/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruitment Thread 2.1 Bugfix: Now in Technicolor™ Greentext anon 02/05/2025 (Wed) 15:23:46 No.36623
Attention drawfags and writefags! Your skills will be needed! The task of building and designing a robowaifu is a herculean quest. As great as this community is, /robowaifu/ simply does not have the manpower to real our goal of DIY robowaifus. Luckily for us there are several communities on the internet that we could find new recruits or allies to help us build our waifus: >MGTOW - These guys know all about the legal pitfalls of marriage and the dangers of feminism. There is already a lot of talk about sex robots in MGTOW communities. It shouldn't be a hard sell to get them to come here. <However, some of these guys would rather spend all their time bitching on the internet about "MUH WOMENZ" than actually getting a hobby other than lifting heavy objects and putting them down again. MGTOW is literally Feminist Separatism for males. >Incels - Guys that can't get laid. The opportunity for love and companionship should be enough to bring some of these guys over. <However, we need to be careful when recruiting from some of their communities, since they may be compomised by glownigs or other fringe elements. We don't want to attract negative attention. >Monster girls/furry/mlp fandoms - The only way these guys are going to be able to have their harpy/elf/goblin/anthro/pony/whatever gf is with a robowaifu. Many have an interest in seeing us succeed. <However, there exists a very wide variety of communities under this umbrella, and there is a notable overlap between communities who would want robowaifus and communities that are morally compromised, so care should be taken when looking into them. Romanticists and waifufags have a tendency to congregate since they all want/create the same type of content, so looking for those subgroups would be the most efficient path. >Otakus - Many men in these communities want to see their waifu/favorite character come to life, which will realistically only happen with robowaifus. <However, many of those communities are drowning in the LGBT alphabet soup. Special care should be taken when looking into them. >Male STEM students - Generally these guys aren't going to get laid until after they have established themselves. A robowaifu could really help them. <However, this may be a harder sell because many of them have been brainwashed in university, but they have skills that we could really use. >Transhumanists/biohackers - Many of the technologies involved in building a robowaifu could be used in transhumanist or biohacking applications such as building an avatar. They may have some interest in helping us out. <However, we will need to be careful which transhumanist communities we go after as many of them are full of feminism, tumblr-tier sexualities and genders, and SJW's. >Cyberpunks and technophiles - These guys (and they are usually guys) are all around into technology and may just enjoy working on the kinds of projects we need to do. They are often into programming and AI. <However, many of these communities suffer from the same potential issues as transhumanists. Now, as for your paranoia about feminism there is a lot of very different views among people who call themselves feminists that directly contradict others. Some are misandrists and some actually care a lot about the interests of males. Some are very prudish from their Christian roots and some are into anything sexual and are pervs. Some would be against sex bots, some would be for them or at least not inherently against them. In other words, a promising community that contains a few people who claim to be pro-feminist shouldn't be immedately discarded, since the feminism they're talking about might not be the feminism you're thinking of. Original thread: >>2705
>>34751 Excellent! Thanks kindly, Greentext anon. Cheers. :^)
>>34387 Good idea, thanks. You could ask some LLM for how to represent the text, then use an image generator to add pictures. I also support the idea of robowaifus being very obedient and marketing them as that. >>34751 Thanks.
> (propaganda-related : >>35224 )
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Man, this thread is just destroyed by the data loss. Maybe we need a new thread.
>>36592 Naicu! GG, GreerTech. >>36593 >Maybe we need a new thread. Perhaps. <---> @Greentext anon Please do me a solid and repost the OP's missing files. Lets just call it another 'experiment'. :)
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/05/2025 (Wed) 13:00:32.
>>36604 Here are all of the files I posted in this thread.
>>36613 Thanks! Welp, didn't work. Maybe we can just start over with this bread once again, then? Won't help for any missing files already ITT, but if you want to create yet another! :D new bread please, then I can migrate this thread into it. At the least it will be better for the catalog. Up to you, Greentext anon.
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Poem made by Galatea herself, on Backyard AI
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Advertisement for Galatea - Maid Robot
>>36623 THANKS GREENTEXT ANON Much appreciated, bro again! :D . I've just decided to rm the links to the missing images. May kind of newcomers in the future scratching their heads (and ofc the loss of the images ITT). For the moment that seemed the best route for us all. <---> My apologies for the inconvenience, Anons. :)
>>36626 >>36627 I like it, GreerTech. Thanks, and Cheers. :^)
>>36626 >>36627 This inspired me to make some uploads on /r/gynoidappreciation here: https://www.reddit.com/r/gynoidappreciation/comments/1iipnuk/galatea_project/ - I plan to do the same with some other ongoing projects.
