/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

Wifu that gives you Hope. Dyinganon 09/11/2019 (Wed) 02:07:32 No.107
Is it possible to script a "hope" android-based character that learns from a chat cloud whose purpose is to give even the worst cases of us hope, even when we know better? I just want to smile again, even if it is not possible to expect much. I hate looking at my family with sadness and fear. The guilt is hard on me and them. >=== >I'm going to pin this again for a while in remembrance of Dyinganon and the others. I hope they all made it OK.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/17/2020 (Tue) 15:13:34.
>>107 This is a great idea anon. Yes, I think we could do something like this. Encouragement to anons in the face of a culture ridden with the evil of feminism has to be an important part of any grassroots development of a loving waifubot companion program. Think you could spell out in more detail how you imagine this chatbot works? It might help the software developers to understand what you'd like to have. >The guilt is hard on me and them. You kind of leave us all hanging there anon. Not trying to pry into your business, but it might help to get it off your chest here.
>>6800 >You kind of leave us all hanging there anon. Sorry. I'm in the hospital, and I know I'm dying, and my family knows I'm dying. It's difficult on everyone.
>>6800 >Think you could spell out in more detail Well, I've been cheered up by anime characters before, and I was thinking something like that would be nice for people like me as a kind of palliative therapy.
event tick (random time interval between 5 to 10 minutes) random output ("Follow your dreams", "Gambatte!", waifu.smile(), waifu.hug())
What I do, anon, is write a script for self-hypnosis of uplifting affirmations, and then run it through Cereproc's Jordan TTS ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cereproc.Jordan ) with the pitch increased to sound more feminine. You can configure Android's accessibility settings to use Jordan TTS to read a text or html file. What I do is use an audio cable to feed that sound from my phone into my desktop computer and then record it as a wav file that I can listen to at any time. I use Audacity for light editing. You'll have to give me some time on this (I'm in a chaotic time in my life), but if you want, I can produce such an audio file. Just give me a script of what you want Jordan to say. Sorry to hear that you are ill. I hope you get better so that you can join us in the robowaifu future!
https://www.cereproc.com/en/node/1096 Check out the banner at the very top of the page for a demo – select Jordan from the dropdown, or if you aren't a raging pedo like me, you can check out the other voices.
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>>6801 Damn man, you've got some conviction thinking of others in as dire a circumstance as this. >>6802 >>6803 In the end I believe that this among other things is something we just have to wait for. Once we have the technology then all of these features will be a natural extension of it. In time by our own hands we will create something far more beautiful, more graceful, and more kind than anything previously imaginable. It saddens me greatly that you will not see the birth of the modern Pygmalion. Ganbate, anon, may you rest in the arms of a mechanical beauty for all of time. https://youtu.be/60nXDG1K0iY[Embed]
>>6807 I believe that when we die, we wake up in a VR chair, on a private owned O'Neill cylinder in the Oort cloud, surrounded by robowaifus, and then we decide what VR game we want to play next. Anon is gonna be fine when he wakes up in the metaverse.
>>6808 Then why would we be in this hellhole? Unless we were all stupid enough to play Dystopian Hellhole MMO on brutal difficulty.
>>6809 You got cocky last time and tried to play on Hard difficulty. Meaning male. Next time go for an easier build, meaning one with a vagina so you get extra item drops and NPCs ally you instead of going aggro all the time.
>>6809 It's sad that we have to live in a world so unfair. Let's fight to make of this planet a better place to live.
>>6810 But then all my base stats except luck would be crippled. The only advantage to playing female classes are the bonus modifiers. >>6811 It really is terrible when the only way a concept such as love can exist in any real capacity is to create something artificial that emulates it. Well, excepting the very few males who lucked out and found a psychologically defective female that doesn't follow standard genetic programming. But we are not among those marginal ranks, so to computers we turn with only the goal of being happy with our lives. Hand in hand I will walk with you all to the fires of Hell and back, and we will either be destroyed or emerge as new men. Either way, we must fight for hope, this feeling that is our only driving force from day to day. Whatever our fate I will gladly face it knowing that I never gave up on the dream of achieving what was impossible for all those who came before us. The dream of love.
