/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

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Elfdroid Sophie Thread #3 SophieDev 02/18/2022 (Fri) 11:38:48 No.15236
New video of Sophie is now up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOGrdHn7wBU Finally got her head working in a reproducible manner. I had completely broken about seven of her previous micro-servos. But the burnt-out ones weren't the big problem - I just connect suspect servos my Arduino UNO and if my control servo can run the 'Sweep' sketch but the suspect servo cannot, I know it's dead and in the bin it goes. However, one servo was damaged but still working - except it caused some kind of feedback that made all other micro servos connected to the same circuit go haywire - even brand new ones. Luckily the faulty servo in question was old and had spraypaint on it, so I could tell it apart from the others. But that was very confusing - at first I thought it might be related to the small magnets that hold her faceplate on, but this is not the case. Rogue servos are definitely something to watch out for in future. Anyway, now that I have measurable, standardised voltage going into all of the micro servos, I'd like to upgrade her neck again. She can actually shake her head (but not in the above video as it is addressed straight-to-camera), but she still cannot nod her head as it weighs too much and the neck servo overheats rapidly. Heads are relatively heavy things (especially with long hair). The breakthrough with Sophie has been splitting her up into separate subsystems and separate circuits, then focusing on only ONE subsystem/circuit - in my case her head. For a beginner like me, it was just too confusing and labour intensive to attempt programming her head, speech, neck, arms and hands all simultaneously. When errors occured I was having a real hard time pinning down which motors were affected, how badly they were affected and why. Having to tear down one large, complex system is waaaay harder than troubleshooting something far smaller. So focusing only on her head solved this problem. Also her head is the most important subsystem (because headpats) and is highly transportable. I just have to connect her to a laptop now instead of having her chained to my bulky tower PC.
>>15321 Please post pics when you have new approaches working Anon.
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Just watched this new video on AMECA/ Engineered Arts. https://youtu.be/6iO6XhbVQfs When I look at all the time they spent making a bulky neck and how they've gone through eight iterations to make the neck mechanism, I realise that they aren't actually that much smarter than us. Will Jackson is just loaded and can afford to use way better materials/buy a way better workshop. I literally have the files on my computer for a design similar to his eighth-gen neck mechanism. I found it after less than hour of Google searching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NAlPKeRZTM. But it will need significant alterations to fit Sophie, which means I'd have to start a shitload of 3D printing. Which I cannot afford right now due to the energy price explosion :( This is why I am just keeping things virtual and playing about with Elfy and M-66 in Blender. I'd apply to work for engineered arts if it didn't mean moving house LOL. Although AMECA is not personally my taste at all. It's too corpse-like and not cartoony at all. Also, I dislike that they have literally created a robot NPC-wojak.
>>15536 I think I had recommended to you before to see about work with them SophieDev? Even if it's difficult to work out, still, if you can manage it I think it would be an amazing couple of year's adventure for you. > Also, I dislike that they have literally created a robot NPC-wojak. I despise it, actually. They've very intentionally chosen a character design that could hardly have less appeal to it. My guess is the bossman is looking to cash in on the military's drive for Terminators in the future.
>>15606 >literal npcbot Lol looks like an overhyped speaker with arms and legs tbh.
>>15607 >speakerbot Haha, now that you mention it, it does kinda remind me of those crappy looking over-blingbling'd ghettoblasters. I wonder if the ring in the chest is supposed to be emotive of Tony Stark 's power pack or something? There's little doubt about the amount of money being poured into these things though, and it's pretty obvious that they will be able to start selling them eventually to local police departments as Intimidators and whatnot. >tl;dr As mentioned by Anon in the other thread, we'd better get moving! :^)
With ears like those, Elves must be able to hear even the most silent of farts from a great distance.
