/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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Robowaifu Technician 10/29/2020 (Thu) 21:56:16 No.6187
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWI5KJvqIfg I have been working on creation of waifus using GANs etc... I've come across this project and I am totally amazed. Anyone has any idea how we can achive this much of a quality animation based GAN created characters? I think accomplishing this kind of work would have a huge impact on our progression. Calling all the people who posted at chatbot thread.
they have some amazing segmentation and inpainting models. Also they have some great hq datasets to work with. From what I heard, they seem to have the best data collected so far. I haven't seen any work close to this so far.
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>>6188 Looking at some old tweets from them I think it is safe to say that it doesn't look much different from StyleGan on portraits. The shoulders are bad, & most of the work is done by their data cleaning to simplify the problem. Interps & style mixing are nothing special either. Gwerns work with some whack data was able to create similar kind of characters. Also waifulabs - which is all run by StyleGan - can create some really quality characters from different positions. And notice that they are a game development studio which does not work on AI waifu creations. Looks like hype-bait to me to be honest. They probably cherrypicked some of the results and maybe even manually played it to create this kind of animations. And considering their budget and data that is well possible. I am not sure if they still use StyleGAN though. They do not drop even a clue. But honestly with the current state of it and the time they spent on it I think they use a different approach.
My chief concern is first and foremost Is this open-source? If not, then it's relatively useless to us here on /robowaifu/, other than tangentially as inspiration. Hand-drawn, meticulously-crated animu is far better in that role tbh.
>>6187 It appears the characters are generated with a GAN then another model separates the character pieces into textures for a Live2D model. They're not animated with AI, but there are techniques to do such a thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1b5aiTrGzY
Video on the state of anime GANs, anime created by AI, including animation for vtuber/avatar style animations: https://youtu.be/DX1lUelmyUo One of the guys mentioned in the video, creating a 3D model from a drawing, around 10:45 in the video above: https://github.com/t-takasaka - didn't really find which one it is on his Github yet, though. He seems to have some pose estimation to avatar in his repository, though. Other examples in the video might be more interesting for guys trying to build a virtual waifu. "Talking Head Anime 2", based on one picture: https://youtu.be/m13MLXNwdfY
>>16245 This would be tremendously helpful to us if we can find a straightforward way to accomplish this kind of thing in our robowaifu's onboard systems Anon ('character' recognition, situational awareness, hazard avoidance, etc.) Thanks! :^)

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