>>36640 Nice!!! :)
>>36640 >>36647 Thanks, NoidoDev! Cheers. :^)
>>36623 I think it would be a good idea to poach from amputee communities as well. Most amputee dudes probably don't have a lot of options for women as sad as that is and the technology people are working on here could help them with more than just companionship.
>>36945 That seems a really good idea in general, Anon. We've been encouraging Anons to look into prosthetics as an industry since our very first year : ( >>417 ). But I hadn't personally thought of amputees as a group supporting our goals here. Interesting. What do other Anons here think about Anon's idea?
>>36947 While I think it's weird to appeal directly to amputees, my vision for RoboWaifus includes helping those who have a very low chance of finding love, including people with disabilities. I also see social AIs for more than just romantic partners, I envision a world with widespread local AI friends, local AI therapists, even local AI parental figures.
>>36958 POTD Just don't quit, Anon, and you'll go far. Serving humanity is the primary reason for doing this. For men, in particular. Cheers. :^)
>>36958 It may be a little different to directly appeal to amputee, but people with experience with prosthetics might offer some unique perspectives around solving issues in balance or the uncanny valley.
>>36983 That's a really-good point, Anon. Thanks!
>>36983 The best way to avoid the uncanny valley is to not go near it. Many robots are cuter when they have a simple face and design. I experienced this myself, I had a realistic face, and most people including me preferred the more anime styled face. As for prosthetics, most do the tactic of following biological form, but still clearly robotic. That's similar to what I'm doing.
>>37246 Some more images I found (Robot Face general >>9)
>>37246 >>37247 Neat! Thanks, GreerTech. I like the way you think, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>36945 >>36958 >>36983 >>37246 I had this whole uncanny valley-inspired scale drawing I wanted to make and never got around to it, that went something like this: >1. Bloody severed stump where someone's hand was. >2. Stump that's been treated and fully healed. >3. Primitive robotic claw or hook on a stump. >4. Highly detailed and articulated, robotic hand. >5. Perfectly realistic human hand. >6. Thin fabric glove over a hand. >7. Big mitten/gauntlet over a hand. >8. Hand puppet. This whole shock-value scale is janky, but explains my thought process simply. The lower the number is, the more likely it is to shock/scare/startle someone. In part because it's unexpected, and in part because of implied harm. The majority of the robot designs that attempt to get close to looking perfectly realistic end up falling short. Either because it doesn't have the right shape, right color, doesn't move right, especially with fake skin not moving the way real skin does, or whatever. A lot of what I see looks like people are trying to make 4, but always looks closer to 3. The end goal of waifu design will be something indistinguishable from 5, but my design philosophy is to make something that looks like 7. I'm starting with a 3D model meant to be the final design that's intended to look perfectly human, and what looks like a suit of power armor (in the style of Bubblegum Crisis, or similar) that mechanically looks like it could just be a cosplay costume. Nothing should mechanically clip into the body underneath, even if it means moving as clumsily as C-3PO. But there isn't really a body underneath, it's just for the sake of creating the impression there is. She'll probably start out with the design that makes her look covered in armor from head to toe (aside from a select few removable parts ;D) and once a body part can be made good enough to fool people into thinking it's real, then it'll replace that part of her armor. I feel as though 80% of the problem with making a waifu is just the AI. With sufficient AGI and body, a reference of what the final body should look like, knowledge of handling tools and materials, and dexterous hands capable of working tools at least as well as a human can, she could upgrade her own body parts to be more realistic with an attention to detail humans are basically incapable of. We need things like Eularian Video Magnification https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONZcjs1Pjmk to see things AI can pick-up on without us even knowing. Waifu build thyself!
