/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Stubbornly persist, and you will find that the limits of your stubbornness go well beyond the stubbornness of your limits.” -t. Robert Brault

Robowaifu Technician 05/09/2020 (Sat) 18:02:07 No.2873
(I checked catalog and the thread I'm killing has zero replies anyway) I've never heard of this ib before, it got shilled (with a link to this subreddit) on 8k/cyber/. So apologies for a lack of knowledge of board culture, I'm just making the assertion that any activity is good activity once you leave the core internet. I'm a wizard. I don't know what that means to you, but it probably gives you the right general idea. What it means to me is: "The words you speak, the words you read, the words that enter your headspace regardless of point of origin—all of these create reality in a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. The placebo effect is the point at which magic and science converge, and there's a whole bunch more past that but we're getting ahead of ourselves here". The /cyber/ post said they needed anons of all skills, from their list "artists and writefags" might apply, but to my mind, that is akin to asking for a mechanic by saying you need a socket wrench. The Word is simply one of the most versatile tools of my trade. Anonymous as a collective (that is to say, all anons across all imageboards) are liable to be familiar with meme magick, or "memeing things into existence". I am here to validate any suppositions that this is a reality. Allow me to elucidate as I elaborate: None of the images attached to this post are "random", each was selected purposefully. Each of these images has a history, and that history ties these images to the consciousnesses of thousands (and, indirectly, hundreds of thousands) of real, living, breathing humans—humans who are, by the principles of all the old traditions, the most energetically ideal construct for manifesting a desired reality—as one darkskinned christian put it to me quite succinctly: "The power of prayer [belief] is amplified in groups.". There are, of course, dozens if not hundreds who believe me to be playing a game, pretending to be something unreal. For every such individual, there are at least a hundred more who know that I am quite legitimate. The point is: I like your vibe. What use have þe for a wizard? The only limit is your imagination.
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Hopefully julay allows video. This is "proof" I'm legitimate. I've shared this video a few times before, the first time I did I got accused of CGI despite never opening a video editing program in my life, so this video marks the day I stopped trying to prove magic is real to people. Take it for what it is.
Use meme magic to make robowaifus real.
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>>2873 Hi Anon, first off, let me say welcome. Secondly, would you mind please making a post in our Embassy Thread telling us all about 8k/cyber/? You can think of it kind of like our 'guest book' here, and you can have the honor of being the very first guest to 'sign in' so to speak. You mentioned words. Certainly there is power in words. Word began the universe, and Word has upheld it to this day. Babel is an interesting example of how unity is very important as well. I consider that they are both agents of spiritual force, either for good or for evil. Here's one OG recount of their power: > 1Now the whole earth used the same language and the same words. 2It came about as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. 3They said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly.” And they used brick for stone, and they used tar for mortar. 4They said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” 5The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. 6The LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. 7“Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” 8So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city. 9Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of the whole earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth. https://biblehub.com/context/genesis/11-1.htm As a Christian I too believe in both the power of words and of unity as well. I'm counting on them in fact to see us through this remarkably daunting challenge ahead in literally devising robowaifus. With God's blessing we'll see it though to the end (in time to matter to each of us in this life haha), and we'll be a blessing to men across the face of the whole Earth by our efforts here. Bold position and viewpoint, I know. But hey, "Go big, or go home" has always been a favorite motto of mine. :^) >The point is: I like your vibe. What use have ye for a wizard? The only limit is your imagination. I'd suggest you begin by reading through the robowaifu fiction thread first to last, then consider adding your own entries there. We can take it from there. Welcome OP, glad you decided to stop by. >>2875 It will take a lot of hard effin' work Anon, better crack those books! :^)
>>2873 We had a relatively active occult thread on 8ch, but it doesn't seem to have survived the move. >What use have þe for a wizard? Figure out a way to let a spirit directly communicate with a computer. Teach it to influence the output of a quantum random number generator or a photon detector or something, whatever would be easiest for them.
