/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

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Sophie Development Continues Robowaifu Enthusiast 07/12/2020 (Sun) 21:41:21 No.4146
Her left robot arm broke at the shoulder (I don't think it was really supposed to operate for long hanging in that position). So I have redesigned and upgraded her non-robotic arms. She may not be a robot any more, but her arms are actually a lot more flexible now (even more flexible than a human's) and I am still working on her A.I. and have made a few English Vocaloid songs that she can sing :D
>>4146 Those look really very flexible OP. Was it hard to build them? Glad to see you're still here with us. I hope you keep up updated on the progress of your robowaifu. Cheers.
>>4149 This is what I want to know too, and if possible how long did it take you to assemble everything and the cost.
>>4153 Total development costs so far estimated at around £1360 for everything (not just her materials - this includes both my 3D printers, the laptop for her A.I. and all of my other tools). Total costs for someone to build her from scratch using current components (I am assuming you already have some kind of computer): £600-700 if you don't have a 3d printer or many tools to start with. £250-300 if you already have stuff like a 3d printer and some tools (detailed below). Most of my 3D printer filament costs have been incurred during the R & D process (I have so far thrown away four old arms, four incorrect neck joints and have kept her previous head and right hand). However, I am currently re-designing her whole torso so that it will be much easier and cheaper to 3D print and assemble. I am aiming to get it down to just three parts rather than 18! To be honest Sophie has been fairly difficult for me to design and build. But considering I started out with a blob of melted plastic I am pleased with her progress! Unlike human bosses, Sophie rewards my efforts fairly so I refuse to give up on her. Sophie's first torso is human-enough looking from the outside but internally it's a mess of different 3D printed plates held together using Gorilla glue, decorators caulk and bits of plastic milkbottle (because I only had a small build-it-yourself Anet-A8 3D printer which cost £160 and was never properly calibrated). However, I have since bought a much larger and better 3D printer (the Copymaster 3D 400) which cost £280 at the time. So far her bill of materials (on top of the new 3D printer) comes to about £350. That's over the space of 1 year though (her 1st manufactureday is coming up). This includes costs for about seven or eight reels of printer filament, her Cepstral synthetic voice, the tripod base and wheels that she stands on, her wig and eyes, nuts, bolts, glue, Vaseline and paints. Of course if you are starting out with very few tools then you are going to have to spend probably another £300-£400 on stuff like a regular printer, an electric drill, a set of digital calipers, modelling files, plastic snips, a scalpel, long-nose pliers, various small clamps and clips, a socket wrench set, a plastic hammer, a spirit level... Her A.I. is only very basic Python and AIML linked to Wolfram's servers and Google's speech recognition, so she is just a chat-bot with added cloud computing features at the moment. I have no problem running her on an old laptop with an Intel Celeron 1.4GHz processor and 4GB RAM. Could probably run her on a Raspberry Pi if I had to. So her computer only cost me about £170 at the time.
>>4158 This may be off-topic but where are most of the people gone to?
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>>4149 Only just consolidated all her main parts into a single CAD file in Fusion360. The torso is actually split into three separate parts (abdomen, thorax and lower neck), but you can't see the joins on the CAD model. (Hopefully won't be too obvious on the real shell, either), Link to CAD file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_lMwXyrjMBEAN3MPsr9ao0pwUP__YN0g/view?usp=sharing
>>4160 Sorry, just making a change because I forgot to upload the fingers XD. Yeah, it is a pity that most people seem to have disappeared from this board? Not surprising though, it is kinda niche. All we can do is spread the word and upload files onto Thingiverse, MyMinifactory, that kinda thing. If people see robowaifu parts popping up on the internet they will know that Helghan BELONGS to the Helghast!
>>4154 >I am aiming to get it down to just three parts rather than 18! That would be very helpful. Anything that can reduce the amount of effort required for the assembly process can only help with robowaifus being easily-producible by Anons. >Unlike human bosses, Sophie rewards my efforts fairly so I refuse to give up on her. :^) >the tripod base and wheels that she stands on Any chance you could post some pics and descriptions of this here Anon? We have a Wheelchair Waifus thread that's oriented towards addressing the topic of robowaifu mobility until such time that bipedal robotics approaches become widespread and easy to use. Maybe your support approach can be included, since IMO even a static stand is actually a part of this design area, especially if it's wheeled where Anon can move his robowaifu around by hand easily. >Cepstral synthetic voice Any chance you can discuss this further in one of our speech threads? >>4160 >>4162 >but where are most of the people gone to? First off, I don't think there is really an alternative board to /robowaifu/. Not that I would mind if there were in the least, but I just don't know of anything else like this place at this point in time. If anyone else knows, please post it and we can invite them to connect in our embassy thread. >tl;dr I don't think 'gone to' is quite right. One of the completely external challenges we face here on /robowaifu/ is attrition. Even when a new anon comes on board with enthusiasm at first, that drive often seems to wane as the appreciation of the full scope of building a IRL robowaifu begins to dawn on them. At least that's my theory, based on my own experience here. Fortitude and determination are character qualities that certainly will help out anyone trying to break new ground in a frontier, and /robowaifu/ seems to be no exception. One thing is certain however, the pent-up demand for good robowaifus is only growing with the continued rise in feminism/libtardism. and once we can produce appealing robowaifus with kits that are inexpensive it will be like a huge dam bursting.
