/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Agalmatophilia Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 04:50:40 No.15
Is the desire for one's own waifubot a legitimate personal expression or simply yet another one of the many new psychoses stemming from First World problems?
They're real, so no psychosis involved. Case closed.
>>15 I'd say it's a way of substituting the mother and wife figure that so many men desire. Ideally men should never be exposed to females at all (like a monk), I imagine that'd be amazing XD On the one hand, a man should strive to be independent and aim for self-actualisation. At the same time waifus allow a man a temporary respite, when he can lower his guard and relax. Waifus on their own won't replace interactions with other men, instead they'll give an option to work with your primal instincts (not just sex, I mean more comfort wise) and allow you to make more rational decisions in the real world.
>>15 The "Welcome to the board" post says this as its first line: "Most of the world's modern women have failed their men and their societies, feminism is rampant, and men around the world have been looking for a solution." I think you could say First World problems might be a starting motivation, but the long term motivation is deeper. A fully capable robotic companion has more utility than just being a waifu. She is potentially a life-long assistant. I believe such robots ability to be generally helpful far exceeds its usefulness as a mere wife replacement. If a robot like Chi from Chobits were to suddenly be released tomorrow think about the huge effect it would have on the economy. It wouldn't even need to be as smart as a human in all domains in order to be revolutionary. Personally, my desire for a robowaifu is a bit mixed. I'd like one as a primary personal companion, but I'd also buy others for business purposes. I think their commercial potential is what will grant these robots staying power beyond Robowaifu enthusiasts. That'll probably be the core drive of the large corps that produce them.
>>4463 > I think their commercial potential is what will grant these robots staying power beyond Robowaifu enthusiasts. That'll probably be the core drive of the large corps that produce them. Well said. I think you're correct.
>>15 It's at least as old as the story of Pygmalion.
If western woman in decline and never wanted to fulfill the promise of a men dream then why worry?
Open file (201.23 KB 1133x1700 spaghetti_mama.jpg)
Saw this photo of a beautiful sculpture of the two lover Pygmalion & Galatea. > Étienne Maurice Falconet: Pygmalion et Galatée (1763)
Those who are rejected by humanity should work to advance A.I. instead. Sure you can get a cat or dog...they're cute and all. But cats and dogs just don't have the same potential.
>>15 Philosophically the want for a robot waifu is a weird one. We as humans have found love in non human aspects. Humans find love in houses, trees, animals, and drawings. So while it is a first world psychosis to want robots. The want for love from a non human has been there for years. They say dogs are a man vest friend and there are stories about the companionship between us. If you want objects then look at car guys for a modern example and archeticts that made chapels and building made by their own love. Love may be a chemical cocktail that disappears after a while. But affections that we give too our creations and we recive back from them is a spiritual forever. To know that you and its are the same and will be the same. But I am rambling spiritual bullshit to you guys.
>>6910 >Beautiful sculpture of the sculptor admiring his beautiful sculpture How meta. >>9528 >But I am rambling spiritual bullshit to you guys. Heh, I think you'll find spirituality has a been an oft-discussed topic here, friend, and hardly 'bullshit' regardless. I think evaluating the term love in light of a better language for discussing it like ancient Greek (how apropos, right?) might help you clarify your terms at the least. The very fact you use the same word 'love' in relation to both a drawing and a human being exposes the basic poverty of English in this regard. And even were you correct that the desire for a robowaifu is a psychosis doubt.jpg, it's certainly not just a First World Problem. This truth is pretty ironically evinced by this very thread itself, not to mention your own post. While I doubt the creations themselves do a lot of 'giving back' of men's affections towards them, the simple and obvious fact is that this kind of thing has been going on literally since the era of Adam and Eve, and well before Noah's ark was saved through the flood.
> Here’s a list of ways they could be used, generated by ChatGPT. While the list is quite optimistic, it’s noteworthy that there are plenty of people already reporting using models in some of these ways. > Companionship: > Virtual Companions: LLMs can serve as virtual companions, providing conversation and interaction for individuals who may feel lonely or isolated. > Social Simulation: By simulating social interactions, LLMs can help individuals practice social skills in a safe and controlled environment. > Counseling and Therapy: > Mental Health Screening: LLMs can be used to conduct initial mental health screenings, helping to identify individuals who may need professional help. > Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Support: LLMs can assist in delivering cognitive behavioral therapy exercises, helping individuals to manage symptoms of disorders like anxiety or depression. > Emotional Support: > Mood Monitoring: LLMs can be used to track an individual’s mood over time, providing insights into emotional patterns and triggers. > Crisis Support: While not a replacement for professional intervention, LLMs can provide immediate responses in crisis situations, offering support until professional help can be accessed. > Education and Awareness: > Mental Health Education: LLMs can provide information and resources on mental health topics, helping to raise awareness and reduce stigma. > Stress Management Techniques: They can educate individuals on various stress management techniques such as mindfulness, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. > Personal Development: > Mindfulness and Meditation Guidance: LLMs can guide individuals through mindfulness and meditation exercises to promote mental well-being. > Motivational Support: By offering encouragement and tracking progress, LLMs can help individuals stay motivated towards achieving personal goals. > Behavioral Change: > Habit Formation: LLMs can assist in the formation of new habits by providing reminders and positive reinforcement. > Smoking Cessation and Substance Abuse Support: LLMs can provide support and resources for individuals looking to overcome addiction. https://www.semianalysis.com/p/ai-doomer-vs-techno-optimist-social
I think it's beautiful how you can spot obvious and clear parallels between the Pygmalion and Galatea myth and robowaifu technicians. Sometimes I wonder if those ancient Greeks would have been able to notice it as well.
>>26055 Nice, I didn't know there was a painting of it. I might look for a reproduction or art print in some time.
>>26057 there are multiple paintings, so you can pick and choose

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