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Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 02:48:11 No.496
What happened to Wil Wheaton? Why did he become such a colossal faggot?
The Power of Soy™ in fact of course. Don't try it a home kids.
I was under the impression he's always been that way.
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Wheaton was always an asshole. He turned into a bully when he joined the Camel on their journey to become the self-proclamed king and queen of the geeks™.
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He was bowling with Sheldon Cooper, last I saw of him.
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>"A DS9 actor died but let's talk about me instead"
Fuck that guy.
Does he still seek attention on leddit? Many years ago he had a defense force on there.
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>heavily pushes twatter alternative where it's easier to ban people for "problematic" shit
>quickly gets banned from it & cries & bitches & moans
He's such an oblivious faggot you'd almost swear he's been doing an extremely long running Borat tier satire character.
Daily reminder that will is older than Alex Jones
Trekmovie interviewed him recently and the guy desperately wants to guest star in Kurtzman Trek.
>>801 Just when you think he can't be any more of a piece of shit...
>>802 Being the host of an after show where he gets to interview and suck Akiva Goldsman's cock after each episode of STD and Picard wasn't enough.
>>803 Always more. He's a classic attention whore.

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