/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

New United Robowaifu Project Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 03:52:49 No.369
Old thread is too long. This is our new thread. Pics related are the current designs for our cute loving robowaifu and a new logo design. New design is to be a meter tall. Current members include: Kiwi, OD, Iggy, and Dollfan. Anyone is welcome to join, all you need is love for robo grills in your heart. (Cat grill meidos are also a goal, possibly going to become the main goal. Actually, it is the main goal.)
I think that's a pretty neat idea to embed the servos and motors in the the pelvic 'bone'. Do you plan to have cable harnesses of Bowden cables running from there out to the limbs, etc? One minor location adjustment I'd suggest is to also lower the battery array position closer to the pelvis too – as close as you can and still take care of the other functions needed down there properly – to keep the majority of the weight as close to the robowaifu center of mass as possible. Keeping the weight there will help in all kinds of ways when trying to work out walking, standing, and pretty much all the other motions needed.

Is there a story about the logo design OP?
The logo reminds me of the BUF flag (let's hope that doesn't intimidate Dollfan), or a bullseye. Otherwise I don't understand its meaning. For all I know, you could be doing secret illuminati stuff, Kiwi. Taking that as an aside, I'm glad you made this post. I see that you have changed the feet. What's the plan for locomotion? Don't worry if you no idea for now. The design is fine. I particularly like the silly, silly mittens you added. I kek'd at the literal addition. =)
And now for some critical thoughts. A lot of proportions are wrong. I admit I got this wrong in the first place myself, so I am pointing this out to help all of us. The shoulders are much too broad and make the robot look male, which isn't appealing. Added with the fact that the ribcage is larger than the pelvis. To which you get a bot with a gender identity crisis. Since gender dysphoria treatment can be expensive, the proportiobs should be redrawn. Don't worry. That's my job. We need a change anyways, because we are working with an adult female body scale when instead we should work with something closer to a loli type build. I've added some reference, so everyone can get a better idea. In return, I hope you can tell me the probable size each battery is going to be since that is going to be vital when considering bone size and placement. My last regards towards the design is about the femur. I love the identical accuracy, but I think that type of mechanism (at least as pictured) is limiting. Perhaps a ball-jointed femur would suffice? We're already adding ball joints to the neck as well, so why not?
I'll start the new drawing once your input is received.

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