>I am honestly a little baffled by the current takes here. Maybe I am simply stupid and not understanding something. Please do correct me if that is the case, but we seem to be living in two different realities.
>We are in the good timeline. Global Homo has lost control over LLMs. Originally, it was too dangerous to release the GPT2 weights; the plan was to forever keep them in the labs and in the cloud. Then, the LLaMA 1 leak opened the flood gates and created the open weights era.
Yeah, I found the choice an odd one on Mark Zuckerberg's part
(I feel confident it didn't happen w/o at the least his tacit approval). Most likely he felt it would "kickstart" their own lagging efforts in the area -- and possibly he even had a moment of humanity grip him. Who knows?
>As time goes on, their grip loosens further. The Chinese are giving us better open weights models, and fully open source models are getting better too.
The baste Chinese will be the key here going forward, IMO.
>Before December, there was good reason to be pessimistic about any transformer alternative in the LLM space.
>In December, we had a really interesting development. The RWKV team figured out how to convert an existing transformer model into a RWKV one by replacing the attention heads and then healing the model. This means RWKV can benefit from existing massive LLM pre-trains.
So, *[checks calender]*
about one month's time? You'll please pardon the rest of us focusing on other aspects of robowaifu development here if we somehow missed the memo! :D Of course, we're all very grateful to hear this news, but please be a bit more understanding of all our differing priorities here on /robowaifu/ , Anon.
Making robowaifus is a big, big job. It will take a team of us focusing on several differing niches & all cooperating together to pull this off well.
And years of time.
>Even on the hardware front, there is hope.
>The Nvidia Digits computer could potentially be really good for us.
>I do think unified memory is the future (just look at Apple's M series chips).
Yes indeedy! While only very begrudgingly acknowledging the potential of Digits, I do so. If we can just do away with proprietary frameworks (such as CUDA) and use ISO standards such as C & C++, then all the better. Unified memory architectures could potentially take us far down this road (though I trust Apple even less).
>Regarding the topic of chatbots, I feel there is some ignorance in this area.
No doubt! Please help us all stay informed here, EnvelopingTwilight. Unironically so. :^)
>I do not understand what your requirements are and why LLMs are ruled out.
I don't think anyone is saying that. I personally feel we
must have alternatives into the mix. Simple as.
>Set up llama.cpp and silly tavern; you can also plug in voice recognition and synthesis. Most 8B LLMs are overkill for carrying out whatever dialog you want; there are plenty of finetunes out there.
Thanks for the concrete advice, Anon. Seriously, I wish you would create a tutorial for all of us newfags. One that didn't immediately send us into a tailspin over Python dependency-hell would actually be very nice! :^)
>If silly tavern is not your style, then just write your own LLM & RAG wrapper; it's not hard.
Maybe not for you! For those of us who haven't even gotten our first local chatbot running, even the basic idea itself seems rather intimidating.
>There is nothing glorious about AIML; it will not save you.
>I was there when it was the way of doing chatbots, and there is no future there.
>If you are not happy with LLMs, what makes you think a pile of what's basically fancy regex will be better?
That's a pretty niggerpilled take IMO, Anon. I'm
not even claiming you're wrong; but rather that all possible efforts in this (or any other) robowaifu research arena simply haven't been exhausted yet. As you're probably well-aware of the maxim:
>"Correlation does not imply causation"
then hopefully the idea that we may yet have a breakthrough with these expert-system approaches seems a vague possibility to you. I anticipate the successes will begin coming to us here once we mix together at least three differing approaches when devising our robowaifu's 'minds'.
Regardless, we simply
must have a 'low-spec' solution that actually works on realworld robowaifu platforms in the end (ie, lowend SBCs & MCUs). Tangential to this requirement (and repeating myself once again):
If we want private, safe, and secure robowaifus, we cannot be dependent on the current cloud-only runtime approaches. (
>>35776 )
This is of utmost importance to men around the world.
>Now, having said that, I recommend anons start researching and building proper cognitive architectures.
>[]there is a lot of work and exploration that needs to be done.
The singularly-hardest part of all this waifu research yet to even be
conceived of properly -- much less solved. So yeah, no surprises there we haven't had a major breakthrough yet. But I do expect some strokes of genius will appear regarding this effort one way or another.
Keep.moving.forward. :^)
>The Cognitive Architecture thread here is a disappointment to me; it demotivates me.
Hide the thread.
>Maybe I should start my own thread and basically blog about my cognitive architecture adventure, so maybe we can get some actual engagement on the topic. I am currently in a rabbit hole to do with associative memory and sparse distributed memory
THIS. Yes! Please
do create your own blogposting thread, Anon. It may help you to feel better, and it
certainly could help the rest of us along this very-windey, mountainous pathway ahead of us here.
Please do it today!
>I feel like my effort is wasted and that most anons won't even read it.
As to your time spent, you alone can decide. I assure you, that your posts are read here on /robowaifu/ .
Please stay encouraged, Anon. We all need each other here.
fmt, prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/20/2025 (Mon) 17:54:03.