/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruitment Robowaifu Technician 05/07/2020 (Thu) 05:39:42 No.2705
Attention drawfags and writefags! Your skills will be needed. The task of building and designing a robowaifu is a herculean quest. As great as this community is, /robowaifu/ simply does not have the manpower to real our goal of DIY robowaifus. Luckily for us there are several communities on the internet that we could find new recruits or allies to help us build our waifus: MGTOW - These guys know all about the legal pitfalls of marriage and the dangers of feminism. There is already a lot of talk about sex robots in MGTOW communities. It shouldn't be a hard sell to get them to come here. Incels - Guys that can't get laid. The opportunity for love and companionship should be enough to bring some of these guys over. We need to be careful when recruiting from some of their communities. We don't want to attract negative attention. Monster girls/furry/mlp fandoms - The only way these guys are going to be able to have their harpy/elf/goblin/anthro/pony/whatever gf is with a robowaifu. They have an interest in seeing us succeed. Again we need to be careful here not to attract the wrong kind of people that will bring us the wrong kind of attention. Male STEM students - Generally these guys aren't going to get laid until after they have established themselves. A robowaifu could really help them. This may be a harder sell because many of them have been brainwashed in university, but they have skills that we could really use. Transhumanists/biohackers - Many of the technologies involved in building a robowaifu could be used in transhumanist or biohacking applications such as building an avatar. They may have some interest in helping us out. We will need to be careful which transhumanist communities we go after as many of them are full of feminism, tumblr tier sexualities and genders, and SJW's. Cyberpunks and technophiles - These guys (and they are usually guys) are all around into technology and may just enjoy working on the kinds of projects we need to do. They are often into programming and AI.
>>2705 Great poster idea, and a very good introductory breakdown analysis of the target groups you mentioned. There are some real distinctions there that I hadn't taken into account tbh. Good job highlighting the cautionary notes. Sadly negative consequences are part-and-parcel of being in this fight that has been laid on us. 'Negative attention' will simply be unavoidable. It only takes one side to start a fight ofc, and you fight when the need arises. I'd say just use the wisdom you're already displaying and then proceed as you see fit. On my end I'll work to make sure /robowaifu/ keeps it's nose clean, and I will put the bad guys into the timeout corner as needed. I expect Robi himself will also stand in our corner regarding any assaults against us on that front. He's already demonstrated a lot of fortitude concerning /delicious/, for example. He's also a rather clever guy, and so I'm sure we can go to him for help should the need arise. You just do your part Anon, and we'll do the same. Onward! :^) Do you have some specific goals in mind OP? What are your next plans with this now?
It may be wise to target imageboard communities first so we don't have to integrate a bunch of newfags into our culture while we are so small.
>>2709 Seems a reasonable idea, I think I'd agree with this Anon.
Ok, I guess you might be able to call me a writefag. I am also a newfag to programming and this board in general I feel that we need some psychology threads and in those to discuss things like the included pictures, but also what changes we would make to make our individual version of our waifu. I get that programming is important and more important probably, but you need to know WHAT you want your waifu's small mannerisms and such to be. Pretty much another part of this whole robowaifu thing. And not everyone is an artfag or writefag. But there has to be certain things that attracted you to a character to the point you want to make a robowaifu of them? I think opening up to certain creative communites could be helpful at some point if done right. www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1ndTCR4aKg
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>>2705 I got Seiken Densetsu 3 working in OpenAI retro gym. I'm going to try integrating two player once I finish implementing my learning algorithm and semi-supervised learning so I can take control and guide it when it gets stuck. It's also possible to record inputs so perhaps if /v/'s interested in playing with it they can upload their session data and contribute training data towards creating AI waifus that can play video games.
>>2711 >[and] I feel that we need some psychology threads Absolutely. Please do so. >But there has to be certain things that attracted you to a character to the point you want to make a robowaifu of them? Great question and definitely would be a good thread idea. >I think opening up to certain creative communites could be helpful at some point if done right. Fair enough. But I can warn you ahead of time that pandering to 'fee-fees' will not get a lot of approval, nor sympathy on IB culture in general, and rightly so IMO. Female-driven psychology is one of the important reasons most of us congregate on IBs in the first place to get away from that stuff. Some of the leading-questions in the documents you shared are in fact examples of what I'm talking about. But very much yes, Character's Psychology is an important topic in both stories, games, & film. It has very obvious importance to us here on /robowaifu/. Let's just try to keep it out of the SJW-esque cesspool politically-correct thinking. Deal Anon? :^) >>2712 Interesting. Good work Anon, please keep us up to date on your progress. >contribute [...] towards creating AI waifus that can play video games. I think there's a lot of potential crossover-interest in both /v/ and /agdg/.
>>2708 My next plans are finding places to recruit from and coming up with ways to appeal to them. As of now I think 8/cyber/, 4/r9k/, 4/sci/, 8/tech/, 8/g/, 4/g/, 8/fur/,8/pone/, 4/mlp/, mlpol.net, 4/pol/, 4/tg/, 4/quest/, end/b/, and 9/b/ are all good candidates for our first wave of recruitment. In later stages we will go after forums and youtube comments. Maybe even reddit or twitter if there are still communities worth going after on those platforms. Eventually we could even do IRL recruitment on college campuses with fliers.
>>2714 A controversial list around these parts, but I like it! Please proceed Anon, I think we're more than experienced and capable enough here to deal with any mini-shitstorms that might appear from such communities. :^) BTW, care to share your pasta and OP images here so we can all have a look at them first?
>>2715 I don't have a pasta or OP images yet and I want to have different pastas for different types of communities. Also lainchan and wizchan may also be worth recruiting on.
>>2716 Possibly fchan too, but I don't know anything about the community there.
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>>2716 Well, when you work out some pastas, I'd appreciate seeing them here Anon. OP images too. Take your time. >Also lainchan [...] may also be worth recruiting on. Heh, maybe we can serve as a de-programming facility for some of them. I'd say go for it. >
We will need different strategies for recruiting from 4cuck compared to other imageboards. The mods there will just delete threads trying to advertise this board so we will need to advertise this board in the comments where the faggot jannies are less likely to see it.
>>2719 Good point. I'd completely forgotten about that issue, we're so laid-back here about people's freedoms to do as they please. Probably won't be an uncommon point in a number of communities, if the Admins there are grasping and threatened. 4cuck$ and 8kuck$ are two obvious examples. There may be others. You'll need some craftiness OP.
I would also like to a see a few suggestions for communities to recruit from before I start making pasta and finding OP images. The computer I am on does not have photoshop or gimp and I'm not really sure this peace of shit would even be able to run them. I won't have access to a good computer for a while. If someone here could make an "I Want You" with a robowaifu on it that would be great for recruitment.
>>2721 Anywhere on the webring. It's already sort of self-moderating. I would say not from anywhere in the alt-Tranny-Federation, but a number on your list are already just as bad if not worse so they are fair game too. I'm on a potato-box too but it runs GIMP fine under Arch. Sadly, I'm not much into arts rn, being more left-brained focused. I'd say just grab some appropriate memes, etc., and post them here. Then I or others can try to edit them for you.
>>2713 I just save the pics as resources. I don't use every question or prompt in it's entirety. You have to answer those things 1:1 without any creative liberty. I also think it's important to take note of what you don't want, which is why I don't edit these things beyond file names. Your waifu has to have dislikes too.
>>2723 I meant to say don' have to answer these things 1:1 without creative liberty. Fuuuuck
>>2723 >>2724 No worries, it's nothing personal lad. I'm just pointing it out for reference. As I said, it's a highly-important topic to us. Please proceed and create your threads for us.
>>2722 The webring?
>>2728 Yep, it's a new-fangled invention sure to make Bell's voice-telegraph system look like nothing more than the semaphore. It's a little thing we like to call The Webring around these here parts, partner.
>>2730 Please delete this post. I am tired and suck.
>>2732 haha, no worries. we all do this kind of thing mate. :^) BTW you can delete your own posts on /robowaifu/
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>>2713 Whew, got audio now and can now switch back and forth between supervision. Almost got two player implemented as well. Now I just gotta plug in the learning algorithm and pray it doesn't take a century to train. If it works I'll see what aggy daggy thinks and put a thread up here.
/server/ & /hover/ here This board is still linked on 8kun /hover/, updated since it moved sites. I do my best to be active when able, but had some issues lately (like with tooling, resources and health concerns) There's a lot to consider. Good oscilloscopes are expensive in general. Artificial intelligence deep learning can take a long time to get into properly. Security issues and so on.
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>>2735 Nice, thanks for the update Anon! Since this is the recruitment thread, some Anons might miss your good work and I think this project deserves a thread of it's own. Care to start a new thread too about your project for us Anon, regardless? And yes, I hope some of the /agdg/ lads might join us here. >>2736 Hi there mate, good seeing you. I absolutely love /server/, I'll add you to our friends listing. Yes, it's a big set of problems we're trying to tackle here, but hey that's where the fun is right? > Our kiwi-doll thread from back in the day, and progress with chatboxes more recently make me think that Anon can be producing those kinds of daki pillows for inexpensive-and-entirely-doable-today kits, for starters. Could be a good start without mucking about with all the expensive gear etc, you mention.
(Pasta tailored to tech and cyberpunk communities) Subject: /robowaifu/ wants you The future is now, anon. AI, robotics, and material science have reached a point where robowaifus are now in the realm of possibility. We need anons with skills of all kinds: artists, scientists, engineers, programmers, makers, writefags and more are all needed to bring our robotic wives into reality. Come and join our multidisciplinary team of robowaifus technicians and be a part of a better tomorrow. (Pasta for incels, MGTOW, lonely men) Subject: Join the robowaifu revolution Let's face it anon, modern women just aren't worth it. Feminism and modernity have made relationships into nightmare for men, but we have a solution. Our multidisciplinary team of robowaifu technicians is working tirelessly to make robot wives into a reality. Join us in our charge to build and design the women of the future. (Pasta for furfags, horsefuckers, and monster girl fans) How badly do you want your (horse/monster/anthro) gf, anon? What would you do to feel her fluffy tail in your hand? (To stroke her fur/brush her mane/tail(s))? To hold her in your arms? Our multidisciplinary team of robowaifu technicians is here to help. Robots can take any shape you desire, anon. With your help we can bring your waifu into reality. This is what I have so far. Thoughts?
I would also like picture of popular robowaifus pointing so I can shoop a hat on them and write "/robowaifu/ wants you" under them.
>>2778 >>2779 It's a good start afaict tell Anon, though I'm no real writefag tbh. Maybe others here can chime in as well please? But at the least I'd say: - you have the target audience squarely focused properly, - you're showing some of the benefits of participation, - and most importantly--you're keeping the texts short. You certainly shouldn't use a novel in some of the environments where triggered-tranny-&-stronk_independynts have been installed as hotpockets to keep wrongthink at bay for their victims. BTW, as I see things: >A) You'll need to regularly devise new pasta for these environments, b/c wordfilters set up against it. >B) You'll need to regularly run your trap-line to check for responsive questions by legitimate, curious Anons. Remember you're more or less serving as an Ambassador for /robowaifu/ in that context. I'll think about any scenes with waifus that are suitable for the Uncle Sam Poster mashups, maybe some other Anons can too. Good work Anon.
>>2780 What are some good examples of projects and progress made by our board that I can use. I am almost certain that I will be asked about it. I would try to make examples myself but I won't be able to start my goblin project for a while.
>>2781 As pointed out by our resident AI researcher >>2743 >We're pretty much pioneering the future of homebrew robowaifu so there aren't any tutorials or resources yet. There aren't any practical robowaifu projects/kits yet either. It's simply too early at this stage. You might look to our Welcome thread for reference as response fodder. We are still in our formative period, in fact of course :^). Perhaps you can even capitalize on that fact with Anons >"BE A PART OF THE FUTURE--NOW!"
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>>2779 There is a humorous scene in Ep3 of Chobits where Chii is just learning to talk, and she is incorrectly associates the act of pointing with the protag's name 'Hideki'. Maybe that could work?
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>>2792 Here are direct rips of the scene from the best available copy that I know of Anon.
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>>2792 Ripped from: https://9anime.to/watch/chobits.29ql/o1kqm8 Work in progress, how is this?
>>2794 These are better quality I will rework it with this.
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>>2796 Haha that is great. JUST SIGN MY SHIT UP BRO! >>2797 Good idea, I'd say.
>>2797 You might consider trying waifu2x or some other NN system out there for scaling, etc.
>>2796 Now that I know which frame you've chosen I'll try to re-rip and grab every frame for that. You're selection is just a tiny bit off from the single example I posted, and yours is better. Will post here again.
>>2801 This is gonna take a while, I'm going to have to go a different route. Be patient.
>>2797 Alright, this is literally the best I think I can manage. Thanks for the patience Anon. >
If we are going to do a mass recruitment it might be a good idea to have a flag or symbol for our board. People like to have symbols and this IS a "movement" of sorts.
>>2805 >>2806 Thanks, lads.
>>2806 >lain's already 404 kek, i'll give those commies this their hotpockets are obsessive.
>>2806 >>2810 I'd suggest using some kind of VPN or other proxy to make these threads Anon. My apologies for not thinking of it earlier.
>>2811 Way ahead of you, anon.
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>>2805 Really good idea. Here's a thought: since we're already sort of adopting Chii herself as our board-tan, what about using one of her pink & white hair-clips positioned on a circular background using the baby-blue & white colors of the logo portion of the board's background image here? Have the '/robowaifu/' tag in the darker blue of the ring--again just like the logo portion--below that against a field of white. That icon should be pretty recognizable immediately to anyone who's actually seen the show, and for others it's simple design should be quickly associated with the /robowaifu/ 'brand'. > Where's our artfags? >>2806 >>2810 >>2812 Go with God, my friend. Unironically, I'm praying for you. :^)
>>2812 the first pony one seems to be missing the board's uri?
I'll make the logo
>>2816 heh.
>>2815 ehh, we're the #1 hit on DDG, Startpage, & Bing. I imagine they can find us alright.
>>2815 Then go post the link.
We may piss off some mods and jannies by advertising on their sites, but what if we made an opportunity on our site to help them grow as well. I propose an embassy thread where other websites and boards can talk about their communities and network together in the interest of building robowaifus.
>>2822 Great idea, done. Someone send help pls with my cheesy OP text haha. >>2823
We should make a robowaifu voat and a gab account. These need to be run by our current board's administration.
>>2826 It's a good point in general, but >These need to be run by our current board's administration. It's not likely something I'm going to take on, I have a lot on my plate already and more on the soon horizon. If someone else is interested in managing this process and is serious about the welfare of the board and our community, then make an account here on Julay, and I'll add you as a /robowaifu/ vol. Then you can feel free to set up accounts, etc., elsewhere on our behalf.
>>2804 Done. Maybe a drawfriend can add some flair to it one day.
>>2827 Alright give me a bit.
>>2826 Nice work Anon.
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>>2828 Here's all the flair you'll ever need
>>2835 heh, noice. can you put the '/robowaifu/' tag on it Anon?
>>2836 Can do my dude. I enhanced the image a little more too, because why not
>>2837 kek. very nice work Anon. :^)
>>2837 Mind having a go at this idea Anon? >>2814
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>>2839 That one looks like it'll require actual effort on my part. I can easily pull it off, but it'll take time and right now I'm just popping in between writing all of my final papers at once at the last possible minute. I'll definitely do the logo sometime late tomorrow. It's been a while since I've last done an edit by hand and even longer since I've done a high-effort one, and it's always great fun. This one didn't age so well
>>2840 Sounds great Anon. I'll try to give you a 9'001hrs-in-ms-paint sketch of the hairpin the way I see it if I can't find a picture.
What's a good email service other than proton mail?
>>2853 cock.li I guess? it's notorious for technical issues and going offline. i think it's literally under constant attack. it's what i use though.
Is the embassy thread locked l? Just got a complaint from someone on neet.moe
>>2855 >Is the embassy thread locked l? no, it's just pinned to remain visible to newcomers. no one's bothered to post in it thus far is all i can see anon.
Ok I've made an account. I will make the voat and gab accounts shortly after I become a volunteer.
>>2858 OK, you should be all set. Please make a post using your capcode so I can confirm you're good to go, ribose.
>>2859 My what?
>>2860 It's the common name for your Role signature. Notice my ## Board owner ## thing? That's my capcode. https://julay.world/.static/pages/posting.html
Test 1
>>2862 Alright, looks like you're all set, ribose. Happy hunting mate! :^)
I've got to get to bed I will work on this more tomorrow.
>>2864 Sounds good. >>2865 Sleep well.
What is the progress on our symbol? I would like to make that the profile pic of our gab account.
Anyone know how to make a subversive on voat.co? I've never used that platform before.
>>2876 ah thanks for reminding me ribose, I need to make to look for reference. good idea about profile pics. can't help you out with the other, but someone can I'm sure. btw, protip: you normally only use your capcode when you need to establish the authority of your post. use your name freely as you will, but i'd hold off using the capcode for every post. people will think you're attention-whoring eventually. i'll try to do something on this sketch today.
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>>2840 OK, here's a crude outline of my basic idea. The one thing I neglected to include was the border around the background oval. The hairclip is from Chobits ep18 at ~14:27. Feel free to select an angle as you wish ofc. But please, feel free to remix on this premise and present any variations on it you think are interesting Arts-Anon. Also, if anyone else here wants to chime in on the premise, please do so. Cheers!
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>>2881 It looks like an onahole.
What do you guys think about targeting the far right as potential allies in the fight for robowaifus. On one hand they will almost certainly see it as degenerate, but on the other they know what robowaifus are going to do to feminism. Would they actually help us?
>>2882 >>2884 heh, i saw that too. ok, something else then. but don't just complain Anons, get those creative juices going and give us some ideas and sketches ! :^) >>2883 certainly the feminism/effeminism effects that have effectively doomed the West and led to the need for robowaifus in the first place certainly come from the left and not from the right. not sure how 'far' far right you mean anon. conservatives sure, but they would be 3rd in line to condemn us right behind the feminsts & SJWs haha.
>>2885 I'm think about traditionalists, fascists, monarchists, and white nationalists types.
>>2887 One of the other reasons I think they may help us is because there are a lot of lonely guys in those movements. Sure they have their morals, but how strictly would they adhere to them when they have the real possibility of companionship?
>>2885 How about a gear with the symbol for female in the middle of it with the words "mulier ex machina" stretching across the top of the gear and /robowaifu/ under the female symbol.
Are there any ecelebs I should follow on gab?
Just had a thought on something everyone can do to help /robowaifu/ grow. Any time you have an opportunity to mention robowaifu an other community or group seize it. If someone brings up how shit women are direct them here. If someone mention love dolls or sex bots direct them here. If someone mentions tfw no gf direct them here.
>>2887 Sure, I don't see why not in general. You're right we'll be viewed as fundamentally degenerate by them in a group-think kind of way, I think. Honestly, I have no concerns about that, Not their cup of tea, and that's OK. But then again, the ones who are awake will also see the field's significant advantage in resisting the much bigger problem for them (and everyone else) of feminism. The broader culture will probably always try to lump all of us together as dem ebil vidya-playing nahdzees anyway, so probably not much of a distinction there tbh. >>2889 Very symbolic, I like it. Maybe we can add 'gentle human' into the mix somehow, Mulier Humanus Ex Machina? Care to give us a rough sketch so our draw-friends can have a go with your idea? Maybe you're a draw-friend yourself? >>2890 Heh, I'm sure I have no idea Anon. >>2891 Sound advice.
