/cow/ - Lolcows

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Mark Mann - #2 Anonymous 04/21/2020 (Tue) 08:14:22 ID: 2009db No.45039
Mark Mann Facts: + Mark has over 500gb of CP on his hard drive + Mark autistically watches loli child pornography all day + Mark is an ethnic jew. + Mark loves cake + Mark weighs almost 300lbs. + Mark would intentionally leave CP up on 8/v/ for days at a time + Mark has posted many videos/pictures of his anus and naked body online for homosexual attention + Mark would use his global administration on 8ch/8kun to moderate/ban people from /pol/ or other boards for whatever he felt like completely ignoring the rules. + Mark wants to become a security guard at an elementary school so that he has access to children that he can abuse. + Mark runs a CP ring on discord where he requires your real name, face, address, and phone number so that he can blackmail you or turn you over to the feds. + Mark bans anyone who speaks against him or criticises him in the slightest + Mark recieved $2k a month from Jim for doing various "errands" between 2015-2020 + Mark regularly wipes "All Posts by IP" which turns every thread on the board into swiss cheese + Mark attempted to monetize and sell Gondolas + Mark spams cyclical threads using a VPN in order to "push" conversations he doesn't like out of the thread. + Mark forced all of /v/ back onto the federal 8kun honeypot so that he could keep getting paid to be a janitor. + Mark will ban you for 4 weeks from /v/ for having a different opinion about video games than him. + Mark REALLY likes nintendo switch + Mark will delete/ban Anons with the blanket reason "spam" which covers any opinions he doesn't like or games he doesn't believe should be discussed. + Mark believes that he is the arbiter of "chan culture" and that no /v/ should be allowed to exist unless he is in direct control. + Mark regularly will spam, derail, and shit up discussions on other boards that are critical of him.
>>218404 Holy fuck, hes still coping all these years later, thank you for sharing this gold anon.
>>218404 Absolute golden markG​AMERGATE meltdown
>>218404 UPDATE TIME! Mark Mann(sweaty gamer) is currently leaking private user info only he has access to bickers someone told him to kill himself. MARK CONFIRMED TO BROWSE USER INFO OF ANYONE THAT MOCKS HIM AND LEAK IT AT THE SLIGHTEST PROVOCATION https://8chan.moe/v/res/640607.html I bet that's why he makes up all the boogeymen like "G​AMERGATEpill" or "LCP" in his mind, he thinks there is a cabal of trolls out to get him and he "confirms it" by violating privacy of random users. Of course, since he is an idiot, he is wrong and unknowingly just confirms what everyone has been assuming all along: That 8blacked.gov is a honeypot that harvests user info and leaks it when appropriate. Linking another image where something like this happened recently
>>218443 >still [posting on cakeboi.simp Are you that lonely or desperate for friends? Imageboards are dead. Long live the new flesh.
>>218444 Why would I post there? The only thing that shithole is good for is harvesting lolcow my jewish mother, and boy has there been a lot to my jewish mother lately
*lolcow m1lk, don't remember these retarded filters last time I posted here Anyways, the kike ran off and he will probably start seething once he realizes that leaking user info on a whim was a bad idea
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>>218443 And they still wonder why nobody goes to their shitty ni/gg/er threads anymore truly underrated lolcow material.
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Mark Mann(sweaty gamer) recently got bummed bickers all his efforts to get a job went about as well as expected when he unironically wrote on his resume that his previous experience includes "managing a website" and listed a site he is a BO on, known for hosting CP among other things there. The thread was a treasure so I screencapped it, kike might need to start flipping burgers before long, why? If you recall, recently he had to beg his users for some donation money so he could pay off his sky high jew york city taxes, he tried to do so by starting a stream to "help with site costs", but was then shutdown by site staff who said they have no need to raise any money for the site. I believe that image can be found somewhere in the general 8chan.moe thread I also found a funny 'jak on the sharty that looks like Mark Mann(sweaty gamer), feel free to use it as you see fit
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This one originally had nothing to do with the fat kike, but he just came by and was one-hit killed by another niGGer and I had to include it
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>>219830 Update: Mark sperged out and not only made an ass of himself(again) but deleted the posts he claimed were "revisionism" Dumb kike has skin thinner than his penis and then tries to "correct the record", as if he was fooling anybody. How hilarious. Oh, and he doubled down and claimed he IS /v/ again, while in the same breath admitting that the only reason he quit a good paying job from the pig farmer and his site was bickers he couldn't goon it to pictures of little girls anymore. Little wonder this thread is still active, 3 years later.
