/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Fall seven times, stand up eight.” -t. Japanese Proverb

Those simple bare necessities Robowaifu Technician 09/01/2020 (Tue) 06:14:32 No.4908
Here we have Maslow's hiearchy of needs. A psychological theory that basically breaks down what a man needs and what he can seek out in life. This seems like a good framework to identify what niche your robowaifu can address in her function, and how exactly to accomplish that. I think the third tier up is what most of us seek from a robowaifu. No matter how inert your robowaifu is in function, even motionless plastic can give you a sense of connection if you project a personality onto it. What do you think? Does Maslow's hierarchy of needs as a theory relate to you and your projects? Is there anything to this at all?
>>4908 >Does Maslow's hierarchy of needs as a theory relate to you and your projects? Is there anything to this at all? Yes, I think it's pertinent Anon. I'll have to take some time to think about it before I can give you a salient answer, but yes, it's a good thread topic.
>>4908 I'd say robo-waifus could fill Esteem as well as Love and Belonging. Although I'd prefer ever man aim for self-validation, occasionally it's nice having external validation. A robo-waifu could provide that to some extent. What I find interesting in because my waifu is slim and athletic, I also aim to stay healthy and fit myself. Not just for better mental and physical health, but also to match my waifu/future waifbot XD
>>4918 >prefer ever every man aim for self-validation, Oops
>>4918 I believe the structure of the hierarchy suggests that building on the lower tiers is itself the path to the top. So yes, ideally this would all lead to self-actualization.
>>4921 >build from the foundation up That's a good point I hadn't actually realized before.
>>4921 I thought the discussion was just about which part of the hierarchy robo-waifus fulfill. But yeah, the structure must be done from bottom, so unless you have the lowest two sections, robo-waifus won't be of much use.
>>4924 The idea is that you could potentially build a robowaifu to fulfill any part of that hierarchy. Like for the physiological needs, a robowaifu that can help you keep track of your day-to-day health.
>>27853 I suspect that the culprit is either lobbying groups, or the people behind the chart genuinely felt the need to clarify. One thing to keep in mind is that not all sex leads to reproduction, and not all reproduction comes from sex (at least, not anymore). Whoever made the decision to change the exact word used clearly cares about that distinction. As for how robowaifus relate to the chart, I'd posit that they can provide substance to all five levels: (1) They provide sex if you follow the old wording. If you follow the new wording, one could stretch that the creation of a new form of existence in your image is a sort of reproduction. Alternately, the issue of reproduction will likely be solved within the decade. (2) They can provide (mental) health, and aid in the retention of property, resources (by helping you keep track of these things) and personal security (you can set her up to be your own personal surveillance network). (3) They can provide intimacy (both physcal and psychological) (4) They can help your self-esteem, and provide a sense of freedom. (5) They can help you become the most that you can be.
>>27867 >cannibalistic lesbians I won't ask, and I'd very much like it if you don't tell. >We already have a story about a world of men who forsook their women for gynoids Is it one I wrote, or are you referring to something older? >other versions of the chart That makes sense. Too many people have varying ideologies for there not to be several semantically different iterations of the same idea. Nonetheless, I think my point still stands regardless of what sits where in the chart.
Try no fap for a year i think thats what it means to be at the bottom of the hierarchy of needs lol

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