/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Minimalist Breadboard Waifu Robowaifu Technician 10/10/2022 (Mon) 04:32:16 No.17493
Did an engineering exercise to make a """recreational companion robot""" Worked on it for a week or two and hit the MVP. My preferred alternative git service is on the fritz so I'm posting the code here. >What does it do? You press the button to stimulate it, and it makes faces based on the stimulation level. The goal was to demonstrate how little is needed to make a companion robot. A "minimum viable waifu", if you will. I think small, easily replicable lil' deliverables like this would help interest in the robowaifu project, because the bar to entry is low. (In both skill and cost). It has meme potential. I hope you guys find it useful in some way. If there is enough interest in the project, I may start working on it again. >--- >related > (>>367, Embedded Programming Group Learning Thread 001) >=== -add C programming thread crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/13/2022 (Thu) 20:26:05.
>>17493 You can poke waifu but can waifu poke you? It's a fun idea kind of like how animators practice animating a pillow and making it feel alive. I remember having Tamagotchis as a kid and having so much fun with the simple games on them and collecting credits from walking. Little details like your pet going to sleep after a certain hour and the surprising ways they react to neglect and affection kept it engaging. I've thought of making my waifu AI need two headpats a day and for me to say good morning and good night or she becomes sad. There's a lot of little deliverables that could be made thinking about things more like a gamedev.
>>17495 >can waifu poke you The process of poking you back would require computer vision, mechanical engineering and inverse kinematics. I don't think that would fit on an arduino. Perhaps, an arduino tethered to a PC could act as a mechanical interface for a more advanced desktop waifu.
>>17498 What about a linear actuator that extends and touches your finger while you hold a button?
>>17493 Very good idea Anon, let's do this.
By the way, you can contribute to the project (or make your own original spin) without buying any hardware: https://www.tinkercad.com/circuits There are tons of arduino/microcontroller sims out there. >>17502 I guess the big question is "what features would be most useful"? My first idea is to upgrade the screen to a Nokia LCD, but beyond that, I don't know what I would do without adding mechanical features like movement. >>17500 That was my first guess, but I was looking for an excuse to hide my lack of mechanical engineering and CAD skills. (crying_emoji.svg) Perhaps I'll brush up and see where the road takes me. >(random idea: A touch sensor that lowers a hand to meet yours)
>>17506 >I guess the big question is "what features would be most useful"? I think the 'big' answer is: whatever we here decide they should be. :^) For now, for my own part I'd suggest that the software is the first place to begin, since it is by far the most malleable & inexpensive to start with for initial prototyping. Function stubs can be written out to crystalize the notions well before the hardware need be spec'd. EG: int respond_to_boop (int const boop_strength) { if (boop_strength > 50) return OUCH_RESPONSE; else return LOL_RESPONSE; } This should make it all clear enough to everyone where you're going with things. It will also allow for very gradual introduction of H/W designs for the overall project, for any anon who may later take an interest in a specific notion or hardware capability. Make sense? BTW, I can add a cross-link to our C programming class thread into your OP if you'd like me to? >=== -minor prose & code edits -add 'gradual introduction' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/11/2022 (Tue) 20:17:57.
>>17507 >BTW, I can add a cross-link to our C programming class thread into your OP if you'd like me to? I don't see why not. >I think the 'big' answer is: whatever we here decide they should be. :^) Hmm. I'm leaning towards a system that uses the Arduino for I/O and offloads the "thinking" to a PC. It would give devs a lot more flexibility while keeping hardware costs down. But I guess a better question to ask is "what problem are we trying to solve"? What need exists, that a device of this caliber would fill?
>>17508 I think a "self-improvement tomagochi" waifu/companion would be the most useful product. TL;DW - It avoids the problems of cellphone apps (distractions) and high-powered robots (cost and complexity) while giving the benefits of a mechanical friend (always there and has unlimited patience)
>>17508 >I don't see why not. done >I'm leaning towards a system that uses the Arduino for I/O and offloads the "thinking" to a PC. It would give devs a lot more flexibility while keeping hardware costs down. Yes, we've discussed this notion frequently here on /robowaifu/. Our RW Foundations effort (>>14409) is being developed with direct support for this paradigm in mind; and more specifically to support a better-secured approach to the problem (eg, including offline air-gapped). >But I guess a better question to ask is "what problem are we trying to solve"? What need exists, that a device of this caliber would fill? In a nutshell? >"Start small, grow big." I also think Anon is correct that Tamagotchi-like waifus are a great fit for your thread, OP (>>17495, >>17509). >=== -minor grmr, sp edit -add 'secure approach' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/13/2022 (Thu) 21:37:16.
> (>>17505, potentially-related)

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