/strek/ - Hasperat Removal

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Simple Tailor 08/19/2019 (Mon) 15:02:16 No.305
I finally get /strek/ and start pouring my heart and soul into it, and 8chan is kill. I didn't even know there was a /strek/ here. I didn't even know there was a here. I was just checking out smuglo.li and found /strek/. At least it's good to be /strek/posting again.

The glory of /strek/ can not be killed!
There's some that play STO but cause of timezone differences haven't been on to tell them to come here.
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Is STO actually good?
It's not bad. Not great, but not bad.
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No but do it anyway.
It was an okay game 5 years ago.
It's not good now. Way past its prime and the game only stays afloat because people like to buy $300-$400 ships.
As anons said, was good at one point but it's really gone to shit. It's a lootbox simulator now where you can play Waifu dressup on a good day.
Here's one of STO's non cucked oldfag players commenting on the current state of the game (video is a couple days old).

So when do they actually comment and stop being retards?
Can you cut to or at least webm the relevant bits?
If you need a tl;dr STO isn't for you. You'll be very disappointed.
Former STO players wouldn't mind a TL;DR etiher. I haven't played for a good while, I'd just like a quick set of bullet points of what's happened since then to make the game worse.
Depends on how long it's been since you played. Cryptic only releases lootbox content now, with actual game content as a second priority. The latest content has all been Discovery based, and despite there being a couple of good missions (and a good STF in Pahvo Dissension) Cryptic really fucked up and added a "Random STF (now called TFO)" feature, which rewards you with a crap ton of Dilithium, but is only enabled for Advanced Queues. At around the same time they made Elite content harder all around, and the ground STF community is basically non-existent anymore.

They also for (god know's what reason) buffed Cannon and Hanger builds. Oh and Beam Overload too. FAW is absolute dog shit now - one of the worst Tac abilities in the game.

These changes didn't impact the "cool kid's club", and many people on (((reddit))) cried out that they want harder content, yet the only ESTF pugs do is Starbase 1 because you can afk it.

Should have mentioned that most people just smash Admirality & the random TFO queue. Good luck trying to get some of the fun, STFs done. You're unlikely to see anything pop besides Random TFO, ISA and CCA unless you want to wait a long time, or organize a queue in one of the 5 chat channels that are still alive.

Most people play the game to get the new ships any ways. It's just dress up in space. People blew a gasket when the Discovery Enterprise was in an R&D Pack (just like the Temporal Constitution). Good luck spending $300 worth of EC on that.
Keep in mind that Advanced STFs/SFOs (I just can't decided on an acronym to use) are so braindead easy, but most of them can be slept through and have hard timers. Good luck doing nothing for 15 minutes to get 1440 Dilithium and an R&D Box. Might as well just afk Admiralty and not even play the game.
I meant TFOs (not SFOs, what the hell is an SFO). Keep in mind that there's no longer a way to make EC in the game because nobody is playing Ground ESTFs (historically the only way to make "good" money was from selling Salvaged Technology, a reward only from Elite STFs). This means you're probably better off just buying keys with real money if you want to make any sensible progression in the game / aren't an autist with 50+ character slots (and the time to slave away like a filthy chinaman) to milk Admiralty.
That all sounds pretty gay. I heard they'd taken out community maps, too, some of which were a decent way to get EC. I think the last time I played was when the Voss content and other Delta Quadrant stuff was released.
Yes, they removed the foundry earlier this year because the game is basically on life support and their devs are all working on some MTG game. Also yes, it used to be a fairly decent way to get EC.
The Foundry was sadly the thing making the game remotely interesting. Especially with the Hasperat Removal maps.
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>have to do STD content in STO to get the latest playable Elachi ship
>otherwise you have to pay $60
These devs are trying my patience harder each day.
>>444 (checked)
Oh nice we have flags now
Board is on the claims list
I'm too slow. Someone else already got to it.
That was me, since you're back I'll withdraw the claim.
> strek
> dead board
Yea that's kinda because there's nothing going on in strek right now. What do you expect from a niche board?
Just try to remember to log-in once every two weeks BO. I waited to transfer the board because I figured you'd show back up.
Shouldnt be too long until Picard right? I expect itll be good fun laughing at how badly they will fuck that up.
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Shit, I've just found this board. I didn't know /strek/ was still around.

There's no reason to play STO, these days they only make content related to the Kurtzmanverse.
>Just try to remember to log-in once every two weeks BO.
I have no life. That won't be hard.
>>451 >Just try to remember to log-in once every two weeks BO BO, we thank you for your service.
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>>453 Shit, guess I'll just play all those old Trek games in my backlog. Elite Force sounds fun.
>>845 Nice. Let us know how it goes.

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