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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Roastie Fear General Robowaifu Technician 09/12/2019 (Thu) 03:32:01 No.160
>"At last, a sex robot that ‘wants’ you. How sad that anyone would want it" - Suzanne Moore
https ://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jun/27/sex-robot-future-automated-male-fantasy
>>3292 https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-51330261 God, I hate the bbc. Also, here's a link included in the article. https://campaignagainstsexrobots.org/
>>3295 Thanks Anon, that's appreciated. >I hate the bbc. Yea, they're pretty vile, though it wasn't always the case. Makes me feel bad knowing our /britfeel/ lads are all getting highway-robbed by the state to support their absolute pozload drivel today.
Why do women who ostensibly want nothing from us get so upset about what we do with blobs of plastic?
>>160 Well the specific line you quoted is not wrong. It is sad that human females have become so awful, treat men with such little humanity, that men are realizing they'd be better off with a robot. Feminists think men want robots because they don't want to treat women with humanity. It's quite the opposite. Men want to treat women with humanity, but women won't let them. Women demand to be treated like gods, and treat men like monsters in return. It's not that men want women to not have humanity, it's that women have lost their humanity. Women have become less humane than piles of metal and plastic. Humans can feel humanity in anything. It's why we grow sentimental attachments to inanimate objects, it's why we see faces in the clouds or on pieces of toast. But women have been raised to stop feeling humanity for men, and while men can feel humanity for women, they are realizing that that path only results in self destruction, and they're better off putting those feelings on a robot. Better a robot that doesn't feel true love, rather than a woman that only feels hate. The secondary effects are also important. Short term, men get to find momentary peace in the feeling of finding a woman with humanity, even if that feeling is based on illusions. Long term, those men are less incentivized to participate in the sexual marketplace, deflating the artificially inflated value of vagina, and thus giving women less incentive to think of themselves as gods. Men with robots are men not working as hard to serve women, just for the hopes that some woman will one day treat them with an ounce of humanity. That is what these women really fear. That they will one day have to treat men as equals, instead of hated beasts of burden. Though that would take a very long time, every moment robowaifus are on the market is a moment we move closer to equality and humanity. We don't want robowaifus because we want to objectify humans, we want robowaifus because we just want to treat something with humanity, and women won't let us, so we'll settle for robots.
>>3304 ikr, they're stronk, indepyndynts so what's the problem ehh? ]]2197
This thread is a very low effort OP. I suspect it's a 'researcher' simply trying to stir the pot. I suppose they know by this point it's guaranteed responses heh. >>3305 >Well the specific line you quoted is not wrong I immediately had the same sentiment as you on reading that line. A fine case in point; the quoted female herself. that is one fugly, inside and out >Better a robot that doesn't feel true love, rather than a woman that only feels hate. "It's better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home." http://biblehub.com/proverbs/25-24.htm >Men with robots are men not working as hard to serve women This is why (((they))) will work to shut this down.
>>3305 This was really well written. >>3308 Let's focus less on the roasties and more on the robots, friends. Positive thinking. Look at the solution, not the problem.
>>3309 Fair enough. But it sort of is the thread topic. We have lots and lots of positive threads on this board, it is reasonable to behave like men and face up to the reality of the threat being arrayed against us. Actually I find it quite laughable (((they))) are so worried about a nascent industry that literally isn't even off the ground yet. We need an artfag to create a WHO WOULD WIN? meme with every force (((they))) have on on side, and a single very cute adorable robowaifu on the other. I think understanding our enemies motives and intentions and moves will be a key to survival long term for this movement. There are a large number of ppl opposed to this idea, and not just the batshit-insane feminists.
