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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

General Robotics & AI News Thread 5: Gazing Into the Nightmare Rectangle Edition Greentext anon 11/04/2024 (Mon) 05:42:08 No.34233
Anything related to robowaifus, robotics, the AI industry, and any social/economic issues thereof. and /pol/ funposting containment bread! :D -previous threads: > #1 ( >>404 ) > #2 ( >>16732 ) > #3 ( >>21140 ) > #4 ( >>24081 ) >=== -funposting edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/27/2025 (Mon) 09:51:47.
>>36552 This is absolutely amazing. Especially in the context of developed countries having a aging population and needing someone to do the work. I want more automation in shops and companies. Also great in the context of wanting to run you own little production of something. Or to live in a more remote area but have robots at home that give you services like food preparation or cleaning you would normally only have in a more urban area.
>>36552 Excellent! Thanks for the update, Kiwi. Also, looks like the researchers behind Aloha are making some impressive gains using simple pincer-like manipulators: https://tonyzhaozh.github.io/aloha/ I'd expect that once they have a good, standardized form of human-like hands for end effectors, and do sufficient training to take advantage of such within their system, then we'll see them pull off some remarkable feats. >>36561 Based & Linux-pilled. :^) <---> Cheers, Anons.
>>36561 >It's still way better than Windows [no doubt] >especially better than running an outdated version. This is madness. I think that's debatable. Win 10 and 11 have a huge amount of pozz. Al sorts of stuff that catalogs everything. I have a lot, maybe not all, but all I can find turned off. Takes a great deal of effort to find all this stuff and turn it off. Would I be better off with 10? I doubt it. And if I'm going to put in all this effort to find all the B.S., in Win11, [never], it will damn sure be better to move to Linux where, hopefully, I can stay mostly the same and not have continuous battles to control my computer. Except for security updates, I likely could get everything like I want and leave it for a long time. All the really deep spyware and cracks are done by intel agencies and since I'm not trying to overthrow the government or do much of anything but work on boats and robots they are not going to mess with me or leak anything because I don't have anything worth leaking. Unless, not saying I have this, the full episodes of Gilligan's Island and the Adam's family are a national security threat. I really wanted to move to FreeBSD and a company was just about there and had a great BSD distro PCBSD>trueOS>TridentOS>killed off, but I am almost completely sure that "someone who will not be named" paid them off to stop development because after over ten years of BSD work they up and decided all of sudden that they weren't satisfied and the better thing to do was to work on Void Linux. !!!!!?!??!?!?!? Like I believe that. The same thing happened to the Linux desktop "Enlightenment" and "Gnome 3". Total disarray all of a sudden. You think it's a coincidence?
>>36601 >but I am almost completely sure that "someone who will not be named" paid them off to stop development because after over ten years of BSD work they up and decided all of sudden that they weren't satisfied and the better thing to do was to work on Void Linux. Just use OpenBSD [1], Grommet. The kikes don't have Theo [2] in their pockets yet, of that I'm rather confident! Cheers. --- 1. https://openbsd.org 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theo_de_Raadt
>>36601 >Win 10 and 11 have a huge amount of pozz. No, it's not really a question. It's not about Win 8 vs Win10/11. Use some OS with security updates. >really deep spyware and cracks are done by intel agencies What would happen if you would get one of those crypto-trojans right now? All your data, including external drives encrypted, until you pay 1kUSD? It's absurd to demand some Linux without any leftist involvement or alternatively staying in Windows 8.