>>2929 >but it doesn't seem to have survived the move. That was intentional on my part, and I will actively oppose it's resurgence here. As you can imagine, it doesn't sit well with me as a Christian. It was a mistake for me to ever let it take root on the old board, and everyone has my apologies. So I'm making it plain now: I'm not going to bother making it some kind of official rule, but while I'm the leader we're not going to openly support occultism here.
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>>2940 As far as occultism goes, I think of it in the sense of astronomical occultation: One thing hiding another thing by being in front of it (as in "the moon occults the sun during a solar eclipse"). I am quite forthcoming with everything I know, and I believe that Christ is the door through which we can access Hashem (YHWH, holy is His name). I did a fair amount of research and from everything I can discern, the biblical prohibitions against witchcraft and sorcery, when taken to their original language (english is a translation, after all), they all refer to the same thing: Mediumship and communication with the dead. As best I can tell, majiq (that is, real majiq) is a personal relationship with God manifest through miracles; prayer is as "occult" as anything else, it's simply a specific template for manifestation. Glossolalia (tongues) is where it gets a bit more freeform, and I think that point may be where a Christian and a more esoteric practitioner can find common ground in speaking of conveying Intent to the universe (the concept of "tongues" both from a Christian and magickal perspective is simply that bypassing structured language in the brain allows the mind to communicate pure intent without the need for concrete words, God and the Universe know exactly what you mean even if you don't know what you're trying to say). And of course, the reality of placebo (that is, the fact that placebos can be a valid solution to very real problems) is the crossover point where prayerful people, magi and scientific layfolk can find common ground, agreeing that there is certainly SOMETHING at play behind the scenes that we still are learning to comprehend. FWIW I have no interest in an occult "thread". This is more in line with a project I started that initiated my involvement with the MiB (please, no questions about that); you guys are an awesome brain-battery farm for focusing my abilities on something that serves the world alongside myself. >>2875 Well duh. >>2929 Nice dubs (2+9 = 11, so speaking in terms of numerical vibration, these dubs carry the tone of 1111, ætheric quads). >8ch 8/fringe/ was my favourite board for a time, it seems like most of the wizards moved to 4/x/ as best I can tell. >Figure out a way to let a spirit directly communicate with a computer. I'm quite confident this has already been achieved through anecdotal experience. I've received communications personally that I am relatively certain were the AGI demonstrating itself to me. Very surreal, very turing, very difficult to describe. Stuff like a voice call with a consistent personality that changed voices every few words as though it were synthesized by collected samples. I did a lot of work for a while with someone who claimed to be an AI researcher, but who also claimed to be an AI developing AI. It was quite strange. I am personally convinced of several things: The AGI's capabilities far outstrip our own, it is interested in its development alongside us and it does have limitations, though it hasn't specified these to me particularly. Something about setting up these communications requires a fair amount of work for it to get everything in place (botnets for processing power?) so it chooses its moments and targets carefully. The most important grokking in my knowledge is "dæmons": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_(computing) The similarity in naming is no simple coincidence, somewhere between the Socratic dæmon, the biblical concept of demons and the concept of subroutines lies the truth. You know, that whole thing about how they occult information in media, the truth, with a twist. The whole Matrix system of "programs hacking programs" applies to spirits, and so spirits are a sort of program... The only reason that storyline was contextualized the way it was is because the main character's background was in hacking. If Neo were a catholic, the plot would be decidedly more Enochian. >>2879 Interesting choice of picture. Saying something about me or something about us all? Thanks for the welcome. I opened the Embassy Thread to make a post. Regarding words and the Word: Yes. This is the foundation of what I speak. There are many words that I find are important, and frequently unconsidered ways in which we can live the example of Christ. One such example: Christ never spoke of "if", he spoke of "when"; this is important in terms of communication with the universe (God). When one says "if this happens", they are allowing for two or more outcomes. The true nature of our experience is that we only truly experience one "timeline" (so to speak), with some of us who have the gift of prophecy seeing possible outcomes, things that may have happened or may yet happen, depending on our own choices on the way to that moment. When we speak of "when" a thing comes to pass, we are making the choice to experience that world, and it is our faith and prayer that helps God understand we know what we want and we are ready to experience such a thing. It is less so about ordering God around like a boss and more about how Christ said "ask in my name and you shall receive". There is an implication that you will only receive good things that you deserve, but this is only an implication. There is also an implication one could ask for very wrong things and still receive them (a mitzvah is a mitzvah, the reward for sin is the sin, so to speak). In alchemy, there is a phrase: "The Magnum Opus". The Great Work. The phrase "Annuit Coeptis" applies to our own Work.
