/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

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Covert Ops Robowaifus Robowaifu Technician 03/11/2024 (Mon) 00:08:27 No.30233
I made this thread as an alternative to the existing battle droid waifu thread because I wanted to discuss actually plausible robowaifu combatives and not just post pictures of cool looking battle droid waifus without regard for realism. But every development path I tried led to something more like a special ops commando or assassin droid than a stereotypical battlemech. This is because most robowaifu enthusiasts will not be able to get their hands on military-grade weapons for legal and financial reasons. But an assassin droid doesn't need a lot of weaponry or armor. What will follow here is the best way to develop a fighting robowaifu that you can afford, according to me. Pic related; it's a robowaifu commando that I made using the AI art generator on NightCafe. >General design The best weapon focus for a robowaifu is undoubtedly guns. Guns are the easiest weapons to train humans to use and this will hold true for robots. It's also likely that robowaifus will be petite on average, both for affordability's sake and because that's what a lot of guys like. This will mean that she will have difficulty using martial arts. You can give her some supplemental training in grappling, the martial arts focus best suited to deal with larger opponents, but grappling fails against multiple opponents. Striking is the best for dealing with multiple opponents and short waifus are not good strikers. This is why the best bet is to equip her with incapacitating gadgets like tasers or tear gas instead of trying to have her fight normally. Also note that it will be far easier to program her to use a shield than a weapon - actually more like a pair of armguards to save weight. She can block most bullets using the armguards, but impact weapons will break through her guard. >Weapon selection When I made the OP picture, I asked for a handgun, a revolver and a pair of revolvers, but no matter what I tried, it just does not seem to understand the concept of pistols. But I realized that what it was giving me might be better than what I asked for. The way it has the drawing now renders her gun as a shoulder mount. I originally wanted to give a robowaifu dual pistols and have her fight with gun-fu Trinity-style, but this is much harder to program than a shoulder gun. A shoulder gun doesn't rely on complex hand movements which will have to be motion-captured and it would be quicker on the draw. As for which model of gun to use, you want something light and concealable that doesn't require too much ammo because ammo will weigh down your robowaifu, so rifles are right out, contrary to the lies of the picture. You also want the gun to not have too much recoil because your waifu is light and can't shoot the gun accurately if its recoil is too strong, so don't get a shotgun either. A heavy pistol like a Desert Eagle most likely gets the nod here for being small, light and powerful; you don't necessarily need a large-caliber handgun, but it will give her some armor piercing ability as heavy pistol rounds can be more powerful than intermediate cartridges at short range. Unfortunately these guns tend to have strong recoil. Other gun options: >Bullpup P90-looking large-caliber handgun (nobody has actually made this yet) >Needle/flechette gun for lower recoil and better armor penetration (needlers are less accurate and somewhat less effective against flesh than armor though) >Straight-up pew pew space blasters; your waifu is too small to have a decently powered laser, so try a pellet-shooting rail handgun or particle beam instead Other shoulder weapon possibilities: >Active Denial System (microwave cannon, sound cannon, seizure-inducing strobe lights, etc.) >Harpoon gun >Javelins >Net gun >Grenade launcher (unlikely to obtain or construct, but probably the absolute strongest possible robowaifu shoulder weapon; this brings you the closest to having a credible battle droid) >Auxiliary capabilities Other things that your waifu could use include stealth systems, enhanced mobility and enhanced vision. An internal smoke generator could be very helpful. My pick for a mobility enhancer would be wall crawling equipment. A jetpack could also work due to her light weight, but that's expensive and complicated and wall crawling equipment isn't. Also, a shoulder gun will be more easily usable while wall crawling than while using a jetpack, as the gun will be inaccurate and will disrupt her flight with the recoil, and if you give her armguards instead of hand weapons, she'll have all appendages free to climb walls. Finally, enhanced vision is almost a requirement. She could have night vision, thermal vision, motion detectors, or a 360-degree field of view. >Other considerations The reason for the armguards isn't just that it's easier to program than a proper weapon, it's also less liable to get your waifu impounded or scrapped if she just defends herself with the armguards and doesn't attack back while waiting for the cops if an aggressor shows up. Roasties will look for any excuse to dismantle her and jail you, and you want them to have as little evidence as possible. This is another reason for the less-lethal weapons. I'm sure people here have their own ideas about the best practical fighting robowaifu. We can discuss different loadouts, the technical aspects of programming combat training, or wargame different scenarios that a robowaifu could reasonably find herself in.
It's a great OP effort, OP. Really nice work, seriously. However, I'm going to have to lock this thread. I'm pretty adamantly opposed to the obvious choice of turning /robowaifu/ into /Terminatorz-R-Us/ . Unfortunately /k/ was baleeted by it's unsavory BO recently, or I'd suggest you recreate this there. As is, I'm not sure what else to tell you, other than to commend you again, apologize, and hope you understand. --- >the existing battle droid waifu thread I suppose that was an oversight on my part. I will lock that thread too; again, with my apologies to Anons. --- Sorry to be a stick in the mud about this Anons. I certainly understand both the appeal and the need. However our primary focus is robowaifus for companionship, not war-making. There will be plenty of companies like B*ston Dynamics, and other Globohomo-encumbered companies to fill that need. However, precious few to fill the actual need that Anons have for loving, helpful, charming, and opensauce robowaifus. Feel free to discuss addressing this issue in our /meta thread, Anons. Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/11/2024 (Mon) 03:14:33.

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