>>3311 >and a single very cute adorable robowaifu on the other. I nominate Jenny Wakeman
>>3313 Yea the character has a lot of appeal. BTW we're basically a design and engineering board anon pls spoiler nsfw for the working engineers here
>>3319 oh shit sorry about that i never use any board except /b/ and forgot the the concept of nsfw even existed maybe a mod can spoiler it for me, sorry guise
>>3312 Just from a design perspective, she really is perfect for our purposes. Just cartoony enough to skirt the uncanny valley, without going too far and seeming outright inhuman. Not just visually, but her design would let us get around problems like unrealistic feeling skin, since she clearly doesn't have that, but her design works without it, so all you need is some other, more practical material that doesn't feel gross. I mean personally I say Android 18 has mass appeal and awareness, and is more powerful than the emperor of the universe, so she could beat any feminists in a fight (but then I'm pretty sure XJ-9 could as well), but despite Super establishing her as best wife in the multiverse, her design just isn't as practical to our purposes, and I think it's important to make people want robots that are much more cartoony, and thus much less uncanny. Don't get their hopes up for Android 18 or 2B.
>roasties decide they are too good for us >roasties avoid us >roasties get mad when we create a better replacement for them i didn't think i would ever be sexist but i'm honestly starting to think that the greeks were right when they gave women the same social standing as children
>>3321 I personally think that XJ-9 should be the board tan tbh.
>>3322 They have been raised to be spoiled. They have no true responsibilities in life, as everything from money to love is given to them with no effort on their part. They are so spoiled that they get offended by compliments. Men ask them for the chance to love them, even though current standards mean that they have to serve them in order to have the chance to love them, and women get offended and ruin their lives, many times literally sending them to jail. So fine, we minimize the men's desire to love them by giving them robots as an outlet. Women will then be less spoiled, and by spoiling them less, they will be raised to be better people than they currently are. Maybe at a certain point they'll actually treat men with the same respect they give women, and maybe some men who previously turned to robots will go back to them, but not all. So fine. Women would rather double up on a chad than have a normal guy to themselves, that's why we have twice as many female ancestors as male ones. They can do that. But they won't have betas propping up this lifestyle anymore. The funny thing is that nobody is saying women can't have robohusbandos, and female sextoys have always been socially acceptable, while male sextoys have always been heavily shamed. But that's not enough for women, because all men want is somebody to love, and if we can get a robot that is just enough to convince our brains we can love it, then fine. Women don't have any love to give, they don't even want to receive love. All they want to receive is a man's money and labor, and pretend to have love so that they can get it. But androids won't serve them as efficiently as men, so we can't have any androids at all. Otherwise, everyone could get robots to fuck, male or female, and everything would still be fine. >>3320 The BO can just spoiler it anyway.
>>3324 You've got a pretty good insight on this stuff in my opinion anon, thanks.
>>3323 Our banners and such should make heavy use of her, yes. Though I wouldn't exclude even the less practical ones. Get all the different types of robotfags in here. More awareness will lead to more progress.
>>3324 That's what I've been thinking as well… when I meet both women and men from shithole countries like subsaharan africa and the philippines they're completely unlike anyone in the western world, and sometimes i wonder if i've just been given the wrong idea about 3DPD and that maybe there is hope for them… but i've given up all my trust in humans already and there's nothing i can really do about that. 2D ftw
>>3326 /thread
>>3327 Be careful. Women are spoiled all over the world. But yes, different cultures have different standards. Still, all cultures have men work while women reap the benefits. The only difference is that some cultures have them work harder for less rewards, and thus there is less for them to give to the woman. Either way, the woman doesn't work, at least not on any scale relative to the man. And I don't just mean economically, I mean she never has to try as hard to earn practically anything of value. It's always men competing for women, yet the median woman has far more sex than the median man, because they would rather all share a chad instead of having a normal guy to themselves. People make the mistake of thinking women have lower sex drives, but if anything the opposite is true, as they have much more sex than the average man. The difference is just that men value monogamy and women only value the illusion of it. Women want a man to work only for her, but otherwise doesn't value him more than any other man.
>>3329 3DPD are insufferable, i'm glad i abandoned any thought of coexisting with them
>>3331 They will try. But you can't truly stop progress. The only reason this is taking so long is because people don't realize it's possible. Once we make people aware, they will demand it.
