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“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.” -t. H. Jackson Brown

NLP General Robowaifu Technician 09/10/2019 (Tue) 05:56:12 No.77
AI Natural Language Processing general thread

>"Natural language processing is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and computational linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages."

>Computing Machinery and Intelligence

>Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) is a reading comprehension dataset, consisting of questions posed by crowdworkers on a set of Wikipedia articles, where the answer to every question is a segment of text, or span, from the corresponding reading passage, or the question might be unanswerable.
Know What You Don't Know: Unanswerable Questions for SQuAD
>Google Brain’s Neural Network AI has reportedly created its own universal language, which allows the system to translate between other languages without knowing them."

Google's Neural Machine Translation paper itself.
Stanford Log-linear Part-Of-Speech Tagger

>A Part-Of-Speech Tagger (POS Tagger) is a piece of software that reads text in some language and assigns parts of speech to each word (and other token), such as noun, verb, adjective, etc…"
Written in Java.
SO tag.
StanfordNLP's github. I'm currently playing with the GloVe repo.
NLTK, a set of Python modules for learning and developing NLP applications.

>The book is well-written, with plenty of examples and explanations for key NLP concepts."
I always see you post your lewd robot drawings, but you're pretty serious about making love to robots if you're on a board like this, aren't you?
If you aren't then why would you come to this place?
I guess so.
>making love
You couldn't pick a better choice of words.

Another interesting reference, closely related to NLP.
>Computational linguistics is the scientific and engineering discipline concerned with understanding written and spoken language from a computational perspective, and building artifacts that usefully process and produce language, either in bulk or in a dialogue setting."

The SEP in general contains many such state-of-the-art surveys. This one even mentions vidya and VNs at some point (Section 10.6, Applications).
But sadly, you couldn't create a robowaifu that has true AI, as in it actually thinks.
It's technically possible today, but completely unfeasible. It would also be something more along the lines of GLaDOS than normal sized humanoid with completely unconventional hardware and software that wouldn't function anything like what we use today.
I think as long as it's convincing enough I'd be happy with it
>tfw poor sap studying linguistics in college
>the more I learn, the more I become aware of what a fragile, complex and in the end absurd and ever-fluctuating system languages are that rely on second guessing yourself and your conversational partner at least half of the time
>grow more and more convinced that the fact we can communicate at all is either a big misunderstanding or a miracle as great as life itself
>tfw people are attempting to make machines understand the complexities of human language based on a binary system of truth values
well wha'am tryana say is 無理で、ごめん
>tfw people are attempting to make machines understand the complexities of human language based on a binary system of truth values
Better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all anon. Or something like that. I may never be able to understand everything in this life, but I'm going to tack a whack at it!
>convincing enough
Maybe that's all we really are to each other.
The reality is that we're just brute forcing it.
While we do not exactly remember every sentence we've ever heard and read, we remember patterns and use them if we've seen them enough times to know the right context.
>Maybe that's all we really are to each other.
Heh, maybe. But I suspect intangibles are there that go deeper than just language tbh.

Yes, I think all physical life very pattern based and dependent on learning them successfully. Fortunately the purely mathematical approach to machine learning that is now standard today does this incredibly efficiently. It's the underlying basis on both the improvements recently in audio and video recognition systems, and is the underlying approach that will soon give us self driving cars. All of this plays into bring robowaifus about too ofc.
NLP course
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Thanks Anon, great info!




