>Are you trying to convert me?
No. All I said was I was looking for a way to run local AI's and was bemoaning the fact that because I was on an older Windows, that it appeared the only way to do this, without more fucking Windows upgrades, which I refuse, is to run Linux. And I was complaining about the massive load of work this will be. Somehow this got, or appeared to me, as some condemnation of me not understanding Linux, or saying Linux was no good. All I was stating was the basic facts that this a lot work and I don't want to do it.
>Do you just hate me?
No, maybe I misinterpreted what you were saying. The point about sports teams is that quite a few people if you say anything, anything at all about Linux not be the most shiny, perfect, wonderful thing in world, they have a fit, act like they are hopped upon energy drinks and churn out realms of vitriol. Same with sports, I say this tongue in cheek, "enthusiast". There are people that get into riots and large mob fights over sports teams, which puzzles me to no end.
If I confused things it's because of what you said here
>I hear nothing but complaints about how much of a pain in the ass Windows is from its own users, and they're all issues no Linux/Unix Nuzach has some serious trauma related to his slutty brown mom please don't bully him he's having a really hard time right nowas had to deal with in years
I made no complaints about Windows except I could not run local AI's
>I find it very difficult to believe that using Linux is more difficult than desperately maintaining some ancient version of Windows.
I am not nor do I sound desperate
>At this very moment, you're maneuvering a psychotic obsticle course that only exists on outdated Windows builds, and it will cease to exist the moment you switch to literally anything else.
It's a bit much to call or refer to me as psychotic because I do not want to run newer, and even worse pozzed, windows.
And it obvious that Linux, considered as a system, with all the programs you use to do day to day stuff would be a huge pain in the ass to switch over to. As I said. Simpy. All this other stuff people are telling me they think I said is made up in their heads.
>You are grossly handicapping yourself for the illusion of convenience
You're basically saying I'm delusional. That's absurd.
Look at EXACTLY what I said here. I can prove definitely that what I said was about the mass of work needed to change a whole entire OS ecosystem.
>I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm saying that moving to Linux and making it work as I want will take a great deal of effort.
Is this cryptic, confusing, abstract???
and here,
> if I'm going to put in all this effort to find all the B.S., in Win11, [never], it will damn sure be better to move to Linux
and here where I sort of started I said,
>you need ollama framework or some other sort of framework. I can't run these right now
And then because someone recommended another local AI (which I can't use but thank you for the recommendations)I went into an explanation of WHY I could not run them here,
>... I refuse to upgrade to Win10...
>...the only option is Linux but then I have to spend months of work finding all this infrastructure of programs that do what I want and in the end of all this work I will likely only have what I have now and even more likely, less, but some AI thrown in...
It's just a lot of work and I don't want to do, but will likely have to. Any other work around is just another pain in the ass that will not last.
It's annoying to be called psycho and delusional when I've been installing Linuxes for well over a decade. All the way back at the beginning of dial up modems. Getting Red Hat from a book CD and typing in all these values to get xWindows up. And over maybe 8 or 10 times doing this every damn time, I could not get drivers, the thing would lock up and crash, one time I picked a drive to format and instead it formatted my Windows C drive, what a pain in ass to recover as it was encrypted. It's not like I haven't tried but there was always some kludge to deal with. Now they are much better I fully acknowledge that but I have so tuned, canceled all, or most all public, the bad parts of windows and gone through it, have stuff working great, I despair of starting all over again. If that makes psychotic then I'm a raving lunatic.