>>219596 >the sharty It's weird seeing newfag Zoomers talk about 8chan as if they were there.
>>219836 Why post on /v/ when there's >>>/kong/, the superior alternative.
>>219596 >that thread Yeah, Mark's life is fucked. He got lucky in the past but luck runs out. He is over thirty with literally no skills, experience, or degrees. He will be stocking shelves until 70. I wonder how many guys besides myself from 8chan were able to cobble together a career? Probably not many.
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>>219836 I can't believe it, this is STILL GOING! I had time to go out and touch grass, go to bed, wake up, eat, shit and do other things, and they are STILL having their little slapfight about "revisionism" In particular, the anon who had his posts deleted in second pic is now constantly reposting information that was deleted, while Mark Mann(pedo) and his jannies keep deleting it. This isn't the first time a scorn niGGer had his posts deleted and then did everything he could to make Mark miserable for a few hours, so this could go on for a while. He will likely shut that whole board down due to "Bypass Denials" so that nobody who already doesn't have a captcha active can post on his board(That includes any actual users who want to make a post). I should note that this act of "shutting everything down" is what Leftypol/Bunkerchan was known for when 4/pol/ would spam them, so that makes the pic with Mark and Miss Piggy ultra ironic. Thin skin kike really hates it when people mention WHY people hate him, no wonder he's exactly where you would expect him to be, on a dead board only known for their obsession with children and G​AMERGATE dicks
>>219900 Why didn't you post this part?
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>>219920 Oh look who showed up, it's the pedo kike himself Since you're here, and we KNOW it's you, can you tell us why you tried grooming your underage niece? What was that porn game you made her play while you fondled her, again?
Oh, and nobody cares what you have to say, Mark. That's why nobody will ever cap whatever you have to say, especially when it's mostly word-for-word what the person you banned had to say, minus the parts that made you look bad conveniently not elaborated on
>>219926 >>219928 I'm not here to argue, I was linked this thread by a friend and just wanted to post context. Argue among yourselves.
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>>219920 >mark >posts his opinion >thinks anyone cares are blacked.feds for real?
>>219931 You know Mark, I heard you jack off to babyfurs, aka furry CP with diapers. Is that true? You're quite a sick fuck, you know that? BTW, ever wonder why everybody rejected your dumbass when you were applying for a job? Well, wouldn't it be a shame if a certain someone made sure that several companies and businesses in New York knew about a certain pedo kike who hosted a radical right wing website full of other pedos? Wouldn't that be a shame!
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Mark, mind explaining this? I kept that tab open to see just how much that guy whose posts you deleted would flood the thread, but now it's full of upskirts of what I assume are 4-5 yr olds. What does this have to do with video games or "gaming journalism"? And you claim you are not a pedo-phile. Pathetic, I hope somebody finds you and kills you, especially now that we know where you live
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Hey fatass, looks like even your own users are calling you a fat, retarded liar that you are. Pretty funny, isn't it? Oh, and I didn't include your quote here either bickers nobody cares what you have to say. Why don't you come back and "correct the record" again?
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Look at this disgusting AI fetish shit. For someone who is such a coomer, you would think he would have a better taste in porn Jacking off to little girls(and boys) and motherly figures with big tits, huh? Got some mommy issues(and sweaty gamer tendencies) you need to work out, Markie?
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Seething on Foxdicks bickers they keep screencapping his post
>>244169 Holy fucking shit, its amazing that even in 10 years this faggot fat kike is still being a lolcow in the same way after 20 years, truly a mark of paedoni/gg/ery at the goyimgaters
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>>244302 Holy fucking shit, the paedoni/gg/er himself cant stop digging his own fucking hole, its beautiful to witness, every year mark has a new meltdown for >us to laugh at.