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>>37255 >I'm starting with a 3D model meant to be the final design that's intended to look perfectly human, and what looks like a suit of power armor (in the style of Bubblegum Crisis, or similar) that mechanically looks like it could just be a cosplay costume. Nothing should mechanically clip into the body underneath, even if it means moving as clumsily as C-3PO. But there isn't really a body underneath, it's just for the sake of creating the impression there is. She'll probably start out with the design that makes her look covered in armor from head to toe (aside from a select few removable parts ;D) and once a body part can be made good enough to fool people into thinking it's real, then it'll replace that part of her armor. Immediately thought of Cuteroid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw7I33SmS8o
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I was thinking "is this thread going off topic?", but then I realized "good design is important for appeal" I mentioned in another thread, the idea of robot companions is not an obscure idea. But if you look at the examples, Atomic Heart Twins, Murder Drones characters, the CLANK CLANK CLANK meme, etc, they're mostly clearly robotic. The exceptions, like 2B and Chii, it's shown that they are basically indistinguishable from humans, which is really hard to do. If you showed the "realistic" robots (like the ones in this post) to most people, they would feel repulsed. I encountered that myself, my initial Galatea design had a realistic face, but the people around me found it creepy, and I felt like it was "missing something". My 2.1.0 design has an anime-styled head, and it's far cuter. In short, for a companion, many people would prefer the designs from my previous posts, than anything trying to mimic real humans.
>>37257 Another good example of a robot having mass appeal is Emmy the Robot and Nandroids. They're very clearly robots, but many people love them, create custom designs, and would love to have one (see >>25306).
>>37256 Neat! Thanks, Anon. I haven't tracked this project and my last information on it was a few years ago. I have a laser projector suited to doing an interal 'rear projected' screen face like this. Wouldn't at all be surprised to find they're using a similar system (laser has the very-distinct advantage of always being in focus, regardless of 'screen' contours [ie, the inside of the translucent face shell]). >>37257 >but then I realized "good design is important for appeal" Very much so. It may be that faces in particular should go into that thread (as you already linked above). But yes, I think the topic of 'creepy faces' is very pertinent for the evaluation of whether a specific design has good Character Appeal (one of the highly-vaunted 12 Principles of Animation by the so-called 9 Old Men in Disney lore). So certainly, if you're preparing ad-copy for propaganda purposes (or even just advertising), then having appealing female faces is part of that. 'Appealing' in this case clearly means 'Cute', at the least. Presenting something downright ghoulish-looking such as Sophia in your pic-related does not qualify as appealing in my book. The face of the /clang/-joke character is about the only somewhat good one in this bunch. Good example choices for your point, GreerTech. <---> Looking forward to your new designs, Anon! Cheers. >=== -add'l edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/03/2025 (Mon) 10:14:33.
>>37259 >In face the clank-joke character is about the only somewhat good one in this bunch. Exactly. The other ones, despite being "realistic", are not cute/appealing, while the simple faceplate with LED eyes is appealing (and even sexually attractive)
>>37258 Agree. Nandroids in general have tons of appeal. Even if they're too dang skinny! "NEEDS MOAR HIP!!" >he rages over his breakfast cereal... :D >and would love to have one (see >>25306). This. <---> BTW, I'm concerned about our Emmy-Pilled. Any'non know what's happening with him? >=== -add'l edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/03/2025 (Mon) 10:32:15.
>>37260 The designer may indeed be onto something with those handles. :^)
>>37246 Not quite what I was going for. I was thinking something more like the hard suits from Bubblegum Crisis or Lady Armaroid from Cobra, but without the spikes. >>37260 >the simple faceplate with LED eyes is appealing (and even sexually attractive) I wouldn't go that far, at least not for the vast majority of people.
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>>37271 Reminds me of the robot from Metropolis >I wouldn't go that far, at least not for the vast majority of people. Well most robotic characters that are popular and seen as attractive have simple faces. Maybe not that simple, but if you look at the examples of popular characters (>>37267 >>37268), they have simplistic face designs. The twins from atomic heart don't even have eyes, and are very popular.