I'm adamantly opposed to the SJW shitfest Mozilla has become now, but the project license should allow us to do whatever we want with it AFAIK, including creating cuddly cute robowaifus. I'd like any legalanons to confirm that or no please.

on-topic related crosspost (possibly a dup ITT)

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, which anon pointed out here. [[5085

Discusses an NLU approach by the OpenAI guys that apparently outperforms GPT-2, and is entirely unsupervised. Use the WebText corpus.
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I propose we approach teaching our waifus English in a similar way that an ESL student (casually or otherwise) needs only to learn a smaller subset of the language to become reasonably proficient and from there can branch off into a more wide-ranging vocabulary. Since we would have to start somewhere with such an effort I offer this list as a reasonably good starting point for a short list of English words from Cambridge University for such a purpose. >
>>7005 Thanks, this might become handy. But, I think this makes more sense in regard to the speech recognition part, since this is harder. Imagine we had a database of definitions of words. So we could have a long list of words which are for example fruits or means of movement, then I wouldn't filter out many or even any of them, but putting it into the model / graph database. Though, a waifu could have smaller databases for more common things, things at home, things she experienced, more common words, ...
>>7005 Interestingly AI also learns a lot more efficiently when taught with simple lessons first but it's not really clear yet on how to structure teaching something from absolute zero knowledge beyond giving simple data first. There might come a day when we can analyze our models by seeing if they fail certain tests which will suggest which data needs to be trained on. Generative teaching networks might provide some insight here. ESL students also practice learning to discern the correct words to use by being given a sentence with masked words and multiple choices to pick from, which is similar to using a contrastive triplet loss function that learns much faster than trying to guess from scratch. I think it's going to be useful not to focus too much on language alone. We should try thinking outside the box to speed up learning. Input from people not familiar with AI might provide more useful ideas here. I've been training a tiny GPT model (80M parameters vs. the smallest 345M parameter model) and it plateaued pretty hard at a perplexity of 32. No amount of new English data could improve the model further so I started training it on C++ and Python code instead and now it's reaching 24 on English with 72 on C++ compared to 400 when it started. For those not familiar with word perplexity it just means it has the same probability of being correct as randomly picking a word from x number of words containing the correct word. Native-level perplexity is estimated to be about 12 on common English but it depends on the difficulty of the text. In 2-3 months I'll take a shot at generating a dataset with these ESL words and see if it's possible to achieve a minimal amount of perplexity using a minimal amount of data. The approach I take to learning Japanese is by learning the most frequent words first because it's the biggest return on investment and I can guess the meaning of most sentences even though I don't know that many words. This will be a much more intelligent approach than Big Tech's way of feeding an endless amount of uncurated data and GPUs in with no actual improvement to the models or training method. I threw an entire GB of English data at my model for example and it made no improvement at all but just 10 MB of C++ code to practice on and it started improving on English like magic. This is the kind of data we want to find. It gives me an idea to build a 'curative mentor network' that tests a student network to figure out which data the student needs to improve rapidly, rather than only attempting to invent new helpful data like a generative teaching network.
>>7098 >We should try thinking outside the box to speed up learning. OK, here's my take: As humans, we are innately wired for language in the very design of our neural tissue, probably even into the realm of the design of our DNA. This is part of us created inside us before our births even. Thereafter, as young children we begin picking up language by parroting our parents/siblings/etc. and gauging the responses socially-speaking. All of these training shots stored in our near & long-term memories are also guided by the context environmentally-speaking. In other words, you learn very young the right things to say and the right times to say them based on purely external factors. Parent's auto-selecting 'baby-talk' and then progressively more complex may be a factor in how quickly we progress. But it's the astounding facility of the imaginations we possess that allow us to begin to quickly