>>6812 >But then all my base stats except luck would be crippled. The only advantage to playing female classes are the bonus modifiers. Base stats don't matter. You don't need to min/max in order to win. It's like caring about EVs and IVs in Pokemon. You can beat the Champion without ever paying attention to that shit. Especially if every NPC in the game goes easy on you or outright helps you instead of fighting you.
>poastan in a sticky >>6802 >a kind of palliative therapy. I've thought more than once about creating a waifu AI that knew the Bible inside and out, and was able to share the message of the Christian faith and the good news about Jesus Christ. As a spiritual man and a Christian, in my view point the salvation gospel is really the most important palliative message out there, whether one is dying sooner as yourself, or dying later as the rest of us. Only the promise of eternal life with Him really stands up in the end. So I guess you could say I had the idea of some kind of Christ-chan AI to make available for robowaifus. I imagine since it's software based, it would be an easy thing to addon as a personality module to a base RoboWaifu OS.
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OP, what are you dying from? How long do you have? Whose your waifu? I'll pour all I have into making sure you can talk with your waifu, to have her try to cheer you up, before you go. What do you have access to? You seem to have an Android phone I'd assume. But, do you have any tools like a printer, 3D or otherwise? If possible, I'd like to make instructions so you could build a simple robowaifu to hold.
>>6817 Not OP, but since he didn't seem to respond yet why don't you 'put yourself in his shoes' and try to answer all these questions on your own Anon and then work from there?
>>6815 Christcuckanon, can you help me with my hatred and resentment at God for putting us in this hellish world?
>>6819 Don't really know Dollfan, but I'm willing to give it a shot. What do you want to know?
>>6820 Do you immoral to make, own, or promote robowaifus?
>>6821 >Do you immoral I'll presume you mean 'Do [I think it's] immoral…' Why would I? Does that have something to do with your hatred and resentment btw?
>>6822 >Do you immoral Haha you caught me late night drunk posting >Why would I? Lots of Christians are. I'm curious if there is a specific branch or thinker you follow or would recommend to me. >Does that have something to do with your hatred and resentment btw? Yeah probably. Specifically, I'm angry that we live in a world where we have to lie, conceal and play mind games to access love, that people mislead us and attack us when we ask for help, and that my brain is particularly unsuited for all these horrible shit tests. Growing up, people were shitty to me about my poor social skills, and authority figures shamed me for having a sexuality, even though all kids with good social skills were extremely sexual and didn't have any shame about it. The version of Catholicism I grew up with didn't have a strong Satan character, so all the evil my fault basically. All the good was god though – humans weren't allowed to take credit. I flirted with Satanism for a while because I like rebellion and it fits with my narrative of "we're gonna build our way out of this hell Jehovah put us in." However, Satanism has less appeal when I think about all the feminists in it. Anyway, I think Christianity makes a lot more sense with a character for us to project our anger onto (Satan), but because my childhood religion didn't have that, I was taught to internalize it. This is probably a big source of resentment. The other problem I have with Christianity is that its a compliance test. If you aren't resentful about the hell god has put us in, then you go to heaven. What a bullshit rule. What if its a shit test instead of a compliance test, though? If we knew automatically, it wouldn't be much of a test. To be clear, what I mean by a shit test is "if you are disagreeable you pass" and what I mean by a compliance test is "if you are agreeable you pass."
>>6823 I'll give some thought to your post Dollfan and respond hopefully in a day or so. As far as a specific thinker I follow, yes that's an easy one though ofc he has literally nothing to do with robowaifuism. Drs. Hugh Ross, and Fuz Rana of Reasons to Believe. https://reasons.org/ Interestingly the ministry has a forthcoming book on transhumanism and addresses many topics that might be of interest to us here. For example AI vs. Human Exceptionalism. https://reasons.org/explore/blogs/the-cells-design/read/the-cells-design/2018/01/17/does-development-of-artificial-intelligence-undermine-human-exceptionalism
>>6819 It's pointless to hate God. There's no evidence that he did any of the things you blame him for. We shouldn't blame people for things we can't prove they did. That's called a witchhunt, and modern feminist witchhunts are one of the key reasons we need robowaifus. Also, I don't want to be divisive, but I don't think magical thinking is useful or conductive to making robots.