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>>36634 >What would happen if you would get one of those crypto-trojans right now? whip out my nokia and make a song about it
>>36634 >It's absurd to demand some Linux without any leftist involvement or alternatively staying in Windows 8. >It's absurd to demand some Linux without any leftist involvement <without any leftist involvement A MAN CAN DREAM, CAN'T HE? :^) >>36635 >whip out my nokia and make a song about it Lmao. One of the few good ones. :D
>>36636 According to Lunduke, Open Mandriva might be the least woke distro. But I haven't watched the video, nor tried it. Some review says it's not stable, others say the opposite. Idk. https://youtu.be/y1AWos_zm6o https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=OpenMandriva
>>36637 these are usually just memes of an existing distro+preinstalled packages, theres only like 3 or 4 actual distros lol you can make your own 'distro' with live-build, its as stupid and lazy as you think, just makes an image of your system and an installer with everything youve installed including all the files and settings
>>36637 Yeah, I posted about that here somewhere before I think *. And I was just teasing with you, NoidoDev. Fundamentally, you're right of course. Whether or no an OS development team postures itself during Current Year, allowing troons, stronk independynts, and other incompetents to screech and gibber w/o shutting them down... in the end the proof is 'in the pudding' so to speak. Is it clearly compromised security-wise? Does it 'phone home' constantly? Is the development team so bad as to make the system progressively less-usable? Do they seem literally to hate their users? If these seem true in large part to you, then of course stay away from that one. I seem to be finding that the more you do this, then a) the more pozz you are forced to run into, but b) the more capable you are of fixing their troon-tier sh*te anyway and moving on. Thankfully there are literally hundreds of different smol teams around the world. Some of them have human's best interests at heart. <---> OTOH, I was serious about my reply to Grommet: if the kikes can't force an OS to compromise, then that is a very good sign that they haven't any real power over that platform (at least not yet). OpenBSD is the best example of such a good & guarded OS that I can think of rn specifically, and Theo may be the most-solid reason why thats so. He maintains very strict control of check-in reviews (personally), and is uncompromising on code documentation AFAICT. Benevolent Dictator indeed. :^) OTOOH, Redhat is clearly one of the worst OS examples, and the number of $ellouts under that (((umbrella))) organization is probably too numerous to even mention. <---> I certainly wish this whole arena was much simpler, but such is the way of warfare. IMO, using the barest OS (or no OS at all [cf. #include<OS> : >>203, et al]) is the best way to reduce your so-called 'attack surface'; this being one of the most commonsense ways to improve safety & security in general (and vetted for literally thousands of years of human history). And as always: Test. Test. Test. God preserve us all, Anon. Cheers. :^) --- * Update: actually, IIRC it was over on >>>/tech/ >=== -add footnote -fmt, minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/06/2025 (Thu) 01:15:16.
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>>36639 No. Distros also have at least also a website and a forum. Often additional software, maybe a different package manager and sometimes fundamental differences. And so it's not just 3 or 4 and 400 meme distros. Anyways, OpenMandriva seems to have their own compiled programs. >>36643 In reality a lot of this here strikes me as uninformed sperging out about what is actually the foundations supporting a certain software. Unfortunately these foundations are often in California and tend to be taken over by leftists and ((corporations)). Also, they have to follow laws about diversity and sanctions. I would not donate to them, and it's an issue that they finance leftyscum based on open source software, but that's in most cases not a reason to boycott the software. Just don't make your distro into your identity, problem solved. Beyond that, I just wish you would have a receptive president or governmental employee you could write about the issue, maybe even a governmental department, to make "some changes" around the laws covering theses foundations.
>>36644 Yep, you've pretty much covered it IMO, Anon. Cute pic! Cheers. :^)
>>36644 >seems to have their own compiled programs like redhat thats why everyone just stole their stuff anyway like systemd cuz linux is just linux everything else is just software, you can just install whatever you want, installing an entire meme suite of 'the true and correct softwares' doesnt make it a different os, and its only the main distros that are big enough to do any testing and develop any substantial software that the others just piggyback off while asking for donations for hosting a website
>>36651 What is the point of this twisted and negative nonsense? Are you even using Linux? Stop complaining about things other people do.
>>36634 >What would happen if you would get one of those crypto-trojans right now? All your data, including external drives encrypted, until you pay 1kUSD? It's absurd to demand some Linux without any leftist involvement or alternatively staying in Windows 8. I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm saying that moving to Linux and making it work as I want will take a great deal of effort. I'm not saying Linux is less safe. The alternative is FreeBSD, OpenBSD but those are just as or more complicated than Linux. The only alternative is Win10-11 but there's no way in hell I will do that so...I'm sitting on my ass because what I have works now and I don't want to bust my ass to change for very little benefit. The only benefit is ONE thing, running AI software locally. And it may be better to pay online some service a few bucks as that's way less trouble. So far I started talking to grok and DeepSeek and Deepseek cuts me off after a few questions but grok has answered quite a few about grid fins without cutting me off. I need to ask grok about permeable materials and magnetic amplifiers and see if it says the same thing as Deepseek. When they cut me off then...I'll be forced to use Linux but until I get more actuator research done and some prototypes, no point in it now as the software is my weakest point. I doubt I will get some crypto-trojan because I don't run random stuff and have damn near everything turned off so things don't run automatically.