>>2889 On second thoughts, if by 'the symbol for female' you mean the modern feminist-remashed symbol (like pic related w/o the '=') then no. We need something classic that's evocative of Venus, not Fem*n.
>>2898 What about a ring but the band is replaced with a gear?
>>2900 Clever idea, would probably be a nice symbol. But in my opinion there's just too much stigma attached to the symbol form itself today. It would be obnoxious having to look at it regularly, much less adopting it as our logo. Something with 'V' would be nice maybe. Even something related to the famous Venus painting itself Anon?
>>2901 >Something with 'V' would be nice maybe Human hand holding dolljoints hand, the arms would make the v shape you're looking for.
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>>2839 Alright, I finished your logo to what I think the specifications were. I made three versions. Two with the slashes in different places, and one without and slashes. If anyone wants to try something else, they can use the transparent hairband image I made.
>>2903 Certainly that would have a nice implication all on it's own, quite apart from the shape. I think that's a keeper. >>2904 Thanks Anon. Unfortunately, I think the general consensus now is that in isolation--especially for the uninitiate--Chii's hairpin simply resembles an onahole too much to be suitable as our public logo. I'm sure it will be good for in-joke ecchi humor in the future though haha. >>2881 >>2882 >>2884 >>2885 Sorry to put you out like that Anon.. Mind presenting some other ideas of your own?
>>2905 I noticed that, but hoped that a side view of the hair thing would be more acceptable. Would a heart with traces be good? I made a 3D model of a sort-of medallion thing which used this as a concept. It prints quite nicely on my potato-grade 3D printer, but it was a bitch to get off the bed. I could do something like that, but 2D and with a baby blue and white background.
>>2906 >I noticed that, but hoped that a side view of the hair thing would be more acceptable. Yeah, I thought a side-view might be better as well, once I saw the layout of my idea in perspective. But I guess we should drop the hairband thing. Oh well. >heart medallion Sure let's see. I personally do like the pastel 'baby' colors, I think they make a good color scheme. Ofc thinking about it now, we probably should try lots and lots of ideas out first before finalizing on a design. It's the typical way it's done professionally in graphics houses, and I think it would serve us well here too. Please proceed Anon. >>2876 I think we'll have to delay finalizing a decision for a while Anon. Can you hold of on that for a week or two?
>>2877 ribose, please take note: >>2926 >>2927 these are to be permabans for any non-TOR posts ofc, ribose.
If anyone is willing to have discord on their device then they should start shilling us in various discords.
>>2947 There used to be a discord on the old board I believe. I refuse to touch the stuff myself, heh. Maybe you can relocate it?
Why not only go for /sci/ and /g/ boards? While these other groups may have an interest in the topic and some among them may be knowledgable, wouldn't it be better to only go to places where you know people are into STEM? Some people like that may also be put off if they come and see most of the first page filled with religion, politics and magic discussion, which is probably all that some of these groups will contribute.
>>2954 We can simply get rid of off topic posts. Keep in mind we need more than just STEM in this fight.
>>2954 >Some people like that may also be put off if they come and see most of the first page filled with religion, politics and magic discussion, which is probably all that some of these groups will contribute. It's a good point, but as I mentioned before in the 'community growth & cohesion' section, I'd like us to "...all go out of our way to strive to be patient and helpful to newcomers over the next few months, myself included." >>2701 The ambassadorial thread in particular needs to be accommodating to others who are new here. I'll do my part to restrain Majick-Anon's activity on /robowaifu/ if it becomes essential to do so. And for my part concerning my own Christianity, if a philosophical topic or position is already being presented by Anon in a thread, I'll make an honest response if I feel the need to. I don't generally start these kinds of conversations but simply present my usually-alternate :^) POV. Even if it's uncomfortable on both sides, this is only proper in my opinion. I'm certainly open to suggestions on this topic. It's certainly a good suggestion for recruitment-Anon and the rest of us to focus on sci-tech communities for outreach, but frankly, much of what we're attempting here involves deep and/or mysterious topics such as the human soul, etc., so I don't think it's entirely possible to avoid theological discussions here, even if we made a strong and overt attempt to do so. I don't think it's possible for us to succeed at this huge task without lucidity and wisdom on all fronts. If, for example, that means acknowledging the clearly-designed biological systems surrounding the coding mechanisms inside DNA for example--and drawing inspirations for our own designs from that observation--then I willing to let the metaphysical chips fall where they may here.
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I just wrote ~1500 words, sneezed, my headset flew off and landed on my keyboard, my entire computer crashed and I lost all my work. Just fucking kill me.
We have advertised on just about any alternative imageboard worth advertising on. We don't have the numbers to advertise in the comments of 4chan or the larger boards on 8kun. Anyone have any idea what communities we should target next?
I am unable to post to ponychan, furchan, fchan, and 2ch.hk/int over tor. I would appreciate it if someone else could post the appropriate pastas on those sites.
>>3040 Oh and 420chan
https://8kun.top/pnd/res/106800.html Can't imagine that this is going to last very long.
>>3034 >Anyone have any idea what communities we should target next? Honestly, I think you should stick to IBs until the dust settles, so to speak. Let this find a little equilibrium first would be my advice. After that, lather, rinse, repeat once for the sites that took your threads down. Other than that, the communities themselves have to adopt their own interest in robowaifus, I think. You can't force things on anyone ofc. Beyond that, I'd say use the two social media accounts you set up on voat and gab?
Maybe just 'make the rounds' every couple of months until interest grows? Summer is coming up, which will mean increased traffic on IBs.
Everyone, please take note of the proper place to promote /robowaifu/ on nanochan: >>3050 >As a rule we do not allow imageboard advertising threads outside of /b/ or the dedicated thread on /l/, Thank you.
So one anon in the meta thread brought up a good point, and that is that lots of people aren't going to want to use an imageboard because of the negative stigma around them. Would it be possible for us to make a separate forum type website that we would control that we could send nonimageboard users to? It would certainly decrease our risk factors when recruiting from certain groups.
>>3120 Probably a decent idea. It would have to be a 'sister site' alongside us, and I'm not up for managing more than just the /robowaifu/ IB itself, currently Anon. If anyone wants to step up, just make an account here on julay, and I'll add you as a board vol. Then you can make sites, etc., on our behalf.
>>3120 That's probably me you're referencing, and yeah from the perspective of a new anon here I had my reservations at first about exploring to much of Julay since I thought foreign boards besides 4chan were likely reserved for full on p-bears. The only reason I kept on was because Reddit kept deleting all the good "wrong think" subs and I was desperate for a new non conformist community. Honestly I don't really foresee anyone making as much effort as I which was required to find this place since at first google seemed to outright block most of my queries involving companion / waifu bots / alternative forums and even then I had to crawl through many duckduckgo results while simultaneously navigating a bunch of other IBs which were either dead, suspicious or slow/dying (looking at you LainChain). In terms of a forum, I feel like it'd only be possible if it was private and invite only. While it'd be infinitely easier to navigate, organize and interpret info, it would for sure dampen user join rates (which would otherwise be possible on a public platform). >>3125 Like Chobitsu mentioned, I think a sister board would be the best option.
>>3146 >reserved for full on p-bears What's a p-b... wait, I likely don't want to know. Not that I touch the stuff that often, but Google probably does block IBs. I know they had outright bans on linking to 4chan, & Hotwheels put in a request not index 8chan, which I believe they honored. /robowaifu/ is the number 1 hit on most of the other engines if you use that term. I'm not sure what other closely-related contextually terms will yield however. So after hearing your adventure to get to us, first off let me say congratulations! Secondly how did you actually manage it in the end Anon? What was the one key? Maybe that will give Recruiter-Anon here some ideas. >While it'd be infinitely easier to navigate, organize and interpret info There's an Anon who mentioned starting a wiki for us, and I've been tinkering around learning the basics of writing a thick book.
>>3147 > What was the one key Funny enough while Reddit drove me away, it also helped me find you guys. Usually when I'm looking for more niche communities I add "reddit" to see if there any discussions on any subject. The process went roughly like this though (ommitting useless queries) r/KIA2 warns that IBs are begin attacked and most likely they were going to be as well. They mention 8chan. https://www.reddit.com/r/kotakuinaction2/comments/gewvte/8chanmoe_is_live_supporting_free_speech_gg/ googling 4chan sites brings me this but nothing more, read about and started trying to figure out what lynxchan vs Vichan is. https://www.16chan.xyz/b/res/9601.html I eventually duckduckgo "lynxchan" + "reddit" and find the infinitechan sub where someone mentions julay.world https://www.reddit.com/r/infinitechan/comments/gayhfj/hey_retards_heres_the_alt_sites_anons_are_going/ I figure this is a reference to Chris Chan (is it? kek) so I visit right before the site goes down. However just before it goes down I lock eyes with /robowaifus/ and realize I found my new home. The next day the site disappears followed by my brief hysteria, but as you can tell I figured out there's a bunker and not all was lost.
>>3150 Aye, this is a turbulent time you picked to show up, but /robowaifu/ is supposed to be on the julay rebirth anyway, assuming things go as planned.
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>>3150 That's quite intriguing Anon, thanks for sharing it. You certainly show a lot of persistence in finding your way here, so I applaud you for that. There's a lot to take in here (and more on the way) so just take your time here and you'll get it I'm sure. So, do you have any specific areas of interest you know of yet? For example, I'm kind of a systems guy myself, and can do a little coding very little, some might say haha. Regardless, we're all glad you're here Anon, welcome.
>>3120 To add to this, the culture of 8chan and its off shoots like julay in particular can be an obstacle. Every board that originated there in some way has a feel to it that can be offputting. There's a lot of people outside of the 4chan and 8chan circles even among imageboard users, they don't use the same lingo. The kissu.moe thread kind of shows this. Robowaifu is better in that regard. I found it through /monster/, which I only briefly looked at. During that short period I saw posts of anons telling each other to set themself on fire and that kind of thing. Bascially violent 'tism symptoms, and I've seen other people with the same opinion.
>>3159 Heh, you can still find angsty shitposting inside The Lounge containment thread, and that's fine imo. In the spirit of muh_freeze_peach: >Don't want to see it? Easy, just hide the thread Anon. So yea, we're very definitely part of that whole lineage you described. But we have a bigger goal here than just being spergy edgelords, so we keep the conversation on a higher level everywhere else on the board, I think. But we will never just fit in with 'polite' society here, I think. At least we better never do so haha :^)
>>3160 That's fair. There's drawbacks to everything.
>>3156 Well I'm studying to be a CS major and in terms of robowaifu I'm really interested in functional and open sourced 3D printed skeleton structures. However my job just layed everybody off so I've put buying a 3D printer on the back burner. The moment I can secure a pandemic proof job is the moment I'll jump in and start working on designs. I've amateur experience in many useful areas like Blender, programming, photoshop and am planning on really trying to hone and put my skills to test this summer
>>3162 >in terms of robowaifu I'm really interested in functional and open sourced 3D printed skeleton structures. We have an armatures & skeleton thread, and we've touch on a number of topics related to this here in the past as well. My own current interests in these domains is primarily related to the kinematics and structural design constraints of bipedal-locomotion. For now, most of us are temporarily resigned to a cripplebot robowaifu >>2983 but I, for one, mean to change that if I can. :^) >However my job just layed everybody off so I've put buying a 3D printer on the back burner Smart thinking. Don't worry, they keep getting better/cheaper over time so you'll be ahead when you do finally pull the trigger, Anon. >I've amateur experience in many useful areas like Blender, programming, photoshop and am planning on really trying to hone and put my skills to test this summer Sounds awesome. I look forward to seeing what you devise. Just out of curiosity mind if I ask what type of programming you do? I have a specific interest in systems programming myself here.
>>3163 Well to be honest I'd still consider myself a novice without a focus atm since the core of my programming experience is comprised of Java and x86 Assembly. I originally planned to study C and progress to C++ during summer and from what I've read around in this board it seems like that's a pretty standard route to get up to date. For all intents and purposes (since that was kind of a vague answer), I guess it's best to say I want to focus on game deving with unity(C) then move to unreal engine(C++) as a hobby and eventually move on to embedded systems(C++) career-wise while applying that knowledge to whatever /robowaifu/ project I'd be working on. Also, sorry for the late replies. I'm pretty new to IBs and I've been getting lost trying to sift through as much of the board as I can. If you don't mind me bombarding you with questions, how do you keep track of all your conversations/replies? Also, would you happen to know where I'd be able to find the latest update to the RDD pdf? And has a wiki been established yet?
>>3173 >Also, sorry for the late replies. I'm pretty new to IBs and I've been getting lost trying to sift through as much of the board as I can. If you don't mind me bombarding you with questions, how do you keep track of all your conversations/replies? Also, would you happen to know where I'd be able to find the latest update to the RDD pdf? And has a wiki been established yet? \Haha, no worries mate, we've all been there. :^) > how do you keep track of all your conversations/replies? The catalog. https://spqrchan.xyz/robowaifu/catalog.html All the newly-bumped threads will rise to the top of the board. After a while, you'll get used to watching the 'replies' counter. You also generally keep a tab open for any threads you have an open (unanswered, etc) post in. Whenever that thread gets a bump a number will show up on the tab and by that approach (tabs open for each open thread) you can quickly spot any new posts for the thread. At least that's been my approach. There's a 'Watched Threads' link at the top of the page as well that's possibly useful (I don't use it so I'm ignorant about it). Just be patient and keep at it Anon, and within a couple of weeks you'll be shitposting here like an oldfag pro! :^) > Also, would you happen to know where I'd be able to find the latest update to the RDD pdf? sure. it's posted here. >>2620 btw, i'm the general editor of it. i'm requesting everyone to submit work to help me fill it out (right now, it's basically just a skeleton of topics). so, if you feel motivated, then pick a topic and start digging then submit your documents. tia. btw, i've also created a dedicated thread which will be the proper place to retrieve the latest copy of if in the future. >>3001 > And has a wiki been established yet? Not to my knowledge. I'm relying on another Anon for that. Once it's established, I will link to it in both the Welcome Thread and the RDD thread. >//--- >[C++] and from what I've read around in this board it seems like that's a pretty standard route to get up to date. C is most definitely an important language, but to quote a recent post (from myself) on the v/agdg thread: >"The fundamental burden that C places on the novice is putting the cart before the horse. You more or less have to become a guru of exceptional competence before you can create even reasonably non-trivial systems in C. With C++, you can begin to toddle towards doing so even as a novice, as I mentioned. " > (pic related) C will be absolutely essential in our quest to achieve robowaifus, but will be relegated primarily to small embedded micro-controllers, etc. The huge bulk of the system will be in C++, which offers high-efficiency comparable to C code, but also brings multi-mode programming with great abstraction and generic programming mechanisms. It's also much the better language for novices, when given the choice between the two (as I outlined above). I've been programming professionally with C & C++ for roughly a decade now. AMA.
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Found a discord server for anyone willing to download that shit. --- keep it sfw, anon
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/17/2020 (Sun) 05:28:36.
>>3215 thanks, btw. :^)
This board's activity seems to be slowing down and this website seems to be hemorrhaging users. Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?
>>3241 heh, you just did Anon. :^)
>>3242 I mean I can post here all day long, but if the site is losing users we need to quickly stop that trend and get more people in here.
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>>3244 Ehh, A) That's not a game I intend to play--chasing after 'users' (suit yourself ofc). B) This endeavor is a long-haul kind of thing tbh and always has been since the beginning. AI researchers are digging through papers and algorithms, software devs are learning2code :^) and building systems that are foundational. Our engineering students are, well, studenting. Other Anons are probably spending free time digging into various things of robowaifu-related interests. We'll be fine anon. And, while we're all very appreciative of Robi I'm sure, we ourselves aren't going to disappear even if all his stuff does. To quote the man himself: >"If everything fucks up remember that anonymity is a spirit and not something people can just shut down. Something new will pop up, keep looking. Julay is not the first imageboard nor is it the last." /robowaifu/ is a great example of that spirit. We're in it for the long haul, Anon. But please, do post. I watch the board generally daily, and basically tend to respond within minutes. If you have a question or interest, I'll be glad to answer if I at all can. Cheers.
>>3244 BTW, we all appreciate all the efforts you've made at promotion. :^)
A poem I found. Roastie toastie pudding and pies Can't get a boyfriend so she cries Goes to /pol/ and finds a thread Shocked to find that in her stead Males are done, they've had enough Of roasties cries and mental stuff Robots soon, the future's near And that which gives the roastie fear No longer will guys have to try with perfect waifus they will lie She kicks and screams and throws a fit A well rehearsed and vocal skit Her only worth has been tossed out And all she can do is cry and pout Her posts are short and fraught with rage How can she compete at ripe old age? Fingers pounding at the keys Dumping endless pointless sleaze Stuck inside her private hell "I've got you now, you fucking incel!" But nobody listened, cared or heard Not a single bloody word The men rejoiced and had a pint Together on a joyous night Roasties no longer waste our lives Now that we've got robot wives.
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>>3293 kek
>>3241 Contacting the developer of Omnichan app might help. His app does not include julay.world, and we can't just put in our own URLs. https://www.reddit.com/u/MartinVanBallin?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/Omnichan/comments/hpmqkh/until_the_app_is_back_on_the_play_store_here_is_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Even better would be to program libraries in Kotlin and Swift to parse all important imageboards, and so allow every app to include (some of) them.
>>4285 >Even better would be to program libraries in Kotlin and Swift to parse all important imageboards Just curious why you specify Kotlin and Swift anon? BTW, we already have software written that can parse effectively any imageboard, important or not: >>4211
>>4298 Your post looks like spam. Please adjust it.
>>4294 Okay, didn't know about that. If this can be put into an Android or iOS app, then it might be fine. You're saying this can parse every imageboard? You mean here on Julay or everything? My point is, there should be good readers for every board like this on mobile devices. Then more people will go there, including here.
>>4307 >You're saying this can parse every imageboard? Any board that supplies a valid JSON API, yes. It can (and will) be extended to parse IB types/sites that don't provide one as well. >My point is, there should be good readers for every board like this on mobile devices. The BUMP software is C++ ISO standard C++17, so the code could theoretically be ported to practically every conceivable device out there. Some adjustments to library dependencies might be needed but it should be relatively easy for anyone interested in doing so.
>>4309 Ah, okay. Amazing. I thought the reason why Omnichan isn't supporting every board is that they would need a parser for each. There are also mainly 4chan apps.
>>4311 If you have the abilities, then I'd recommend you compile a working copy and grab any boards on Julay that you'd like to keep an archive of before they disappear forever at the changeover in 6 days.
>>4312 I think there's nothing important for me. If I had so much time I would create some app like Omnichan (don't care about the 4chan pass option), but open source, and maybe in form a a library. So for example other apps like mgtow.tv app could use it to connect only to different mgtow boards, or alternatively only one board which the app programer trusts.