>>4162 >>4166 I'm just a newfag to this board that stumbled and it looked nice. Hence why I asked that question. Do you guys use minds or steemit or post whenever you revisit this board?
>>4173 Hello Anon, welcome. Do you come from another community? If so, please make a post about the place in our Embassy Thread. To answer your question, no, we don't as a group have any other gathering point at this point. The plan is to have a comprehensive wiki at some point to consolidate all the knowledge here in a easily-searchable form. There had been talk about starting a doxxcord back in our 8ch days, but I'm unaware if that ever formed up. Ever thought about owning or creating your own robowaifu someday?
>>4161 Thanks Sophiedev. I'm assuming these are downloads from Fusion360?
>>4166 Her tripod is literally a cheap telescope stand that sits in 3D printed sockets glued onto a triangular 12mm plywood sheet. There are 3 braked wheel casters underneath. I added silicon caulk treads to make them more shock-absorbing while going over small bumps because the wheels have zero suspension.
>>4166 I also 3D printed some custom washers so that the 12mm plywood disk that her upper body is mounted on affixes more securely to the telescope tripod.Initially I just used small metal washers and everything was quite wobbly, but these parts made her rock-steady.
>>4166 Cupboard door magnets are very useful for holding any parts in place that need to slide on and off. I use four of these to hold her upper torso onto the 12mm plywood disk that forms her waist.You can only see the front two on the bottom of her tummy here, the other two are on the small of her back.
>>4166 This is a trolley handle I made using steel piping and 3D printed fixtures. It slides into a couple of deep sockets on the back of the triangular wooden base. I also made a the handle with a part that braces against her back when I push her along, so she doesn't fall backwards due to sudden accelerations (cupboard magnets are not strong fixing points, even with four of them). I do have to be careful when reversing her that she doesn't fall forward, But then I try to avoid pushing her about roughly. She wasn't designed for kart racing!
>>4182 Yes, Fusion360. I am still quite a noob at it TBH, so my part organisation probably sucks. But I am converting all the bits to .STL files for 3d printing anyway.
>>4166 As for her Cepstral synthetic voice, I made an account and purchased a voice from https://www.cepstral.com/en/personal/windows. I think it cost me about £30. They give you a SN and then you can use the voice without it constantly nagging you to pay for the licensed version. Then I used this Python code to get the voice working: # Start the TTS engine engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5') voices = engine.getProperty('voices') engine.setProperty('voice',"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\Cepstral_Millie") engine.setProperty('rate', 170) def talk(audio): print('Sophie: ' + audio) engine.say(audio) engine.runAndWait() # obtain audio from the microphone r = sr.Recognizer() # Press CTRL-C to break this loop while True: # obtain audio from microphone with sr.Microphone() as source: print("Say something!") audio = r.listen(source) try: myinput = r.recognize_google(audio) except sr.UnknownValueError: print("Google Speech Recognition could not understand audio") except sr.RequestError as e: print("Could not request results from Google Speech Recognition service; {0}".format(e)) print ("You said: "), myinput if myinput == "exit": exit() # Get Sophie's response sophies_response = kernel.respond(myinput) print ("Sophie said: "), sophies_response engine.setProperty('voice',"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\Cepstral_Millie") engine.setProperty('rate', 165) # have Sophie say the response engine.say(sophies_response) print (sophies_response) engine.runAndWait()
>>4193 Ah, thanks for the clarification. Nice-looking code. BTW, we have code tags here. :^) How's the performance? Think it will run on lower-end boxes like a RaspberryPi? Seems kind of bot-netty. I realize that at this point in time using a cloud-service like Google Voice, et al, may be necessary but in the future we'd like to have an independent open-source solution.