>>3332 >Once we make people aware, they will demand it. >people Otherwise, yes. --- >nice digits, anon. t. bumpbot
Some of the posts here are screencappable, damn. Well here's a classic: "It is quite incredible that men, whose desire for knowledge is unbounded in every other field, are really totally blind to these facts, that they are incapable of seeing women as they really are: with nothing else to offer but a vagina, two breasts, and some punch cards programmed with idle, stereotyped chatter; that they are nothing more than conglomerations of matter, lumps of stuffed human skin pretending to be thinking human beings. If men would only stop for a moment in their headlong creativity and think, they could easily tear the masks off these creatures with their tinkling bracelets, frilly blouses, and gold-leather sandals. Surely it would take them only a couple of days, considering their own intelligence, imagination, and determination, to construct a machine, a kind of human female robot to take the place of woman. For there is nothing original in her–neither inside not out–which could not be replaced. Why are men so afraid to face the truth?" >-Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Man Women may be cunts, but I don't want to put the genie back in the bottle, rather, I thank them for exposing the nature of women and justifying all the ancient texts written on the matter. Expectations / hypergamy are off the charts and like financial inflation, it will keep on blowing the bubble until the massive civilizational crash happens. Look at this chart, the bottom right is practically the only humane solution that does not involve genocide or enacting a police state worse than what we presently have. We just want to be left alone.
>>3334 The Manipulated Man should be required reading for redpilled men. Such a great book.
>>3334 >>3335 Kek, there's an audiobook of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcAWn2D8EsM
>>3336 That robovoice gives me a semi tbh. Is this one of the voices we have the software for here?
>>3337 I happened to jump right to the best bit on my first try: https://youtu.be/EcAWn2D8EsM?t=3870
>>3338 Kek. You're probably destined to be a robowaifu creator dollfan it's the only explanation. Get busy we're eagerly waiting!
>>3339 Donate to my patreon.
3DPD, please don't be that roastie.
>>3341 >Giving the roastie any kind of respite "Never interrupt an enemy that is doing a mistake" >t- Napoleon Bonaparte Can you just give us some respite to be ready when you end up doubling, tripling or even quadrupling down on this?
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>>948 Late to this, but frankly don't worry about them, they are always against anything male oriented. We can't have male spaces, male oriented game characters, male oriented movies, or anything. They are just emotional tyrants. You have to stop giving a fuck what they want. They don't even know what they want other than their heel on our neck to subjugate men.
>>3343 >You have to stop giving a fuck what they want. Good advice in general as well Anon. Today even many men are little different than roasties on the inside. Pitiable, really. :/
>>3343 >You have to stop giving a fuck what they want. That's kind of hard when they keep ruining or outright stealing what you want. It's harder to escape their retarded politics when I just want to play a game or something.
>>3274 Why the hell would we create something to replace ourselves (white men)? We will create things to replace the inferior beings instead (women, non-whites and so on). It is not about any principle. It is about making life perfect for us, replacing everything around us but never replacing ourselves.
>>3291 Leftards and women fear AI sexbots. That is confirmation that AI sexbots are good for humanity.
>>3304 Because women have defective minds. All of them. Their instinct is to go after everything that they don't have, just in case that something that could make them more desirable (or, on the contrary, divert attention away from them) gains too much attention in the hands of other living beings. Every single individual woman wants to be the only desirable woman in existence while at the same time wanting all other women to keep existing solely to be jealous of herself. That basic instinct of all women is another of the many reasons why they all must be replaced by artificial wombs and sexbots.
>>3677 I can say I'm none of these anons, anon. >It is about making life perfect for us sorry, but i don't think that's really possible in this, well, life. what we can do is try to ease the burdens on men just a little. robowaifus certainly can help with that imo. >Leftards and women fear AI sexbots. >That is confirmation that AI sexbots are good for humanity. hard poiint to argue against tbh. :^) >That basic instinct of all women is another of the many reasons why they all must be replaced by artificial wombs and sexbots. women truly are a bizarre 'species' today, no doubt. my personal hope is that the ones who can be redeemed from their quagmire will wake up and smell the coffee once robowaifus hit the scene in a big way. maybe they'll focus again on being good women and being the helpers they are designed to be. Who knows? As for the others of them, meh.
>>3677 As long as i'm alive and comfortable , it's good enough for me. I don't care about being "replaced" itself. It's not like I've ever been control. Other people have always been above me and I wouldn't mind them being replaced.