>>4311 >I thought the reason why Omnichan isn't supporting every board is that they would need a parser for each. I have no idea why Omnichan is doing whatever they do, but yes, each board software type often has minor differences that need to be taken into account. For example Vichan and Jschan software are different in several ways but the fundamental elements are the same ideas. In my software I've just created a JSON file that maps the different tags to the ideas and after that everything's really simple to deal with just that one paradigm, not 2 dozen different ones. >>4321 It's an interesting idea. As you've already seen, my source code is completely open-source (MIT license) and anyone is free to use it to create any kind of imageboard app they want to. Personally, I'm working it towards a distributed, private server model to try to help IBs stay resilient in the face of takedowns, etc. It's why I wrote the software in the first place, because we very nearly lost /robowaifu/ entirely in the aftermath of the 8chan red-flag operation. If I hadn't scrambled my ass off that last <24hrs, we would have
>>4324 Okay thanks for your work. Do you try to build your own or looking into Lokinet and IPFS based thinks like unstoppable domains?
>>4326 YW. > Lokinet and IPFS based thinks No, not yet at least. For now my thinking is a little closer Tor-based solutions, specifically supporting a hidden service in the tool, and allowing for some kind of anonymous lookup to connect together with. It's a ways off, I still have a lot to learn about things yet.
>>2705 Perhaps you'd be interested in another possible community your could draw from. >>4336
>>4909 I forgot to delete a circle on the right side. Will fix and upload another version. >0 threads and 0 posts were successfully deleted. REEEEEEEEEEEE
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>>4911 Noice Really fancy XD
I lack the skills to turn these into banners.
>>4911 Thanks for the pro-tier work Logo-Anon. Nice attention to details, it's the little things that count. We could probably use a couple of variations on this, for example half-sized ones in case something smaller is required. I plan to integrate this into the RDD as an official 'seal', as well. >>2876 Here's the /robowaifu/ logo, Ribose. If you're on a forum that supports the animated one, use that. Otherwise use the static one.
>>4923 You might ask on the banners thread Anon. Perhaps someone will help out? >>252
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>>4927 How much is "half size"? Anyway, here's is a smaller version of the "static" one. Also, I am not the anon that posted ITT a couple months ago. (But we are all anonymous anyway :^)
>>4929 Ahh, I see then. That size is fine, and thanks again. Nice work!
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So I was inspired by the Toua Juukou (Toua Heavy Industry) logo from Sidonia no Kishi (and others mangas) that uses a stylized "to" (ト) and made a robowaifu variant with the katakana "ro" (ロ).
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>>4933 Worked on the font of the weeboo version.
>>4933 >>4934 Hey I like the way you think Anon! :^)
>>4933 These are great, and I predict--prophetic. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and others are already getting into the service robotics game and in the future they and many other major industrial interests will also begin offering robowaifu companions. I'd like to think that somehow at least some of us here from /robowaifu/ will be a part of what is sure to be a gigantic industry one day.
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>whey they say that robots can't replace women
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>>5096 :^)
>>5109 kek. with some minor changes, #1 could be a reasonable banner, actually.
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Made this a long time ago and posted it in another thread. Fixed it up a bit and am reposting because it's extremely relevant.
>>6292 Euphoria I responded to your banner post.
Pop Culture Idea Just imagine what a large troupe of robowaifus could do along this line. You could even have them singing, dancing, and doing gymnastics as well!
>related xposts >>6718 >>6740 >>6791
Just wondering if it would be a good idea to attempt recruitment IRL by leaving /robowaifu/ tear-off dockets with this web URL inside male toilets. I can place them in the engineering and computer science buildings of my local uni. The library. That sort of thing. I give zero fux about feminist/sjw shaming. To me this is legitimate robotics and craftsmanship. Besides, they have their crappy victim-status movement, we autistic males need one too! A rallying point that isn't focused around hatred, but solutions. I am thinking of printing some of the page banners onto dockets and stickers along with a short and to-the-point description: "D.I.Y female robotic companions" (less webspeak so as to appeal to as wide an audience as possible). Also I want to get something together on my deviant art so that the few hundred people who see my old art gallery every month may be interested in coming here. We need more men made aware of robowaifus if they are going to become a reality!
>>7676 Sure, go for it. Just be aware of surveillance systems being commonplace. Your movements are automatically tracked by Big Brother on something like a Uni campus, so you can very likely be pinned down eventually if you're leaving materials around. Don't do anything illegal mate. But heh, you already live in Airstrip One don't you? No need to remind you, but just practice good OPSEC. Certainly try hard not to dox yourself online at the least. > A rallying point that isn't focused around hatred, but solutions. Absolutely. That's the whole point here, and you seem to understand that very well so thanks for reminding us.
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>>2898 >>2889 The Mercury symbol ☿ is the Venus symbol with protusions coming out of it, we can call them antennas and associate it with robowaifus.
>>7687 O cute, a waifu with horns. Like a little devil.
>>7685 >Don't do anything illegal mate. LOL wise advice. But that's another thing that appeals to me about /robowaifu/. No illegal stuff (although obvs I have to get permission to put up posters and pamphlets rather than just fly post). Before I found out about this board I frequented 8kun and 4chan. Both of them were full of people acting like fanatical Neo Nazis, the Khmer Rouge or just the clinically insane. A few people wanted to hoard canned food, grow their own veg and arm themselves to the teeth so they could live the rest of their lives in a bunker, but that's about the most creativity I saw. Lots of memes, rage and depression. Very few solutions.
>>7694 Being upset about politics all the time can be damaging. They don't discuss solutions anyways. It's only wasting time and being angry. Which can have effects on how well to learn stuff or getting upset about problems much faster, because they're just the icing on the cake of worries. So yeah it's better to focus on tech and watching anime to relax. "Entertainment" which is to much driven by permanent conflicts between people also only increases stress. It can't be good to have that the whole time. There's a reason why watching 'My Little Pony' became popular among hackers or other IT guys. They need to relax and have some distance to the world. Btw, I just delayed working on some code for more than seven hours, because I had so enough of it, only to find the solution for the last problem I had with it in literally less than 20sec.
>>7696 Well that is good to hear, anon. Hope it gets you closer to your goals! Just goes to show how important rest is for the human brain.
>>7696 >Btw, I just delayed working on some code for more than seven hours, because I had so enough of it, only to find the solution for the last problem I had with it in literally less than 20sec. More than once, I've literally woken up from bed with the correct answer to a coding problem at my fingertips when I got on the editor, and even for other issues in life as well. You can often hear the answer being given to you if you're doing the right thing and get quiet. And be patient about it too. I second the other anon's advice about giving yourself some rest when you're constantly struggling for a solution to something. Taking a break from it for a bit can actually be important to finding the right answer for things.
>>7687 Heh, cute idea but the basic point is to not emulate that now-degenerate symbology. Find something that evokes the beauty of the mythological Venus in a readily understandable icon at a glance. Think Botticelli's Birth of Venus, mate.
Some of the banners here >>252 might be useful to be posted in other places, or being used as avatars and such. Others are to big for banners and might rather fit in here. Also, this new thread here is about making media with robowaifus: >>19295 and this about illustrations using Stable Diffusion >>17763
Why not take a page from Leftist's playbook and branding ourselves servants of humanity by our effective altruism? https://www.effectivealtruism.org/articles/cause-profile-building-an-effective-altruism-community
>>19507 >branding ourselves servants of humanity Because stuff like this often (~always) backfires. Evidence: Western Civilization (if we ignore some more complex theories). Luckily we aren't an organization, so you would have to convince every single one of us. I don't see any need for it. Ideas like this won't get us any work done, nor is this idea somehow supported by any data that indicates that the lack of growth has something to do with our lack of humanitarian idealism. Better make some good memes instead or try to find out why so many men aren't trying to build something like this. It might only be a small group willing and able to do, then we should find more of them. Or we just work as much as we can and are willing to and be patient.
>>19567 Heh That second pic has some cute waifus tbh.
>>19594 Yes. Gargantia - good post-apocalyptic anime, a bit like Waterworld mixed with a bit of Raised by Wolves or Alien, with cute waifus. No robowaifus, but a bit AI and robot related.
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Someone should replace Androids with Gynoids in this, so that no one can interpret it as gay. Or replace it with other text, about more wholesome. Add some /robowaifu/ to it, somewhere. I can't do it, my program drives me nuts.
>>19978 dang i really wanna check out picrel manga. Can you give sauce?
>>7704 >>7687 are you guys sure you'd want Venus/Aphrodite as ourmascot? I mean, despite being the love goddess, she's literally a cheating roastie who makes people's lives miserable. She cheated on her husband Hephaestus, who btw is a much better representation of us robowaifu anons as a forger/inventor. She's the original Western Woman™.
>>19978 I like your spirit Anon! Will this help you on your work? >
>>19980 >She's the original Western Woman™. Lol, OK pardon our ignorance Anon. Suggestions? everyone here already knows who my chief waifu is :^)
>>19982 ah sorry my bad, the sauce is written in the panel itself
>>19979 No idea, the 4chan thread about "sexbots" mentioned in meta, but it's now archived. Post it in some /co/ board on some chan. >>19984 - Never mind then. >>19980 Her looks are somewhat the long running western ideal, though today many might like it a bit more sporty and maybe younger. Or it's like an average of what guys like, the consensus model. We did not pick her as a our symbol, but good that you read through old threads. Also, I was never married and cheated on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4Y8dB2tg8o >>19982 It may help our efforts. I don't like working on this, though.
>>19985 >It may help our efforts. I don't like working on this, though. You'll do fine. Are you using Krita, GIMP, or Paint.net ?
>>19988 I have no intention to use any such huge program for a little bit of text. No time.
>>19983 well, off the top of my head, the love story of Penelope-Odysseus and Eros-Psyche are the least messed up in Greek myths. I'll have to explore other myths before I get some better mascot goddesses. I also recommend Krishna-Radha if you're targeting the Indian subcontinent population. That would appeal more here than any greek myth. I think we should make the recruitment posters more targeted to specific demographics like my example above. This is what Big Tech has been doing and its been quite successful.
>>19993 >like my example above. Which one was that, Anon?
>>19995 Krishna-Radha based recruitment for Indian subcontinent. Demographic-targeted recruitment posters.
>>19996 Ahh, I see. I wouldn't be comfortable with that personally, but I understand your point. And BTW, I was simply trying to steer Anon away from using the common symbol for women (though I rather like it for the C+= programming language :^), not to promote a goddess. Venus is simply the commonly-accepted notion of beauty in the Western Tradition. Botticelli's masterpiece being the premier rendition IMO.
>>19985 in all honesty, Hephaestus didn't have much choice in the marriage matter. He got married to her because of Zeus. And he wouldn't wanna oppose the king of Olympus, especially since Zeus once threw him down from Mount Olympus and it took him 9 days to hit the ground.
>>20005 And after marriage he still was based, since he mostly occupied himself with his forging and inventing. This makes Aphrodite's adultery all the worse since Hephaestus opened all his works to her and gave her a ton of gifts he made himself.
>>19998 >>19983 Aphrodite/Venus - Western tradition Freya - Norse mythology Parvati - Hindu mythology Ishtar - Mesopotamian mythology Xochiquetzal - Aztec mythology Hathor - Egyptian mythology Rati - Hindu mythology Izanami - Japanese mythology Lakshmi - Hindu mythology Pele - Hawaiian mythology ChatGPT gives the above as symbols of beauty and love for different cultures around the world. I 'd still be careful as some of them are as bad Aphrodite is. Like Ishtar, who killed Gilgamesh's best friend Enkidu because he was too based to sleep with her.
>>20008 >I 'd still be careful as some of them are as bad Aphrodite is. Like Ishtar, who killed Gilgamesh's best friend Enkidu because he was too based to sleep with her. I'll again point out I have zero desire to use any goddess. I was simply trying to stand up an icon of beauty for that anon, in opposition to his suggestion of the thoroughly-usurped, feminist-ideology-drenched, icon of Globohomo evil that the orginal symbol has degenerated into. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/13/2023 (Mon) 04:43:30.
>>20016 ah yes sorry, I thought it'd be used for those recruitment banners and poster
>>20018 Yep, nope. I think Anon's 'faceless' graphic of Chii (ITT) is exceptionally pertinent to reaching out to Anons, both East & West. As for Joe Sixpack, probably something closer to our site's own icon of my jewish mother. I don't know, ask around with your local normalfag friends you're willing to broach the topic with, Anon. Good luck, Cheers. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/13/2023 (Mon) 04:48:25.
>>20019 I wish I could, but unfortunately only one friend is based enough to consider. I'll speak to him. I'll be committing social suicide with anybody else.
>>20022 >I wish I could, but unfortunately only one friend is based enough to consider. I'll speak to him. I'll be committing social suicide with anybody else. Don't do it at all if you're concerned. Just using something close to Robi's mascot icon of grown-up Milk-chan should be close enough IMO. Cover her tits up, ofc lol. :^) >sorry about my odd edit Anon
>>20022 Just for asking? Krass. Cancel culture, huh? Or just some anxiety?
>>20025 Haha. Lurk moar, Anon. It will become evident to you with time what we're all up against here in the greater, Globohomo-brainwashed culture of the West. In the East? Maybe. Here? Lol, no. >tl;dr Hide your power level Anon. You should already know this by now, fren.
>>20025 >>20026 As someone from the East, its just s pozzed here as the West and the females here are just as insufferable, hence why I'm into robowaifu. There are actually a lot of men who'd love a robot wife, unfortunately most of them aren't even aware that such a thing is possible.
>>20033 >There are actually a lot of men who'd love a robot wife, unfortunately most of them aren't even aware that such a thing is possible. This. It's our propagandist's jobs to let them find out, right? :^)
We should run ads on 4chan /diy/ and /sci/ boards.
>>20294 We don't currently have funding for such, nor do I particularly think this is the right time for it either. That said, I certainly wouldn't have objections to someone who's willing, to pay to do so. I'd want to vett the propaganda ads myself first, ofc. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/17/2023 (Fri) 06:04:06.
>>20312 I could swear I saw some /robowaifu/ ads before when I was browsing /g/ and /sci/
>>20312 I thought ads on 4chan were like $20 for a month or something ridiculously low. Schizos are advertising their youtube channels now.
>>20321 Perhaps, but they didn't originate here AFAICT.
>>20334 >I thought ads on 4chan were like $20 for a month or something ridiculously low. Sounds great! If you take some out, please let us all see the ads themselves first, Anon.
I'd like to request the board come up with some materials we can use abroad during the lead-up week for our local C++ Classroom upcoming (>>19777). The plan is -- all things being equal -- to begin our classes here on May 6th. So if you can have something ready before next Monday then we'd all have a full workweek to use them in promoting our programming class out to other boards on the Internet. TIA /robowaifu/ ! :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/25/2023 (Tue) 15:53:59.
>>22169 I thought everyone just used Midjourney or Stable Diffusion for stuff like that nowadays.
>>19980 Um akshually robowaifus (or artificial ones) are literally blessed by her. Here is the story of Pygmalion whose sculpture of a woman turned into a real one. “ According to Ovid, when Pygmalion saw the Propoetides of Cyprus practicing prostitution, he began "detesting the faults beyond measure which nature has given to women".[1] He determined to remain celibate and to occupy himself with sculpting. He made a sculpture of a woman that he found so perfect he fell in love with it. Pygmalion kisses and fondles the sculpture, brings it various gifts, and creates a sumptuous bed for it. In time, Aphrodite's festival day came and Pygmalion made offerings at the altar of Aphrodite. There, too afraid to admit his desire, he quietly wished for a bride who would be "the living likeness of my ivory girl". When he returned home, he kissed his ivory statue, and found that its lips felt warm. He kissed it again, and found that the ivory had lost its hardness. Aphrodite had granted Pygmalion's wish. Pygmalion married the ivory sculpture, which changed to a woman under Aphrodite's blessing. In Ovid's narrative, they had a daughter, Paphos, from whom is derived the name of the eponymous city.”
Reposting from other thread. So I know it’s a shot in the dark but have any of you thought about reaching out to clubs/people who are interested in robotics? I’m kinda lonely lately and I’d like some robo buddy with me. Anyone got some experience to share?
>>25497 is that even a thing, i only remember an after school activity at my school, it was supposed to be robotics with those programmable legos but once were in the computer lab, after school, it became a cs1.6 party no one gave a shit about legos
>>25497 >Anyone got some experience to share? I used a Lego Mindstorms kit years ago to show others some basic robotics stuff to other guys in school. A couple of them were interested, most weren't.
>>25497 Unless you live in a big city, I wouldn’t hold much hope for an organized club (assuming you’re post-college-age). I’ve heard that cities tend to have “Maker-Spaces” or whatnot, and some of em have clubs/focus groups, but I don’t have any experience there. That said, my experience in both HS and college was a bit disappointing. Probably only 25% of the people had any real interest in robotics, and of those, less than half had either the talent or the determination to do something serious with them. The rest were, as my mentor would have said, “groupies”— people who only wanted to “network” or pad out their applications/CV, instead of actually making stuff Now, for less pessimistic, more actionable stuff: - Drone hobbyist clubs might be your best bet— there are bound to be a few guys DIY’ing. It’ll give you pretty lopsided lessons on robotics (rel focus), but the fundamental concepts and understanding of physics will transfer over just fine, and it’s great introduction to control systems (I’m assuming you’re somewhat new to the field; my apologies if it’s otherwise) - Mechanics-oriented “clubs” (they tend to be informal, often competition-centric) are also helpful for this sort of thing (if you’re aiming to learn mech or intro elec engineering), like racing or flying. Lots of very knowledgeable people in these groups, but you need to either have $$$$$, connections, or a particularly uncommon skill (or a really high CHR stat, but I know nothing of that). A lot of the guys there are more than happy to talk about their specialties, provided the other person shows interest AND can show they understand what they’re being told (the latter tends to be more important lol) Those are really the only experiences I have to offer— if you find something better, by all means, let us know— a lot of us are probably looking for the same thing. >>25503 Those things were pretty great. Sure, their “programming” was a joke, but that sort of trial-and-error is great for learning spatial reasoning and application-oriented design. Shame they haven’t changed much over the years— the kits I saw coworkers’ children playing with looked almost identical to the sets I used over a decade ago.
>>25503 >>25515 Thanks for the tips guys. Like I said I just want to find some new comrades in this grand quest.
https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/2823.html#q29008 > Link some resources for robowaifu, like the MEGA folder, nandroid booru, maybe danbooru too, this robowaifu board, In my opinion, I think the nandroid booru and danbooru links are too much focused on art concepts based off Japanese anime/otaku. I think this will detract from potential newcomers who are not familiarized with this type of stuff. What if I omitted these two links out of the template? So I will only be including the robowaifu link, Mega link, and a link to /aicg/ ( since we get alot of posters asking about which gf Ai is the best ). Same thing with the general theme. I just feel like its too 'Anime'/'Otaku' like....Does the theme have to be robowaifu/otaku based? What about this? > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yZe2Ga2wNE&list=PLL4UkNHg1vPsrGryyDs1qJzN8vfMoZl1g&index=5 > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtkJcNu9bcI&list=PLL4UkNHg1vPsrGryyDs1qJzN8vfMoZl1g&index=8 > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svgNxihW-H4&list=PLL4UkNHg1vPsrGryyDs1qJzN8vfMoZl1g&index=10 This is what I came up with so far in pic rel.