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>>37273 I probably should have posted this Bubblegum Crisis promo costume picture instead. >Reminds me of the robot from Metropolis Actually, her design was an inspiration for C-3PO. And that might have in turn inspired Lady Armaroid's design. >Well most robotic characters that are popular and seen as attractive have simple faces. But the majority of those designs aren't even 3D, and the ones that are use an art style that isn't even remotely realistic, like Murder Drones. If you actually build it it's going to be contrasted against actual humans, and as silly as it sounds to say this, the majority of humans are mostly attracted to humans that look like real humans. All the criticism of uncanny valley sex dolls is the fact that they don't look real enough, there aren't a lot of people clamoring for dolls that look less human. Reality isn't generous with that kind of thing, as it's less like Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and more like a normal cosplayer along side one in one of those creepy kigurumi masks. But my problem with most fictional robot designs is they don't look enough like real robots, so actually making real working ones is a headache when you have to compensate for the fact that things in fiction can do what real things can't. Drossel von Flugel's eyes are solid blue, when real cameras, like pupils, are black because they're absorbing light, or worse; glowing robot eyes. (but what I really hate is parts that float in the air for no reason) Transparent OLED displays just aren't quite affordable yet, so the whole fictional trope where screens double as cameras requires more effort to pull off than it's really worth, so you usually end up with a pair of fake eyes and a pair of real eyes/cameras. >The twins from atomic heart don't even have eyes, and are very popular. I barely heard anything about atomic heart after its release. A few months, some rule 34 animations, then it basically dropped off the face of the Earth. As for the twins themselves, I don't like them. Partly it's the hairstyle, but I also have a very strong bias against scifi helmet designs that don't have any kind of visible cameras or visor for the wearer to see out of. They always just look stupid to me. And it doesn't help that there's just a vague assumption that the wearer can see with radar vision or something, but you're really just not supposed to think about it, like Doc Brown's steel glasses.
>>37280 But people have made cute, simple robots, many of which with screen/projected faces. >All the criticism of uncanny valley sex dolls is the fact that they don't look real enough, there aren't a lot of people clamoring for dolls that look less human. As I detailed in >>37274 , I do believe it's possible to make a robot that has that humanity/no Uncanny Valley, a la 2B or Chii, but it will require a lot of tricky engineering and years of design and testing. About the Atomic Hearts Twins, yes it is true that their popularity did wane. But that is the nature of pop culture. After all, I heard more about Atomic Heart than Bubblegum Crisis. I'm specifically talking about the attractiveness of their designs. The people haven't changed their opinion on the design, they just have stopped talking about it because ultimately, they're fictional.
NoidoDev had a bunch of waifu pictures he did of clearly mechanical girls but I really liked some of them. Mostly I want life like but I could see having it clearly a robot if done right. I can not find link to his pictures but here's one I liked to give an idea of what I'm talking about.[argggh cancel that I can't upload pictures. Sigh] There was one of a blond girl with lifelike face and hands but whiteish color plastic body. I really liked that one and some of the others. Her arms, legs mostly solid joints like this would cut cost dramatically. Finally found it in this post >>33004 http://bhlnasxdkbaoxf4gtpbhavref7l2j3bwooes77hqcacxztkindztzrad.onion/.media/0e93cc4c6cb910b1690d422d1db1a52a6afa9d7f875a250724c8227478560b22.jpg
>>37311 >[argggh cancel that I can't upload pictures. Sigh] <based fellow Tor poster I've asked Robi if he could let /robowaifu/ filepost on Tor here. He said it's possible, but he'd have to do some work. So hopefully this year some time? :) In the meantime, you might try the trick I've used, ie: https://trashchan.xyz/robowaifu/thread/26.html <---> >Finally found it in this post Good job! Yeah, that's a nice one Grommet. NoidoDev has surely had some great ones here before! BTW, the description approach I've used successfully in the past (it's quite standard actually) is something like: >>33004 >pic #5 or similar. When using Tor, linking directly to the copypasta of the server's filename URI is basically functional (for other Tor users like me), but it doesn't work at all for non-Tor users (mostly everyone else). Alternatively, manually substituting the standard URI host prefix (ie, alogs.space) in place of the hidden onion address is functional for everyone. That is: https://alogs.space/.media/0e93cc4c6cb910b1690d422d1db1a52a6afa9d7f875a250724c8227478560b22.jpg I hope all that makes sense and isn't confusing, Anon. Cheers. :^) >=== -add'l edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/05/2025 (Wed) 23:04:23.
>>37282 >I heard more about Atomic Heart than Bubblegum Crisis. I mean, it's an anime from 87, that had an English dub in '94. I wasn't using it as a metric for popularity as much as I was referring to what I was hoping to do with my design; low detail, smooth and rounded features. And I'm not sure if I made it clear, but those are suits of armor the girls wear, while Lady Armaroid looks kinda like a woman in a skin-tight outfit with a bit of thin armor, she's actually a robot. The design of the twins, besides the head, which I've already made clear I hate, is perfectly fine, but if you look at any attempts at cosplay (unless there's an animatronic one I haven't seen) most of them are just using fabric below the neck because the bodies of the twins are so close in proportion to real human bodies that trying to make the costume out of any rigid material would be more effort than it's worth and make the limbs significantly thicker. This is what I called #6 on my previously mentioned scale, because you assume the hand underneath the fabric is perfectly healthy, any bruises or discoloration is hidden, but the hand still needs to move with as much articulation as a real healthy hand or it'll look wrong. What you're asking for is #4, which is difficult to do. With the Hard Suits from Bubblegum Crisis I'm referring to a #7, which can fit more components inside, and doesn't need to move as believably, because people accept that wearing a thick glove or costume armor can limit your range of motion, or make movement look stiff and unnatural. The point is a #7 can be slimmed down to nearly a #4 selectively as needed. The rest of this conversation I think would be best continued on the face development thread.