internalize these lessons, and then to creatively reassemble them into novel ideas (and effectively thence into an increased vocabulary) is probably an important key to understanding what differentiates us from mere animals. A materialst view that we are nothing but a mere specialization of them will be fruitless IMO, we are simply qualitatively different. This is part of what sets us apart, and it will behoove us in our efforts here to try to unravel what this distinction is and how to capitalize on it. >perplexity So just to check if I'm getting some idea of the meaning, a lower score is indicative of more accuracy inside the model? >so I started training it on C++ and Python code instead <[desire to know more intensifies]* >The approach I take to learning Japanese is by learning the most frequent words first because it's the biggest return on investment and I can guess the meaning of most sentences even though I don't know that many words. Seems sensible on the surface of it to me. >This is the kind of data we want to find. <again, gibb more details plox. >This is the kind of data we want to find. It gives me an idea to build a 'curative mentor network' that tests a student network to figure out which data the student needs to improve rapidly, rather than only attempting to invent new helpful data like a generative teaching network. This sounds both interesting and innovative, but I have little idea what that even means, much less how it would be implemented. I just hope we can create robowaifus than can interact immersively with us using nothing but their internal, mobile, onboard computation systems. Just like on my favorite Chinese Cartoons.
>>7103 >But it's the astounding facility of the imaginations we possess that allow us to begin to quickly internalize these lessons, and then to creatively reassemble them into novel ideas (and effectively thence into an increased vocabulary) is probably an important key to understanding what differentiates us from mere animals. This gives me an idea to train GPT2 on its own imagined predictions. A generative adversarial loss could also be added so predictions become more natural over time. >In other words, you learn very young the right things to say and the right times to say them based on purely external factors. Something I've been working to implement is giving rewards for each word generated. If the model generates a mostly good sentence but messes one word up, it can get direct and specific feedback on what was good and what was bad. Suggestions on which words could be used in place of a mistake could also be given as feedback rather than just a meaningless reward. Eventually I'd like to expand this to a completely non-linear reward function generated from human feedback so you can just say 'stop doing that' or 'I like it when you say that' and the model will understand and adjust itself accordingly, rather than the ridiculous approach in RL right now to maximize gathering as much low-hanging fruit as possible. I think it's a big mistake trying to automate everything. A model can only be as good as its loss function and there is no better source of data than a live human being to interact with. Machine learning has everything backwards by trying to generate context from rules created from lifeless data. The way people actually behave is by generating rules from the context. AI needs to be capable of adjusting itself on the fly according to the context rather than being stuck approaching everything the same way. Even with our own great capacity to learn and adapt, children raised in the wild are almost impossible to rehabilitate into society. AI behaves in a similar way. When a model becomes habituated or overtrained on a certain type of data it becomes very difficult to retrain it without re-initializing weights. Most of our intelligence isn't really innate but instilled in us through our culture and interactions with others. If someone lived in the wild all their life, they wouldn't even dream of landing a rocket on Mars or creating a society of catgirl meidos because the mind is limited to recombining and remixing the data it has gathered. >So just to check if I'm getting some idea of the meaning, a lower score is indicative of more accuracy inside the model? Yeah. The idea is to create a teacher network of sorts that arranges the data into a curriculum by testing different arrangements and seeing which order of data the student networks achieve the lowest perplexity/most accurate predictions with, similar to generative teaching networks but using pre-existing data instead of generated. AI models learn best when they learn simple skills first and progress to much harder ones. They also seem to benefit from learning unrelated skills such as training on C++ code. I'm not sure what it's actually learning from them to achieve a breakthrough but I imagine it's similar to how we learn to do new things like cook food in a microwave by someone noticing a chocolate bar melting in his pocket next to radar tube, or how