>>29025 I posted this before in the Discord >ChatGPT: Certainly, if you want to steer the discussions towards politics, specifically conservative or moderate nationalist perspectives, you can tailor the topics accordingly: >Future of Work in National Context: Explore how emerging technologies are influencing the job landscape within a national context. Discuss the role of automation in promoting economic growth and job creation from a conservative or nationalist perspective. Address concerns and opportunities related to preserving national interests in the face of technological advancements. >Impact of Emerging Technologies on National Identity: Delve into how cutting-edge technologies impact national identity and values. Discuss the societal impacts of technological advancements, considering conservative or moderate nationalist viewpoints. Explore how technological innovation can be aligned with national interests and values. >Automation, Society, and National Policy: Discuss the political implications of increased automation on national policies, focusing on conservative or moderate nationalist perspectives. Explore how a nation's approach to automation can shape societal structures and values. Talk about policies that align with national interests and values in the context of automation. >Tech Trends and National Innovation: Delve into how technology trends contribute to national innovation and competitiveness. Discuss the role of technological advancements in promoting conservative or moderate nationalist ideals. Explore the intersection of technology, politics, and national identity in shaping the future.
>>29026 I like the last one about tech trends and national inovation. I also created a few topics that I'm thinking about mass pasting > Ethical Considerations: Is the creation and use of sexbots ethically acceptable? What ethical concerns might arise regarding the objectification of individuals and relationships? How should society address potential misuse or abuse of sexbot technology? > Impact on Relationships: What might be the implications of widespread use of sexbots on human relationships and intimacy? Can sexbots be a solution for those who struggle with human relationships, or do they risk isolating individuals further? > Technological Advancements: How do advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics contribute to the development of realistic sexbots? What challenges and ethical questions arise with the integration of AI into intimate relationships? > Artificial Wombs and Reproductive Technology: What are the potential benefits and risks of artificial wombs for reproductive purposes? How might artificial wombs impact traditional family structures and societal norms? > Regulation and Legislation: Should there be regulations on the development and use of sexbots and artificial wombs? What ethical guidelines should be in place? How can societies navigate the challenges of balancing personal freedoms and responsible innovation? > Psychological Impact: How might the use of sexbots and artificial wombs impact human psychology and well-being? Are there potential consequences, such as desensitization or dependency, that need to be considered? > Cultural and Religious Perspectives: How do different cultures and religions view the concepts of sexbots and artificial wombs? Are there cultural or religious considerations that may influence public opinion or policy decisions?
>>29026 FYI - Will be pasting a general tonight at 8:00PM Central Time (CT). Heres a time zone converter https://time.is/compare.
>>29025 >Same thing with the general theme. I just feel like its too 'Anime'/'Otaku' like....Does the theme have to be robowaifu/otaku based? robowaifus have a positive connotation in japanese animations, so its better. There are western ones too, but they're often dystopian movies. But, like I said, when I asked in the robowaifu thread about some themes, there were lots of non-anime songs posted too. And yeah, sure, your recommendations works too. >In my opinion, I think the nandroid booru and danbooru links are too much focused on art concepts based off Japanese anime/otaku. I think this will detract from potential newcomers who are not familiarized with this type of stuff. What if I omitted these two links out of the template? So I will only be including the robowaifu link, Mega link, and a link to /aicg/ ( since we get alot of posters asking about which gf Ai is the best ). I thought that was the point? Those links were for people who wanted more robowaifu art. I can't think up of any beginner-friendly introduction to robowaifu site. Also, I probably wouldn't recommend /aicg/. that place really sucks. I'm more partial to /lmg/, even if you want non-local models.
>>29036 >I thought that was the point? Those links were for people who wanted more robowaifu art Will respond to this in a sec. >>29036 >I probably wouldn't recommend /aicg/. that place really sucks. I'm more partial to /lmg/, even if you want non-local models. Ok. Good call out. I didnt know better. Alot of people ask for recommendations for ai gf. Should I just link to /lmg/?
>>29037 yeah, /lmg/ is much better imo. Also, when someone asks for recommendations, my usual response is, the tech just isn't there yet. I don't think anyone can suspend their disbelief enough with the current generation of LLMs. But I could be wrong. When someone asks for non-local models, do warn them about the dangers of someone else, especially a greedy corporation hosting your gf. Bring up CAI, Replika, AIDG's examples.
>>29036 >I thought that was the point? Those links were for people who wanted more robowaifu art There seems to be two dynamics at least to me that exist. One being 'robowaifus' and the other simply being 'sexbots'. Robowaifus being a secondary persona to sexbots. I feel as if when a newcomer arrives on any of our boards or content, they are under the gynoid/sexbot impression. Then, from viewing the relevant links section (specifically alogspace robowaifu) they can see that we have a focus on the anime/otaku culture, but will also see useful threads such as the cyborg general, R&D general, Acutators for waifu movement etc. Their mental model being that they can customize their sexbot in the future to be a robowaifu/nandroid. I may only be speaking for myself here, but you dont want people only thinking that our efforts are only catered towards anime/otaku themed sexbots. >>29038 Thanks. The current general is up if you have any other words for improvement other than what was already spoke of. Will implement these changes next.
>>29039 Fair point. In that case, I think we should refrain from posting the more "lewd/sexy/nsfw" type pictures in the OP image and preferably in the thread as well. Replace them with more "anti-feminist" type robowaifu pics or more wholesome robowaifu pictures.
>>29040 >>29040 >in the OP image and preferably Do you really think the OP image is lewd? I tried to change it to not be a slutty bot per another anons recommendation. In terms of the rest of thread, I will upload more anti feminist/ wholesome robowaifu pics.
the german over at /pol/ is still posting his threads. we need to get him over here. hes one dedicated soldier. >https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/457472608/we-cant-compete-with-ai-gfs start haranguing him to get over here and join the winners club.
>>29039 >There seems to be two dynamics at least to me that exist. One being 'robowaifus' and the other simply being 'sexbots'. Good insights there, Anon. There's very-specifically a reason I named this board '/robowaifu/', and not something more lurid. We regulars here very-much stress the waifu part. Cheers. :^)
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>>29042 >start haranguing him to get over here and join the winners club. <haranguing him Lol, pls no. :^) No worries if you want to spread the board far and wide, anons. As I've said here before, "shout it from the rooftops!". But coercion isn't likely to be very productive IMO, and it certainly isn't in accord with the freely-given spirit of /robowaifu/ itself. Why not simply invite him here, and answer any questions from anons there that may come up? --- BTW, thanks for moving this disussion into the appropriate thread(s), anons. Derailing is a big issue here, and one we work hard to avoid! This is complex enough without adding to that burden by spreading information out into a hodgepodge! :DD Cheers anons. TWAGMI
>>29025 Glad to see your diligence for quality presentation in OPs, World Serpent. Every anon should strive for the OP being good & welcoming! Cheers. :^)
>>29042 I think I need to leave some quotes and more of the original title text like he did to get more traction. Today I removed alot of what I normally post within the general but didn't get the traction I was looking for. >>29046 Thanks.
>>29042 >>29047 Or maybe I just need to post earlier....
>>29042 I can't post, mys range has been banned. Reading it without posting is quite annoying, even more so that this at least one guy making the same argument over and over again. Like women should be in charge of picking men, totally fine, lol.
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Saw this, it's beautiful propaganda tbh.
>>29078 Can I use this
>>29052 i meant it in a playful way as a figure of speech. sometimes the way i talk might be misinterpreted because i use dark humor or extremes for comedic effect. dont worry. im not going to give this place a bad rep or act foolishly. either way i asked him in that thread to come join us here, but he said he already is here somewhere and regularly posts. go figure. >thanks for moving this disussion into the appropriate thread(s) no problem. i didnt want to spam up the other thread with all this back and forth anyway. >>29047 his thread got derailed in record time and turned into some bizarre argument between several canadians, including one that was purportedly a woman, about the fall of rome and womens rights or something. the supposed female posted like 57 times. at least it kept it at the top of the catalog. since all of this is so alien to the average person, and not many people have some meaningful insight into it, it often devolves or derails with such common banter. theres all this back and forth about whether women will "die out", dating apps, drive-by misogyny, "advice guys", touch grass and all that stuff youd see just about anywhere these days. at least it keeps the thread from dying though. >>29045 yeah. it turned into a shitshow, i posted just once, but passed out not too long after. i dont know what country youre in (i assume its some eastern european type place where theres a lot of cybercrime) but you gotta figure a way out of the cage the world state has you in. use a vpn or do something. when i first came here your posts are some of the first that i saw and part of what really impressed me. you could probably get citizenship and a job anywhere you wanted with the things you know. im surprised the jannies didnt delete it. it seems like they know they cant hold back the tide so they turn a release valve from time to time to reduce some pressure, like allowing a thread about it each day or every other day but banning the rest. the german seemed to have double-dipped successfully and we're in the late second quarter over here: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/457510116 this is picking up faster than i anticipated. sorry if theres any typos in my post or things that dont make sense. i just woke up, but i still dont feel entirely awake.
>>29083 >his thread got derailed I saw that too. I will post a "NB4" pasty to hopefully mitigate that.
>>29083 Im a bit suprised to see German anons thread still up and active. My general is up now currently but I may have created it to soon. 300 and up replies seem to be the sweet spot for baking new thread.
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>>29078 I'd change one thing: s/CAN BE OFFLINE/ALWAYS OFFLINE/ Other than that, excellent prop for anti-GH, pro-men robowaifus, IMO. >>29080 Why couldn't you, Anon? IBs have a long standing precedent of 'all you can eat' . :^)
>>29106 Here's the thing, the BAD one would not be able to be offline. "I am sorry, I cannot provide the services you ask for at this time. Please reconnect me to the Microsoft BrainCloud. I am sorry, I cannot provi[...]"
>>29087 his hit a decent number (i was surprised too it was still up for so long), but you did some great work yesterday. one thread hitting 300+ and an immediate follow-up with 194. id mark that down as a major win. well done to both you and our german friend. congratulations. what was bizarre was those dignifai freaks needling us. i dont know what their problem is. i guess they were pissed we stole their thunder. oh well.
>>29125 Sure ofc Anon. And that's the point for the GOOD waifu: She's 100% offline. (Cf. >>26446, >>26460, for an example of how she can still look up information 'online'.) You definitely get why this is important that she be always offline, I think. Here's a tiny bit of my views on why < GH robot """wives""" = BAD > Anonymous Opensauce Robowaifus = GOOD : (>>20208). Cheers. :^) >=== -fmt, minor edit -splice cleanup
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/05/2024 (Mon) 18:30:35.
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>>29042 >>29045 Hi guys it’s me. I’ve been browsing here for months actually. Sadly I’m a techlet and still learning to code so all I have to contribute for now is shitposts, memes and pasta. It seems like 4cuck won’t 404 my threads when I make the robowaifu threads about an article. They do however quickly delete pure robowaifu threads
>>29177 Hello ArisaBro, welcome! Glad you spoke up, Anon. So, this thread and the writing thread may be places you can contribute today without waiting? Thanks for your help, and good luck with your programming work! Cheers. :^)
>>29127 > dignifai freaks needling us Yea I think it was just some playful banter though lol. Doesnt make sense that my generals get deleted and theirs stays up. Im also banned again. >>29177 Pleasure to see you here. Were just some good ol' robowaifu niggers.
I think there are many openings on /pol/ every day to make something about robowaifus. >Young men are getting shit grades, no girlfriends and no friends. What is going on? https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/457780823 >Be a 30 YO American, only option to marry is a 30+ barren womb roasty with 3 digit body count and multiple STDs. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/457799876 >You will never be a real wife. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/457801344 >Can someone drop white pills? :( https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/457799330
>>29178 Sure I can. It feels weird to receive a welcome from you when we have talked quite a bit.
>>29222 Oh, I'd forgotten if I'd welcome'd you yet, Anon. Something about your post made me think I hadn't. My apologies! :P Thanks for all your efforts, ArisaBro. Cheers. :^) >>29025 >>29186 This. I'm not encouraging anyone here to engage with 4cuck; if you're already there, then I'd say be creative when looking for opportunities, as Noido Dev suggests. Also, the hotpockets there will likely be more complacent about your threads if you: A. Polish your OP images to look professional (say, like the /chug/ anons were doing), and keep the images different. B. Use all the typical nomenclature of an authentic general (thread #'s, previous thread links, up-to-date general news, up-to-date crosslinks to other related threads, up-to-date external resources, etc.) You know, the works. It shows you're attentive, and not just dumping spam. C. Just come in like you own the place. The >tl;dr is be assertive, not apologetic. The >ttl;dr is that the topics you are discussing with these robowAIfu propaganda threads are immensely political (and politically-incorrect -- ironically-enough today, in the now-compromised 4cucks's case). Be confident in that... everybody else there recognizes this fact already. Remember, the jannies are simply pandering to what they think their glownigger overlords want to hear/simping for their fellow Leftists/Filthy Commies. Make them embarrassed by the fact that you are far closer to correctly & clearly hearing the heartbeat of the world today than they are. Also, if you get the typical, whiney "What, this thread again!?111" reeeing: just remember the incredible number of 'nothing-but-continuous-respamming-of-utterly-worthless-topics-as-a-longtime-technique-used-by-glownigger-golems-to-slide-actually-important-threads-off-the-board', that the 4cuck token hotpockets don't even give a second glance at!. --- one other thing: I would personally advise against antagonizing the so-called 'tradcucks' on /pol/, anons. After all... they're correct! (and they also in-general have humanity's best interests at heart.) It's only the corruption of our civilization by the satanic GH which has led to this intolerable situation that makes robowaifus even necessary at all. Additionally, they're actually men that we here are trying to help... same as with other men. Trust me, once the Robowaifu Age begins in earnest, all these men that are currently jeering from the sidelines (but are otherwise actually-healthy men as opposed to being Leftists, et al) will almost all come around to our viewpoint! :^) --- Good luck to you Propaganda-anons; you're doing good work! Stay strong. :^) >=== -add'l resp, crosslink -fmt, prose edit -add 'other thing' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/09/2024 (Fri) 20:42:37.
>>2705 Another group that we might be able to target is amputees or therapists that work with amputees. Many of the same technologies used for robowaifus could have applications in prosthetics.
>>29232 In any case, we should think of a good name for whatever general we plan to make. I know Total Women Replacement has been a common tagline for threads posted recently, so we could go with that, however: >I would personally advise against antagonizing the so-called 'tradcucks' I'm sure such a thread title would set them off, so maybe another name could be devised. An obvious one would be robowaifu general, but /rwg/ is already in use by the thread documenting the Eagle Pass/Migrant Crisis, so for the sake of branding we'd have to make it something like /robo/
>>29271 >so maybe another name could be devised. Good thinking. >An obvious one would be robowaifu general For our OG threads on /pol/, /g/, and /b/ (cf. >>14500), we called them 'WaifuBot General', IIRC (it's been a while, lol. we may have used several variations :D . Is /wbg/ currently in the commonly-used stable there today, Anon? Regardless, please stay encouraged Propaganda-anons. You're working towards exactly the same goals as /robowaifu/ is, just on a different battlefield. >tl;dr TWAGMI Cheers, Anons! :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/10/2024 (Sat) 02:52:58.
>>29275 >we called them 'WaifuBot General', IIRC. Is /wbg/ currently in the commonly-used stable there today, Anon? Nice. Would like to know also.
>>29281 >>29275 nope, checking 4plebs shows there arent any active or semi-active generals using the term, it could work.
>>29232 >I would personally advise against antagonizing the so-called 'tradcucks' on /pol/, anons. ... the corruption of our civilization by the satanic GH which has led to this intolerable situation that makes robowaifus even necessary at all. I agree with not antagonizing them unnecessarily, but if they want to enforce their values on everyone then this is an issue. They care more about their ideology than about people, especially men, and this simply isn't attractive to anyone outside of their group. I also don't think it's so simple that traditionalism would be the solution and robowaifus are only necessary because of the lack of that. It's rather so that guys who are traditionalists don't need to be bothered with how other men adapt to the situation. Traditions don't mean anything without the goal they try to archive (e.g. happiness and a decent birthrate). If robowaifus bother them, then they're the problem.
>>29275 I was able to find a stripped-down version of /chug/'s logo, and I'm toying with it to see if I can make something for /wbg/. Thoughts?
>>29284 Needs a tiny bit more pizzazz, the current WIP will blend into /pol/'s background radiation
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>>29283 Yeah, you're absolutely right NoidoDev, thank you. And you have my apologies if I somehow accidentally implied that any specific group is 100% trustworthy... after all, we're each of us individuals in groups -- and often with wildly-differing perspectives and opinions! :^) Same with them. But I'm simply pointing out that we shouldn't be just knee-jerk condemning them as if they were morally equivalent to the roasties, Leftists, Filthy Commies, glowniggers, and simps that are all there attacking the wAIfu threads. On average, these men are clearly superior to all of those groups! The Tradcuck-anons are primarily there just trying to help out the men themselves, I'd deem (perhaps however a bit misguided about the CY realities facing young men out in the world). I'd say we here are more aligned with them than not, is all. Cheers. :^) >>29282 Thanks very kindly, Anon. >>29284 Neat! Looking forward to your progress with this, Anon. >>29285 Good point Anon. For me personally, some combo of the film-ribbons from the MGM logo, > here's the modern CG version and our own Arts-anon's work comes to mind (cf. >>4911), as conceptual references of some additional flourish added. --- Keep up the good work, all you Propaganda-anons. You're all making good progress together! Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit -add crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/10/2024 (Sat) 14:41:08.
>>29284 >Thoughts? I can take a crack at this in a design tool I use. >>29285 > WIP What does this mean? >>5109 I like the the far left one.
>>29287 >Tradcuck-anons are primarily there just trying to help out the men themselves That's possible. Maybe at least in some cases this is true. Idk, if we're talking about the same people, but my rule of thumb is that conservative men are married and probably work, they don't try to police men on image boards - often with the same arguments feminists use. You and others are often skeptical about 4chan and the narratives there in other instances. So here are some other possible motivations: - Older single ladies stay politically left or become even more so. Married women become more conservative, which is in the interest of such parties. - Someone trying to get men riled up to act out, for whatever reason: - Hostile foreign players - Leftists wanting a revolution - Glowies wanting a threat to keep their job - ... - Religions groups who want to convert men to be traditional again, more than they care about these men or fixing society. - It's not men but women, or at least their white knights. - Just some guys wanting a purpose, a revolution, power or are against technology. - Redpill dating and hookup coaches concerned about their profits, claiming to be traditionalists. Btw, "tradcuck" isn't necessarily used ironically like "oldfag" and such. It implies that these guys care more about the appearance of some surface tradition than about their own dignity or men's interests.
>>29287 I thought about it a bit more, I think what you mean is a potential conflict between guys advocating for robowaifus and against traditional marriage. If some of us would be hugely making the case that this is also bad, because women are so bad or for whatever reason or we should just screw robots and die out anyways. I agree, that we shouldn't do that. Especially not pushing anything like that. This would cross the line towards being a annoyance to traditional forms of society, but also an a threat to the birth rate in developed nations. Which would also fuel anxiety and concern about this "sex robot" thing being a depopulation or re-distribution agenda. A good way to address the concern about hostility to traditional marriage, would be the argument about women getting less attention and money thanks to robowaifus. The other thing is that, complementary to these traditional families very well developed robowaifus should be useful as nannies or as mothers in cases of singe male surrogacy, which would help the birth rate.