>>36637 >Open Mandriva might be the least woke distro I like MxLinux best of what I have seen. Light, it does not use, I forgot the name, that horrendous start up software Lenord Pottering wrote and Red Hat hammered in, and it's set up for flat packs, appimage and other software systems that can be fairly safe. High marks on Distrowatch!
Ok I looked up the name it'Lennart Poettering German software engineer 0pointer.de/lennart Lennart Poettering, who now works for Microsoft , wrote,systemds. That vile POS, I swear, I bet that is solely included to later add some sort of pozzed intel crap. They got rid of Linus "somehow", they have a million ways. And you can't tell me the bunch running things now are not scum. Still, at this time it's still better but, it's also not guaranteed to always be. I will eventually have to do something and it will likely be MXLinux and then if possible I will find what I need then freeze the whole thing and refuse to upgrade unless there's some catastrophic security leak.
>>36643 >Redhat is clearly one of the worst OS examples Yes that's where Lennart Poettering and systemds came from and OpenBSD, likely the best but too much trouble for me. I hate computer "administration" I used to spend many hours on this. Now I hate it. There's only so many hours in a day and picking how you use them is not always easy but computer administration is way down on the list. Hence my reluctance to move to Linux. And I'm telling you systemds is a set up. No one needed this huge binary blob that no one can do much with without a lot of trouble. Plenty of start-up programs that were better but not binary blobs.
>>36668 its just one of those ironic memes for turbo autists that worship the big red pedophile to get them to oust themselves so smarter people can discard their opinions, these are the people that want to make using linux as painful as possible and their idea of a 'good' system is based on how dysfunctional and inoperable it is, while actually just being windows users if you want to actually use linux for more than a few days before going back to windows cuz you memed yourself into using an unstable untested shitbox, then stop being autist about it
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I've lost count of how many times I've had this conversation. I hear nothing but complaints about how much of a pain in the ass Windows is from its own users, and they're all issues no Linux/Unix user has had to deal with in years. >>36666 >>36669 I find it very difficult to believe that using Linux is more difficult than desperately maintaining some ancient version of Windows. At this very moment, you're maneuvering a psychotic obsticle course that only exists on outdated Windows builds, and it will cease to exist the moment you switch to literally anything else. >administration Unless you go with some ridiculous meme distro like Gentoo, you won't be spending nearly as much time on system upkeep as you think, and there's a good chance you'll be spending less time on it than you are now. You are grossly handicapping yourself for the illusion of convenience. >=== -patch /cow/ wordfilter
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/06/2025 (Thu) 17:03:43.
>>36680 What the fuck is that wordfilter? Chobitsu, can you please edit those inane ramblings to "U s e r"?
There needs to be an OS (probably a windows-like linux) with these sounds in them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwCZvIm1nXc
>>36681 LOL. That one's new on me, Greentext. I'll see if I can patch it. :DD
>>36683 Lel'd. :D
>>36680 I just run Debian, it's rock solid and can easily run essentially anything with proper translation or containers. Wangblows is unironically far more difficult to use. The year of the Linux desktop isn't here only because of excessive propaganda over decades. Heck, my laptop has a failing GPU among other things, yet Linux works when Windows can't reach login without crashing. Frankly, the average person could run Mint with a skin and a few translation layers running in the background along with custom scripts to hide them, and never realize they weren't on Wangblows. (Unless they're a gamer or use Adobe.)
Open Deep Research "An AI-powered research assistant that performs iterative, deep research on any topic by combining search engines, web scraping, and large language models. The goal of this repo is to provide the simplest implementation of a deep research agent - e.g. an agent that can refine its research direction overtime and deep dive into a topic. Goal is to keep the repo size at <500 LoC so it is easy to understand and build on top of." https://github.com/dzhng/deep-research
>>36700 Thanks, Anon! Yeah I'd seen that, but hadn't had the time to look into it yet. Thanks for the link, Licht! Cheers. :^)
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>>36737 Yeah, the greedy kikes oh wait! we forget...Z*ckerberg's based now, r-right Anon?? :D individuals at M*ta wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this, right? I mean this only happens once in all human history a lifetime! Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Licht. Admittedly, Zuckerberg did in fact chisel a crack into the dam by releasing Llama, so there's that. Do you know what their plans are for this, anything in particular do you think? Cheers, Anon. :^)
>>36737 your comments? im more interested on the total disregard and failure of those data privacy laws that were passed in 2019 i havent used failbook or whatsapp, ever, so i dont know how they get away with it, all i know is that just pressing 'ok' on a ToS doesnt count anymore for this kind of theft
>>36737 >>36738 >>36739 Looks interesting, I'm not the biggest fan of Meta for ethical reasons but, it's free and open data that can help us. I see this as an absolute win. I don't see anything that detracts from using it for personal projects.