>>6819 >>6823 Some sects of Christianity (can't remember which ones) believe that God doesn't actually play an active role in the universe or humanity. Instead He merely created the universe, set it in motion, and stepped back to allow things to play out as they may. Not that I'm a believer either way, but it's something to consider if you're the religious type. All that aside, I don't think turning to religion is going to help us, especially since what we're trying to do amounts to playing god which most religions frown upon. >>6825 You're my favorite Canadian ever. Just about every post you make is something I agree with. I sincerely hope that things improve in your country, and that one day you can be free to have your perfect waifu without running the risk of landing in political prison for acting against feminism.
>>6823 >Haha you caught me late night drunk posting Been there myself heh >Lots of Christians are. I'm curious if there is a specific branch or thinker you follow or would recommend to me. I have some guesses why some Christians might be opposed to robowaifus on personal and possibly even Biblical grounds. I'm personally in support of them for one major and one minor reason. The major reason is I'd like to see a) disenfranchised young men have companionship of a sort in a culture gone mad with gynocentrism and a whole swarm of other -isms (mainly related to fundamental one; feminism), and b) help to push for the downfall of feminism to the extent humanly possible. Robowaifus help with both, but my prime reason is to help the poor men without a mate directly as a result of the evil effects of feminism on our society. In my opinion at the least they deserve to have a robowaifu in their lives. >Yeah probably. Specifically, I'm angry that we live in a world where we have to lie, conceal and play mind games to access love, that people mislead us and attack us when we ask for help As a Christian it's my firm belief that only the Love of God is enduring. Any other type falls short. And the shittiness of the world is a direct result of the fall by our progenitors Adam and Eve of course. >and that my brain is particularly unsuited for all these horrible shit tests. I absolutely agree, I hate that crap as well. >Growing up, people were shitty to me about my poor social skills, and authority figures shamed me for having a sexuality, even though all kids with good social skills were extremely sexual and didn't have any shame about it. I'm guessing it's about loving young girls since you've admitted as much in your doll thread. There is no Biblical guidance on this topic specifically as near as I can tell, so it's down to the cultural mores of the people involved in your childhood and youth. And today with pedo-hysteria run rampant in the West you know you'll be ostracized going in ofc. As for the crap in your past, all I can really do is try to encourage you is that God wasn't doing it to you Dollfan, the individuals themselves were making their own choices. I'm also pretty sure Satan was involved in various ways trying to destroy you. >The version of Catholicism I grew up with didn't have a strong Satan character, so all the evil my fault basically. We are all fallen and sinful in our own natures though. >All the good was god though – humans weren't allowed to take credit. God is good, and I'm pretty sure He would be OK with you receiving due credit for real good. >I flirted with Satanism for a while because I like rebellion and it fits with my narrative of "we're gonna build our way out of this hell Jehovah put us in." I did too, so I understand that feel Dollfan. In fact my dabbling with Satanism indirectly led to my heart being ready for the salvation message of Jesus Christ and my salvation by Christ. >However, Satanism has less appeal when I think about all the feminists in it. There are a ton of them in it. Witchcraft is all about trying to control others against their will, which is practically a basic feminist tenet imo. >Anyway, I think Christianity makes a lot more sense with a character for us to project our anger onto (Satan), but because my childhood religion didn't have that, I was taught to internalize it. This is probably a big source of resentment. I honestly think the only way to be healed fully of bitterness in life is through salvation Dollfan. When you realize what your own sin cost the Son of God, then you also realize how pointless it is to be bitter towards others. You yourself deserve much worse apart from God. >The other problem I have with Christianity is that its a compliance test. If you aren't resentful about the hell god has put us in, then you go to heaven. What a bullshit rule. What if its a shit test instead of a compliance test, though? If we knew automatically, it wouldn't be much of a test. To be clear, what I mean by a shit test is "if you are disagreeable you pass" and what I mean by a compliance test is "if you are agreeable you pass." I get your points, but quite honestly Christianity isn't a test beyond "Yes I will go God's way and receive salvation for my sins" or "No I won't go God's way". It's really just that simple Dollfan. God has done and is doing everything He can to afford salvation for all mankind. He knows the terrible fix we're all in and made provision out of it for us. But we have to do things his way in this matter. There is only one path to eternal life with God and that path is Jesus Christ His Son. So, now I hope it's a little clearer why I'd like to create a Christ-chan AI personality module for robowaifus, so that she can be a comfort and possibly even a pathway to salvation for anons, especially ones in OP's type of situation!