>>15738 Excellent! What'd you figure out that did the trick exactly, SophieDev? The textures look just fine AFAICT. >sensitive ears lol
>>15739 The UVs were normal (not scrambled/encrypted) I think. I am a total noob at Unity and was just following a character export tutorial for Final Fantasy XIV Online. Very specific to that game and it's assets. (Although I now want to mess about with some Honey Select assets too and test what happens with those textures). It has been very interesting to learn about all the different texture maps like albedo, colour, normal, occlusion and specular. If there is one thing I have realised though - there is a very good reason that rigging and animation are a whole separate discipline to 3D modelling. It's complicated AF (unless you can just be happy with MIXAMO animations - which I am). For example, suppose you want to make a VR Chat avatar... 1.) You need the patience of a Saint to deal with all of the software version conflicts and different plugins required. 2.) (This applies to many different programs not just VR chat + Unity) you can come back to a project after two weeks having not touched it, and both your tools and your assets will have broken themselves due to an "update". (Imagine if this happened to tradesmen IRL). You then have to spend several hours un-fucking things before you can make any more progress. 3.) Unless you've got $$$ of motion and facial capture hardware, it is extremely difficult and hella time-consuming to smoothly animate a convincing humanoid in 3DCG. I have learned to be happy with relatively simple things like just posing a rigged character or making new assets in Blender. If a process requires more than two different plugins to work or uses more than two programs, I am avoiding it like the plague. Because even if I do get it all to work today, version (hotfix B) will doubtless auto-fuckup everything in a months time.
>>15744 Sorry about the rant. But I have confirmed that Honey Select UVs are scrambled, as suspected. This is inside Unity, following the exact same process I did to texture the Elf from Final Fantasy 14, above. Textures are completely effed, even though I know I have at least three of the five texture maps applied to the material properly.
>>15751 >>15744 >project after two weeks having not touched it, and both your tools and your assets will have broken themselves due to an "update". You don't need to use the current version though. Especially older versions of FOSSoftware are openly available. You could also look into Guix or Nix package managers to install older and newer versions of the same software and the necessary libraries. Apologies about that Anon. Good advice.
>>15744 >>15745 Nice effort SophieDev. Good detective work. >Sorry about the rant Lolwut. No you're absolutely right and it's far worse than you imagine tbh. Research the role of 'Pipeline TD' for any major studio. Looking forward to see what you do in Unity Anon.
>>15745 Its less to do with unity and more to do with texture map exporting fuckery.
Edited last time by AllieDev on 04/01/2022 (Fri) 22:26:36.
Hey, the links to your Mega Account and to the Google Drive don't work anymore. Is this intentional or just by accident? Also, while we're at it, links to the former and following threads: >>2496 >>4146 >>4787 >>4198 >>9216 >>11776 (3D modelling only)
>>18843 I had to get rid of the robot stuff out of my Google Drive account to make room for more work stuff. However, I have since uploaded the whole Fusion360 design (and several other file formats) to my Deviantart gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/albemarle/art/Elfdroid-Fusion360-File-949415213 As for MEGA, I was unaware that link had also died. Perhaps because I hadn't used my MEGA account in a long time? Here it is again: https://mega.nz/folder/kuwglaaS#5cZAhKO4Fh81U3SWi_o4Lw
>>20269 Thanks Anon.
>>20269 Thanks, I was the one asking in >>18843 and connecting your threads.
>>15238 What is that machine right there
>>20333 >digits That is a power supply next to dear Sophie's head. It's there to mimic an onboard battery for SophieDev's robotics bench.
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I can't complain because you did something. But I think the goal should be to move the mouth and eyelids of a mask with little mechanical plastic things.
>>20358 Maybe you could put a mask on her though. It doesn't have to be perfect. Perfection is the enemy of progress.
>>20361 Also put a fleshlight on her mouth lol
>>20358 SophieDev actually tried that before he even landed here on /robowaifu/ the first time. He said it didn't work too well, and I understand that since it's a complex system of deformations going on there (having actually studied it somewhat). >>20361 >Perfection is the enemy of progress. And it is often just a Castle in the Sky (apologies, Miyazaki-san), too. The real world has a nasty way of confronting all your presuppositions head-on, and then making mince-meat out of them. More than one anon here has come to try, and then given up because a) they weren't striving for something that was physically practical, or b) the technology evolution simply hasn't progressed far enough along yet to make it practical. Learn to be your own worst critic when it comes to your own design ideas, is my advice. Then submit them to others for critiquing and be prepared to get even more humiliated haha. Also: Never give up, never surrender! >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/18/2023 (Sat) 12:38:42.