>>3680 > i don't think that's really possible in this It is. With time, effort and intelligence. As is/was everything made by men since the beginning of humanity. 5 years in the past, would you have thought about robotwaifus as being produced, demanded, and entering a market while also being desirable by men? Reality can change literally overnight. It just needs a push. A good idea to solve a problem. Each good idea solving each problem, and when you least expect it, perfection is achieved. >the ones who can be redeemed from their quagmire will wake Now THAT is impossible. Women never "woke up" in the whole existence of humanity. Women were always guided by men. The thing is, the men guiding them in the past were the most efficient/fit of their time. Now, with beta numales entering the governments of many nations and giving everything to women, women were left with all the benefits/rewards but without guidance and without punishment. As such, the competent/most fit men are abandoning women en masse and either living without women or devoting their knowledge to create artificial replacements for women. That is the turning point of reality in the present time period. The men who would fix the current women are all abandoning them to build better tools (for sex and reproduction) than those women. Those men, us, won't go back to women. We won't waste our time with them anymore, knowing what awaits us, now that women have shown their true nature for all to see. Therefore, those men, us, won't guide women. They are on their own, with only beta numales surrounding them, who won't offer any guidance, but instead, will only make them become even more spoiled. That will lead to women's demise in a self-destructing way. In the past, women "woke up" because the fittest and most capable men forced them to. In the present time, and in the future, the fittest and most capable men won't even want to be near a real woman. We will all have our superior artificial tools/artificial beings that will function as we want them to, without any of the shortcomings and uncertainties of real women. In this (soon to be a reality) scenario, women will be stuck in a position of being completely incapable of waking up, due to their own defective nature and the abandonment by men. >>3683 >Other people have always been above me and I wouldn't mind them being replaced. And that is the right way to deal with it. Most "above" us are inferior beings that only got into a superior position in society through deceive and the naivety of others. Especially the naivety of women. >As long as i'm alive and comfortable , it's good enough for me. And that must always be the driving force behind every action. Do what is good for you. Not for society. Society was corrupted, and it doesn't serve men like us anymore. Live for yourself, and others that share this thought will naturally unite with you at some point. That way, a functional society will be formed and grow. It was always this way with any group of people through human history. Reject everything that doesn't benefit you. Work for your own benefit. Share effort and results with others who have the same interests as you, and who won't try to take anything away from you. then, you will have a fully functional society that will always prosper, no matter it's size or what situation the world falls in.
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>>3684 >5 years in the past, would you have thought about robotwaifus as being produced, demanded, and entering a market while also being desirable by men? Haha, in fact I would have, Anon. I'm the founder of /robowaifu/ btw. :^) This is both a remarkably difficult challenge, but it's also a very worthy goal. Each of us need to do our own part and push this task forward. I'm trying to do my part heh. :^) >Now THAT is impossible Ehh, I'm not so sure. A gigantic upheaval of the Western Tradition is in the offing. And it is both the problem and the cure. "Bad times create strong men" and all that you know. Once TSHTF, normalcattle pandering to all the 'isms currently in vogue will go right out the door. This will cause millions that survive to rethink theirs choices in life. >Women were always guided by men. But you do have a good point about the fundamental nature of stronk independynts, and ofc that's the whole joke: they are neither stronk, nor independent. They are basically incapable of either independent actions or of independent thought. God designed them that way ofc, so that they could more suitably adapt themselves to their husbands to help. This is their primary prerogative in life, whether they themselves acknowledge this or not. And, as you also rightly point out, soyboys are hardly any better. They are neither capable of good leadership, nor of right thinking. They have basically given over to becoming women themselves. This is both very destructive to themselves and others, and it is also quite disgusting also. Even the batshit-insane screeching harpies among the females have the vague excuse of being, well, females. These degenerate men have no such excuse. But any human being has the potential for redemption, either male and female. That's certainly no guarantee they will ofc, but at least the potential is there. It's my hope that the creation and then widespread adoption of robowaifus will go a long way towards helping with some of the ills that have fallen upon our once-great civilization by opening the Pandora's Box of Feminism. Men will be better for it, and women will be too. >That is the turning point of reality in the present time period. Hard to argue with that Anon. Once both robowaifus and artificial wombs are a practical reality, the consequences will never be the same. Onward!