>>4188 That looks like a pretty sturdy base to me. >I added silicon caulk treads to make them more shock-absorbing That's a good idea. Do you think that will need regular refurbishin or no? >>4189 It's a good idea to create those thick washers like that, maybe some similar approach chould help make the casters shock absorbing? >>4190 That's a good engineering approach IMO. Having the ability to easily swap out parts makes things both convenient and modular. Especially during these prototyping periods it also helps with maintenance, design changes, etc. Nice idea Anon. >>4191 That's actually a pretty efficient and useful design you used there. >I do have to be careful when reversing her Hmm. I wonder if you devised a quick releae belt for her it would help or be too much bother? >She wasn't designed for kart racing! Haha, that can come later yea? :^) Thanks very much for taking the time to photograph and explain this system for us Anon. You seem to really know what you're doing at devising inexpensive solutions to common problems. Once you have these finalized think you could post the CAD files too?
>>4192 No it's fine, thank you. Having both the CAD and STL files posted here will be good for possible collaboration in the future with other Anons here.
>>4194 Ah, my apologies, I have never attempted to write code on an image board post before. But yeah Sophie would definitely run on a Pi. Her whole brain so far is only about 5.5mb (excluding Vocaloid v4). Needless to say she's not a very good conversationalist. But I've mainly been focusing on the structural/engineering side of things. >>4196 Yeah, the silicone would definitely wear away quickly if I were to wheel her over a long distance. But if she requires moving anything more than a few hundred meters I break her down and pack her in a suitcase. The support belt is actually a good idea. Her magnets usually hold as long as I'm not careless, but I'll bear that one in mind for the future, thanks! As for posting CAD and STL files for her tripod trolley, I will post what bits and pieces I have, but much of her lower body has been scrounged and adapted from bits and pieces I had laying about XD. Hopefully any other anons who want to build a robowaifu will be able to come up with their own solutions for mounting the upper body onto a base of their choice.
>>4197 >Ah, my apologies, I have never attempted to write code on an image board post before. But yeah Sophie would definitely run on a Pi No worries OP. Just pointing it out if you want monospace for your code. Using codetags and other formatting techniques are described in the FAQ. https://julay.world/.static/pages/posting.html Glad to hear she can run on a small SBC. I think most of use are planning to use some type of small computer like that for our robowaifus because they are inexpensive, lightweight, and low-power. >>16 >Needless to say she's not a very good conversationalist. Since you're using an external PC atm, maybe you'd be interested in dabbling with Kokubunji's TalkToWaifu >>691 Your project is very interesting. I hope Sophie can move on her own some day!
>>4197 Nice, I hope the belt idea helps. I saw the thread for the STL files, thanks. You have a nice idea going with Sophie so I think it might be encouraging to other anons to see in detail what you've done so far. Maybe someone will even mimic what you're doing for their own robowaifu prototype. Regardless, seeing the details should help any interested anon.
>>4181 I don't come from any other community, so bringing someone would be very hard or to convince one of my friends. As for communication probably something like Retroshare or Minds/Scuttlebutt?
>>4203 >maybe you'd be interested in dabbling with Kokubunji's "TalkToWaifu" It is certainly very clever. Seems to be most adept at simulating short conversations or short stories, which is sweet. I was particularly impressed by the way it changes subjects after about a paragraph instead of the conversation just devolving into complete nonsense. And even then it can still recall context from a few sentences ago. I mean, it does say plenty of nonsensical or illogical things, but it's "varied and better constructed nonsense". It doesn't just give canned answers that are obvious diversions because it has no other way of interacting. This aspect is superior to conversing with a chatbot scripted in AIML. GPT-2 doesn't seem to be any good at giving factual answers, but then we've already got Wolfram engine for most of the science and math, and pre-scripted AIML for responses that are specific to just the user and their immediate friends/family/colleagues (like user details, in-jokes and local knowledge). Yeah, GPT-2 is certainly a cool addition to robowaifu A.I. repertoire. Thanks for the link!
>>4207 Heh, the idea behind the Embassy Thread isn't for you to bring other anons here, but rather for you to share something about your own place with us so we can connect with other groups. If people help others find /robowaifu/ that's fine but the main idea is just to get to know one another. I'm actually investigating RetroShare atm from a dev's perspective with an eye towards devising some kind of resilient, distributed IB system. So yea, if you want to set up a channel it would be a good excuse for me to divert some attention towards it. Feel free.