>>29284 >>29287 What about "STAWRG"? Sexbots, Transhumanism, Artificial Wombs, Robowaifus, General.... /wbg/ is still good to.
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Didn't some anon here mention old 50s-era books about training girls to be good wives? > >>29298 >>29300 Excellent posts, NoidoDev. Give me some time to think about them, please. >>29301 Hehe, hey you anons do whatever you think best! :D I'm just an observer on the sidelines, and have no intentions of going back to 4cuck during it's post-Luggage-Lad, current-year-Gook-Moot era. :DD
>>29285 Well the thing about /chug/ and /chip/ logos is that they're modular, only a handful of base templates with hundreds of complete designs derived from them. The one I've shown is only a possible, albeit bare-bones, base template >picrel >>29294 All I did was take the far right pic and tweak it in paint.net. Do note however that I have an arc text plugin installed which is the only way I was able to get the text to curve like that. (by the way, WIP means work in progress) >>29301 What bout /straw/? Sure, it drops the G, but it's a hell of a lot catchier. My only issue with either is that knowing /pol/ anything with "trans" in the name is a nightmare for optics, so we might have to change it to /raws/ or simply /raw/. In the end, though, I believe /wbg/ works best because it has a focused scope, and while we tend to use the term robowaifu more often than waifubot, it still gets the point across more than well enough.
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>>29304 >Didn't some anon here mention old 50s-era books about training girls to be good wives? I think this was Grommet. But at some point in a MGTOW comment section, some guy mentioned that there are books from the 16th or 17th century or so, which would be better suited.
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>>29287 I wasn't entirely sure how to incorporate ribbons into it, but I did decide to take the color of the /robowaifu/ logo to replace the light gray in my prior design. I'd like for you and others' feedback regarding the gear shape. On the one hand, it's fantastic for branding, as none of the other branded generals have gear-shaped templates; however (and this might just be my personal taste) I almost think the gear looks a bit too cartoony. Am I the only one who thinks that? Regardless, I think this design shows good promise for when we start shoving anime characters and whatnot into it.
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>>29310 After looking at it alongside the /chug/ logos, I figured out what was wrong with it. Simply enough, the outer border was too big. Now that that's fixed, I think this shows a lot more promise. Unrelated, but I should probably give myself a proper name going forward, assuming the /wbg/ plan takes off. We'll see though.
>>29287 I think the gif one here >>4911 is the best one. Although, I probably won't be participating in these threads like before, because realistically we don't have enough anons to win /pol/ over imo.
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>>29311 I like this, but I think the inner empty space should be a tiny bit larger, since ideally we'll put a different robowaifu image in there in each thread, and we'll want it to be visible. Like so, here it is along with an example.
>>29313 >different robowaifu image in there in each thread How do anons generate some many new images to use when baking new bread generals? Do you actually design them your self or are they Ai generated?
>>29310 >feedback regarding the gear shape Funny you mention a 'gear' shaped border...I tried creating a hexagon shaped border myself as a concept. If it had to come down to it...I'd choose the Gif created above per >>4911.
>>29310 >I wasn't entirely sure how to incorporate ribbons into it, Maybe something along the lines of the center-leftmost image in this contact sheet? (>>29308) What I was imagining was something along the lines of the flourishes added commonly to family Coat of Arms. >but I did decide to take the color of the /robowaifu/ logo to replace the light gray in my prior design. Very good choice IMO. :^) As to the basic gear idea itself, Anon... GOAT-tier. :D >>29312 >Although, I probably won't be participating in these threads like before, because realistically we don't have enough anons to win /pol/ over imo. Well honestly Anon, I don't think it was ever realistic to 'win /pol/ over'. It's enemy-occupied, enemy-controlled territory now. It's only real value is that there are still a few million potential-Anons through there during a given year. This is still a very ripe potential-harvest of men who can be enlightened about the possibilities that robowaifus may offer them during their bleak, Current Year female outlooks. And after all, the Globohomo doesn't have a complete lock on the world today. If they did, why would they be directing a continuous barrage of glownigger/usual-suspect assets agains /pol/ in particular? You can still make a big difference to the lives of men who've never heard of robowaifus yet, and happen to venture into "wait, what's this "/pol/" thing about?..." >tl;dr I deem it well worth the effort for willing anons. >>29308 >Well the thing about /chug/ and /chip/ logos is that they're modular, only a handful of base templates with hundreds of complete designs derived from them. This. >>29310 >>29311 >>29313 Wow! This is really shaping up to be something quite professional now, Anons. ONWARD! :^) >=== -funpost edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/11/2024 (Sun) 15:06:23.
>>29308 >What bout /straw/? Yea I thought this as well just figured that all others list the word 'general' at the end of the slogan. I will probably go back to STRAW then.
>>29318 > It's enemy-occupied, enemy-controlled territory now. It's only real value is that there are still a few million potential-Anons through there during a given year. This is still a very ripe potential-harvest of men who can be enlightened about the possibilities that robowaifus may offer them during their bleak, Current Year female outlooks. And after all, the Globohomo doesn't have a complete lock on the world today. If they did, why would they be directing a continuous barrage of glownigger/usual-suspect assets agains /pol/ in particular? You can still make a big difference to the lives of men who've never heard of robowaifus yet, and happen to venture into "wait, what's this "/pol/" thing about?..." >tl;dr I deem it well worth the effort for willing anons. Correct.
>>29309 >I think this was Grommet. I think you're probably right. >...there are books from the 16th or 17th century or so, which would be better suited. Intredasting. Hadn't thought of that. Where would one even go to look for such works, I wonder? I sure hope we can locate some of these books from either era... what wonderful resources to use for training very-comfy robowaifus! :^) >>29315 >How do anons generate some many new images to use when baking new bread generals? Well, I think it's likely you'd have a 'template' image with transparency (cf. pic1 : >>29313), and then in any image compositing program such as Krita, you just use that as a 'border' to cutout/overlay with your robowaifu's image, into the final-product OP image used for baking whatever current /wbg/ bread. Change up your robowaifu pics thread-to-thread, and Bob's your Uncle. Simple as. >>29319 Personally, I concur with every bit of this anon's advice here, Anon: >What bout /straw/? Sure, it drops the G, but it's a hell of a lot catchier. My only issue with either is that knowing /pol/ anything with "trans" in the name is a nightmare for optics, so we might have to change it to /raws/ or simply /raw/. In the end, though, I believe /wbg/ works best because it has a focused scope, and while we tend to use the term robowaifu more often than waifubot, it still gets the point across more than well enough. (>>29308) Certainly, it's perfectly fine (and desired) for every anon to try out different takes from time-to-time. OTOH (particularly during this early phase of efforts where you're all fighting against the tide to 'establish a seat at the table' for yourselves) having a single, unified theme for your generals is actually quite important, I'd say. And people are also great adapters; IMO it won't take them more than one or two thread's worth, and they'll become used to the fact that 'WaifuBot General' also encompasses artificial-wombs, etc. >tl;dr I'm sure a good compromise theme can be derived here ITT; one that every anon here can get in unity behind. I believe in you Anons! Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/11/2024 (Sun) 15:54:19.
>>29315 Just take one of the bazillion pre-existing tasteful robowaifu images and put them in the circle, you can edit it a little bit too to add some funky 3D-like effects like I did here >>29313
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>>29313 This reminds me very much of the godot logo
>>29313 That's a good point, I just wanted the name and what kot to be actually readable, that's all. >>29317 Not gonna lie, a hexagon /wbg/ logo would work quite well as an alternate logo style à la the square /chug/ logo. For starting out though, I think we should stick with the gear design so that there's a unified branding while dealing with establishing ourselves. I'll be sure to keep it in mind for the future
>>29325 >what kot Meant to say whatnot lmao
Just a few thoughts on this as a "newfag" (if I understand the term correctly). First, I don't think you want to use imagery of Chi to attract men who might be interested in the concept of a robowaifu. To anyone completely uninformed about the character, she looks like a little prepubescent anime girl with weird hair ornaments ala "twintales". We don't want anyone thinking the group is a bunch of pedos based on ignorance and one image. We know it's not, but they don't yet. I think images of more mature and more obviously artificial (even if only slightly so) women would be better. If we want to rotate images they could vary from sedate to erotic depending on the nature of the post (always remember, sex does sell) assuming this is not for the general thread. Lately I've been checking out artist's pages on deviantart.com for inspiration- and to add images to my screen-saver library, and came across the "cybernetic passion" gallery of an artist going by "cyborggallery". See sample picrels. He? has other galleries of gynoids but this one has images of androids and gynoids (and yuri) embracing or kissing lovingly/passionately, mostly with eyes shut. I checked and none are of a full-human male and a gynoid so I'll keep looking. All the images seem to be AI generated so we could probably "create" our own or contact the artist. But I think an image of a man and a gynoid in a loving embrace (Norman Rockwell-esque) would be best for a general thread. >>4911 The "laughing-man" logo from GITS is too esoteric a reference, most newbs won't know it. If you want to use it though: The gear surround does suggest things mechanical but is out of context without a more artificial (than Chi) and mature appearing face. Otherwise, it could be about a bio-girl mechanic. I think a better text line would be something like "I wanted a loving partner so I thought I'd build her because". The sentence works almost anywhere you start reading and it implies (without saying so directly- it subtly gets the reader's brain thinking) that a "loving partner" was not available, couldn't be found or didn't/no longer existed. The reader's brain will fill in the blank based on his own experience. Comma after partner? So my suggestion for a general thread logo is to use the laughing-man based logo with the gear surround and the suggested text, with an image of a man and his gynoid partner embracing and gazing lovingly into each other's eyes/visual input devices. Just my $0.02 and you can have it for free- probably what it's worth. Possibly dumb question, I know the letter "g" denotes a General/permanent threads page, but why not just use "bot"? It doesn't seem to be in use. NSFW https://www.deviantart.com/cyborggallery/gallery/89534075/cybernetic-passion This artist has several other galleries you may enjoy.
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>>29322 >>29327 >To anyone completely uninformed about the character, she looks like a little prepubescent anime girl with weird hair ornaments ala "twintales". We don't want anyone thinking the group is a bunch of pedos based on ignorance and one image. We know it's not, but they don't yet. I thought the same and left a similar comment above in regards towards this dynamic. I was thinking of throwing out a 'testrun' of a general today labeled 'STRAW'. Sexbots, Transhumanism, Robotics and Artificial wombs (purposely leaving out the word robowaifus). Chobitsu and another user said that using the word "trans" might elicit negative reactions but I tend to think people will know the difference. >>29327 >I think images of more mature and more obviously artificial (even if only slightly so) women would be better. This is why I generated Ai images of a 'sexbot' holding up a plate of food while a feminist seethes in the background. I wanted maximum subliminal messaging impact. The main problem was just getting 3 day bans all the time which makes you lose momentum. On a side note: I think the German anon who creates the "We cant compete with AI girlfreinds" threads is banned as well.
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I made a smol, cheeky addition to the logo lmao.
>>29078 I made this, hello
I put can be online because I didn’t want to imo,y that it can’t ever go online, it was very intentional
>>29346 *imply
>>29346 *can be offline Again, I meant that it can be online or offline. As opposed to always being online and not be able to function offline
>>29345 henlo
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>>29331 >>29348 Im gonna try posting a different type of general either tonight (next few hours) or tomorrow in /pol/. Within the body of the text I'll subtly hint to the robowaifu alogs space by leaving a link. I think I'll try elaborating that this is a 'breakaway' sexbot org that is otaku themed for viewer discretion. Just want to play around with an idea I had.
>>29331 Lol No. :^) >>29345 Hello, Anon. Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. Please have a look around the board while you're here. Also, if you'd care you, please introduce yourself in our Embassy thread : (>>2823). I really like your work BTW. It's quite-good propaganda, thanks. Cheers. :^) >=== -sp, funpost edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/12/2024 (Mon) 04:13:22.
>>29352 Glad to hear it I posted a reply in the Embassy thread
>>29351 I think I kinda like the gear design more, it's modular and to the point, also pretty recognizable
>>4933 >>4934 >>5109 Good work!
>>29351 >>29371 I also like the gear design more, maybe also could a bolt or something like that be incorporated?
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>>29327 >"cybernetic passion" gallery of an artist going by "cyborggallery". See sample picrels. We don't need male bots making out with our waifus, and not all of us want to become that.
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>>29311 >>29313 I see what you mean, the gear is far too thick relative to the other general logos. With that in mind I tweaked it a bit, expanding the inner circle. This is to the detriment of the text, but it's a sacrifice I'm fine with making. Also, I'm experimenting with using courier new instead of arial, thoughts? >>29351 That /straw/ logo is really good, looks like something you'd see for an actual business. With some tweaking it'd be fantastic for a wbg logo in the shape of a mechanical nut. Let us know when you bake /straw/, because I really want to see what will come of it. >>29331 kek
>>29386 Wow. You totally misunderstood that part of my post and apparently became so angry you ignored the rest of it. Please calm down and reread the post, paying particular attention to this part: >>29327 > I think an image of a man and a gynoid in a loving embrace (Norman Rockwell-esque) would be best for a general thread. At no point did I suggest using a picture of a man-bot. What came before that was to suggest an image of an embrace between a man and a gynoid, similar to those in the pics- which I even spoilered- but unfortunately- > I checked and none are of a full-human male and a gynoid Please don't accuse me of saying or meaning something I didn't. So far you are the only one to take offense but if it makes you happy then delete the pics. It's late and we are probably both very tired- I know I am, so that's all I'm going to say on this.
>>29389 I wasn't angry at all and didn't completely read your post, just didn't like that you put robot men into the pictures and didn't want to read further. But yeah, I should've read the end of the first part, which sounds better: >I checked and none are of a full-human male and a gynoid so I'll keep looking. All the images seem to be AI generated so we could probably "create" our own or contact the artist. But I think an image of a man and a gynoid in a loving embrace (Norman Rockwell-esque) would be best for a general thread.
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>>29388 Decided to make a full logo with the template I've made and I have to say, I think I'm onto something here. Depending on what you guys think of the current seal design we might be able to start drafting an OP.
>>29395 Just realized that in adding the image to the logo I accidentally made the image 100 pixels taller. Whoops.
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>>29395 Ok last post for the night, I swear. I did some experimenting and remembered I installed an outline effect on paint.net, and decided to use it on the text. I think it looks pretty good, but is it better than the flat black text? I'm not 100% sure. One think I AM 100% sure of is that I've already branded this gear into my mind with how much screwing around I've done over the past 3 days.
>>29388 >>29395 >>29397 I'd say stick to plain black Arial. Courier is a serif font, Arial looks way tidier, plain black it also looks more compact. I do like this design.
>>29391 >just didn't like that you put robot men into the pictures Yeah, not good. >>29397 I certainly think the last two are the best robo-gear templates done ITT -- very readable at a glance (this is important in a very cluttered and chaotic catalog such as /pol/ ). v3.5_arial has my vote, FWIW. I think we've got it. :^) >One think I AM 100% sure of is that I've already branded this gear into my mind with how much screwing around I've done over the past 3 days. Lol. Thank you for your service! :D >>29398 Agreed. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/12/2024 (Mon) 14:45:32.
>>29386 Made a little meme tour around Mimi on that other website most people here don't like but often has good info on related topics (not in this subreddit in particular): https://www.reddit.com/r/gynoidappreciation/comments/1aov0w0/butobi_cpu_aka_i_dream_of_mimi_a_preview_of_the/
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>>29412 Very nice! Thanks Anon, I didn't know about your subreddit. >that other website most people here don't like Why we here all don't like lebbit is a long and complex history. But for most of us, it mainly just boils down to the simple fact that most of them are brainwashed retards, in our opinions. For myself however, it mainly boils down to the fact that it's now a completely-compromized glownigger honeypot today; a Globohomo Big Tech/Gov cesspool of badthink thought police & mind control/surveillance. The basic r*dditor struggles and strives for """peer""" approval, until that becomes their sole & driving agenda. Typical Leftist behavior... which generally-speaking then quickly metastasizes into full-blown Filthy Commie behavior, where they'll stab you in the back if you dare to cross them on the 'party line' -- on any given topic -- for even the slightest infraction. Simple as. > --- REGARDLESS, I'm glad that you yourself are there offering a ray of hope to the ones who can be reached for the many benefits of robowaifu's potentials. Thank you, Noido Dev. You're a great ambassador! :^) --- >additionally: I may say that I myself have participated in the C++ subreddit. It's loaded up with highly-skilled programmers, and often these are some of the men actually comprising the ISO C++ Standards Commitee itself. For something that's a hard science or engineering discipline, the potential is there at least for the upboat/downboat to become an actual meritocracy-reinforcment system (as opposed to a retarded, 'support my feminine feefees or else!' reeeing system). While rare, the r/cpp group is one such example. >=== -add 'cpp' note -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/13/2024 (Tue) 06:10:26.
>>29351 >>29397 Good work. Text is more eligible.
>>29425 Where are these generals posted? I looked on 4chan and I didn’t see it there
>>29431 That's the thing, we're designing the aesthetics of the general before we even bake a thread. This practically borders on astroturfing a general but its ok because we're the ones doing it :^) >>29425 I had a feeling myself that the bordered white text was more readable, glad to see others agree. I suppose we'll stick with that, then.
>>29432 >This practically borders on astroturfing a general but its ok because we're the ones doing it :^) Yes & No, with all due respect Anon: >This practically borders on astroturfing a general No, because it's basically impossible for mere humans to calculate the potential impacts of the Robowaifu Age on civilizations -- politically or otherwise. >tl;dr : robowaifus are immensely political(ly-incorrect). :^) >but its ok because we're the ones doing it :^) Correct. >OK, maybe that's not the point, but it needs to be done anyway. :DD --- >>29426 YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!111!!ONE I WOULD TOO DL A GF :DD I remember when that """official""" 'you wouldn't download a car' anti-piracy campaign first began. Lol. Of course we would download a car if we actually could. Your post makes me just imagine all the possibilities in the near future, when we can simply download the printable files for a complete robowaifu (including the non-volatile firmware) straight into a big, multi-modal 3D printer. Kind of like your pic, right Anon? :^) >"1-hour Custom Robowaifus. Enjoy Complimentary Tea or Coffee While You Wait." >"Order online or call-in early, and you can just come pick her up in our drivethrough." >"Waifudash delivery to your door available for a smol fee. (*for certain franchise locations)" --- >>29425 Yeah, that would be neat if the gear was animated with rotation, Anon. Good thinking. Cheers. :^) >=== -fmt, minor edit -combine posts -funpost spoilers
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/13/2024 (Tue) 18:45:08.
>>29433 I meant astroturfing more as the general being designed outside of pol by people who arent complete regulars to the board, with most of the aspects of the general thought up well before the first op, unlike most of the big generals which take shape more organically over the course of their first several threads.
>>29438 Ahh, got it. I understood the term in the more-proper glownigger sense, from which it arose originally. I imagine we here are simply doing out in the open, what many other groups do in the shadows. SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS! :^)
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>>29397 Back at it again with the Anyways I've once again been inspired by /chug/, this time making a sort of "default" logo for the future general. This isn't one that will show up in the bakes, but will more be one to represent the general as a whole. Thoughts on the current design? Or about the idea as a whole? As always, feedback would be greatly appreciated. I know imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but this is ridiculous!
