've been considering lithophanes and touch screens for faces but both aren't great. We really need a way to properly translate anime girl faces into 3D. Feel free to join me, if this leads to a successful company then you'd be hired. >>14761 >Just like, sell waifus Anon Yes, I will Chobitsu, I have failed trying to make her countless times but, you are right. The only way to go is forward to cute monster girls. So, I'm thinking of a design that's a cross between Toki from Kemono Friends, Kikimora, and Roll. (Roll objectively has an amazing design for a robot, well balanced with high ground contact area.)
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>>14768 Tried a curved color lithophane and she feels cute and 3D in person. Until a viable alternative is found, this is the path forward.
Will be creating a new thread once a new circuit, KiwiMeido, custom servos, and various other tidbits are designed. Lots of failures will make way for something eventually.
>>14768 >Yes, I will Chobitsu, I have failed trying to make her countless times but, you are right. That's the spirit Kiwi! :^) >The only way to go is forward to cute monster girls. Lol >So, I'm thinking of a design that's a cross between Toki from Kemono Friends, Kikimora, and Roll. (Roll objectively has an amazing design for a robot, well balanced with high ground contact area.) I like Roll's design too.
>>14857 >Will be creating a new thread once a new circuit, KiwiMeido, custom servos, and various other tidbits are designed. Lots of failures will make way for something eventually. Looking forward to it. I wish you great success in your Robowaifu business Kiwi.
>>14933 >>14934 Small update, decided on a final battery charging circuit.
>>14993 It's designed to be reflow soldered with SMD components. This cuts down on costs/size/mass and SMD reflow soldering is the easiest. My intention is to create an open source design and bulk order them to sell at near cost so it'll be the lowest cost/most practical option for fellow Anons. On that note, I'm still conflicted on if I want to integrate everything on one board to simplify the design and lower overall cost or, go for a modular design to enable better customization at the cost of well, cost. I welcome feedback from all Anons in the matter. >Bad professors Been there AllieDev, had to retake a machinist course because my professor sucked. Highly recommend going to a different college if you do intend to go back. Do what will lead to the best life for you.
>>14995 SMD reflow soldering I had completely forgotten this process exists! This is probably how my servo circuits were made (place hundreds in an oven and reflow solder them all at once). Although I noted that the hobbyist ovens often leave some manual touching up to be done. I was scuppered when attempting to repair SMD components by hand. I must have had my soldering iron too hot because even though my dwell time was overall just a few seconds, I still managed to lift off the circuit board substrate and destroy the tiny solder pads. Left a nasty tear and scorch marks. I also probably should have made better use of my desoldering braid rather than touching the tip of the soldering iron directly to the solder pads. But it is SUPER fiddly. Seems everyone I see manually soldering SMD components on YouTube uses a freaking optical microscope! (Though this could be just for recording purposes).
>>14989 >Small update, decided on a final battery charging circuit. Splendid work Kiwi. Your efforts have made us move ahead in beginning to think through some power/battery/charging topics in advance. Keep it up! >>14995 >On that note, I'm still conflicted on if I want to integrate everything on one board to simplify the design and lower overall cost or, go for a modular design to enable better customization at the cost of well, cost. I welcome feedback from all Anons in the matter Cost is a primary constraint for practically any man wanting to create a DIY Robot Wife in his bedroom/garage lab. I would suggest that for the time being. Once your business venture is established and in-flight, then more developer-focused efficiencies for customizations will be a natural flow to the 3rd-party robowaifu aftermarkets? >>15010 You are very likely our most experienced Anon for this specific topic of soldering Anon. We'd all welcome more detailed inputs from you going forward.
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After much effort and looking at the works of other Anons, I've come up with a super light leg that is durable yet slightly yielding due to the inclusion of wooden rods. Wood is the future of waifu's as far as I can see because it's cheap, light, and easy to work with.
>>15214 Brilliant work Anon! Elegance in simplicity. I appreciate the geometric layout you've chosen. Obviously meticulous attention to form-follows-function. If it's not burdensome design-wise, I'd request you to look into creating a proper 'double-jointed' knee for this design. It would be more accurate biologically, and would more properly deform an outer, flexible overshell. Glad to hear from you Kiwi. Nice progress! :^)
>>15222 Incorporating a double jointed knee would be difficult but, I'll try it
>>15226 I'm a bit out of the loop here, would the double jointed knees give any advantage over having a single jointed knee? Just seems like it would make the leg much heavier since you'll now need an extra servo on each leg to move the second knee.
>>15249 The advantage is the leg will have a kneecap and move in a slightly more human-like way. I refuse to use a redundant servo as it would add mass and consume power for no reason. I'm trying to develop one that'll work passively or powered. Turbo_SunShine's PCB holder is currently my inspiration. Who is she? She's so cute!
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>>15214 I don't like this insanely super lightweight approach you keep bringing up. Light materials do little good when so little as the breeze of a door or walking past them is enough to knock them over. They are best for cosmetics, but not so much for the base frame imo. You also inadvertently made a mini easel you just put on a scale and took several pictures of. lol. Had made some progress through the basemesh of my custom Pandora. About 1/3rd of the way done.