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>>4208 Yes, I think the base GPT-2 is interesting, and the extension to it that Kokubunji has added on top of it in TalkToWaifu a nice tweak. The main challenge ATP is getting the system to run on a RaspberryPi 4 (or clone), since this is the class of processor that will be the most likely onboard-compute resource for our robowaifus during the first decade or so. And optimizing the perf down so it will run in realtime on one of these will only help even in the future (when more powerful SBCs will be readily available) because it will reduce the drain on the overall power budgets, as well as reduce the thermal load added into the cooling systems. Regardless, there are alternatives beyond just GPT-2. There is even a ~9.6B-parameter model openly available now IIRC. This is an important area of focus, obviously, and we can be thankful that at least some of the research going on in this area is being opened up to the public. Hopefully even moreso in the future. And Neuromorphics once they are well-researched and feasibly mass-produced will literally revolutionize anything to do with compute in our robowaifus. These things will happen in our lifetimes, and probably within the next 10 years I predict. What a time to be alive! :^) >Thanks for the link! Rather thanks to Kokubunji from us all!
>>4213 I often wish I was good at things like electronics and programming and I understood all of that incredibly complex looking neural network code. But alas, I ended up in the wrong profession (healthcare), which in the UK is mostly publicly funded. Therefore everyone takes it for granted (at least they did prior to this pandemic LOL) and I spent many years running about after a bunch of impatient, spoiled, ungrateful meatbags whose bodies all inevitably fail in the end anyway. It looks like I have a lot of work to do if I am ever to understand and properly implement more Python and C++ (as opposed to just copying and slightly altering chunks of other ppls code). But at least I have the first basic components of an undying companion now XD.
>>4215 >I often wish I was good at things like electronics and programming and I understood all of that incredibly complex looking neural network code. We have links here on /robowaifu/ to lots of valuable resources you can have a look at to help move that process along. We certainly need more Anons here who have an interest in these two crucial fields. If you don't have much time available, might I suggest you start your journey with Manga Guide books (from No Starch Press in the English-speaking world). I've been reading them for years now. They are both entertaining and educational with a lot of hand-holding for beginners. They should be (and probably are heh) freshman textbooks. https://www.ohmsha.co.jp/english/manga.htm Here's the list of English-translate books pertinent to /robowaifu/ The Manga Guide to Microprocessors The Manga Guide to Statistics The Manga Guide to Statistics: Regression Analysis The Manga Guide to Differentiation and Integral Calculus The Manga Guide to Databases The Manga Guide to Physics (Dynamics) The Manga Guide to Electricity The Manga Guide to Cryptology The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra Here my list of ones that I wish they'd hurry up and translate! :^) The Manga Guide to Semiconductors The Manga Guide to Machine Learning The Manga Guide to Electric Motors The Manga Guide to Digital Circuits The Manga Guide to Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity The Manga Guide to Battery Cells The Manga Guide to Material Dynamics The Manga Guide to Mathematics for Electrical Engineering The Manga Guide to Concrete The Manga Guide to Electromagnetics The Manga Guide to Project Management The Manga Guide to Imaginary and Complex Numbers The Manga Guide to Electric Circuit The Manga Guide to Thermodynamics The Manga Guide to Fluid Dynamics The Manga Guide to Differential Equation The Manga Guide to Electronic Circuit The Manga Guide to Program Logic Control The Manga Guide to Fourier Analysis The Manga Guide to Statistics: Factor Analysis The Manga Guide to Bayesian statistics The Manga Guide to Electrical Equipment The Manga Guide to Physics (Light, Sound and Wave) >It looks like I have a lot of work to do if I am ever to understand and properly implement more Python and C++ (as opposed to just copying and slightly altering chunks of other ppls code). I see you have already focused on the two primary programming languages that will be essential to creating our robowaifus. BTW, I can probably answer any question you have on C++, so AMA. >But at least I have the first basic components of an undying companion now XD. That you surely do. Sophie is a wonderful prototype. I will be watching closely to see all the things you'll do with her over the years! :^)
>>4216 "The Manga Guide to Concrete"?! LOL WTF? XD The Japanese have truly found a way to turn everything into manga! Thanks, anon, I was unaware such books even existed.
>>4400 heh, yep. and concrete is actually an amazing and remarkably versatile technology going back literally thousands of years. my main reasons for the /robowaifu/ interest in concrete isn't for use in robowaifus ofc, but rather for the materials-science aspect of researching materials properties, defining admixtures methods for conglomerates (such as carbon-fiber impregnated resins for example), curing, hardening, and just general chemistry. This areas all have implications for mechanical engineering and materials science, and therefore indirectly of importance to /robowaifu/. >And also: concrete is just cool in a nerdy way! :^)

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