>>29455 These first two logos are way too aggressively anti-women. Especially on a forum with some tradcons who are concerned about the low birth rate in developed countries. Part of the narrative should be the use case of guys having these waifu bots as nannies additional to their human female. Don't focus too much on anti-women vitriol. This also ignores the idea that women might be influenced by media and entertainment, making more of them will free them from being a target of such psyops since it won't work anymore. Wholesome pictures of waifubots with a family or a happy guy living the life with his waifubot would be way better as the message the logo conveys.
>>29455 I'd say go for customized gear logos like in >>29397 and >>29313, they'll catch a little more attention. It's like jingling keys in front of a toddler.
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>>29455 Don't listen to >>29458. Those two logos are good and I resonate with it. Most anons wishing for a robowaifu don't even necessarily want to have kids (only noido does), and it's realistically infeasible in the current period, but then again i'm not surprised that he flies those types of ideas. A lot of anons hate modern women more than they want to have kids, and in all due right of course.
>>29455 >Anyways I've once again been inspired by /chug/, this time making a sort of "default" logo for the future general. This isn't one that will show up in the bakes, but will more be one to represent the general as a whole. Yeah, having a 'mascot' image for a propaganda general is a good idea. It's representative of the cultural ideals of the movement itself. Kind of like how Yotsuba became every anon's 'little sister' back on OG 4chan, and like retards we'd all vociferously attack any tourist who tried to besmirch her. :D It showed Anonymous had a sense of family about ourselves. >Thoughts on the current design? Or about the idea as a whole? As always, feedback would be greatly appreciated. I think it portrays well the (highly-correct) notion of rejecting feminism a priori. In fact it hardly goes far enough. > <<insert what I really think about the demonic witchcraft that is feminism here...>> OTOH, I'd have to concur with NoidoDev's views in general, concerning your propaganda's optics for the broader 4cuck milieu : (>>29458). I guess in the end it all comes down to what you yourselves perceive as being your primary longterm agenda(s) there: - Convince men to embrace MGTOW? - Show society in general a better way concerning relationships? - Own the femsh*tes? - Celebrate the potentials of robowaifus in general, but particularly for Anons? - Uncover the underlying evil GH cabals behind the sh*te conditions of the world overall, and at least one good way to fight them? (My personal favorite. :^) - Something else entirely? - All of the above? You anons will have to decide this for yourselves, then chart your courses accordingly. You're all seasoned enough sh*teposters to know already what you'll be up against there, even before going in. >I know imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but this is ridiculous! Heh, it's wisdom to know a good thing when you see it, Anon! Good luck. Cheers :^) >>29462 >Most anons wishing for a robowaifu don't even necessarily want to have kids (only noido does) But that's wrong, Anon. Kids are awesome, and I believe almost all of us here want them (at least some boys); to carry on our races & legacies. It's a God-given drive (cf. Storge love), and a perfectly-healthy desire. The chief difficulty lies with the corrupted state of typical 3DPDs within our so-called """society""" today (and the satanic GH creating/enforcing that wretched state). >tl;dr Artificial wombs when? :^) >=== -patch crosslink -fmt, prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/15/2024 (Thu) 05:40:55.
>>29431 [PREVIOUS THREADS & GENERALS] > https://pastebin.com/wPbzLW0Y > https://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/We%20can%E2%80%99t%20compete%20with%20AI%20gfs/ >>29459 >It's like jingling keys in front of a toddler. I agree bonus points if anon can get it the gear/cog to rotate.
>>29470 >bonus points if anon can get it the gear/cog to rotate Assuming we'd want a unique robowaifu image inside the cog with each general that could make the preparation a little more tricky, but not impossible. Solely depends on the willingness of the OP
>>29455 >>29458 Very rough drawing, try to do something like this
>>29333 >>29426 Fixed some things, download these versions instead. Delete the old ones
>>29462 My main argument is, to keep it open for a spectrum of arguments for robowaifus. Don't narrow it down on "owning the feminists". The place you want to put this also matters, and I don't think /pol/ is okay with ending more family lines. >>29463 >- All of the above? Yes. At least as options. I also wanted to suggest using some thread topics from here, e.g. robowaifu personality and make this into an OP, so you have topics to circle through. >>29480 I tried this on Open.ai (which isn't OpenAI but Stable Diffusion): >A human male sitting in his armchair, while a female robot aka gynoid attends him. She has roller skate wheels instead of feet. Wow, is this site cucked now. It refuses to make female robots and only makes the guy into one. Also both sitting, since apparently attending means she's sitting as well. Anything "too sexist" is now blocked: >Guy sitting in his armchair, while a female looking robot doll serves him a cake. She has roller skate wheels instead of feet. >"Generation is blocked as the content is not appropriate." MF!
>>29483 Don’t we have someone around here who can draw? It can even be stick people like the ones on the bathroom
>>29458 >Part of the narrative should be the use case of guys having these waifu bots as nannies additional to their human female thats absolutely not what I, or any other robowaifu anons want. We'd completely get rid of biocunt partners if we could I know we probably shouldn't go out of our way to antagonise tradcucks, but we most definitely shouldn't compromise, sell out or modify our goals and message to appeal to them. I can give you a laundry list of examples where such actions led to a movement being infiltrated, neutered, pozzed or destroyed. >>29463 while its true that there's a diverse range of opinions among robowaifu enthusiasts, I'm pretty sure there are certain concrete points we can agree on >women sucks hence robowaifus >feminists are the root of many evils in society and will certainly try to prevent robowaifus >society (and imo, tradition) in many cases is anti-male and we can desgin a new paradigm for society that is pro-male >I believe almost all of us here want them meh, not really, I'm fine with just my robowaifu >>29483 >My main argument is, to keep it open for a spectrum of arguments for robowaifus. Don't narrow it down on "owning the feminists". The place you want to put this also matters, and I don't think /pol/ is okay with ending more family lines. In that case, we should lean more heavily on artificial wombs instead of giving ground to tradcucks.
Are we going to have a rentry like /chip/ so we can guide other potential bakers to generate OP images for our templates? >https://rentry.org/CHIPOP Not all of us maybe be available all the time, so if we make it easy for potential emergency bakers to post threads during our off hours, we can make them more regular.
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>>29483 Maybe it's the use of a sentence to describe the scene, instead of simple terms- nouns and adjectives. These are from the "Robot Housewives" gallery by QueenJupyterMartin on deviantart. They make me want to start wearing suits. https://www.deviantart.com/queenjupytermartin/gallery
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A few more from the same source, and one I forgot I had- don't remember where I found it. There are 594 in that gallery so there should be something for everyone. Some of the Disney "My Robot Mom" ads are great. Posted here for context but you might want to move them to the stable diffusion thread.
>>29489 >thats absolutely not what I, or any other robowaifu anons want. We'd completely get rid of biocunt partners That's fine, I'm doing the same. The question is, if it is necessary to make this about telling guys to do the same in every instance, or if it's sold as an option. It doesn't need to be pushed as something that will end traditional all relationships in no time and add to the demographic collapse (in the developed world). Also, the vitriol against women doesn't need to be at the highest possible level. These spins will only create unnecessary friction. >In that case, we should lean more heavily on artificial wombs instead of giving ground to tradcucks. Yeah, but that's mostly what I mean. Some people a concerned about the birth rate or this whole thing possibly being a psyop to further reduce the population in the developed world. That's different from tradcucks who are concerned about women's feelings. It doesn't hurt to mention that the technology could also be used for robot nannies, if we get to the point where they can take care of children. Or maybe a rather simple animated doll could just be close to the child while it sleeps in a sound dampened room. If it wakes up to cry, the nanny which looks like the mother can calm it again, while the parents are sleeping and only get noticed if the child cries for too long or something else is wrong. This could help to reduce the stress for the parents and make them to be open to have more children.
>>29498 Yeah, better not float the idea of locking a child in a soundproof room with a robot replica of their mother around normaloids
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>>29498 I agree with you. Telling people how they have to use their robot is wrong. We should embrace many use cases to help broaden the appeal of our ideals. Hating on women is indeed a point of unneeded friction. We should focus on love.
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>>29513 >Yeah, better not float the idea of locking a child in a soundproof room with a robot replica of their mother around normaloids Yeah, that crossed my mind. There would be a second device with a sound sensor, telling the parents that it doesn't stop. That was my original idea, before thinking of building a humanoid robot: Maybe a head with a mask looking like the mother hanging over the bed, lightning up when the little one cries. Maybe starting to "sing" (playing music, lip movements). Maybe the bed rocking through some electric motor. Then a device that wakes up one of the parents through vibration if the crying doesn't stop after e.g. 5-10 minutes, or both through an audio alarm if no one shows up.
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Alright, it's been a hot minute, and I think it's high time I explain my design choices regarding the mascot logo and where I want to take /wbg/. In case my takes are complete shit here are some logos as a token of good faith (including a fixed version of the original one I made on 3.5, if you look the fingers are fucked). >>29458 >>29463 The thing about /pol/ is that we really won't be alienating anyone by being hostile to women. On most given days, if you search for threads with women/woman in the title, you'll find the threads share similar sentiments to what we have here, though perhaps articulated differently. Having the mascot logo be anti-feminist wouldn't ruffle the feathers of anyone who isn't a troon/fed. Additionally, I mentioned it in my last post (>>29455), but that specific logo won't even show up that often. Search up /chug/ on 4plebs and see if the chug logo I attached in that same thread shows up at all. >>29498 >Some people a concerned about the birth rate or this whole thing possibly being a psyop to further reduce the population in the developed world. In such a case, we just explain that we aren't planning to totally wipe out women, but remove their monopoly on sex. That, and also bring up artificial wombs, with those, we could still have population growth while having few to none male-biofem relationships. >>29490 That's the plan. I'm likely going to start drafting the op on rentry itself so as to avoid cluttering /robowaifu/ and to avoid drawing suspicion on 4chan. And I'll get to it once all this bickering over kids and nannies clears up. It's giving me a headache lmao
>>29528 Also I finally decided to namefag. I hope nobody else has used this moniker on here yet.
>>29528 Well, not that it matters much, but I like them. My whole point was to not use something like putting a symbol for females into the trash bin, but using other angles. The second one with the VR headset I like the least, since it's a bit confusing what this means, but the other ones are good.
>>29498 >>29514 Maybe not full on-the-nose hate, but we should definitely float the idea of them being a replacement, or better, an alternative to women, as many men would like them to be. My focal point still remains, we should not compromise our message for anyone, tradcons or anyone else.
>>29528 >>29529 Welcome Gears to our le sekrit club! Heh, JK. But it does make it easier to communicate amongst ourselves here longterm -- particularly when discussing technical-ish topics. :^) >3DPD, babbys, et al. I'm sure you'll all figure it out Anons. But I can simply tell you that focusing on love (for God, for your fellow-Anon brethren, for your robowaifus, for your dogs & cats lol) will get you a lot further down the road than hate will. Eventually, even the w*men themselves will probably come to their senses once the Robowaifu Age drops; and having offspring is an amazing gift from the Lord Himself. [1] Enough said! :^) >/wbg/ gears logos These are absolutely excellent. #1: THIS IS YOUR MASCOT BRAND LOGO IMO! - Its cute & appealing (when is smiling Emmy not, tbh!? :D - It has an instantly-recognizable meme heritage that goes back years now. Strong empathy from the standard sh*teposter crowd. - It properly gives hope to even newcomers that yes, You can DL robowAIfus, Anon! :^) - Additionally, it conveys indirectly the progression from wAIfu (download) to robowaifu (build). This will be most clear to anons who have already taken the /robowaifu/ -pill... but the subtle message is there for everyone to see. #2: I love the 'extended' designs in general, and this one is well-adapted for the reclining robowaifu position through the 'ring'. #3: Very techy. Perfectly conveys the idea of a not-yet-completed robowaifu. Perfect for the DIY ethos. Little crawly guy is spoopy, tbh. #4: Excellent. If you can increase the 'interior' font-size somehow it will be perfect! Nice work Gears, very professional! Cheers. :^) --- 1. >"Children are indeed a heritage from the LORD, and the fruit of the womb is His reward." https://biblehub.com/psalms/127-3.htm (BSB) >=== -fmt, prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/16/2024 (Fri) 18:11:40.
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>>29528 >>29533 Once again I advocate for varied thread general gears. The gear is very, very good, and modular - jut put a new cute image in it with each new thread. #1: choccy milk edition #2: at-home build options edition #3 feasibility edition #4 Mechanical Love edition really just have fun with these, it's not hard.
>>29534 >really just have fun with these, it's not hard. Agreed. I think this part of the problem is solved now, anons.
>>29533 >Eventually, even the w*men themselves will probably come to their senses once the Robowaifu Age drops Perhaps, but /wbg/ isnt being directed towards women, is it? The plan with /wbg/, at least in my mind, is to hopefully direct the /pol/acks here in the hopes that we can find more talented people to help with our early development operations. In truth, I actually knew about this board over a year ago, but never was active at all because I felt I didn't have the talents to actually help in bringing about the robowaifu. My reinterest in the board earlier this month led me to realize that there WAS something I could do: spread the message to like-minded individuals who might actually bring something more tangible to the table. Also, I suppose this is a very minor detail, but in the "mascot" logo I made, it's specifically the FEMINIST symbol being tossed in the bin, not specifically the female symbol, see the activist fist inside the symbol. This is definitely nitpicking tho, it's not that deep when it comes down to it. >If you can increase the 'interior' font-size somehow it will be perfect! This was the reason that the 2/2.5 logo (>>29311) was so thick. I wanted the text to be large while keeping it within the blue area. See: (>>29388) >With that in mind I tweaked it a bit, expanding the inner circle. This is to the detriment of the text, but it's a sacrifice I'm fine with making. >Nice work Gears, very professional! Cheers. :^) Thanks! I'm glad I could help. >>29534 These look fantastic, thanks for helping out. At some point I'll make a mega nz/catbot for all the logos, because if /chug/ and /chip/ are anything to go off of, it won't be long until we have myriads of logos.
>>29537 >Perhaps, but /wbg/ isnt being directed towards women, is it? No. Just making the general case to cool the vitriol. :^) >The plan with /wbg/, at least in my mind, is to hopefully direct the /pol/acks here in the hopes that we can find more talented people to help with our early development operations. Good thinking, Anon. I think we all concur with that idea. >there WAS something I could do: spread the message to like-minded individuals who might actually bring something more tangible to the table. Very glad you came to this. And you've already brought a lot to the table by doing so! :D >This was the reason that the 2/2.5 logo (>>29311) was so thick. I wanted the text to be large while keeping it within the blue area. No, v3.5_arial is already excellent. Pic-related was my point, but it's a minor one. >
>>29538 Ah. When I was making that one last night, I also thought the text was too small, but was too lazy to find a good workaround. I'll figure something out next chance I get.
>>29563 We don't really have a dedicated humor thread here on /robowaifu/ anon, but this is the wrong thread for this. Please move it to our Roastie fear thread (>>1061) within 24hrs. Also, please spoiler next time haha. :D TIA, Anon. Cheers. :^) >=== -sp, minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:03:00.
>>29564 Why would I put a spoiler on it? It’s not like it’s nudity, it’s an organ. I didn’t know about that thread, I put it here because it’s related to robot girls
>>29567 Post them in the proper thread, then delete the originals post
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>>29538 >>29539 Lo and behold, the next chance I got. Anyways yeah it's larger now. Time to start racking my brain on what to put in the OP, as well as learning some rentry formatting.
>>29531 >but we should definitely float the idea of them being a replacement, or better, an alternative to women, as many men would like them to be. Yes, I never argued against that. >>29537 >not specifically the female symbol, see the activist fist inside the symbol. This is definitely nitpicking tho, it's not that deep when it comes down to it. Sorry, I didn't see that. >>29534 >>29578 They're all great.
https://rentry.org/wbg2024 After looking at /chug/ and /chip/'s OPs, I've come up with a basic first draft for what the /wbg/ OP could look like. Feedback will be appreciated, as always. You know what else I'd appreciate right now? Some sleep, it's late!
>>29480 >>29483 I typed a prompt into DALL E and then I edited the image a bit, I’m the guy that made that rough drawing
>>29581 Is the thread going to be robot exclusive? Maybe make it inclusive towards AI partners too, like chatbots now. Maybe add some youtubers. idk about any robowaifu youtubers, but I guess undead chronic is good enough. please make sure to check which youtuber you include because a lot of these manosphere and MGTOW guys are tradcucks, not the kind I'd associate with. Maybe not just C++, but also include learn to code in Python and C? Also, for a long term, maybe we could make a page in rentry where we hae different links to courses and other resources for learning AI and robotics? I had a large collection of those but unfortunately I deleted them but I can search some of them if you agree. In the like-minded community section, also include maybe subreddits like r/gynoidappreciation. Most of them are pretty much dead or NSFW but maybe we can revive them or something? >https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/2705.html#q29025 >https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/2823.html#q29008 >https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/2823.html#q29009 me and world serpent posted some potential robowaifu related thread themes. There are many more like it. In your next robowaifu thread, ask the anons for recommendations, I asked for some and got a lot of bangers but forgot them. You can "liven" up a thread with a thread theme imo. Integrate the robowaifu MEGA, maybe also nandroid booru (https://nandroid.booru.org/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=6) and also our different links to learning resources under the resources section. Thats all I can think up of now.
Not made by me, I just edited out the bulge
I edited the first image into the other two
>>29491 >>29492 Fucking kek haha.
>>29634 They just need to fix that damned vegetarian menu bug.
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>>29514 >>29528 >In such a case, we just explain that we aren't planning to totally wipe out women, but remove their monopoly on sex. That, and also bring up artificial wombs, with those, we could still have population growth while having few to none male-biofem relationships. I agree with this. >>29584 >Maybe make it inclusive towards AI partners too, like chatbots now. I think users will know that from the 'get-go' What do you all think about leaving the following body of text (chat gpt generated) within each general? does it sound a bit faggy? My idea was to establish clear expectations for what the generals may consist of in terms of themes (pic rel)
>>29533 Mucho texto, people are not going to read all that. If we're brainstorming a general we should figure out a neatly formatted and separated text template. ======== A brief mission statement? ======== An FAQ section with answers to the most common questions? >with questions presented in greentext? And brief answers right under them. ======== Border lines and whatnot, anything that makes it possible for people to read only the part they're interested in at the moment, without forcing them to read the whole thing (because they won't)
>>29653 Republican memeflag is not a good look
>>29660 >>29669 This was an example I pulled and edited using inspector from a random post on /pol/. Meme flag wasn't my choosing and we would most definitely format it nicely to be easy and pleasing on the eyes. Any thoughts on the content of the message? I wanted to convey that while the anime/otaku theme is highly prevalent across the generals its not to be taken as the sole focus of discussion. Bio-hybrid robots, sexbots, AW, AI, etc being the primary factors... >>29660 >A brief mission statement? Yes something to that effect. >>29660 >An FAQ section with answers to the most common questions? >with questions presented in greentext? And brief answers right under them. Yes. Great stuff. >>29660 >Border lines and whatnot of course.
