>"It matters little who is the enemy, if we cannot beat off his attack."
>-t. Gandalf
Undoubtedly, the general consensus on the board is that the potential reality of robowaifus represent a roughly existential threat to the status-quo of feminism as it stands today. Since this is one of the
keystone tools of evil in the hands of the
Globohomo Big-Tech/Gov, it strikes me as rather a safe assumption that we can eventually expect non-organic, violent opposition to our entire field to be fostered by them, across every land where they currently maintain their Commie-like iron grip.
Clearly, there is already non-violent opposition being propped up against
even the very idea of robowaifus (before an industry even exists for it lol), conducted by the usual-suspect tools;
Glowniggers, Troons & Leftists.
Generally, this currently manifests itself primarily as media & legislative-based reeing over:
>"Won't someone please just think of the children!?"
This shows the paranoia they already experience related to free men being free from the Satanic
Zeitgeist they are attempting to devise. Otherwise, why even bother? Eventually however, they won't restrict themselves to just using attacks consisting of simple words & """rules""". Once real robowaifus begin actually being broadly available to men, you can expect much more insidious -- even violent -- means to be used by them.
certainly are no friends to us here on /robowaifu/, Anon. Best prepare well in advance for their onslaught IMO.
minor grammar edit
prose edits
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/27/2022 (Sun) 13:02:56.