doing basketball drills looks nothing like basketball but improves a person's game. >I just hope we can create robowaifus than can interact immersively with us using nothing but their internal, mobile, onboard computation systems. Same, we got a lot of work to do though to make them that efficient. I think we will look back at these times and laugh at AI algorithms of today like they're vacuum tubes. Recently I figured out how to translate a dense n-dimensional encoding into any arbitrary new dense encoding with perfect accuracy. However ideally it requires O(2^n) parameters to solve it in a few thousand steps. I managed to reduce this down to O(n^2) and still eventually reach 100% but it learns far slower and is still too many parameters. For GPT2 to perform well the embedding needs at least 1024 dimensions. With my techniques I've managed to bring this down to 256 and achieve encouraging results so far but it's still going to take weeks to find where it bottoms out. Despite this setback, to train vanilla GPT2 from scratch on this GPU it would take over 1400 years so I think I'm on the right track at least. I don't even like GPT2 because it uses so many parameters and has no useful holistic hidden representation of the context, but tinkering around with it and having so many constraints to workaround has taught me a lot.
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I'm currently working on my project which uses a scripted system as outer layer >>7605 but of course will use other programs to analyse inputs and create it's own responses. I'm currently looking into descriptions and tutorials of existing software and libraries which implement methods to parse and analyze language. I just want to put some notes in here, to prevent others to reimplement things which are already there or to generally know what's already easily possible. Recently I'm going through Python NLTK. You can generally get help in within Python shell like ipython by using help(nltk) after "import nltk" and then for submodules like help(nltk.submodule). For today, here just some examples for things which are already solved: - calculate the frequency distribution tokens e.g. words - also categorized word lists like stopwords, such as "the," "of," "a," "an," come with it and can be filtered out from results of a frequency distribution - Tokenization is the term for splitting texts. This can be done per word or sentence. Unlike a simple split function it acknowledges things like "Mr." as a word on it's own, not a sentence. Therefore it behaves different from language to language. - You can also get a synonym or antonyms (opposite words) from NLTK in very few lines, same for definitions and examples of a chosen terms. - Removing affixes from words and returning the root word is called (word) stemming. NLTK can also do that for us. E.g. dance is the stem of dancing. Here is tutorial describing these things in detail: https://likegeeks.com/nlp-tutorial-using-python-nltk/ which is often only a few lines of code per problem. I will go on with my list here another day and write about my experiences.
>>7837 >- Tokenization is the term for splitting texts. This can be done per word or sentence. Unlike a simple split function it acknowledges things like "Mr." as a word on it's own, not a sentence. Therefore it behaves different from language to language. Ahh, makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to explain that Anon. >I will go on with my list here another day and write about my experiences. Look forward to it, thanks for the link.
What is your opinion using higher-order Markov chains for text generation? Would it be useful, or is it too simplistic?
>>8200 >using higher-order Markov chains for text generation Sure why not? >Would it be useful Yes, ofc. >or is it too simplistic? Again, yes. All NN-based approaches are too simplistic for now. GPT-3 is the best we've done atm, yet it's entirely brain-dead and doesn't 'understand' a word it's saying. It's behaviour is simply a yuge statistical model based on actual human's text output (well, mostly humans heh). Just start where you're at Anon. You'll get better as you go along. If you have an implementation of higher-order Markov chains for text generation that you can understand how it works well enough to modify it successfully to more closely align with your goals, then use it! You're already in the top 1/2 of 1 percent of the population in this regard. BTW, please share your progress and code here on /robowaifu/ as you go along, thanks.
>ivan-bilan/The-NLP-Pandect >A comprehensive reference for all topics related to Natural Language Processing >This pandect (πανδέκτης is Ancient Greek for encyclopedia) was created to help you find almost anything related to Natural Language Processing that is available online. https://github.com/ivan-bilan/The-NLP-Pandect
>>8496 Thanks Anon, repo cloned. That's a lot of links!