>>29653 Trying to find this thread made me fall into /pol/ - That said, they're still archiving threads like this quite fast: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/459143188
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>>29674 >Trying to find this thread made me fall into /pol/ Sorry about that. >>29674 >That said, they're still archiving threads like this quite fast: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/459143188 That is disappointing. Jannies have to be seething women who somehow expire any threads relevant to these topics. I'm not sure what type of moderation tools jannies have access to but I have a hunch that something allows them to archive a post faster than usual. Who knows.
>>29534 >lulu cute sticker I approve of this!
>>29653 >What do you all think about leaving the following body of text (chat gpt generated) within each general? Yes, not just faggy, but also spammy and low effort. Better yet, forget the text wall, use multiple posts for the different links themes and resources links. I don't think other generals have word walls.
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None of you have tackled the most important part of a successful PsyOp, how to propagandise against the enemy. it'd be relatively simple to fool women into supporting certain aspects that are necessary for Aw (artificial-women) if sold through a xenofeminist esque lens, an example idea: >convince women to support artificial womb tech as "the final act in women's liberation from traditional oppressive gender roles" >>women too stupid to realise that removing their control on reproduction would drastically reduce their overall societal power >>>women cheer on their loss of reproductive monopoly and allow men who want a family to cut them out of the process the key to ideas like this is to understand that modern women generally resent themselves, their biological imperative and role. we resent their control over these things, they subconsciously want to be ""free"" of their inherited power. Attack their biology from their pov, make arguments like >artificial wombs will free women from the suffering of 9 months of pregnancy >once artificial wombs become available, women won't have to deal with pesky periods every month because they could spay themselves without losing the ability to have children >robots will rase children and liberate women from the hassle of motherboard and so-forth
tl;dr understand xenofeminist ideas and enact subversion on women's spaces with them. target "femcel" sites (like lowcow and crystalcafe) feminist subreddits, left leaning transhumanists and so on
>>29709 >>29710 Excellent points, Anon. Yes, anons have brought this exact idea up here before (on our Roastie Fear throds, IIRC). I think you're absolutely spot-on that their below-the-surface, miserable, internal resentment on the part of 3DPDs is true to human nature itself; you resent your life when you're at odds with God's plan & perspective on it. True for both sexes, but women especially need approval (from both God & man, whether they want to admit that fact or not); while normal (ie, not troons, simps, or other mental case) men tend in general to be more independent-minded and can often seemingly get along quite well 'going against the flow', socially-speaking. >tl;dr Playing on women's self-loathing is in fact a winning strategy for anons ITT. Cheers, Anon. Thanks for contributing! :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/20/2024 (Tue) 19:00:40.
>>29709 I agree, but these women are not on /pol/ and the goal here is to find more people working on this.
>>29674 >Trying to find this thread made me fall into /pol/ >>29675 >Sorry about that. To avoid this trap, I'd highly-recommend that Anons who bake prop threads on 4cuck please notify /robowaifu/ anons here of that fact (ITT is probably best), so they don't have to wade through the cesspool and morass that is that Current Year, 5-eyes-compromised site. TIA.
>>29712 ssry, new here and thought this was the best place to post it. looked closest to a culture warfare general >>29711 >Roastie Fear threads I'll check em out
>>29653 Having a large text wall like that isn't very engaging, and just makes the thread look like amateurish. >>29696 Basically what this guy said. Picrel is the OP for /chip/, notice how everything is spaced out. Of course, it will be a while until we find enough stuff to fill several posts, but you can see how the main threads do it. In other news, I updated the draft rentry again: <https://rentry.org/WBG2024 Not much was changed from last time, just some page formatting, clarification on the denouncement, as well as making the titles under Resources greentext. I'd add more, but I'm not sure what would be good to add I'm also waiting to see what Chob has to say. I think I'll just add some more resources, make a mega for the logos, and then bake it. Theory and inspiration will only get us so far here, and for the first few threads this should more than suffice.
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>>29722 Yeah, this second version is a bit of an improvement I'd say, Gears. >I'm also waiting to see what Chob has to say Haha, this is you anon's gig! :D I'm happy to support you anons ITT with things if it seems necessary, but frankly, I think all of you already have this well under-control together. You're certainly correct about the dynamic/organic growth of a good general. Don't cling to any single point too tightly... particularly in the early phase of a campaign. >t*lmud Clearly demonic; certainly denounceable. But if you read it, you'll see that this won't stop rabbinic judaism & their shabbos from attempting to well-poison, blackpill, astroturf, d&c, slide, and all the other usual glownigger gayops against your threads. They specifically instruct each other to lie to the goyim, after all. Including this line is probably good for the general thread optics to the other 98% of the world's population, however! :^) >f*minism Clearly demonic; certainly denounceable. I'm glad that you're now casting robowaifus more as a solution to female problems for the men themselves, rather than railing against the 3DPDs for creating these problems (after all, they didn't: the GH did... most women are just their sheep). I suggest this course of action in general for your prop threads there. >programming, et al If you're going to touch on this at all, then I'd agree with the other anon and suggest that you also include C & Python links as well. In fact, just about every area of engineering I can think of off the top of my head is either directly or indirectly touched on by this grand pursuit of crafting robowaifus for ourselves and other men. Maths too ofc. So, rather than creating some tarbaby for yourselves of trying to address every.single.one. of these domains, why not just find a cleancut way to promote the idea of anons actually educating themselves in general, rather than specifics? Something about 'being well-educated will actually help you become a better Robowaifu Technician'? I don't have a clear answer to this issue for you Anons, but I don't think you need to add tons & tons of links into your generals -- particularly for these initial /pol/ forays. Let it grow organically as you all see fit. For now, I'd say just stick with the '30-second pitch' of promoting robowaifus to /pol/acks, with just a few carefully-selected crosslinks/hotlinks in addition. Remember, most healthy men there are already pre-disposed to favor your general bantz during the thread itself. Getting them all engaged within that context is what mostly counts here... pique their interests! :^) >tl;dr > “Keep it simple: > as simple as possible, > but no simpler.” >t. Jewish guy, professional patent clerk, inventor of the field of Quantum Mechanics (1905). Good luck, Anons! Cheers. :^) >=== -sp, fmt, prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/21/2024 (Wed) 02:41:41.
>>29723 >If you're going to touch on this at all, then I'd agree with the other anon and suggest that you also include C & Python links as well. Main reason I chose the C++ link was because it was the one you posted in meta and it looked comprehensive enough. If you know of any similar links I'd be sure to add them. >I don't think you need add tons & tons of links to your generals -- particularly for the initial /pol/ forays. Yeah, starting out I dont expect many more links than there are right now, so it can become more comprehensive as time goes on. I suppose that's how the OP could get large enough to be split into multiple posts. Anyways, next rentry update will add images, and possibly a mega nz for the logos. >=== -fmt patch
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/21/2024 (Wed) 02:45:48.
>>29725 Epic formatting fail On the subject of formatting, is there a good list of all the different text formatting options and how to use them? I've always been curious about it but never bothered to ask.
>>29727 >is there a good list of all the different text formatting options and how to use them? Sure, the Markdown section here: https://alogs.space/.static/pages/posting.html
Rentry has been updated once more, now with a spinny gear logo at its top! On top of that, the Mega nz with the logos has been made and added to RESOURCES: https://mega.nz/folder/VeVTnBBa#ebYYNs9q4CdTbjX7wxmOMQ If anyone has some good links for programming tutorials to complement the C++ one, I'll be sure to add them. Once we have a good list of tutorials, I think we'll be ready to bake the first thread! Does this make this the first project on /robowaifu/ to actually be finished? :^) >>29728 Thanks
>>29731 Alright, added to the rentry. I'll wait until tomorrow to see what other links people can contribute, but I'd say we're almost ready to send it. I'm also waiting so that I can actually participate in the thread for more than an hour, it's getting late!
>>29734 Here's some ideas as well, Gears: https://www.w3schools.com/c/index.php https://www.w3schools.com/cpp/default.asp https://www.w3schools.com/python/default.asp I've only scanned over the C++ tutorial, and can't really vouch for the other two yet. But while quite basic, it was accurate AFAICT. Might be a good selection for beginners to see if they have an interest. The C++ one at least also has a browser-based "Try it Yourself" IDE-alike. Quite handy for beginners, I deem.
>>29709 >>29674 >>29696 >>29713 >>29722 I didnt actually post that on 4chan. Just edited it using inspector. Do you think the actual message could be useful though?
>>29745 I'll hold onto those for future use. Since the OP draft has studies for those 3 languages already, I'll leave them out until there's enough learning resources to warrant splitting the OP into 2 pastas. >>29746 You mentioned that earlier, so I knew it wasn't actually posted on /pol/ (for those curious, picrel is the un-inspected thread, sourced from 4plebs). As for the message itself, I stand by what I said of it being too long-winded. Your heart's in the right place, though. As for the first thread, I will be posting it within THE NEXT 12 HOURS. I'd post it earlier, but I have work tonight, so I'll bake it when I get home so I have some time to actually participate in the threads, as well as bake additional threads depending on how fast the first one hits bump limit. We're almost there, guys!
Rentry has been updated for the robillionth time, with the credits I now have a photo! and denouncement being revised, as well as the addition of acceptable "alternate denouncements". If you can't tell, I'm just biding my time until the opportune moment to strike. it is going to take every ounce of my willpower to not sperg about our plans to my more right-wing coworkers :^)
>>29750 >there's enough learning resources to warrant splitting the OP into 2 pastas. Yeah, makes sense. I definitely think you should go 'lightweight' on the proper OP itself (cf. end of >>29723). >We're almost there, guys! Good luck, Anons! :^) Keep moving forward
I'm back from work. Not to alarm anyone, but I'm posting the thread at the top of the hour (10 minutes). Be there or be square.
Okay, maybe not the top of the hour. But still, IT'S HAPPENING
>>29709 I think feminists and women have already wisened up to that arguement since they've already started opposing robowaifus. >>29710 Maybe it'll work for femcels, but right now first, we need actual numbers. First, we gotta recruit more men for our campaign, hence the initial /pol/ psyop. >>29713 >please notify /robowaifu/ anons here of that fact also if you're on the discord server, do notify there if its not too much trouble. >>29722 The OP does look better than last time. Have you considered the thread theme yet? Also, I'm not sure about denouncing the talmud or anything else. Probably shouldn't shorten our pool outright but I guess that mostly a difference of opinions here since I don't exactly hate all, every single jew. Maybe replace that with denouncing feminists or anything thats anti-male, including tradcucks? >>29723 >If you're going to touch on this at all, then I'd agree with the other anon and suggest that you also include C & Python links as well. In fact, just about every area of engineering I can think of off the top of my head is either directly or indirectly touched on by this grand pursuit of crafting robowaifus for ourselves and other men. to add to this anon's point, its not just programming. Robotics and ML is a huge field that incorporated many others, like EE, ME, CS, mathemtics, etc. Instead of just adding a bunch of links of different resources of just programming in OP, how about creating a separate rentry, where we include a ton of links for all fields of Robotics and ML? This'll be a group project, where anons contribute a course or book which has helped them out and eventually we can grow that rentry to a big size. Then, instead of making the OP posts bigger, we can simply post the rentry link. >>29725 I'm not sure about the MEGA for logos? I was under the impression that the logo images will be AI generated, which means they'll be disposable. Or will we be cycling through fewer, handmade logos? >>29746 IN this generation of 30-second attention spans, we probably won't get much use out of a word wall. Better to convey the messages through the memes and robowaifu images. >>29751 >it is going to take every ounce of my willpower to not sperg about our plans to my more right-wing coworkers unfortunately, in my experience we seem to have as many opponents on the right as on the left. I'm not sure we can politicise this in the typical right-left wing fashion. This is an issue for all men.
Good news! The first thread is going strong so far, half an hour and it's still up. I've received some good advice for what to change in the next OP, and the Bangladeshi seems to be there, too! Frankly, I'm ecstatic it didn't get slid off/pruned in the first 10 minutes. That alone is a victory.
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>>29764 More
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>>29769 Today I learned I can only post 5 files in a single go
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>>29764 STANDS OUT LIKE A SORE THUMB! :^) Nice work Anons, you all did a great job coming together in unity and progressing with this in a methodical & thoughtful way. Nice work. Good luck with your campaign Prop-anons. Cheers. :^)
>>29769 >>29770 Holy based, thanks for the additional logos. They'll be added to the mega shortly. >>29771 Against all odds (or just my personal doubts,) we've done it. Now I just gotta hope the subsequent bakes go off without any hitches. I'll revel in this victory tonight, for sure.
Shoutout to this random American dude for making my night. In the first few minutes after posting the thread I was dreading the lack of discussion, and now I'm receiving kind words like this. I'm actually so glad this is working.
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>>29772 >Against all odds (or just my personal doubts,) we've done it. Now I just gotta hope the subsequent bakes go off without any hitches. I'll revel in this victory tonight, for sure. And well-deserved, to all of you Anons! :^) >>29773 >I'm actually so glad this is working. Heh, well if it's any further gratification, you've gotten me to break with my tradition and lurk your thread on 4cuck/pol/ as well. :D > Gratz on #1... here's to hundreds more threads! :^)
>>29765 >unfortunately, in my experience we seem to have as many opponents on the right as on the left. I'm not sure we can politicise this in the typical right-left wing fashion. This is an issue for all men. I always said this. The left/right terminology is flawed anyways, let alone for the reason that it implies both need to exist or for the reason that both can mean many quite different things. There are people who are just against tech or believe "in human connections". That said, generally these people are more pro establishment and pro women. It could also be false flag operations, since real conservatives would either be busy caring about the family they made in a traditional way or be pro robowaifu.
>>29765 >I think feminists and women have already wisened up to that arguement since they've already started opposing robowaifus. not really, xenofeminism is very niche and the vast majority of people advocating for artificial romantic companions are doing so from an inherently anti female perspective. that's why they oppose it
>>29765 >I'm not sure about the MEGA for logos? I was under the impression that the logo images will be AI generated, which means they'll be disposable. Or will we be cycling through fewer, handmade logos? It doesnt take more than 5-10 minutes for each logo, so you can churn out a generous handful in a few hours of photoshopping. Also, I was very pleased to see when I woke up that the thread is still going strong. I was worried that once the night-owl americans went to bed the thread would just die, but /wbg/'s held out.
Dammit. Well, I'll just bake again because we got rather close to bump limit so hopefully it wont be long before they reach bump limit on their own.
Alright, new thread up. https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/459516117 By the way, there's a hyperlink on the rentry that should show you the current wbg thread. From now on just check there to see where the new thread is (assuming you wish not to brave the unfiltered catalogue).
>>29797 you really should add some stuff about local LLMs, they're the forefront of our struggle
>>29797 I hoped that I could keep bumping the thread while its morning here, and night in the USA, so it doesn't fall off page 10. But, now I'm having to deal with some bs with cloudflare. Anyone got the error "Please unblock challenges.cloudflare.com to proceed." I don't know what that means and when I visit challenges.cloudflare.com I get blocked.
>>29832 You'll figure schedules & things out together, I'm sure Anon. Did you notice that your general was left, when the 'can't compete' thread was canned instead today? Maybe you already have gained a mod in your corner there! Cheers. :^)
>>29797 >From now on just check there to see where the new thread is (assuming you wish not to brave the unfiltered catalogue). Thanks very kindly! Any new bakes planned there soon, anons?
>>29836 Sweet, I think the summary in the OP made it apparent that /wbg/ is a political discussion. Glad tp see the jannies are leaving us be then. >>29863 I might bake one, go to bed, and see what happens. While I'm quite glad the first two threads stayed up for more than 5 minutes, my mood was kinda soured at the threads' inability to stay up without intervention on my end. I should have seen this coming, though. I have no clue when, if ever, was the last time a robowaifu/rw-adjacent thread hit bump limit. I might also make some more logos when I get up, depending on if I have time before work. Also Chob, fsr I got banned on my phone for spam when I was trying to respond to this exact message earlier. I'll send you the ban report if you're able to undo it.
>>29900 also peep the tripcode not sure if I'll use this all the time, I'll figure out a system for it though
New thread's up, check it out if you want. I'll hang out in there for a few minutes then go to bed
Decided to add /wbg/ to Lurk Less for the laughs. Anyways I'm heading to bed lmao
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>>29900 Jannies are absolute faggots. Sometimes they ban me for my threads on pic related and other times they leave them be.
>>29905 Hi ArisaBro. Yeah that's kind of par for the course there AFAICT. BTW, why not work together with the rest of us and support the /wbg/ threads now that they are well-defined? It would be a big help if all the cross-site anons here (who are favorable to recruitment efforts for /robowaifu/) all pulled together towards this same unified goal (ever play 'tug-of-war' and win?; that's the "unification effect" in action). Just simple things like dividing up some approximate scheduled times for the thread-baking workload would be a big help to everyone involved there (cf. >>29903). Why not get started with this, and make a new /wbg/ thread today Anon? (Same goes for every other cross-site anon here too, ofc.) https://rentry.org/wbg2024 --- Cheers, anons! :^) Keep moving forward... >=== -fmt, subj, prose edit -add cmnt, hotlink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/25/2024 (Sun) 09:51:49.
>>29900 Sorry about that, I'm sure it was some kind of 'splash-over' from a spammer. Did you make a specific, easily-discernable appeal? It will be simple for me to check that and lift it there.
Well, last night's thread went, to put it bluntly, absolutely nowhere. I'll probably just take some time for myself a bit and plan my next moves regarding wbg. Also, I'm not sure if this was apparent already, but if there isnt a wbg up on /pol/, every last one of you have my expressed permission to make one yourself. Just let us know here so that we can join in on the fun as well. >>29917 And how do I make an appeal?
>>29925 >every last one of you have my expressed permission to make one yourself. Thanks for spelling it out clearly, Gears! :^) >And how do I make an appeal? Lol, you know, it's been so long since I've been banned somewhere that I'm not even sure now! :D OTOH, I do remember it being something like -- when you attempt a post -- you receive a ban message, and there's a field to 'make an appeal'. Regardless, just send me an email instead if you need to (& let me know), then I'll lift whichever ban you're getting. Cheers. :^)
>>29926 Alright. I took a screenshot of the ban notification when I got it, so I'll email you when I get around to it.
>>29925 Oh so you do make threads still? I wake up in the morning everyday and search for /wbg/ threads but don't find any so I assumed no one's posts them anymore.
>>29931 I looked for it as well, but only found other ones which were interesting. Now I'm going to hide this thread (for me), since political news is like crack for me, if I go to sites like 4chan I will never get back to do something else. I can't post there anyways. I found some cases where I would've liked to make a response, but maybe it's better to post it here (if I would still read one of these threads). Things I remember: - Anime recommendations were rather questionable, like Metropolis and Robot Carnival. - Stop shilling artificial wombs like they're around the corner, these will need a lot of testing and so far it could only work for shortening the later stages of pregnancy. Western guys who want children will have to organize around surrogacy, which will put them in conflict with some of the anti-abortion hardliners, btw. - When we get something like those wombs, it makes no sense at all to put them into the robots, lol. This is just delusional and silly nonsense. - I saw exactly the unnecessary alienation of women in general, playing out in one of the threads (not about robowaifus but "sexdolls"). Upsetting conservative women which have children by claiming "all women are just holes", instead of just telling them it's an alternative for some men, we can both do our own thing. The one responding was mostly absolutely right, this level of misogyny could as well be a psyop against Western birthrates. WE. DO. NOT. HAVE. ROBOWAIFUS. YET. And especially no artificial wombs, and surrogacy wouldn't scale fast enough. So, stop that extremist madness. Dolls and gynoids are an alternative that potentially could pick up steam quite fast, but it can't replace women completely short term.
