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Welcome to /cow/ Toad 04/25/2021 (Sun) 07:01:20 ID: 2aaf77 No.101360
Welcome to /cow/ /cow/ is the finest corner on the underbelly of the internet to discuss lolcows, or retarded individuals chuckles that can be milked for amusement. Rules 1. New threads must have a subject and pertain to established or potential lolcows. Off-topic discussion is permitted on Fridays in >>40288 2. Don't break US laws (SSNs, CP, etc.) Board Information 1. SpacePirate closed n0chan because he was tired of paying for it. NekoArc closed 888chan because he was tired of paying for it. 8chan died as a result of the (((El Paso shooting))), Julayworld was reorganized into Alogspace now Alogsspace because Robi no longer wanted to manage as a large a website. 2. I am only managing the board in JEWS absence, in his own words "I will return when the lolcows return," should he return he shall get full control, I am not the new BO. 3. #julayworld and #/cow/ on rizon are useful places to get into contact with the sites managers https://wiki.rizon.net/index.php?title=Register_your_nickname https://wiki.rizon.net/index.php?title=VHost 4. https://alogs.space/ is the main domain name, https://julay.world also redirects there
Edited last time by oldestfag on 04/05/2022 (Tue) 07:08:41.
>>232712 >>233269 >seething tvtroons fuck off back to tvch, tranny.
>>230823 >tvtroons are this angry lmfao this shit is so pathetic at this point. Why can't you fucking losers stay on your shitty tranny website? Oh, bickers you killed it! Your fucking problem. Fuck off.
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HATER On Show?! Broke Men Should NOT Date? (VIRAL) VIRGIN GIGACHAD! 7 Girls! | Dating Talk #121 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uuugoxYKUA
>>234287 You should die
p.p.p is fat
>>236039 King of pol is a fag
>>236209 t. Gayhoole
Anyone interested in making a thread about Sweetie Squad and Metokur fanboys? Most of his paypiggies and fans are indeed lolcow tier. https://nitter.1d4.us/butthungriley/status/1735832598708899902#m
I don't know if this guy is worthy of his own thread or not, but have any of you heard of ZelinkOP? He's a Cuckchan Premium user who spams countless threads obsessing over Zelda and Link fucking or whatever. Claims to be married(doubt). The most amusing part of his threads are the guy that hides Nikakado Avocado's asshole into random images, combine that with gaslighting ZelinkOP, and he went full schizophrenic, accusing everyone of posting 'Cados, even if there's nothing there. This supposedly straight man, gained the ability to detect a fat faggot's ass in any picture, whilst also suffering from hallucinations of assholes. Funniest fucking thing.
>>238532 You need permission from the king (robi) before making a thread, just wait him to come out of his coke binge.
>>238536 I wasn't going to make a thread, just felt like he was worth a mention 'cause he's a creepy asshole obsessed with coinslots and children's game character fucking. The thread would die instantly.
>>238538 Well the thread will die instantly bickers nobody posts here, stick to the sharty.
>>238541 Like I said, just wanted to know if anyone else has had a run-in with this fag.
>>238532 >>238538 >>238542 Any links for this sped?
>>238545 I can also link has entry on the 'sharty, if that's allowed.
>>238552 And now ZelinkOP (or one of his boyfriends) is stalking me on zzz/v/. Excellent.
https://zzzchan.xyz/v/thread/231209.html Here's a Zelink cultist in action. We're looking at history in the making here. Notice that he calls anyone who doesn't waste obscene amounts of time fantasizing about Zelda and Link a tranny. He may be projecting.
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>>238555 Yeah, think this guy's thread-worthy? These are the only sources I have at the moment, the 'sharty may have more dirt on him, but I don't really wanna interact with soyG​AMERGATEs.
>>238557 And now he's shitting up the thread. I wanna talk about Zelda, not Zelda sex.
>>238560 He's lost it. He's fucking obsessed with me. He's actually insane. Holy shit.
>>238561 He won't shut the fuck up.
>>238532 >cuckchan premium >in 2023 >niko fagocado Zoomers are vermin. Zoomers are jews.
He's stalking this thread. Be wary.
>>238617 >>238599 >>238562 >>238561 >>238560 >>238557 >>238554 >>238553 >>238552 >>238549 Here lies zzzpedo pathetic attempt at gathering a personal army https://archive.ph/YJt2B
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Hello, Eiji Aonuma here. Yes, Zelink is canon. In fact, after Tears Of The Kingdom, I wrote an epilogue where Zelda gave rimjobs to Link, every single day. Obviously we couldn't actually put this, explicitly, in the game, but me and the team were very amused by the idea. Somehow some of our fans read our minds and drew these, which I approve, I showed it to the team, 'Wow.' 'Erotic!' I decided to join in on the conversation bickers this website is really invested into what we created, I am honored and humbled. Feel free to share this message, no one will believe I said this.
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>I wasn't going to make a thread, just felt like he was worth a mention 'cause he's a creepy asshole obsessed with coinslots and children's game character fucking.
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>https://zzzchan.xyz/v/thread/231209.html >Here's a Zelink cultist in action. We're looking at history in the making here. Notice that he calls anyone who doesn't waste obscene amounts of time fantasizing about Zelda and Link a tranny. He may be projecting.
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>>238624 Y O Y
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>Here's a Zelink cultist in action. We're looking at history in the making here. Notice that he calls anyone who doesn't waste obscene amounts of time fantasizing about Zelda and Link a tranny. He may be projecting. >OPgits banned by jannyy anyway
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>>>238561 >He won't shut the fuck up.
Jesus, what happened in this thread?
>>241726 Ye What?
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What prements G​AMERGATEs getting married? Like to know
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Unlock the locked threads, Robi
On the topic of imageboard sweaty gamers (looking at you Mark), what's the deal with Heyuri? aside from the site exemplifying the cancer that's killing modern imageboards

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