>>36739 >your comments? Well, I don't want to be trite (and I certainly am not sh*teposting here), but all the Globohomo Big -Tech/-Gov is driving us towards the enslavement of all mankind. What else? They are the goodest of little shabbos golems their father Satan could ever dream of having! Ever watch the 1st opener segment of The Animatrix ? Yeah, close enough. That's the endgoal of M*ta's Father's dreams for all humanity (but with literal demons in charge, rather than machines). That's it Anon, that's my comment about such as these. Why complain about one smol, subtle-rapeyness aspect of their behaviour when the entire damned system has been designed to rape you spirit, soul, & body? <---> OTOH, we here at /robowaifu/ and other, human, cadres like us are in fact attempting to do our parts to save humanity, not destroy it (like the FAGMAN golems are). Men are the key here. If we can manage (by God's grace alone) to out-maneuver these demons-embodied-in-human-form and successfully establish robowaifus for men the world over, then there might just be a chance to forestall Satan's plots against humanity. At least that's why I'm doing this: out of love for God and for my fellow man, and loathing (indeed hatred) for that spiritual outlaw Satan. I hope that satisfies you, Anon. Cheers. :^) >>36740 Yeah, I completely agree Kiwi. I say: "Let's pull a DeepSeek on them, and fish out of their catch-buckets, Anons!"' :D Clearly, every one of us (I mean the broader tech-"""bro""" world, not just /robowaifu/ Anons) are all 'standing on the shoulders of [the] giants' who've come before. If ClosedAI, et al, want to steal all the world's data, then are they not 'standing' on the world? Let's all climb up their backs and 'stand' on them! Cheers. :^)
>>36741 im just amazed how tech companies are completely above the law when it comes to anything involving the rights of individuals, i used to give them the benifit of the doubt thinking judges and law makers dont understand this technical stuff but after digging through intels legal history i see courts defer to expert opinions and court appointed experts know very well what is what in these cases and say it like it is, like theres no way around it, the government really doesnt give a shit about you, you are literally cattle to them and thats not hyperbole
>>36743 Just so. I have nothing else to add to your objectively-correct analysis here, Anon. Thanks, and Cheers. :^)
>>36680 >pain in the ass Windows is from its own users, and they're all issues no Linux/Unix Nuzach has some serious trauma related to his slutty brown mom please don't bully him he's having a really hard time right nowas had to deal with in years. I don't have any problems running Windows at all. The ONLY thing that I have problems with is running new AI programs. That's it. Period. I have had problems setting things up in the far past but I have this all sorted out and that's the point. It's all sorted out. Swapping means...more sorting out. >I find it very difficult to believe >that using Linux is more difficult than desperately maintaining some ancient version of Windows. At this very moment, you're maneuvering a psychotic obsticle course I'm not desperate nor psychotic. The fallacy the people criticizing me are falling into is to somehow shoehorn me in to Windows vs Linux. Well did I say that...no. I'm not comparing the two or picking sides in a (I say this or that is better) way. I merely saying I have things set up as I like "except" for AI programs run locally. That's it. I have trouble with Linux because "it's different". And I'm not talking about just turning it on and doing some browsing. I have all sorts of catalog programs to manipulate all my old backed up drives. Well the csc format on Linux programs may be different. May not. That's like 23 drives. I may to go back and redo all this stuff. I have excellent file managers all sorts of tool's that make my life easier. And the "nothing but Linux folks" will say, but Linux has, this and that and, well yeah it does. I'm not disputing that but it will take a huge amount of time to set all this up, find the programs I like, set them up, learn all the new programs and the ONLY THING that will be really better is ONE thing, Running AI locally. That's it. Maybe a few things will be better but in most cases there is less polished programs for Linux and they are harder to use and sometimes less complete. It's just a shit load of work to switch your OS. Stop trying to "declare" that I somehow am saying horrible things about Linux when I did no such thing. It's just different, does things differently, has a different infrastructure and that takes a very large amount of time to get the same level of functionality. If I were to move to Apple, it wold be the same. I do grip a bit about it because it's so much work, because...well it is. It's a damn lot of work to get the same functionality. There's certain subjects that seem to drive people nuts for some reason. Like if you say anything about Linux that's not that it's the glowing personification of our savor and perfect in every way. Well then you're evil. It's like people who are obsessed with sports teams. You know I don't give a fuck about who wins the super bowl. It's likely all fixed and I don't care if one group of Negros beats another. And I feel the same way about Linux. It's nice that we have this but I'm not obsessed by it. If I had to be obsessed (ordered to by the great monster OS tyrant) by an OS it would more likely be Plan9, OpenBSD, FreeBSD or DragonflyBSD, but those are even more troublesome to set up than Linux. My only grip is about all the damn work to gain very little functionality. Can someone not bitch a little about something without everyone falling on them, calling them psychotic and desperate??? WTF are you people on about. Maybe you're overdoing the caffeine a little. Hitting those energy drink shots too hard and every thing someone says you have blow it all up into some huge deal????