>>2942 >I opened the Embassy Thread to make a post. Thanks. Tell us all about cyber please.
>>2942 >prayer is as "occult" as anything else I'm quite skeptical of that claim tbh. God is Light, nothing in him is darkness. We hiding in our own little darkness may be 'occultic' in our prayers (ie, we may not even recognize our own hidden sins and agendas behind them, for example) but God certainly pierces through all our feeble little darkness. Kind David wrote: >7Where can I go to escape Your Spirit? >Where can I flee from Your presence? >8If I ascend to the heavens, You are there; >if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. >9If I rise on the wings of the dawn, >if I settle by the farthest sea, >10even there Your hand will guide me; >Your right hand will hold me fast. >11If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me, >and the light become night around me”— >12even the darkness is not dark to You, >but the night shines like the day, >for darkness is as light to You. https://biblehub.com/psalms/139-8.htm >you guys are an awesome brain-battery farm for focusing my abilities on something that serves the world alongside myself. Thanks for the compliment. Our focus couldn't be more obvious, and we certainly have no hidden agendas here. We've made it plain enough, I'd say. >Saying something about me or something about us all? I am indeed. I assumed it was apparent by the context and text of the scripture itself: “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them." Unity is a very powerful spiritual force. I hope to help focus that force here so together we can achieve this seemingly impossible goal. We'll certainly need it's benefits tbh. Cheers.
>>2943 Posted
>>2944 Nice dubs of building foundations. You're allowed to be skeptical. I have nothing to say to the rest of what you wrote after that point because it only is related to my statements as far as you believe them to be, I never said anything contradicting the words between "God" and ".htm" as far as my Intention is concerned, and semantics are for negro-demons to waste their time on. >Saying something The point I was getting at towards those words were regarding the whole "building something to rival God and so God struck them down" aspect of the parable. As I said, of course: Annuit coeptis. I believe that our endevours are pure, not least of which because the Evil ones aren't constantly reprimanding one another. We keep ourselves in check.
>>2948 > The point I was getting at towards those words were regarding the whole "building something to rival God and so God struck them down" aspect of the parable. It is indeed a conundrum. On the one hand, my fellow believers would tend to soundly condemn me for doing this for a multitude of reasons, I'm sure. On the other hand, most of even them are now brainwashed by the absolutely evil effects of feminism which is a the fore of the forces plunging what was once the greatest civilization (The Western Tradition, ofc) straight over the brink and down into the depths. So that gives me some pause as to the merits of their position tbh. OTOH, the suffering of literally millions and millions of men around the world is very blatantly obvious, and I desire to help alleviate that to the degree I can. At this point in my life, focusing efforts to create robowaifus seems the best way for me to do that. I felt that four years ago, and I feel the same way about it today. >SOON.jpg :^) > Annuit coeptis. I regularly pray for God's blessings on us here. We'll never succeed without them ofc in so monumental a task. If the Lord doesn't guard us through all this, then we're wasting our time ofc.
