/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

RoboWaifuBanners Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 10:29:19 No.252
This thread is for the sharing of robo waifu banners. As per the rules, fallow these requirements: >banner requirements: File size must be lower than 500 KB and dimensions are 300x100 exactly. Allowed file formats are .jpg, .png, and .gif. >=== -fmt cleanup
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/26/2023 (Thu) 18:54:19.
Open file (33.01 KB 300x100 marie.png)
>>9660 That's cute. Sauce?
>>9649 its a "circuit" font and would look better with the leading adjusted wider. Personally I like the lavender hue with 2B, but I am working on a few other takes. Spent over an hour searching for and downloading new fonts as I'm on a whole new rig and lost my last HD.
>>9649 to be truer to the GAME however I can adjust that to be red in another edit
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>>9661 Boku no Marie. It's better than the anime but where the 2nd episode ends the manga turns into a drama. He gets seduced by a girl and starts ignoring his robowaifu who has an existential crisis her body and personality was modeled after someone else, and while he forgets to do maintenance she begins to develop more human-like thoughts and emotions. It might not be everyone's taste here but if it was published today the artist would definitely be cancelled. It's crazy how much things have changed since the 90's.
>>9617 >>252 >File size must be lower than 500 KB and dimensions are 300x100 exactly. >>9666 >I can adjust that to be red in another edit No, that's fine then. >>9618 >>9660 Done.
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Eve counts - I'll get back to 2B in a little while
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is this more along the lines of what you were envisioning for 2B? (sorry took me 3 tries to get the right size lol)
>>9693 Done. >>9696 Yes, but if I had my preferences, I would prefer the text were a bit smaller & lower, and 2B was a bit bigger in the frame. After all, she's what we mainly want to see here, right Anon? ;)
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>>9717 are we there yet? this is bringing me back to my days as a graphic design hack doing 20 revisions on for a client
>>9733 Looks great Anon, done. Good job, thanks. I'll drop that in place of the other one. >my days as a graphic design[er] Hey, I already recognized it in you. :^)
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some attempts at the Chobits banner
>>9737 nice!
>>9737 I tend to like the burned version on the left, but I'd say it's a bit overabundant dodge on Hideki's shoulder. I love the 50's-retro motif you're working on the board tag, but as you're very likely aware already, a banner should 'read' instantly. And for the bleary-eyed Anon. :^) Maybe a bit of a easier to read tag? And please, riff on Chobits all you'd like to. There's certainly numerous recognizable robowaifus in there!
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>>9778 ok, I tweaked it a little bit
>>9792 Done. Lovely headpat source selection, BTW.
Open file (16.49 KB 300x100 robobanner7c.png)
A banner inspired on warhammer 40k.
>>10248 I like that design. Very evocative. AFAICT ADEPTUS is masculine, was this intentional? ADEPTA would be feminine, I think.
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>>10248 Good idea anon! We need a separate branch to those miserable puritans! If the Mechanicus wishes to outlaw "Abominable Intelligences" as heresy, then they can go worship their corpse emperor without any robowaifus. Pah!
>>10258 >was this intentional? Yes. We are the Adeti.
>>10313 >Adepti Why TH can't I delete my posts?
>>6692 Hi, just ran into an issue with the first banner here. Please think of dark mode in browsers and check your banners for it. The text shold have a white line around it. In normal mode it wouldn't be visible, but necessary as outline for the text in dark mode. That banner seems to be the only one having that problem.
>>12590 Fair point Anon, my apologies. However, this is the sole candidate that made the cut for the original posts by OP back in the day. I therefore couldn't really see bringing myself to 'deface' that banner. >tl;dr Sorry, it's /robowaifu/'s very first banner and something of a historical artifact for us. OTOH, if some anon decided he wanted to fill the alpha channel of the image with a nice pastel compliment of Gumi's hair then I'd be happy to add that one into rotation?
>>12594 I thought more of an shadow / outline along the text. Doesn't matter so much to me, I only wanted to point it out bc it's suboptimal.
>>12603 Yes, I'd agree. Maybe a fuzzy-select in Photoshop or something and a fill with a radial white-to-pastelcomplimentofGumishaircolor outline? If you do something along that line, just post it here and I'll have a look!
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I don't think my edit is that great. I lost some sharpness when scaling it down and trying to fix it.
>>14144 Looks great, done. She's a beauty. If you ever want to update the image with revisions just let me know here and I'll swap it out.
Open file (83.86 KB 300x100 RoboWaifuBanner.png)
Had an idea, tried it out.