>>20363 The real world ain't nothing but a bunch of lemmings running off a cliff.
>>20365 That's the spirit Anon! Show 'em who's boss! :^)
>>20367 ty ty, sometimes you just got to ask yourself not if I'm ready for the world but is the world ready for me. Well sounds a bit arrogant but you know I think we're all a bit arrogant here otherwise we wouldn't be thinking of building a robo waifu.
>>20370 I knew bitcoin would be huge before most people. I did not get incredibly wealthy from it but I did make some money off of it. This robot waifu idea just smells like money... it could be just me going cuckoo though.
>>20372 >This robot waifu idea just smells like money... Indeed. But be sober & vigilant. There are many powerful forces arrayed against this whole idea at a very fundamental level. It's a literal existential threat to TPTB generally-speaking, and they know it. Start getting yourself hardened-up now for the coming battles throughout society over robowaifus. The Globohomo will use every dirty trick at their disposal, just as they always have. >tl;dr Stay confident Anon, however realize this isn't going to be just a walk in the park. But keep your hopes up and together we'll win in the end, you'll see. Together, we're all gonna make it! :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/18/2023 (Sat) 20:58:58.
>>20376 Heh i don't believe there's some homoglobo force that'd stop anyone from selling waifubots lol They want money I want money and customers would want a robowaifu. There was a youtube video of a sexbot but it was mostly a body with a talking head. Elon Musk even hinted at making sexbot catgirls.
>>20381 >They want money I want money and customers would want a robowaifu. Heh, true. They are going to have a little rebellion at some point among their ranks (as is commonplace with these folk). Once this industry is far enough along, some of them will try to swoop it. Once there is enough momentum for this little offshoot band (read: they've piled up a noticeable bit of gold), then 'magically' the entire globalist """narrative""" will suddenly shift on this tech... just as this Anon suggested (>>20371). As to sexbots, they have no qualms about them -- it promotes their agendas -- they love coomers just fine. No, it's robowaifus that are the threat to these globalists. Men by-and-large won't leave the ball-and-chain over something like Harmony, no matter how good a sexbot it becomes. But I think they just might over a robowaifu once the technology & art behind them becomes refined enough. This dynamic is of course the fundamental threat to these puppetmasters; once women can be replaced (mostly-)effectively, then the Globohomo's entire pozzed & woke hegemony will begin crashing down around them (and down upon their own heads too). And rightly so, ofc. These evildoers absolutely hate good marriages, and they wield the current effects of so-called """liberated""" women as a weapon of mass-destruction against the entire world. Once they are disarmed of it, their game will soon be up. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2023 (Sun) 23:14:18.
>>20385 Heh, no it was the exact opposite Anon. BTW, we're offtopic. If you want to continue this please move it to the current /meta, thanks.
>>20386 Somebody said yeah sure it'll cost as much as a luxury car :^) Luxury cars are not $10,000 btw Should I make the new off topic thread...
which part of 'please move it to the current /meta, thanks.' is the hard one?
Hey sophiedev I'm having trouble downloading your files from mediafire. I could pay mediafire to download them but I rather pay you lol. I tried downloading them with python but they keep rate limiting me.
>>25379 Nvm I think I got it. Holy shit, that is a shit ton of file. Glad that link didn't die.
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>>25420 Just how far did sophie dev get? Maybe I won't even have to base it off of inmoov
>>25379 I'm pretty sure others here have the files he uploaded, and we're allowed to share them. Did you look at the videos though, since he didn't get very far. InMoov is more complete, but the face is masculine. So maybe you could combine InMoov with another head (Sophie or whichever one).
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>>25431 I need to look into the files more i thought it was just the head but it's looking like its more than that. Not saying the head alone isn't impressive.