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>>244344 Holy shit what is this fat fucking paedokike accusing jersh off? A super sekrit personal army? jersh is on his personal discord sending in the military to arrest mark mann for being a dirty paedophile at this instant.
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>>244422 >kike paedo getting b.tfo by based 30+GameOvers and Jersh >forever stuck seething on foxdicks Seems like Mark Mann(paedophile) is gonna be stuck for a while trying to groom his underage niece with the hit game for paedos unteraltebach
>>218404 >The same board he shared with Silvia, too I never shared a board with Kazu. Vampy is on drugs. Kazu was just a global mod that I abused until he sperged out and quit being a moderator entirely, I never shared anything with that clown. In fact, when I became BO, I fired all the mods bickers they were all /gg/ homos. Also, Mark kept threatening to ban me when I was trying to teach one of the other mods on his board how to use mod tools (bickers it's unintuitive). He just doesn't like me for some reason even when I am trying to be helpful. Probably bickers I vigorously defended another user of the site when the Admins were threatening to report him to police (for literally nothing; he was posting cute and wholesome videos of his daughter singing songs and such, but for some reason Mark and Acid were determined to report him to police and give all his data to them). And so I made it public, forcing them to walk to back, bickers what kind of site owner dox's their users? >he is seething and powerless <TOR was completely banned for 2 months, still can't post files from it after like a year All bickers a thread was locked (and it was an Admin thread too about me being removed from BO of /b/ without any good reason, and no response from any Admin, which I kept asking for until they locked the thread so I couldn't bump it anymore). https://8chan.moe/site/res/5219.html . Pathetic? All I asked was that my thread be unlocked and I would stop spamming, but instead they chose to cuck all of TOR (now their activity is way down, replaced by Spanish people, when it used to be like twice as much when I was running their /b/), just so people couldn't see that I was removed unjustly? >>244434 >groom your underage niece Is that true? wtf, why is Mark such a degenerate? I always assumed he was a homo and no one cares if he's grooming boys, but his niece, really?
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>>244764 <TOR was completely banned for 2 months, still can't post files from it after like a year >which is what a spammer wants--they WANT to be stomped, along with everyone else). lol
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>>244764 >Is that true? wtf, why is Mark such a degenerate? I always assumed he was a homo and no one cares if he's grooming boys, but his niece, really? Yeah, he groomed his little niece to play unteraltebach, a pedo game from germany Refer to evidence from >>45271 Whats really interesting is that JEWS ran defense for him for that somehow. >>232925
Who gives a fuck about 2d loli mojcaesar187agging retard
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>>244996 First off, kys paedo. Second off, stop this fucking 2d bullshit, we all know this is paedocope just look at mark, he is fucking grooming his niece to play unteraltebach with him and probably fucking molested her, you fucking G​AMERGATEkike pedoshit lover
There is a possible rewrite of Mark's thread on Foxdicks, to include more old and new info about him. This thread will probably be used as a basis, but if there is anything else that wasn't covered or more details added to what's in this thread already, it will probably be used. Acid Pedo also applies here, he's the owner of that shithole of a site now after all. >>244169 Ever since he had his little meltdown, he's been checking in on the farms every other day and internally seething. It's great to see.
>>245877 Great, its always good to see a pedokike like him get destroyed.
Why Mark and his coons seethe so much about Wrist? Plus, his site is over.
>>252154 bickers they ARE eternally mad about their pedophillia leading to their precious nuzach thread getting rightfully smited from earth while Mark Mann(paedophile) still havent answered the niece question
>>252158 >precious nuzach thread getting rightfully smited from the Earth the nuzach thread is still up...
>>252181 The Ga'Hoole thread
>>252184 There were multiple nuzach threads over the years going all the way back to 2019.
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>>252154 >ur Mark >ur Nuzach >ur Pedochu Lol go die in a ditch, Wrist. You, nuzach and Mark all sucked each other little cocks watching twinks taking G​AMERGATE cock in the butt.
>>252639 Hello nuzach

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