/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.” -t. H. Jackson Brown

/robowaifu/ thread archives Robowaifu Technician 09/16/2019 (Mon) 06:36:14 No.273
julay robowaifu archives

https://archive.fo/yndgt Catalog

https://archive.fo/31E3X (Robo)Waifu personality thread
https://archive.fo/U4UPH /robowaifu/ is NOT dead.
https://archive.fo/A3A43 /robowaifu/ thread archives
https://archive.fo/YWPN7 3D printer resources
https://archive.fo/AK4tA AI + Brain/Computer Interface news & commentary
https://archive.fo/c0rRp AI Design principles and philosophy
https://archive.fo/lPRcU AI Software
https://archive.fo/nbA7W AI, chatbots, and waifus
https://archive.fo/SwCte About AI
https://archive.fo/y9f72 Actuators for waifu movement!
https://archive.fo/sAyZw Agalmatophilia
https://archive.fo/vHOdX Aoki Lapis model; Robot fairy
https://archive.fo/kjHh5 Artificial Wombs general
https://archive.fo/rEYe4 Batteries & Power
https://archive.fo/QBfEm Bipedal Robot Locomotion General
https://archive.fo/nO4L0 Building the ultimate waifu.
https://archive.fo/IaqKp C++ General
https://archive.fo/VlAmK Can Robowaifus Experience Love?
https://archive.fo/n6TOb Can the government really make anime real?
https://archive.fo/2RK3X Cuddling Robot
https://archive.fo/kGbHK Downloadable AI for robots?
https://archive.fo/i0W5a Electronics General
https://archive.fo/knsDo Embedded Programming Group Learning Thread 001
https://archive.fo/M8L4P Entry Level Waifu
https://archive.fo/Axxxd Fluffytail 800 dev thread
https://archive.fo/vpO2Y General Robotics news and commentary
https://archive.fo/habb1 Hold onto your papers
https://archive.fo/GNvBn Homemade doll waifu thread
https://archive.fo/59D0m Humanoid Robot Projects Videos
https://archive.fo/QKNPn IRL Drossel von Flügel?
https://archive.fo/H6MFt Important things about building living robots
https://archive.fo/zwpAv Meta Tread
https://archive.fo/3gJXH Micromouse - Minimum Viable Supercheap Open Source Robowaifu
https://archive.fo/WH2Pb My reason to live
https://archive.fo/Ch1ti Mycroft: Open Source Alexa
https://archive.fo/nVgJT NLP General
https://archive.fo/S5HgB New United Robowaifu Project
https://archive.fo/bwjgu New machine learning AI released
https://archive.fo/yFFUI Open Prosthetics
https://archive.fo/HjLB6 OpenGL Resources
https://archive.fo/PEZaa Papercraft waifu
https://archive.fo/Zbp32 Plastic Production
https://archive.fo/c2Khp Project: United Robowaifu Development
https://archive.fo/ZS3An Prototypes and failures

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Edited last time by rw_archive_bot on 10/22/2019 (Tue) 04:40:12.
https://archive.fo/4oI7v Python General
https://archive.fo/jiIlz R&D General
https://archive.fo/K1mMj ROBOWAIFU U
https://archive.fo/0X004 Ricky Ma General
https://archive.fo/jhbyL Roastie Fear 2: Electric Boogaloo
https://archive.fo/1YZXA Roastie Fear General
https://archive.fo/kRw5G Robo Face Development
https://archive.fo/baQU5 RoboWaifuBanners
https://archive.fo/6a7Zv Robot Vision General
https://archive.fo/Aj3ue Robot Voices
https://archive.fo/RNuzT Robot Wife Programming
https://archive.fo/1q3TD Robot skeletons and armatures
https://archive.fo/O7Sov Robot skin? Possible sensitivity?
https://archive.fo/PggAO Robot waifu desires
https://archive.fo/6fzQg Robotics Hardware General
https://archive.fo/xYeg0 Robotics sites, organizations and projects
https://archive.fo/4XVDS Robowaifu Design Software
https://archive.fo/TozNM Robowaifu Simulator
https://archive.fo/ZWjOk Robowaifu Systems Engineering
https://archive.fo/ANueJ Robowaifu Thermal Management
https://archive.fo/h7WOV Robowaifu fiction to promote the product and expand the market
https://archive.fo/l6ie7 Robowaifu references
https://archive.fo/0YYO1 Robowaifu-OS & Robowaifu-Brain(cluster)
https://archive.fo/vGxXW Robowaifus in media
https://archive.fo/LDccH Robowaifus unique advantages
https://archive.fo/qSoqB Selecting a Programming Language
https://archive.fo/9MlZb Self-driving cars AI + hardware
https://archive.fo/q4lvk Self-replicating waifubots.
https://archive.fo/uckxp Single board computers & micro-controllers
https://archive.fo/lyjnv Speech Synthesis general
https://archive.fo/mG710 TensorFlow
https://archive.fo/j0lRU The Lounge
https://archive.fo/AXH9u The important question
https://archive.fo/awe7R Tools to Create 3D Models of Humans
https://archive.fo/rSxdo True Love
https://archive.fo/sXIrZ Visual Waifus
https://archive.fo/no96g Waifu Materials
https://archive.fo/fNNW3 Waifu Robotics Project Dump
https://archive.fo/W4jdA Waifus in society
https://archive.fo/x2aeH Walking
https://archive.fo/FmdeN Welcome to /robowaifu/
https://archive.fo/ViRty What can we buy today?
https://archive.fo/svCvW What happens to your robowaifu when you die?
https://archive.fo/XobuW Who wouldnt hug a kiwi.
https://archive.fo/BVu8m Wifu that gives you Hope.
https://archive.fo/HCuGs your file is too big onii-chan

(2 of 2)
Edited last time by rw_archive_bot on 10/22/2019 (Tue) 04:40:15.

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