>>15253 I understand what you're saying, I am going a tad overboard with my fixation on making her have as little mass as feasible. Though, reploid boots would keep her from falling over either way. I do see the similarity to an easel lol Pandora is looking good AllieDev, I have high hopes in her.
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>>15250 >Who is she? She's so cute! I think she's called Diva Media from World Flippers. >The advantage is the leg will have a kneecap and move in a slightly more human-like way. I see, so you're using double jointed knees to be able to make a more human-like kneecap? I thought you wanted to make 2 knees on each leg just like how birds have 2 "knees" Your design is interesting but why didn't you choose a more straight-forward knee design?
>>15260 >Dive Media I love her and her bizarre pinball RPG. >Human-like kneecap That is correct, though your misconception of me building an actual robot kiwi is great. The knee was designed so that she could sit seiza, in a chair, and stand up straight with one servo per hip to actuate her knees. Doing so is more difficult with a double knee. For what it's worth, I made this thread because I was deeply depressed and lost in despair and this stupid cute Kiwi Kemono Friend kept me from acting stupid again. Working on her gives me hope.
>>15261 when are you going to share any of that skeleton you've been working on for the last few months?
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>>15266 The leg was my first real success. Made a chest and waist but they were either too heavy or too weak depending on infill and foam filling causes things to balloon. Basically what MeidoDev made but worse. Right now I'm redesigning everything based on 12 inch by 1/4 inch wooden rods, which are pretty strong, cheap, and easily accessible. I try not to post as many failures but if you'd prefer it, I could posy more failures.
>>15226 I really think it will be worth the efforts, Kiwi. Godspeed. >>15249 A cute! >>15253 I like where you're going with Pandora, AllieDev. Clean lines tbh. >>15254 >I am going a tad overboard with my fixation on making her have as little mass as feasible. Actually, IMO you're clearly a sound Mechanical Engineer. The lowest mass feasible (in nearly every component of our robowaifus) that doesn't compromise structural integrity or violate other important principles is only to our benefit as a group overall. >>15261 >For what it's worth, I made this thread because I was deeply depressed and lost in despair and this stupid cute Kiwi Kemono Friend kept me from acting stupid again. NUUUU! She's not a stoop :^) >Working on her gives me hope. Then she's all the more dear to us Kiwi! Please make her real Anon. >>15268 We all can learn from each other's mistakes right? Just look at me, week after week and I still don't have it right! :^) In fact, it'll clearly be years tbh
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>>15296 It's a tad frustrating to realize it will take years but, all that matters is that we get there. The end point of cheap yet capable waifus for all is worth everything. Kiwi will be made, in time.
>>15308 It feels like I am giving Pandora a second chance after doing some research on her backstory. So I understand the feeling.
>>15316 She'll be quite lovely but she will require patience and persistent focused effort. Keep the faith my friend, we will reach her.
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Made a new leg, double knees are too complicated. So now she has the same mechanism as before, just significantly streamlined with a pronounced knee that should deform silicone in a manner similar to how a knee cap deforms skin based on anatomical analysis. Taking inspiration from RiCODev, I'm only making minimal changes then moving on. Perfection is the enemy of completion.
>>15366 Thanks for the beyond-the-call efforts Kiwi! :^) I'm sure she will be fine that way, and it sounds like it was an opportunity to create a more-streamlined design too? I believe you are on exactly the right path for us to quickly achieve near life-sized robowaifus for Anons with modest resources. This is an exciting direction actually, please keep moving forward!
>>15366 >Perfection is the enemy of completion. What? These pictures don't really illustrate the elbow joint very well.
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>>15374 Completion requires an end point. Perfection can be said to have no end as improvements can be made ad infinitum to fit various ideals. I want to restart again to inch closer to my perfect leg but, that's a potentially endless cycle. Focusing on getting something done is better. The knee functions nearly identically to Ascento's leg, just mass optimized and legally distinct. Not pictured is the use of rubber bands for gravity compensation as a lower cost alternative to Ascento's springs.
>>15414 What a cool design Kiwi, thanks.
>>15414 Isn't it a problem to have a sping, or even worse a rubber band, being loaded all the time if the joints are in a non-neutral position? I like the idea with the spring, not I'm thinking if I could use that as well, but maybe with a motor controlling the non-neutral position of the spring.
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>>15746 Your suspicion is understandable. Springs and rubber bands are meant to experience stressed states for prolonged time. It is true that some springs will suffer from fatigue under prolonged or extreme stress. All you need to do is ensure your design does not put too much strain on the elastic element. For us, rubber bands are easy to design around and are used frequentally in DIY RC cars and robotics. (Picrel is a lego RC car which uses rubber bands for power transmission and suspension, used for the sake of clarity, note that all rubber bands are in a constant state of stress.)
>>15748 That's kinda cool looking Kiwi. I think the wide variety of elastic bands broadly available, and their low-cost in general make them a natural fit for our goals here on /robowaifu/.
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Kiwi project now has booba

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