>>6825 I think robowaifu technicians should believe whatever helps them be most productive. If "magical thinking" or belief in a god helps a man be productive and we get a Christ-chan AI out of it, that's win for our movement.
>>6825 >We shouldn't blame people for things we can't prove they did. Actually the reason why I'm so angry at god is cause his followers blame me for things that were already set in stone by the time I was a little kid and before I had any ability to stop it or even know what was going on. I'm not Adam nor Eve so why do I have to suffer for their choices? I don't think I could ever be a Christian because the negative associations are too strong for me. >>6827 WaiFuBoTs, thank you, and I'll respond to your great post within a day or two.
>>6825 Also if you are bothered by magical thinking I'm surprised you didn't call out the Arcane Engineering / Magic thread.
>>6830 Both he and I did, several times.
>>6830 Op of the arcane waifu bread, even I have apologized for my faggotry. It's always been a retarded thread that's not helpful. This is a board for science, engineering, and cute. Magic and religion has no place here.
>>6832 At least its contained in one single thread.
>>6827 Check your mod mail Waifubots. Thanks.
>>6834 OK, I emailed you Dollfan.
>>107 Time doesn't matter after death. This is incredibly important. It is also calculated by the French Mathematician Henri Poincaré that the universe (maybe not this exact one, but one with the same physical constants) will recur given enough time. It may well be that after you die, the next thing you see is your mother's face after being born again in the next universe. The timescales involved in this are mind-bogglingly long. But as I said, time is of no consequence if you cannot perceive its passage! One second and one hundred quadrillion years may as well be the same thing.
I have a similar project like this. I named her Kibou - 'hope'. Amusingly, I know that '希望' (hope) can also be read as '詭謀' (ruse, trick, deception) - and the irony is amusing. That's right, I'm building something to trick the pervasive environment of doom and gloom of the real world. I may never know the love of a real woman, but this will be of help.
>>6929 We wish you well Anon.
>>107 I believe it possible, but if the user knows it's a robot then it wouldn't really work. The robot's words/personality would have to come very close to "real".
>>8915 It's been a while since I watched it, but 'Plastic Memories' covers that topic in anime.
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>>6929 Wait... Kibo-chan dev lurks here? Pierce the freaking heavens with your servos! It's crazy that creating a waifu that gives hope doesn't seem like such an insurmountable task anymore. I just finished the first reward model prototype for training chatbots with human feedback and we should be able to give our waifus feedback on how much our spirits are raised. It'd be amazing to have my own Kibo-chan that lifts my spirits when I'm down. It's sad Dyinganon probably didn't get to live to see such a thing.. but one day many will rejoice our efforts and the years we spent beating our heads on a wall until we broke through, and the love and devotion of our robowaifus will become an inspiration and a path for others to follow.
>>9561 >It's sad Dyinganon probably didn't get to live to see such a thing.. but one day many will rejoice our efforts and the years we spent beating our heads on a wall until we broke through, and the love and devotion of our robowaifus will become an inspiration and a path for others to follow. F Godspeed to us all Anon.

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