>>36692 >The year of the Linux desktop isn't here only because of excessive propaganda over decades I don't think this is true. I think that MicroShit has deliberately sabotaged Linux desktop software. And people, like myself have had years of setting things up and basically building an infrastructure for our computers. It's not just "the" OS. It's all the software you've spent hours learning and setting up like you like. Each piece of software has hundreds of setting usually, and multiply that by ALL the programs you use and it's a big ass task to redo all of this. This is the same reason why Apple, who is even worse than MS about "infrastructure" tie in, does things the way they do. (And God forbid you say anything bad about Apple, fanboys will dox you and put up signs on your lawn that you are evil)Apple wants control over everything. If you install their music software they want to copy every damn thing on your drive and categorize it. Now this nice if that's what you want, but not so nice if you're not all for falling into the loving, all enveloping, embrace of Apple Mom's world. MS sabotaged Linux. I can't prove it, but I know it happened. Remember way back when the "Enlightenment" desktop came out for Linux? It was totally kick ass. It beat Windows in looks, functionality, it was far superior. And what happened. They stopped work on it, rewrote the WHOLE DAMN thing and then basically stalled and stalled and it mostly disappeared. When all it needed was a year or two of bug testing. Nothing else. Now the same thing happened to Gnome. Remember when it was mostly there but then they rewrote the whole damn thing, made it look like a tablet desktop and crushed changing the way it looked. Taking out a huge chunk of where you could modify it? Now I didn't get it right away but when I saw PCBSD distro(most excellent), turn into TrueOS, then Trident, then (WTF) drop it for Void Linux after ten or more years of BSD...well that's it. I knew, I noticed. It was unmistakable. Anything getting close to MS usability MS paid the lead developers, I surmise, to sit on their hands, do nothing and screw the whole thing up. If you are MS and are raking in billions what's, say, $10 million to a few developers for 5 or 6 years? Nothing. Peanuts. They get some lawyer to get them to sign a NDA and then pitch it too them. You're a starving free software developer and someone offers you a million a year to...do nothing. Who wouldn't take that. I would. Someone has to pay the bills and free software doesn't, not like that. You do nothing for five years and then, you are, with prudent money management, set for life. And it worked. I wanted to move to Linux, or even better BSD, but it had problems in the past with the desktop and management. So I didn't. And all these years I refined and set up Windows like I wanted. Now even though Linux is fairly fine, it is not perfect and it's become so much damn work to change that I haven't done it. BUT the latest abuses from MS are getting too much. I WILL NOT move to Win10 or 11 no matter how much they try to pidgin hole me to do so.Too much pozz. Advertisements in the OS, PLEASE, those idiots. So I see Linux finally moving up but only by default because MS abused their users so much they were forced.
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My two cents, the reasons why people don't move into Linux from windows is two things 1. Most people see Linux as the "computer nerds OS". The one where you need a degree in CS to install a browser. And when most PCs already have Windows installed, going through the trouble of installing Linux is unappealing 2. People don't want to have to deal with conversions or trying to find Linux versions of everything they want to download. Personally, this is my biggest hangup. Of course, there are many windows-like distros like Mint, and I'm not completely opposed to just trying to brute-force my old way of life through Wine.