>>8496 Thanks I discovered EleutherAI through your post. Apparently it's a group attempting to create a fully open-source alternative to (((OpenAI)))'s GPT-3. We wish Godspeed to them, obviously. https://eleuther.ai/ https://github.com/EleutherAI
>related crosspost (>>10613, >>10614)
> (>>16308 - related crosspost, NLP HaD article)
Overview over the anticipated progress in automatic speech recognition (ASR) till 2030: https://thegradient.pub/the-future-of-speech-recognition/ - This is something which will be absolutely essential for any attempt to build robowaifus or virtual girlfriends. Gladly it looks good and most likely the tech will also be widely available. Though, this seems to be more true for the tools, not so much for the systems themselves. The article mostle refers to "commercial ASR systems". Also, multi-linguality is still a problem, many systems seem not to like speakers mixing languages. Anyways, let's hope progress with the commercial ones means good chances for open source variants.
>>8507 This is the person maintaining the eleutherAI project. We need to kick troons out of open source tech. https://github.com/StellaAthena
>>17826 >We need to kick troons out of open source tech. It is definitely a serious issue, and SJWs & pozz have ruined many, many good projects. This is why we must work diligently to ensure that at least this open-source project (sets of them, actually) remain Anon & male-focused and pozz-free. >tl;dr Kinda like playing 'whack-a-mole' whenever it rears it's evil heads, but with a flammenwerfer rather than a mallet. :^)
>crosslink-related (>>17990, ...)
https://www.reddit.com/r/LanguageTechnology/comments/1451cih/preprocessing_methods_besides_stop_words_regular/ Advance Preprocessing: https://youtu.be/aeUE9AXO5Ss >Preprocessing methods: - Punctuation removal - Emoticons removal - Case normalization - Duplicated words, chars in the row removal - Grammar normalization - Text segmentation or dividing the text into well-formatted distinct lexical units - Conversion of acronyms, abbreviations, and non-alphanumeric characters or symbols into appropriate descriptors of words or phrases - Numeric expressions such as: numbers, weights and measures, dates and times, fractions, etc. - The conversion is grammatically correct for integers - Expressions are sensitive to gender (masculine and feminine) - The conversion responds to the specificity of grammar concerning the nominative, accusative, and genitive forms - Deemojification - Deduplication of words - If it's batch processing, you can look for the longest common string postfix (it can remove signatures of emails, you can do it from the end and beginning) - Anonymization - You can replace specific terms with more semantically salient terms - Handle multi-word expressions, e.g., New York -> new_york, vitamin a -> vitamin_a, etc. >ChatGPT: Apologies for the duplication. Here's the revised list of additional preprocessing methods, excluding those mentioned in the first list: - Spell checking and correction - Tokenization (splitting text into individual words or tokens) - Part-of-speech tagging (assigning grammatical tags to words) - Named entity recognition (identifying and classifying named entities like names, locations, organizations) - Chunking or shallow parsing (grouping words into syntactic phrases) - Dependency parsing (analyzing the grammatical structure and relationships between words) - Sentiment analysis (determining the sentiment or emotion conveyed by the text) - Language detection (identifying the language of the text) - Entity resolution (disambiguating and linking entities to a common reference) - Coreference resolution (determining the references of pronouns or noun phrases) - Synonym replacement or augmentation - Negation handling (detecting and handling negated words or phrases) - N-gram extraction (extracting contiguous sequences of words) - Term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) weighting - Word embedding representation (converting words into dense vector representations) - Topic modeling (identifying and extracting latent topics from the text) - Text summarization (generating a concise summary of the text) - Named entity disambiguation (resolving ambiguous mentions of named entities) - Cross-language translation or machine translation - Error analysis and quality control of preprocessing steps.
>>23749 Neat thanks. I'm already doing a fair whack of this for Waifusearch (and it's runs in the nanoseconds regime for me on my potatoe). Should be straightforward to do much of this even for beginners we'll be touching on this performant text-processing during the fourth, final phase of our C++ class next year.
>>23749 Lol, I just wanted to write this again. >>24904 > Traditional Parsing https://www.reddit.com/r/LanguageTechnology/comments/1451cih/preprocessing_methods_besides_stop_words_regular/ We'll need some of that the parse the outputs from LLMs but also the inputs from voice recognition: - stop words, regular expressions, lemmatization, stemming, punctuation removal, emoticons removal, case normalization, duplicated words, chars in the row removal, grammar normalization, text segmentation, - conversion of acronyms, abbreviations, and non-alphanumeric characters or symbols into appropriate descriptors of words or phrases - detecting and identifying numeric expressions in texts in order to translate them into regular orthographic transcription (in appropriate word sequences)