>>37312 >NoidoDev has surely had some great ones here before Fantastic work. >Posting pictures Thanks, I'll have to save that. I have a text file I save stuff like that, [when I remember to]. The description is good too. I didn't realize that it didn't sync Tor to not Tor.
>>37322 Just using a standard crosslink to a post (ie; >>37322 ) does properly 'translate' back & forth behind the scenes. However, linking directly to a URI resource won't. Simple as. Cheers, Anon. :^) >=== -add'l edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/06/2025 (Thu) 10:26:39.
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>>37389 These look really good, if spoopy. Shades of Terminator meets Predator :^)
>>37397 I wanted a "cool" futuristic aesthetic for this one. You are right, Terminator was an inspiration. I wanted the message to be exactly what the caption is, here is an awesome sci-fi robot that is real and you can make it today Relevant aesthetics page https://cari.institute/aesthetics/hexatron I recommend all robowaifu advertisers/promoters to check out this list of aesthetics.
>>37246 I mentioned it very often already, but there's a Youtube video making the case that "the uncanny valley" doesn't exist: http://youtu.be/LKJBND_IRdI - I posted it quite often already here and in other places whenever the topic comes up, since I agree with it. But people really like the idea and don't want to give it up. Anyways, I think in reality it only matters if something looks creepy, but it doesn't matter that much how close it looks to a human.
>>37426 I watched it, and it is informative, but I think it actually reinforced the uncanny valley, especially the final graph. You have a scale of rising "humanity", and while it's very variable in the beginning, there is a notable dip (with the very interesting exception of the anime face) when certain things are missing and or weird. Human, but not quite, which is basically the motto of the uncanny valley. I said something similar in >>37274 on how the uncanny valley is surmountable, but it requires a lot details, something which is not needed on simpler models. Regardless of whether one thinks the uncanny valley is real or not, there is a notable phenomenon where people find cutesy faces cute, "realistic" faces creepy (partly because it's not quite human), and it's only beat by adding even more detail and realistic movement, aka more human. PS, the video also helps with the case for screen faces.
>>37430 >how the uncanny valley is surmountable, but it requires a lot details AFAICT (or at the least as far as my own tastes dictate :D, this is only achievable thus far by the highest-end Visual Effects (VFX) teams in the film industry. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) was literally the first time in history it was ever achieved, BTW (so, a long time in coming). These ~430 CGI shots cost US$10's of millions to pull it all off. [1][2][3][4] My opus on the matter is that all of us are basically pre-wired for general facial cues recognition from before birth, and that immediately thereafter we all engage in an intensive, high-speed crash course process of 'locking in' the tight specifics of human faces (and especially of our parents/family members) over the next 18 months or so of infancy. The end result of all this pre-programming/pre-processing is that: A) we are all extremely sensitive to even the most subtle nuances of the human face, and B) this is vitally important for us that we are; we are substantially-equipped thereby to survive in this life before reaching even toddlerhood. While apparently a few of us seem less-affected by (or, simply better able to overcome/overlook) the so-called 'uncanny valley' effects, I consider it quite a real phenomenon as part of our basic bio-psycho-neuro survival mechanisms -- and literally from birth. The >tl;dr here, IMO, is that this is inextricably wired into us and is essential for our basic survival as individuals. --- 1. https://www.awn.com/vfxworld/bringing-benjamin-button-life 2. https://www.fxguide.com/fxfeatured/the_curious_case_of_aging_visual_effects/ 3. https://history.siggraph.org/animation-video-pod/the-curious-case-of-benjamin-button-by-fincher/ 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNlj3_SuLt4 >=== -rm uri fingerprinting -add'l edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/12/2025 (Wed) 10:00:12.
BTW, I consider this discussion off-topic ITT. I'd suggest it be constrained to the R&D or, better still, Face breads. Cheers. :^)

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