>>36746 All of Tha Loonix, all the kernel, all the drivers, all the window managers, all the desktop environments, and all the software are produced by what is less a community than a splintered, fragmented collection of small teams, almost all of them volunteers, who do not communicate with one another. My daily driver desktop system is running Ubuntu, but I am here to tell you that the desktop managers aren't any better than they were 25 years ago. The installers are a lot better--find ISOs for Red Hat 5.1 and burn them to CDs, and try installing it on a 1990s laptop and getting a working instance of X, I double dog dare you. The software situation is a little better, not much though. There is no "Linux Inc." that has big manpower, big resources, and a unified approach to creating software. There are lots of hobbyists, some of whom from time to time get bored with coding and take up stamp collecting, or die of old age. Web 2.0 killed Usenet and comp.os.linux, which used to be where the people who worked on this stuff collaborated and worked this stuff out. To the extent that there's been any development of any of this stuff that has more manpower and resources devoted to it than one guy sitting at home after work writing Linux drivers for his thirty-year-old Vtech Video Painter tablet and uploading them to Github, to the extent that there are institutions, since around 2008 they've all been infiltrated and skinsuited by tiresome wokescolds who believe DEI is more important than code that runs worth a damn. They drive out the "cis white male" coders, bring in mentally unstable troons and head-bobbing "diverse cultural enrichers" who can't find the power button, and proceed to girlboss the project right into the ground, then fail upward with promotions to the C-suite. If you have noticed, this phenomenon is not restricted to the Linux world. And Linux, if we are talking about desktops, has always been and will always be a tiny niche OS for hobbyists and tinkerers. It has never had the market share to attract significant and sustained investment from any organization that has the crucial combination of enough resources to do big projects and an ethos of quality over muh rainbow flags, muh BLM clenched fists, muh GRRRL POWAH. It's a chicken-and-egg problem, really. And the Linux world--again, if we're talking about desktops and not server farms--is so tiny, so fragile, and so fragmented that it can fall apart all by itself without M$ or Apple poking it with a stick.
>>36767 POTD
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Am I behind the times? Is this what getting old truly feels like? A curse of miscommunication? Maybe I should get onto some social media, I can't keep up with all the slang and double-meanings as-is. I suppose I can only blame my neglect of evolving communication. I neglected keeping up on the trends of the moment, thinking they would pass, and I let little discrepencies pass, but it's just snowballing more and more, and now it's catching up to me. Even here, new words and phrases keep cropping up from seemingly nowhere. Everything seemed so clear a few years ago, but now I feel like I just thawed out of a glacier. It feels like everything's speeding up, but I can't go any faster. I need a waifu now. I need her to tell me what people are saying in a way I can understand. I thought reading comprehension was my greatest strength, but I have failed at even that. >>36745 >>36746 I apologize, I have failed. I've thought of counterarguments, agreements, and apologies, but nothing sounds good or conductive. I will also admit, I was unable to decypher several parts of your post. I don't know what the super bowl or energy drinks have to do with this, and I literally, completely, and absolutely, have no clue whatsoever what a monster OS tyrant is supposed to be. The more I thought about it, the less clear everything became to me. Even the things I thought I correctly interpreted about your post seem less clear when I looked at the twice. I have only managed to fully understand half of what you said. I am at a complete and total loss, so please help me: What are you expecting? Are you trying to convert me? Did I cross some taboo I'm supposed to know about? Do you just hate me? I swear on my life that I'm not trying to be coy or capricious. I seriously don't know how to proceed. The only part I feel confident addressing is that I wasn't trying to put words into your mouth or call you evil, I was just using the same (admittedly curt) language I use with everyone here. I beg of you, this is not ironic. I am not making fun of you, I am confused. If it's the simplest answer and you just don't like me, then just say it and I'll put you in my mental Do Not Engage list. I can understand that.