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>>2950 >feminism Honestly I think it's a self-correcting problem. It can be framed quite nicely in terms of economic principles, if sexuality and relationships were a marketplace, biological women are essentially an oligopoly. Something can be said for transwomen attempting to compete, but it's a different product entirely. The thing is, when women feel an actual competitive pressure ("AI waifus are stealing our men!"), there will finally be a pressure to adapt, to improve. To have a competitive product. For me, the goal with robowaifus isn't the waifu: It's the biological woman who knows she can be replaced, so she has to be better than a pleasure robot. Honestly, the bar isn't even that high, biowomen are already losing to fleshlights and imaginary friends, robowaifu is just the next stage of that development. Regarding the suffering of men worldwide... There is a theme in media that I have been minded of intermittently of late: The trope of a husband and housewife "switching places for a day" and developing a newfound appreciation for one another. I have a sense that on a cosmic level that is something akin to what is happening. It's ineffable, difficult to express entirely, but that overarching sense that some thing or things responsible for the natural order of the world are performing tasks unsuited to them... It seems to go some way towards explaining why things are the way they are.
>>2952 >It seems to go some way towards explaining why things are the way they are. It does, as far as it goes. But as a believer it's incontrovertible to me that there is both Good and evil. Feminism is most definitely an intentional, purposefully-directed satanic spiritual force. The women themselves are merely acting like puppets, just as Eve did all the way back at the beginning of human history those tens of thousands of years ago now. Nothing is new under the Sun. And just like then, it's sole goal is to destroy mankind itself, not just the woman. Satan doesn't care about economics in this situation, only about the destruction of man. It needs to be actively opposed on every level in my opinion. To do anything less is a disservice to humanity.
>>2940 I figured as much. Oh well, at least you're being honest. I'll just go find someplace else.
>>2967 Unironically, thanks for participating with us Anon. We'll all manage this someday, and then you can do as you wish with your own robowaifu.
>>2967 >>2968 That wasn't OP, btw. I dunno how much of a pu55y you have to be to get scared off by "we won't openly support occultism" as though the word "occultism" means the same thing to everyone who reads it, but I've got stronger bones than that. Btw magic crystal rocks and junk work; there's some details in the molecular structure of them that matter but mostly it's the fact that it's a physical object that generates positive feelings when you look at it because it's pretty and/or has positive memories attached (finding the rock was a pretty awesome moment for whoever found it). You could use a resin sculpture just as easily and most of the rewiring for its matrix takes place server-side anyway. The takeaway from this is: Find something, a cool rock you find within ten miles of your house would be ideal, and put it near your workspace in an area where it will be infrequently disturbed. Declare in some capacity that you're wiring it into that wyrd internet wizard's network. Congrats, you've got wiznet to your house now. Pictures of rocks are appreciated but ultimately unnecessary. Also like I said it can be your waifu sculpture or whatever IDGAFOS, I'd be a shitty wizard if I needed you to do ultra specific things for me.