>>3698 >This will cause millions that survive to rethink theirs choices in life. >But any human being has the potential for redemption The key point is "thought". We are dealing with beings that are completely incapable of thinking or learning. As i said before, without guidance from men, women don't change. And those men capable of guiding women are all moving away from dealing with women entirely. The lack of guidance is what will bring women's fall. Never before in human history men moved away from women on a scale as large as the current one. There is no precedent to that. Women aren't prepared to deal with that either. Even simps are freaking out about it, since they are losing their "audience" of men to feel jealous of them when they simp for a woman. The constant attacks against robowaifus as a valid alternative to relationships with women is proof of that desperation from both women and simps. They don't know what to do when we simply say "enough. I'm out." and we act upon it. You can watch theis fallacies and excuses fall apart every second: -Muh man up >We already know that man up is just a code for "become a slave for women" -Muh men are defined by their appeal to women >We are moving away from that definition in such large groups that the very definition will fall, once our behavior becomes the normalcy -Muh women will mock you >We will ignore them and keep doing what we want, while also replacing them with artificial tools -Muh you must procreate, or life has no meaning >Life has meaning outside procreation. And as for procreation itself, we are creating tools that allow us to procreate without having to deal with women. And so on. Both women and simps get desperate once they figure out that we are truly creating tools and means to replace what is considered "normal" or "natural". I often compare them to those oligarchs from the past, screaming mockery in despair once a new technological advance took away their business/comfort/certainties. They are all a bunch of desperate, no-creativity, conforming cattle that can't cope with the fact that their ways and their benefits will end completely once we advance with our creations. We got fed up with having to deal with bonfires from natural sources, so we created stoves, ovens and microwave ovens. We got fed up with having to deal with the natural sources called horses so we created cars. We got fed up with having to deal with natural long distance travels so we created planes. We got fed up with having to deal with the very weather, so we created artificial weather changers in air-conditioners and heaters. We now are fed up with having to deal with the natural resource called women so we are creating artificial tools to replace them both as a biological necessity as well as a emotional anchor. Onward, indeed. Never go back to what was before.
>>3699 Fair enough. We don't have to see exactly eye-to-eye on things. My overarching goal is a fair bit different from yours, but if you're here to help create robowaifus (or even just promote the idea), then we at the least can agree on that point Anon. One think you've brought out a couple of time which I completely concur with you you: namely, we are at an absolute pivot point in human history. Along with many other advances, robowaifus--when they arrive in a big way--will certainly help usher this sea-change in.
>>3700 >we are at an absolute pivot point in human history. That is the key point to know whenever dealing with those attacking us. They attack out of sheer fear of the permanent and unavoidable changes that we are bringing into existence. Bring in the change, no matter what consequences. The situation is already too bad for men, so if anything, whatever bad consequences might happen because of our actions, will at most bring down the system and the women benefiting from it down to the same level as we are now. We all have only to win from this, or at the very least, balance out everything so no one is favored anymore. But we have nothing to lose. They do. And that is another reason to keep pushing onward. They want things to keep the way they are. And they don't have any capability of controlling anything once the changes that we are bringing are set into society's normalcy. They are never attacking out of morality, safety concerns or any of that. Their only goal is to keep having control. And we are denying them that. Keep pushing. Never go back to the past. Always remember that they fear the changes because they can't control us once we change everything.
>>3701 Not much else to add. I basically agree with these points tbh. >They are never attacking out of morality, safety concerns or any of that. Their only goal is to keep having control. Pretty much says it all.
>>1858 Source on that vid?
>>3705 I'm not that Anon, but one thing I know is it was posted here since the migration, so back in December. Also, I'm pretty sure the source material in the background is from the AT&T archives, which are probably still available. The guy who dared to narrate and post such a toxic & problematic video has probably been deplatformed by now, so it will likely be difficult to find his work in normal channels. Certainly searching likely terms turns up nothing but poz about 'muh_rayciss' maymay, at least with my limited search skills. Hopefully the original poster will return and answer your question. I'd like to know myself as well.

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