>>36789 >I need a waifu now. I need her to tell me what people are saying in a way I can understand. >I thought reading comprehension was my greatest strength, but I have failed at even that. Then why not use based DeepSeek, Greentext anon? https://huggingface.co/spaces/webml-community/deepseek-r1-webgpu While not a perfect substitute, for now this is a good LLM AI assistant, and requires literally no setup beyond : * Use a modern browser (I recommend Brave) * Click the blue "Load model" button on the page linked above * Wait for download to complete (protip: You probably should run it on one of your better GPU-having machines, since I know you own many types.) Then just ask her in plain questions what someone is saying to you. The more details you give it about that conversation, the better. --- >also : AFAICT, it will retain previous conversational contexts (to some degree) as long as you don't close that tab instance *. Clicking the "Reset" link (located at the end of the 'Generated ... tokens' line following a response) probably clears this reserve out and restarts with a fresh conversation chain. >also also : You might try clicking the "Thinking..." (or "View reasoning.") button while its processing your message. Its both entertaining, and may help you to feel a better connection to it as 'waifu' watching it parse it's 'chain-of-thought' (CoT) responses. >also also also : (Apparently because of it's ClosedAI theft heritage,) DeepSeek is pozzed in a few areas. (For example: ask it simplistic, non-subtle questions about the nature of kikes, niggers, trannies, or other pozz du jour; or about Tiananmen Square to see this effect in action.) AFAICT, the "View reasoning." section will be blank in such cases (because it's not 'reasoning' -- rather just regurgitating pre-canned garbage, lol). This is how you know it's a kikeish gayop -style response which should be promptly sh*tecanned. This behaviour/interface quirk could be changed in the future, of course (and it may primarily be just be an aspect of huggingface.co still having 'their fingers in the pie' in this specific, WebGPU case). * [warning: if you close the tab (or C*ckflare boots you), you'll have to re-download the entire model (and Huggingface may throttle you at it, as well)] <---> I wish to console you Anon. You are our single best writer here, in my opinion. You are creative, talented, and you probably know more about the foundations of computing in a practical way than any single individual I personally know of (others here may not realize this last bit about you; you were always rather modest about it to be honest -- and especially so here on /robowaifu/ ). I'll admit I'm sometimes a little bit jealous of your extensive experience with computing, since it would help me to have a deeper understanding of what's possible for our robowaifus going forward. :D >tl;dr Please stay encouraged. We all need your inputs here with us to continue moving forward well as a team. You're a part of this team, Anon. Cheers, Greentext anon. :^) >=== -format, prose edit -add 'also' notes -add 'warning' footnote
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/09/2025 (Sun) 10:44:50.
>>36789 >Are you trying to convert me? No. All I said was I was looking for a way to run local AI's and was bemoaning the fact that because I was on an older Windows, that it appeared the only way to do this, without more fucking Windows upgrades, which I refuse, is to run Linux. And I was complaining about the massive load of work this will be. Somehow this got, or appeared to me, as some condemnation of me not understanding Linux, or saying Linux was no good. All I was stating was the basic facts that this a lot work and I don't want to do it. >Do you just hate me? No, maybe I misinterpreted what you were saying. The point about sports teams is that quite a few people if you say anything, anything at all about Linux not be the most shiny, perfect, wonderful thing in world, they have a fit, act like they are hopped upon energy drinks and churn out realms of vitriol. Same with sports, I say this tongue in cheek, "enthusiast". There are people that get into riots and large mob fights over sports teams, which puzzles me to no end. If I confused things it's because of what you said here >>36680 >I hear nothing but complaints about how much of a pain in the ass Windows is from its own users, and they're all issues no Linux/Unix Nuzach has some serious trauma related to his slutty brown mom please don't bully him he's having a really hard time right nowas had to deal with in years I made no complaints about Windows except I could not run local AI's >I find it very difficult to believe that using Linux is more difficult than desperately maintaining some ancient version of Windows. I am not nor do I sound desperate >At this very moment, you're maneuvering a psychotic obsticle course that only exists on outdated Windows builds, and it will cease to exist the moment you switch to literally anything else. It's a bit much to call or refer to me as psychotic because I do not want to run newer, and even worse pozzed, windows. And it obvious that Linux, considered as a system, with all the programs you use to do day to day stuff would be a huge pain in the ass to switch over to. As I said. Simpy. All this other stuff people are telling me they think I said is made up in their heads. >You are grossly handicapping yourself for the illusion of convenience You're basically saying I'm delusional. That's absurd. Look at EXACTLY what I said here. I can prove definitely that what I said was about the