/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Open file (522.71 KB 1920x1080 gen.png)
Nandroid Generator SoaringMoon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 13:54:14 No.30003
I made a generator to generate nandroid images. You can use it in browser, but a desktop version (that should easier to use), will be available. https://soaringmoon.itch.io/nandroid-generator Not very mobile friendly unfortunately, but it does run. I made a post about this already in another thread, but I wanted to make improvements and add features to the software. >If you have any suggestions or ideas other than custom color selection, which I am working on right now, let me know.
Open file (3.52 MB 1920x1080 2024-02-29 10-37-37.mp4)
>>30003 Adding transparent export.
Open file (1.96 MB 1920x1080 2024-02-29 10-53-28.mp4)
>>30005 Added heterochromia.
>>30003 Any plans for release on Linux?
>>30032 Well the browser version SHOULD work. You would be willing to text a linux port?
>>30005 This is amazing!
>>30053 Thank you, if you have any suggestions let me know.
Conceivably, you could just keep expanding this project out until you had a virtual waifu system, SoaringMoon. Good work! Cheers. :^)
>>30062 I thought about doing an interactive buddy sort of thing, but really don't want to have to deal with API and sentiment analysis stuff in game maker.
>>30065 I see. Well, it's already a fun project by the looks of it. I wish you luck with wherever you go with it, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>30065 You could use a text file to talk between gamemaker and a python script. I know about this as I threw something like that together so I can start development on a mech simulator using gamemaker as a base (I found a 3d engine for it but that's a little off topic). You have the python write the data to a text file, and gamemaker reads the text file and checks the data to determine what to do, or vice-versa.
>>30077 This. Using specified textfile 'mailboxes' is a very well-established approach in computer science for interprocess-communications (such as with this example). Arguably, it's also the simplest one to implement (though such a system may experience some latencies -- particularly on OSs that have wonky filesystems). >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/03/2024 (Sun) 14:03:30.
>>30077 >>30083 I could, but I'm not going to. Let some other more skilled anon handle that task.
Open file (5.02 MB 1920x1080 2024-05-29 22-00-01.mp4)
I've updated the generator to allow you to type in the HTML hex color code for whatever color you want for most sections. As well as an actual random color generator.
The browser version of the generator will now export images with the S and F2 keys.
>>30003 super glad you added heterochromia into the mix. Lulu be praised
Open file (507.25 KB 1920x1080 high_vis.png)
Added High Vis uniform.
>>31424 I uh... added BGM and 51 voice lines lol.
Open file (17.48 MB 1920x1080 2024-06-06 04-42-59.mp4)
>>31447 Sorry, file had no sound.
>>31447 >>31448 pretty neat, good work SoaringMoon
Fixed an issue with the desktop transparent image export blend mode.
Commemorative Wallpaper
Open file (7.49 MB 1920x1080 2024-06-06 19-26-31.mp4)
You can now customize eye shadow color.
Nice work SoaringMoon, please keep it up! Cheers. :^)
Open file (79.29 KB 448x736 nandroid (2).png)
>>31460 v0.9 - Sclera color is now customizable.
>>34154 Sweet
>>34154 Glad to see you keeping your project advancing, SoaringMoon. Keep it up! Cheers. :^)
Open file (55.85 KB 790x971 Screenshot Galatea.jpg)
I made my Galatea design in the Generator.

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