I realize that Python is becoming the de-facto lingua franca of AI/ML, but I am curious as to NLP libraries /with the breadth of NLTK/ that are available in other programming languages. Just about the only extensive example I found is for Lua [ https://github.com/pncnmnp/LuaNLP ]. Not that I am specifically opposed to Python, but I was surprised at the paucity of other resources and would welcome any findings from the team here. >=== -patch hotlink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/26/2023 (Sat) 23:00:53.
>>24928 Noted and thanks for your input as well. It seems my post was already edited, but I will keep formatting in mind from here on out.
>>24923 If you create a little program that can be called in Linux, it doesn't matter to me much what language you use. I've heard only positive things about Lua. Though Python will get much faster with Mojo. Whatever, I prefer having rather slow code over having no code. Posting on topic resources relating to other languages than Python in this thread would be good, but if it becomes a language comparison (war), then it's better to switch over to the thread about programming languages: >>128
>Steven Pinker, author of The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language (1994) and co-founder of the Center for Cognitive Science, discusses his theory that language is a human instinct and not a human invention. Pinker defines language as ambiguous, and he believes that this ambiguity leads to the separation of words, meanings, and thoughts. He explores examples of what does and does not qualify as language, and demonstrates differences in sentence structure, dialects, pronouns, and meanings. The lecture concludes with audience questions. https://youtu.be/eOUKcAFa_HQ It's difficult to make notes while listening to something and not having something to write at hand, but I try to do that, since otherwise I forget the important parts. Some takeaways for our use case here: - important to realize that not all our thoughts are based on words but some come for example from imagine an image. - words are just suggestions that call trains of thought to mind, which need to be interpolated. There are assumed premises which are not expressed in the language itself. - special faculty of the mind, not general intelligence. - reading and writing are separate. - humans have some inborn way to create a language, children seem to reinvent the language based on what they hear and interactions. Learn a sense of how the grammar works and then go from there. - meanings and thoughts are separate from words - high school seniors have 60k words in their dictionary. - the order in phrases is important to convey the meaning (e.g. who did what to whom). - 100 trillion million sentences with 20 words or less. - languages are infinitely big.
>Top 10 most cited and influential papers in the history of NLP >In this video, I cover the top ten most cited and influential papers in the history of natural language processing, ranked by the number of Google Scholar citations. Some of these papers are new, while others are quite old. Not all of them use neural networks, but each one has made a significant impact in the field. 0:43 - Transformer (2017) 1:27 - LSTM (1997) 2:31 - BERT (2019) 3:17 - LDA (2003) 4:11 - Word2Vec (2013) 5:04 - GLoVE (2014) 5:54 - Encoder-decoder (2014) 6:46 - Attention (2015) 8:06 - BLEU (2002) 8:59 - Encoder-decoder (2014) 9:32 - WordNet (1995) >Papers referenced: 1. "Attention Is All You Need" by Ashish Vaswani et al. (2017) 2. "Long Short-Term Memory" by Sepp Hochreiter and Jürgen Schmidhuber (1997) 3. "BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding" by Jacob Devlin et al. (2019) 4. "Latent Dirichlet Allocation" by David M. Blei, Andrew Y. Ng, and Michael I. Jordan (2003) 5. "Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space" by Tomas Mikolov et al. (2013) 6. "GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation" by Jeffrey Pennington, Richard Socher, and Christopher D. Manning (2014) 7. "Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate" by Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, and Yoshua Bengio (2015) 8. "Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation" by Kyunghyun Cho et al. (2014) 9. "BLEU: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation" by Kishore Papineni et al. (2002) 10. "Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks" by Ilya Sutskever, Oriol Vinyals, and Quoc V. Le (2014) 11. "WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database" by George A. Miller (1995) https://youtu.be/qQ9dF4PE0_0
>>30046 This is a great comment thanks for it.

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