/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

>>4163 I'm assuming the ones in your pic are some derivative of Harmony, and there actually are robowaifus.
>>4163 Assuming the momentum stays after Covid, but momentum is going to build regardless. I know the article says it's not just lonely men any more who buy these things but I'm sure the steady rise in that demographic will only help.
>>4165 They are from DS Doll Robotics https://dsdollrobotics.com/ https://twitter.com/roboticsds?lang=en It looks like China basically already has robowaifus if you are rich enough to afford on, which would make sense considering the gender imbalance due to female infanticide over there...
I can't wait until I finally build and develop my own fembot, since everyone seems to do it wrong or at least different from how I would like it. Maybe it's not possible. I'll see. How is that design here supposed to feel soft and human-like?
Here's the link to the article, without anti-adblocker: archive.is/bT4vu
>>4220 >I can't wait until I finally build and develop my own fembot Hi Anon. Yeah we all look forward to that. It will only come about through lots of hard work on all our parts though. >How is that design here supposed to feel soft and human-like? I'll assume your question is rhetorical, but we've sort of talked about this point and the general consensus seems to be to use some variation of plastic or foam, of differing stiffnesses and thicknesses applied to specific areas as needed. Basically we'd tune the soft surface 'skin' over an underlying hard (and strong) frame & shell. Does that help any?
>>4226 Hi, I'm following this forum for a while, so I'm aware of the concepts. I was criticizing or wondering about the bots in the first picture in this thread, since they only have space for a little bit of soft material eg skin on top of the plastics.
>>4231 >Hi, I'm following this forum for a while Hello Anon, glad you're posting here it always livens the place up. I'm curious what kinds of things you're studying atm about robowaifus? Any cool insights to share here with everyone? >I was criticizing or wondering about the bots in the first picture in this thread, since they only have space for a little bit of soft material eg skin on top of the plastics. It seems like a pretty sophisticated design at first glance. And with only some minor shell modifications I think you could add thin layers of advanced rubber/foam sheets that exists today to make very soft and appealing robowaifus out of the DS Doll systems. Pure supposition at this stage ofc, but seems a likely possibility, and certainly someone will solve this issue effectively. Heh, might as well be us, right /robowaifu/?
I'm inspired by it for a while, but didn't really build something yet. I want to wait till I moved, so I'll have space for doing all kind of things in parallel. I'm looking a bit in all kinds of related topics, and learn something, but it's much and I'm getting distracted sometimes. Currently I'm primarily looking into graph databases in combo with chat.
>>4245 >graph databases in combo with chat. Perfect. Mind sharing that info with everyone?

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