>>15136 Brilliant design work Anon. Impeccable color scheme selection both fore- and background. Entertaining idea and great layout work for the BG angling and the RW pose. A couple of points to consider: 1. Do you intentionally want jaggies on the robowaifu? If not would you mind doing either an edge smooth, or a re-sourcing/scaling/cutout of the original? 2. If you do go back in for another take, mind dodging the BG a bit on the perimeter area of the FG RW? Should make her pop a bit more. Regardless, it's certainly usable atp if this is the muse you're going for Anon, just let me know. Thanks! :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/06/2022 (Sun) 17:23:04.
>>15136 One other point to consider Anon, if you added just the tiniest bit of glow to the board tag, it might plus it just that bit more.
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Open file (64.18 KB 300x100 RoboWaifuBanner0.png)
Open file (64.08 KB 300x100 RoboWaifuBanner1.png)
>>15137 >>15139 I really appreciate it and the criticism! Doing this reminded me of making avatars and signatures on anime forums. I think I made it better? I couldn't tell which looked text best. So I'm adding all three for you to choose :) Personally I think RoboWaifuBanner0.png does, but I'm not sure.
>>15148 Very nice work Anon, and y/w. >Personally I think RoboWaifuBanner0.png does I'm inclined to agree, it follows the color scheme a bit better. One thing you might do is compare the BG with the original one. IMO the BG is a bit too dark now. I'd suggest burning the centroid oval of the BG just a bit now. Brings back the 'Electro' theme a bit more?
>>15149 Ah yeah, that makes it feel much better
>>15148 Excellent. Nice work Anon. Done.
>>5231 >So it's really dumb someone doesn't know how to appreciate a joke
>>15159 Hi anon, it would be appreciated if you would stick to the theme of the board and not necro years old threads just to start drama.
Edited last time by AllieDev on 02/08/2022 (Tue) 02:58:57.
>>15161 not starting anything, just pointing something out >and not necro years old threads the thread is and was on the first page. last post by BO himself also, >>15031 >we don't have such a thing as necro'ing here on /robowaifu/ so don't start rulecucking not sage'ing this post because there is no point
>>15163 >so don't start rulecucking Heh, if there's any rule 'cucking' to be done here, I think I might have a say. :^) A) >Be civil. >Be courteous. >Be patient with each other. (>>14130) There's plenty of crap to be had elsewhere friend, let's work to keep this little slice of heaven clear of it yeah? B) I entirely concur with AllieDev. Post an unprovoked barb against an anon who made a post you disagree with almost a year and a half ago is not only poor form, but frankly embarrassing. Secondly, he's my Lieutenant Admin here, and has everyone's back. Kindly respect that kthx. Two demerits Anon, report to study hall. :^) No really. We need the help of talented, motivated individuals here. If you're interested in robowaifu development in any fashion, then why not lend us a hand? Cheers.
>>15164 >then why not lend us a hand did and do, since 8ch had to comment on that because I, anonymous, made that banner
>>15172 LOL. Touché, Anon :^) Your work is much appreciated here!
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my own twist on >>6693 it did numbers on twitter. maybe some viral memes here and there aren't a bad thing
>>19013 Nice, crisp graphics Meta Ronin. Continue on! :^)
Open file (291.18 KB 750x797 FiwlqB9akAA5zH6.jpg)
>>19018 thanks an edit of my own on this one
>>19019 2B fans will get that immediately I think, but probably not others. The waifu looks mostly normal. Propaganda needs to 'read' in literally 2 seconds to be effective IMO. While 2B is extra-bomb, is there a more robo-looking waifu you might use for this one Anon?
>>19021 >2B fans will get that immediately I think, but probably not others. Doesn't really matter that much imo, since it works without knowing who she is to realize it's not the one on his couch. Then, dependent on where this is posted (aside from the banner here), comments will point to who she is. And if it's being used as a banner here, people should already have a hunch or know her. >>19013 I'm not really identifying as robosexual, but oh my she's kinda hot and cute.
>>19013 >>19019 Either of these would be acceptable as banners here Anon, but you'll need to figure out a creative layout that meets our formatting requirements (>>252). I'd also suggest you try to simplify so that they 'read' well, as with your first sauce material. >=== -add crosslink -minor prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/26/2023 (Thu) 19:00:15.
>>19074 Then these are not banners but memes: Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruitment >>2705
>>19418 Ahh, got it. Thanks Anon!
>>9674 Not the anon who asked but it sounds sad. What happened to her in the end?
>>26448 Hello newbie, welcome! I suppose you'll have to find out for yourself! You can find sites that will let you read this mango online. I hope you enjoy our board, Anon. Please look around and don't be afraid to ask questions along the way. Cheers! :^)

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