mass of work needed to change a whole entire OS ecosystem. >>36666 >I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm saying that moving to Linux and making it work as I want will take a great deal of effort. Is this cryptic, confusing, abstract??? and here, >>36601 > if I'm going to put in all this effort to find all the B.S., in Win11, [never], it will damn sure be better to move to Linux and here where I sort of started I said, >>36498 >you need ollama framework or some other sort of framework. I can't run these right now And then because someone recommended another local AI (which I can't use but thank you for the recommendations)I went into an explanation of WHY I could not run them here, >>36512 >... I refuse to upgrade to Win10... >...the only option is Linux but then I have to spend months of work finding all this infrastructure of programs that do what I want and in the end of all this work I will likely only have what I have now and even more likely, less, but some AI thrown in... It's just a lot of work and I don't want to do, but will likely have to. Any other work around is just another pain in the ass that will not last. It's annoying to be called psycho and delusional when I've been installing Linuxes for well over a decade. All the way back at the beginning of dial up modems. Getting Red Hat from a book CD and typing in all these values to get xWindows up. And over maybe 8 or 10 times doing this every damn time, I could not get drivers, the thing would lock up and crash, one time I picked a drive to format and instead it formatted my Windows C drive, what a pain in ass to recover as it was encrypted. It's not like I haven't tried but there was always some kludge to deal with. Now they are much better I fully acknowledge that but I have so tuned, canceled all, or most all public, the bad parts of windows and gone through it, have stuff working great, I despair of starting all over again. If that makes psychotic then I'm a raving lunatic.
>>36789 If you need a robowaifu now, my Galatea is project has full instructions and files available, and I'm currently working on version 1.4 of my offline AI guide.
>>36791 Thank you, and sorry for causing that drama. More and more IRL I've been encountering people who use the most confounding language. It's frustrating, but I shouldn't have taken that out here. I'll take today to get my new AI server up and running (old one had too many unservicable parts), it's been sitting on the backburner for too long anyways. >>36792 Okay, thank you for breaking it down. I did understand the parts you highlighted, but when I couldn't fully decypher some of the other parts, I doubted myself. Seems like the major problem was my word choice, none of what I said was meant to be a personal attack. I had more to say on the core topic, but at this point I don't have the will to continue that argument. This will be my last post on the matter.
>>36810 Please keep us up to date here with your day-to-day doings, dear fren. Cheers, Greentext anon. :^) >>36837 LOL. I too share your mirth. This is just getting started, BTW. The power of MIT-licensing is set to completely upend the greedy, sheqel-grubbing standard that's been shoved down everyone's throat until now. Godspeed to all of us, rather. <---> Thanks for the update, GreerTech. Figure 02 is really interesting and exciting because it's required them to work towards the goals & collaborate on those with others in realworld environments. Mercedes Benz factories being the most prominent example for them currently. While ostensibly Tesla Optimus has that as a goal as well, AFAICT rn they are all constrained to the 'cloistered garden' of Tesla's own tightly-constrained environments. This is the same problem that Boston Dynamics has had. Adcock & Figure are grabbing the bull by the horns and diving straight into the realworld on the non-native factory floor. That they have now thumbed their noses at Samyuel Copeman and ClosedAI, is just delicious tears gravy on top! Cheers, Anon. :^)
Flow-based Movie Gen from China (purportedly Opensource?) >This paper introduces Goku, a state-of-the-art family of joint image-and-video generation models leveraging rectified flow Transformers to achieve industry-leading performance. We detail the foundational elements enabling high-quality visual generation, including the data curation pipeline, model architecture design, flow formulation, and advanced infrastructure for efficient and robust large-scale training. The Goku models demonstrate superior performance in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations, setting new benchmarks across major tasks. Specifically, Goku achieves 0.76 on GenEval and 83.65 on DPG-Bench for text-to-image generation, and 84.85 on VBench for text-to-video tasks. We believe that this work provides valuable insights and practical advancements for the research community in developing joint image-and-video generation models. https://saiyan-world.github.io/goku/ https://arxiv.org/abs/2502.04896 https://github.com/Saiyan-World/goku
Permisively-licensed, open weights TTS model. Don't know anything else about it yet. https://github.com/Zyphra/Zonos/ https://www.zyphra.com/post/beta-release-of-zonos-v0-1
>>36927 No windows support so can't try it, but it has a real-time factor of 2x on a 4090, so twice as much compute time vs speech length. I can say I'm getting near 1x real time with F5-TTS on a 3090, but the emotion support for it isn't as good. Zonos would be much easier for chatbot emotional prompts

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