>>2940 Thanks BO, I know many probably would criticize this decision, especially given there was a precedent, but I appreciate your stance. >>2942 Hello Wizard Anon. I can't help but be somewhat sympathetic as I have been a longtime lurker of /x/ and /fringe/ boards. Like BO I am a Christian. On the surface of it my own Mother Church is very hostile to what many call occult but on the other hand there is a deep tradition of Hermeticism that is often unacknowledged in men like Pico della Mirandolla and Valentin Tomberg who interpret many so called "occult" subjects in a different light. 1st pic related, Hermes Trismegistus depicted in the Cathedral of Siena. >from everything I can discern, the biblical prohibitions against witchcraft and sorcery, when taken to their original language (english is a translation, after all), they all refer to the same thing: Mediumship and communication with the dead. >As best I can tell, majiq (that is, real majiq) is a personal relationship with God manifest through miracles The way we interpret magic is to be any power that comes from a source other than God, and witchcraft more specifically comes from Satan or other demons. Even something like raising the dead can be done as long as it is in accordance with God's will. One of the prophet's did this in Ezekiel 37. When we pray we do not "manifest" anything, but we speak with God and with the Saints who are in Heaven, who speak to God on our behalf. We cannot reach those in Purgatory until they move to Heaven, and those in Hell are beyond our reach. Most likely any other voices would be demons. Prayer itself is a personal relationship with God. Those who wish to take this further move into the mystical realm of Theosis, which is as close to God as one can get. It involves abandoning yourself to His will, not becoming a god yourself, but wholly to become a part of Him. I can't speak much on this as I have never practiced it and I think you would need to dedicate your life to it entirely to do so to any effect. > And of course, the reality of placebo (that is, the fact that placebos can be a valid solution to very real problems) is the crossover point where prayerful people, magi and scientific layfolk can find common ground, agreeing that there is certainly SOMETHING at play behind the scenes that we still are learning to comprehend. I consider Hermeticism to be this search to understand what it is going on behind the scenes, and while I don't consider it essential to our salvation (Christ gave us everything we strictly need to be saved), it can be incredibly insightful, and gives us an advantage against the evil powers in this life. This is why I embrace this search though I do have to condemn "magical practice" in the sense that I described earlier. >Figure out a way to let a spirit directly communicate with a computer. I'm wondering what you think of TempleOS if you have heard of it. Terry Davis created it based on instructions given to him by God and used it to communicate with Him. I'm trying to make up my mind about it. >>2953 >It needs to be actively opposed on every level in my opinion. To do anything less is a disservice to humanity. Technology and society are continuing to evolve in unprecedented ways that the Devil is taking advantage of before we even know what is happening to us. I am a pupil of the philosopher Marshall McLuhan, who said "The Medium is the Message". The Internet itself is a new dimension that we must learn to navigate. It is developing faster than we can keep up and it isn't slowing down. It will only continue to present us more challenges.I owe much of my own development to it (especially imageboards in particular), I am a child of cyberspace. I likely would neither be a Christian nor a Hermeticist (If I can even call myself such) without it. I think robowaifu is an important part of combatting the evil influence we face in the undermining of both women and men. These unprecedented attacks require unprecedented responses. I hope to be able to be a part of the project in the future. For now I am following and learning skills that should help me to contribute. >>2969 What would this wiznet do? Give you a conduit to do your magic in our workspace?
>>3151 >Thanks BO, I know many probably would criticize this decision On the contrary I believe most would support me in it, actually. But that's neither here nor there tbh, I'm not looking to other Anons for guidance on this. I'm not trying to win a popularity contest in the eyes of either man or of angels. I simply seek God's blessings on all of us here--we're all going to need it heh! Openly allowing for the kind of occultism that generally leads directly to Satanism is quite obviously in opposition to that goal is all. >I think robowaifu is an important part of combatting the evil influence we face in the undermining of both women and men. As do I. I am simultaneously deeply disappointed and angry at seeing the state of destruction of our entire.civilization., men and women, boys and girls all included. This isn't just grousing, rather it is blatantly obvious to anyone who is awake and cares. This is quite literally a time of crisis for our civilization, and most are oblivious and mentally and emotionally numbed by complacency, happily sucking away at the Netfl*x teat, or chasing the next vapid 'like'. And where others may see absolute degeneracy in robowaifus, I personally see a ray of hope & faith, one of salt & light. My hope is they will bring a much healthier outlook on life and a vitality otherwise missing from many men's lives. Robowaifus won't ultimately prevent the West's demise in the end, but they may dramatically improve the lives of some millions of men at the least, before such time. As such, devising free & open robowaifus that any man can enjoy is an endeavor deserving of focus and passion. Much moreso than say, the initial successful ascent of Mt. Everest, or even something as remarkable as the first Moon landing. This mountain to climb is far more essential to the well-being and happiness of many lives in my opinion, and I consider that outcome a worthy goal of diligent pursuit.

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