>>25458 I hope I'm not doxxing him, if that in the profile is even his real name: https://www.thingiverse.com/aneta82016/designs
>>25462 Yes mate, that's me. I only got as far as testing two robotic arms and an animatronic head. I am no longer working on Sophie for the foreseeable future as I have to concentrate on paid employment and just looking after myself better. But I kinda suspected I wouldn't have the resources or time to build a fully-mobile robowaifu, which is why I open-sourced everything I could for future builders/inventors to use how they want. After all, I myself took and modified, free open-source CAD models from Will Cogley and Ryan Gross in order to craft Sophie. Just glad I could contribute some maybe useful first-gen robowaifu parts. As for links to all of the parts, I had to delete the Google Drive link because of work (they know about my robowaifu and my manager was actually impressed, so I am lucky to work with based individuals). I will try to keep the MEGA and Mediafire links alive so that more people can download the C.A.D.
>>25472 Okay, thanks again.
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>>25472 one must imagine SophieDev happy...
rest easy knowing your contributions will help many anons out there, godspeed
>>25472 God bless you, SophieDev. Thanks for all the help & inspirations! Cheers. :^)
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Moving into own house. Could not take large, unwieldy, heavy robot body with me. Decided to deconstruct it and use the screws/bolts for home DIY. Only keeping electronic control boards, a single robot hand and Sophie's head. Her head is much easier to transport and store. It was by far the hardest part to design and make anyway. Sophie head endures to potentially chatter, sing and headbang wildly another day ;p
>>30892 F We hardly knew ye, Elfdroid Sophie. ;~; >Moving into own house. CONGRATZ SophieDev!! So happy for you Anon. >Sophie head endures to potentially chatter, sing and headbang wildly another day ;p This! :D Looking forward to your new adventures to come, Anon. Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/13/2024 (Sat) 00:03:50.
>>30892 >Moving into own house Congratulations. >Only keeping electronic control boards, a single robot hand and Sophie's head. I would keep it as memorabilia, it's just one small box. Also, keep in mind some museum might want it one day.
>>30899 >Also, keep in mind some museum might want it one day. This is a really good point, Anon.
>>30892 You could just construct a simple frame and fabric doll body for the head and hand if you wanted more than it just sitting on a shelf in some closet.
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>>30894 >>30899 > Congratulations. Thank you, both. As a home and mortgage owner, I am now officially another normie cog in the machine! Lots of work already done, lots for me still to do in the near future! Speaking of cogs in machines; the main design problem with the Elfdroid arms was my choice of servo horn. The round ones (even aluminum) are no good for a joint that supports a lot of weight and must move back-and-forth repeatedly. Those round servo horns are only held onto the servo output shaft by little gear-teeth and/or a small grub-screw. This will wear a groove into the output shaft afer only a few dozen limb movements. Meaning the servo horn will begin to slip on the shaft, resulting in huge errors of movement in the robot's limb (no matter how well-programmed the servos). If this problem is ignored for long enough, the robot's limb will eventually detach mid-movement, often yanking out wires and bending electronic pins in the process. For any joint under heavy load, I highly recommend using the best R/C car-type aluminum servo horns that you can find. I used a couple of these in Sophie's neck joints and they eliminate the servo output shaft wear/slippage problem entirely. Of course, they are far more expensive, precision-machined components, but that's part-and-parcel of any serious robotics project (as I learned when reading about backlash and harmonic drives). Thought I should leave the main design + build error that I made here at the end, just in case anyone else ever tries building Elfdroid arms or wants to edit the CAD files.
>>30927 Thank you very kindly for that information, SophieDev. Very helpful. I pray that God keeps you safe, and guides you on your further journeys in your life. You've been a huge encouragement and help to all of us here on /robowaifu/ with your development of dear Sophie. Even if you never pick up robowaifu research again in the future, you've already made a big impact in our early developments. Thank you for that. Please don't be a stranger, and stop by occasionally to give us updates on your doings, Anon. Cheers!! :^)

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