/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

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True Love Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 06:28:48 No.111
People who conduct serious work on robowaifus rather than posting anime: how are you going to make the experience (almost) equally or even more satisfying than the real loving relationship?

After digesting the Scientific Blackpill (https : //incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill) it's clear that robotic girlfriends are the way to go. There is one big problem: everybody craves the complete package which could fool the brain and _simultaneously_ fulfill all the needs related to sex, closeness, companionship, emotional support and social status. Escorts offering GFE don't give you the loving connection. Masturbation doesn't give you the postcoital bliss and satisfaction. Cuddle parties can't replace romance. Going out with friends is very different from proudly walking with your significant other. Visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation don't replace the scent of a woman or a feeling that there's somebody who can take care of you in difficult times. Most importantly - enjoying these things separately don't add up to the desired outcome. You still feel like you miss something important.

Many people claim that the major problem is the uncanny wall: it might always be possible to tell artificial from human, because as robots become more realistic, we will also become more sensitive and will always be able to tell that something is not right. Relevant paper:

https : //www.bolton.ac.uk/StaffBiographies/Angela-Tinwell/Tinwell-Grimshaw-Williams-2011-The-Uncanny-Wall.pdf

Can we even make a really meaningful progress in creating truly satisfying lovebots? Or should we give up and wait for the advanced brain-computer interfaces instead?

Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/11/2019 (Wed) 07:17:46.
While the film is dystopic af that scene in particular is highly encouraging. If a man has to live alone, at the least he should have a beautiful and charming Visual Waifu to live 'alone' with!
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To your initial question: You can't. You can only hope to make it different but still satisfying. It will never be equal because it's impossible. You could probably make it better, but by what criteria? There shouldn't be a focus on replication, there should be a focus on tricking the brain, definitely offering a functional alternative, or at least making the path easier for someone who hasn't crossed the line yet. I'm gonna go back to making anime now. Anyway, your questions about aesthetics and the absurdity of the project(s) can be traced, as with everything, to ancient graeco-roman philosophy. As long as the project contributes to the overall health of a people, and as long as the unforeseeable consequences of something so likely to be horrible aren't so extremely bad, then everything will be fine.

Also remember to hit the gym, it helps you understand aesthetics and how to apply it in the abstract. Like to things that you wouldn't think are related, for instance. It's going to be super important for waifubot waifufaggotry. You're basically looking at both a new age of art animatrix looking terror and it's going to be about as beautiful and chaotic as you'd expect.

I'm going to post anime now.
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- Studies on pets and the ability to bond and love - Behavior examples for bonding - e.g. bonding over food - Williams Syndrom - Also, the origin of elves https://youtu.be/aDVS8PlNM8M
>>9888 That was cute, literally Hitler Anon. Maybe /robowaifu/ should be about wuffgrills, rather than catgrills do you think? > Dog >>>>>>>>>> Cats
>>9890 OT: I prefer cats as pets, bc they require less work and attention. For someone mostly at home, at least.
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>>9888 >Also, the origin of elves. I'm afraid that's only part of the story anon. The real origin of elves goes much further back in history (real world history, not 'Middle Earth' history). The original elves come from Old Norse mythology (mainly Icelandic). Way, way before the notion of Christmas elves, J.R.R Tolkien or 'faeries/fairys', the ancient Proto-Germanic peoples (750BC) referred to the 'alßiz', which translates to 'white beings'. (As in ghostly, ethereal white, rather than Caucasian flesh 'white'). Over time, this term turned into the Old English word 'ælf', which is where we get names like 'Alfred' and 'Elgar' There some info on Wikipedia if you're interested - not that this makes it set-in-stone, mind you. It just sounds legit to me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elf#Old_Norse_texts And the hypothesized word-root of 'elf' on Wiktionary: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/albiz I particularly like an idea written in the late thirteenth-century text 'South English Legendary' that describes elves as angels who sided neither with Lucifer nor with God during the War in Heaven, and were banished by God to Earth rather than Hell. But yes, Williams Syndrome is certainly related. Physicians, being well-read and intelligent people, may have seen such patients in the 17th/18th century and - having read about mythical elves from older texts - put two and two together. Sorry to go off on a tangent anon, but I'm a bit of a fan of Elven things.
>>9888 We would literally change the world for the better if we can just create AIs & relatively inexpensive robowaifu kits that can simply achieve the level of a good dog, relationship-wise. It will be nothing short of revolutionary if we can manage this.

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