The greatest challenge to building robowaifus is the sheer cost of building robots and training AI. We should start brainstorming ways we can leverage our abilities with AI to make money. Even training AI quickly requires expensive hardware and computer clusters. The faster we can increase our compute power, the more money we can make and the quicker we can be on our way to building our robowaifus.
Art Generation
Waifu Labs sells pillows and posters of the waifus it generates, although this has caused concern and criticism due to it sometimes generating copyrighted characters from not checking if generated characters match with training data. provides neural style transfer services. Users can pay for expedited service and high resolution images.
PaintsChainer takes sketches and colours them automatically with some direction from the user, although it's not for profit it could be turned into a business with premium services.
I work as an artist and have dabbled with training my own AIs that can take a sketch and generate many different thumbnails that I've used to finish paintings. I've also created an AI that can generate random original thumbnails from a training set. In the future when I have more compute power my goal is to create an AI that does the mundane finishing touches to my work which consumes over 80% of my time painting.
Applying AI to art will have huge potential in entertainment and marketing for animation, games and virtual characters.
Market Research
The private-label product market is booming at the moment and is still expected to grow. AI could be used to analyze what is in supply and demand and automatically create popular products. It could read through millions of research papers and generate supplement formulations for specific health issues.
Cryptocurrency Trading
AI can be used to forecast prices via reading news articles, finding arbitrage opportunities by hopping through different markets, riding the spread of markets by simultaneously buying low and selling high to profit off the volume, and many other uses. I've had decent success with this but competition has become increasingly difficult to overcome with simple AI and small computing power.
Cryptocurrency Escrows and Payment Services
There's a huge untapped market for cryptocurrency escrows and payment services. People banned by Paypal without reason lack easy ways to safely transfer money online. Businesses wishing to sell adult content cannot do so through Paypal and other payment services, and payment services that do so charge extremely high credit card processing fees due to chargebacks. AI can be used in these services for detecting fraud and improving business reputation and marketing strategies.
Fintech is an emerging industry that uses technology to improve activities in finance. A recent example of this in daily life is being able to take a photo of a check and deposit it via online banking using AI.
Business Attractions
Speecys is marketing its robots for business attraction and entertainment such as singers, dancers, attendants, working with musicians and plays, theme park mechanisms, character in movies, and mannequins.
Robowaifus could be used to greet guests or run a meido cafe once sufficiently advanced, like the automated restaurant in Beijing or Spyce.
Interactive Virtual Assistants
Obviously we don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars to build a Speecys robot. However, a convincing virtual avatar with good speech synthesis and social skills could be put to use for customer support, helping customers find items in stores, and many other applications.
Toys and Construction Kits
Robotic toys, drones, RC cars and boats, UAVs, and robot construction kits are quite popular, easy to make and market.
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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/14/2020 (Thu) 01:15:03.