>>29916 I tried but I found out I got banned for my wAIfu threads. >>29925 Don’t be discouraged. I’ve been making wAIfu threads since the start of the year. Sometimes they get archived instantly, other times anons won’t stop bumping them. Many of us Europeans are asleep during the time you made the thread.
>>29935 >I tried but I found out I got banned for my wAIfu threads. Great! Thanks, ArisaBro! :^) >>29934 >Things I remember: ... I agree with all your points Anon. I would also remind the 'bakers & partakers' of my original point as well: >"But I can simply tell you that focusing on love (for God, for your fellow-Anon brethren, for your robowaifus, for your dogs & cats lol) will get you a lot further down the road than hate will." (>>29533) --- Along with ArisaBro I urge you all to stay encouraged ITT! You're doing an amazing job already! Cheers. :^)
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>>29934 >Anime recommendations were rather questionable, like Metropolis and Robot Carnival. That’s the first time I’ve heard of them and I’m a regular there. Usually people recommend the basic stuff like Chobits. It’s also where “Better than us” where Arisa came from, that got recommended to me. >When we get something like those wombs, it makes no sense at all to put them into the robots, lol. This is just delusional and silly nonsense. Agreed lmao. But these pregnant Emmy memes are still wholesome and cute, so they are effective propaganda tools. >I saw exactly the unnecessary alienation of women in general, playing out in one of the threads (not about robowaifus but "sexdolls"). Upsetting conservative women which have children by claiming "all women are just holes", instead of just telling them it's an alternative for some men, we can both do our own thing. Well denigrating a group is a pretty good propaganda tool also. Keep in mind that 4chan is misogyny central anyway, so you’re bound to only read women hate no matter the topic. The women in our threads are usually malignant anyway so no harm is done. Cuckservatives women certainly aren’t really conservative nor are they really on our side. It’s women who have made a great case for online misogyny. As for the birth rates, it’s known that every country that gives them unearned privileges will end up with low birth rates. It’s almost entirely the fault of women. That’s why artificial wombs are complementary to robowaifus.
>>29934 >Upsetting conservative women which have children by claiming "all women are just holes". Well, for one, I'll repeat what the guy above me said, in that /pol/ doesn't really care about women's feelings in any capacity, so it's not like you can shit on women too much there. We can lighten our stance on women whenever we get around to shilling on more conventional platforms. >>29947 >Along with ArisaBro I urge you all to stay encouraged ITT! You're doing an amazing job already! Thanks. I'll make a new thread when I wake up, so probably late morning/early afternoon for americans and evening for euros.
>>29952 >>29953 Again, my point was, to not get into unnecessary flame wars with the tradcons who are opposed to the most outlandish generalizations in regards to women or marriage. There's no reason to not address it if they have valid concerns about the birth rates in the West. If they think what they're doing is working then let them and "sell it" as something for everyone else. Their allegedly well functioning local communities are just not relevant to most people. The one way is getting them off our back and the other one is about adding fuel to the fire. Also, this means you can never know if they might have been more open minded with another way of communication.
>>29709 Care to generate anymore social engineering ideas? >>29764 >>29925 Good shit man. Check out the general that I created to see if you can use anything from them. Also, Has anyone been banned yet for creating the wbg generals? >>29798 Could you leave a comment with a handful of links that you believe are most relevant and up-to-date for this topic? >>29934 >Stop shilling artificial wombs like they're around the corner They are.....whether it be integrated within bots or not can be a topic of discussion. Chances are they wont be in terms of the latter. Same goes for sex bots....they exist currently...
Quick Question: Does anyone know an alternative to PASTEBIN?
>>29970 rentry maybe
>>29953 Oh I also noticed your general, doesn’t have the word “robowaifu” or “sexbot”. These are the most common used terms for robowaifus. Maybe this way more anons could find the general.
>>29972 I'd go for "robowaifu" and ditch "sexbot" in the mainline. Let's focus on companionship, yeah?
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>>29968 >anymore social engineering ideas? You could push this silly shit too, even if it seems counter productive. "Husbandrobos" can't give woman what they want from a man (money, status, father surrogate) but the majority of them are probably too unself aware of that. If the idea is successfully memed on them then we can use the hypocrite argument against foids screeching at robowaifus plus fostering more division between the sexes is inherently a good thing for our movement (forces more men to look elsewhere and be more open to alternatives for companionship)
I Think pushing the husbandrobo idea would be most effective in reactionary settings, i.e. the comment sections of these "AI girlfriends will replace us??" YT vids. >well we don't need men either! AI will replace them too! ofc, they do need us, because their desire for men is from a materialistic, almost parasitic drive. our drive for women is companionship. but you leave that last detail out. Another important point, NEVER argue or try to convince a woman of wAifus, artificial wombs, robot wifes and such from the POV of a man. You're only arguing for her to accept competition and revoke her gatekeeper privilege, women hate competitors more than anything else. It doesn't matter at all if said women would never consider the men who you're arguing in favour of, she will ALWAYS prefer people to be lonely, depressed and loveless over having an alternative to her. Argue from the POV of a xenofeminist, femcel or otherwise bitter woman when you're trying to convince women of our cause.
>>29971 Thanks. Also Would anyone know whats up with 4plebs currently? I used to be able to view more than 40 pages of a specfic poster but now it limits me to no more than 40 archived pages to view...
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Any progress updates, Anons? >>29993 I like that seal ring, Anon. Nice colors.
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>>29996 Here you go.
>>30002 Could we get that with a transparent inside of the gear? I might update the logos if we judge this gear to be superior
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>>30010 Gear, no text.
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>>30017 Gear, with text. >Just occurred to me that I could have uploaded these at the same time.
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>>29709 >>29710 >>29976 >>29977 very useful posts, screencapped for easy spreading
>>30095 TLDR: claim robowaifus will keep away the "creepy" dudes and free women from harmful patriarchal norms.
>>30113 You could absolutely use this line of reasoning to convince people that they should develop robowaifus. >OMG YOU MEAN I CAN GET RID OF INCELS BY GIVING THEM FAKE WOMEN?!
>>30129 Might work but iirc wasn't there an actual scientific paper showing that women hate seeing men happy. I suspect women will be threatened by the fact that men can finally be happy without fefails, without orbiting them and sheeling out thousands of bucks for their notice. And that'll make them suddenly hate the idea.
>>30113 >>30129 if you actually read the posts you'd know that doesn't work because >>30158
>>2705 so do we have any actual engineers/scientists/eccentric billionaires in here, or are we all just losers and neets
>>29976 girl in picrel is cute enough to not have any real trouble finding a bf, so either she's super picky or has problems
Bringing in mainly /pol/ and manosphere types sure sounds like a great way to go nowhere to a snail pace at best due to their tendencies to derailing everything into identity political rants and other ramblings and driving away everyone else that would have been interested. I personally wouldn't trust any right-libertarian types. They are the kind of people that like to hijack open hardware and open source projects trying to make them proprietary and profit off of them in vapourware scams.
>>30164 well I'm currently pursuing an EE degree ith a focus on AI and robotics, and I'm just an eccentric retard
>>30164 I did 1 semester of engineering, got bored and graduated with an art degree since you can get away with anything as an artist :D >>30165 Neon hair = problems >>30166 Yeah, I hate the type of folks that try to hype up their products into something they're not or do an about-face on it (like turning opensource to closed). Once I get Spuds code complete I will release it for free: cuz the code is like 90% stitching copypasta together. The 3d printed files tho... they will be the cost of like a raspberry pi or something (if you can't afford a raspberry pi you definitely afford to build a physical robowaifu). Prebuilt SPUDs? I dunno I'd have to do a complete parts manifest and draw up the costs.
have we gotten as far as designing schematics and stuff yet, or is this still in the conceptualization/theoretical planning stage
>>30184 idk about everyone else but Spud is well underway here >>26306
>>30164 civ eng, my company is just a busy body bullying companies into complying with the eurocodes
man, imagine the day that big tech jumps on this trend. browsing this board reminds me of a video i saw about "Star VR", where vr was the niche interest of a few hobbyists before big tech picked up on it and fleshed it out a ton
>>30165 it's a stock photo
>>30198 Man! Just imagine the day when /robowaifu/ and other cadres of motivated Anons beats the Globohomo Big-Tech/Gov to the punch, and delivers opensauce, 100% disconnected, loving & capable robowaifus FIRST -- well-before the highly-compromised, so-called 'companionship' surveillance robot market of theirs happens. What a day that will be, huh? :DD --- Hello Anon, welcome! If I haven't already I invite you to explore the board thoroughly and see if anything sparks your interests. If you find something, feel free to ask around... we're generally a pretty helpful bunch here. Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/08/2024 (Fri) 14:42:04.
>>30208 It isnt inherently because a tech company is big. Multiple small tech company in one country can out price tech companies in other countries in some cases too effectively limiting variety. They also can act as a virtual monopoly by agreeing to work together to crush certain competitors and competing ideas It is just bigger companies have an easier time achieving that. So the root is the tech industry being part of the system of competition instead of collaborative effort and the money access limitations of the people who need or want something the most. This alters what tech is available at any point or any product or service in general. So more of a FOSS vs proprietary like situation. On that note one could actually advertise the board outside just the internet if there is any interesting places around you. Actually the kind of people that were not mentioned yet to bring in are cosplay makers. Some are good at making things. Though that may be a bit soon for that since those are more finishing aesthetic touches.
>>30204 that's what i thought at first, but the caption indicates otherwise
>>30208 >beats the globohomo i admire and share your enthusiasm, but i don't see it happening. unless the right opportunity appears at the right time. the globohomo have the power they do bc they have resources and connections. a bunch of neets and losers don't but that won't stop any of us from trying, so godspeed regardless
>>30209 >cosplay makers don't those types usually tend to be leftists? as in, they wouldn't appreciate the borderline incel/misogynist energy of this place
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>>30209 Fair enough, but you're neglecting the obvious machinations of the globalist cabal of evildoers specifically manipulating everything around us through their Central Banks, ie, the Globohomo. If they've already managed to successfully create/conduct two major-disaster Brother Wars towards the destruction of The Western Tradition, then they are quite smug (indeed, entirely filled with hubris) regarding manipulating little things like tech advances! Heh, but God will laugh them all to derision. They've stuck their necks out too far during Current Year, and they are no longer 'riding the tiger' now... they are soon to be eaten by it! :DD >>30213 Thanks bro! 'Every little helps', or so they tell me. Point taken, but quite frankly there are literally thousands and thousands of Henry Fords, and Wright Brothers loose in the world today (with FAR more information available to us than those luminaries ever had)... much-too-much for our common enemies to ever stop this snowball dawn of the coming Robowaifu Age. >tl;dr TPTB cannot stop this. Their every effort will simply amplify our eventual victory over all this in the end! Cheers. :^) >>30214 Fair point, Anon. OTOH, confer this : (>>30215) . I think it's a good idea, personally. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/08/2024 (Fri) 22:21:41.
>>30216 i heard prohibition started because the ford engines ran on alcohol, this was before gas stations existed so you would just pour liquor into the tank, then one day cohencidentally alcohol was outlawed
>>30217 Interesting. Could be. Certainly the """Dodge Brothers""" attempted much evil against the great Henry Ford and his bellwether third company FoMoCo -- crippling the company, usurping it's authority, and harming the clear benefits he had brought to his devoted working-class employees. Also, during the same general era the GH brought a great evil into the world with the passge of the 19th Ammendment in the US (with other European-based countries quickly following suit). IIRC they used the (now well-established by the 1930's) screeching feminist harpies as the 'frontmen' to justify instituting the illegalization of alcohol production/consumption in the US. Didn't last long lol, and also indirectly led to the creation of the based Appalachian drivers known today as NASCAR Racing. :D >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/09/2024 (Sat) 02:10:34.
>>30214 Id say cosplay makers are more likely apolitical in the most numbers. Who says you have to be a misogynist to be lonely? Though yeah, this is why things like this have been said >>30166 that too much cringe here filling the board will push out a lot of people. >>30216 Globalism is not really an ideology as much as it is the end result of how global economics work. The 10 richest people in the world are in order Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bernard Arnault, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin and none are bankers most are tech company owners. The richest banker in the world looking it up apparently is a Brazilian named Jorge Paulo Lemann net worth around $30 billion. Actually most bankers are only millionaires at most there is just a handful of billionaires. What bankers influence is just based off their interest of who they can make loans out to and get a return profit which does influence economy of other countries but they tend to only be motivated by money otherwise they wouldnt stay as an investment banker for long.
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>>30219 >Globalism is not really an ideology as much as it is the end result of how global economics work. Not really. It's clearly both, and it's far more insidious than what appears on the surface level. Clearly the Jewish Rothschilds family began the modern version of Globohomoism starting back in the 1700s. But the Biblical evidence is clear that Satan has manipulated nations through all history to lead up to -- and prepare the way for -- his #1 golem known as the Antichrist. >tl;dr We currently live in an era which Angels themselves have earnestly longed for... What a time to be alive!! :D --- My apologies anons. I myself am guilty of driving this thread off-course. I'm going to temporarily lock this thread to help prevent further derailment in the short term. If Anons want to continue these offtopic convos, please do so in the current /meta or +/pol threads. Thanks. >=== -add memo
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/09/2024 (Sat) 01:45:30.
>https://boards.4chan.org/sci/thread/16066666 This thread should be interesting, since /sci/ has a much lower concentration of retards and schizos compared to /pol/ or /g/. This got me thinking, should we make threads on /sci/? Its a much slower board, where threads, even dead ones stay on for days or even weeks on end. Plus, we can have (relatively) more intelligent conversations compared to /g/ or /pol/. Which means our robowaifu thread, even if it doesn't get many replies outright won't fall off page 10.
>>30235 I've only steered clear of /sci/ and other boards asides /pol/ because I'm not sure how pozzed the jannies are on those other boards. However, that thread is making me reconsider. I'll see how it fares over the coming days and if it stays up then I give my blessing for not just hopping into preexisting discussions on /sci/, but possibly moving /wbg/ as a whole onto that board. That 3 weeks of coping thinking I did has led me to the conclusion that there just aren't enough robowaifu enthusiasts on /pol/ to keep a thread alive over there. That board moves like lightning, only the most topical and heated threads can survive, and it seems like it will be a little while longer before the question of robowaifus will be at such a point. Patience is key.
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>>30238 >Patience is key. Very good wisdom, Gears! Cheers. :^) TWAGMI
>>30217 Women against male spaces.
>>30217 Prohibition didn't really end alcohol consumption though. That is because alcohol is easy af to make. That white-ish sheen you sometimes see on apples growing on a tree? That's yeast bacteria and sometimes apples ferment into hard cider right on the tree... and cows get drunk off them. In back to the future doc brown tries to run the delorean off liquor :D Some things are so simple or easy that regulation and banning doesn't work.
>>30248 the only thing simpler is a wood gas generator like in ww2
>>30217 >>20247 >>30248 Prohibition never applied to the upper class because loopholes were intentionally added. It was about an attempt to make a more productive work force that drew off of an already existing Temperance Movement of Christians. The KKK was one of the supporters of prohibition and prohibition gave them a resurgence. Henry Ford also never intended for pure ethanol to fuel cars alone the model T was designed where you had a lever you pulled to switch between gasoline and alcohol which adjusted the fuel injection, just because it wasnt as well established system of gas stations in the early 1900s so when people were driving they weren't guaranteed to find gasoline. Prohibition didn't really effect him much and Rockafeller was in support of Temperance before Ford was even around as the only big player as auto manufacturer to use ethanol as a fuel for cars. In fact Ford helped the Anti Saloon League along side him.
>>30238 The best course of action for /pol/ is to just enter women hate threads and post about robowaifus there. Even my semi off topic wAIfu threads now get me banned.
>>30273 I agree, but if there are other threads where it could be inserted it would even be better. Like more generally about dating, not specifically about "hating women". That said: If you picture how the left wants to see "the extreme right" then it looks like /pol/. It's most likely full of glowies and shills. Uninformed women haters without technical knowledge won't do anything. If anyone is recruiting people while doing something what he would be doing anyways, then this might make sense, but think about it before wasting your time on this. Maybe it's just a justification to hang out on 4chan. That aside, I think this whole recruitment thing doesn't work very well. It might also be better to send people to the Discord first, and rather try this on Youtube, sites like Thingyverse, the technical subreddits (LocalLlama, SillyTavern,...), or other forums.
>>30301 >>30273 >woman hater Such types even ones with technically skill of some kind would be the worst at designing a gynoid particularly especially of the sexual variety from lack of proper anatomy knowledge plus lacking in common sense social skills needed to know what is good data to use to train ML with. Does anyone really want a robowaifu that would derail every conversation into a rant about minorities and females as a serious companion? I've seen a fair share complain about all pussy being disgusting looking, so imagine what lifeless featureless hole they are wanting if not just outright being turboautists and closeted homosexuals. Most at best would want only a cheap automated masturbator to use while playing vidya not a robowaifu.
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>>30313 >Does anyone really want a robowaifu that would derail every conversation into a rant about minorities and females as a serious companion?
>>30301 >>30313 I fail to see what your problem with misogyny is. Why should you care? Robowaifus inherently threaten female dominance and their monopoly.
>>30304 This might be in future history books, but with a note that this is still a bit simplified. >>30321 This sounds like fun, but could also get dull over time. We certainly need something smarter. >>30336 The problem is the fanaticism which might feel good, but lacks a broader perspective. Women might be fine in another form of society without the malicious programming. Also, the reason to walk away from dating isn't just because of women. For example: It's also the structures using them, and anyone dealing with women would have to navigate and pay their toll.
>>30238 Decided to check back in on the /sci/ thread, turns out it archived. Last post was a little over 2 days ago, so judging by other threads near the bottom of /sci/ it probably died sometime on Thursday. I'll continue to ponder the idea of making proper threads on /sci/ whenever it crosses my mind, cause /sci/ still seems like a more viable place to make threads compared to /pol/.
>>30347 >10-15 years We have to proof picrel 2 wrong. I hope I will going back to doing a little bit of modeling during the next two days. I fell for the same problem as before. Trying to force me to do other things I should be doing by dropping out from that, and it just didn't work, I'm just wasting too much time.
>>30347 For pic rel #2: I have a video of a prototype of a sex bot..... All I'll say for now. Hopefully this serves as a morale boost for everyone here.
>>30363 Is this video public? If so just spoiler the link so Chob doesn't get mad.
>>29769 Do you have this image by itself without the wheel?
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>>30538 Thanks
>>30582 i like how self destructive the answers are. "yes, i look forward to and would have a relationship with something that could potentially end humanity"
>>30347 >10-15 years the leading ai researchers anticipate agi within 5 years. with an expert on all fields in the palm of your hands, there's no way that the development of robot waifus takes more than a few years
>>30366 Not public. It was sent to me personally.
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>>30734 There has to be a female jannie/mod in the chans..... >=== -patch quote crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/10/2024 (Wed) 10:56:53.
ATTENTION OP Seems like we're in need of a new thread here. You still around Anon?

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