/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

AFFORDABLE, PRACTICAL WAIFUBOTS ARE POSSIBLE TODAY Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:55:08 No.103
I've seen plenty of ideas on this board over time that have completely convinced me that practical, affordable waifubots are possible with today's tech. With clever artistic decisions to make up for where the tech lacks, we can make perfectly cute, huggable, and fuggable waifus for what couldn't possibly be more than a couple hundred bucks. Hell, half the technology needed has been in childrens' toys for decades, and the rest is either in your phone, or is just sticking a bunch of onaholes in said toys. All you need to do then is make it cute, which costs practically nothing except for creativity.

I've made an infographic with ideas in this regard. Feel free to edit or add to it. I've never bothered to try to make infographics before, but I've heard the good news of robowaifus, and I want to help spread the word.

Additionally, use this thread to give any other ideas you have to help make actual practical waifubots. There is no need for this to be an endeavor that costs tens of thousands of dollars. And the cheap results shouldn't need to simply be tiny things you can't even fuck.

And remember, the key is that you don't need to have a perfect waifubot right away. You only need one good enough to market, both to make money, and to spread awareness of just how possible they are. This will then fund further tech and result in the waifus of your dreams.
To keep her simple, we could build huge Minecraft girls with vagoos.
Love the effort and passion you put into your info graphic. Technically this all should have been a post in the R&D thread but, your thread should live on. I want to turn parts of your info graphic into banners.

>Can't walk? Put that bitch in a wheelchair!

Truly, you are a master word smith. A savant of writing talent. I hoped you could pull it off and make something great Cananananada Anon. I'll happily help you achieve your dreams of fugging a crippled wheelchair bound waifu. Was hoping you'd name this thread "Katawa Robo" but, you did mention Katawa Shoujo so, good on you Anon. You're the best leaf here. Maple speed Anon!
Her name is Fiore, she's cute in the anime.
Wonderful waifu tbh
For you Anon, a suggestion to attach a battery, motors, and wheels to a lawn chair for your waifu.
Minecraft girls can easily be made of things like paper to save costs Anon.

>dat filename
Thanks for the image OP. It would be nice if there were multiple images, each focused on a different area.
Yeah, you seem to be passionate and to have more of these infographics would be nice.
Probably not too costly. The lulz factor as a cis white male would be worth it even if it's not really waifu-grade.
Open file (693.44 KB 1920x897 0705062001652_33_doc.jpg)
Behold Marty! This robot is powered by Jizz! Now put these clamps on your balls! Cis white male, are you a woman? They talk like that.
>cum powered robot
My god. This is the breakthrough we've been waiting for. Now we can make robots that don't just act like they want to fuck, but robots that literally need to fuck. You could add to the power with a system of electromagnets in the vagina to generate more power as you fuck it. Now I know what you're thinking. That this wouldn't generate enough power to last very long. So you'll just have to fuck your waifu all the time. Problem solved.
>Waifu needs sex to live
You're a genius!
Cardboard is very good for affordability.
I love having a shit post thread.
>make a cardboard robowaifu
>add an anime face on top
Great taste. NOT!
>not loving the robomechalizardraifugrill
pfft, plebs. plebs everywhere.
The show was garbage.
>>862 >shitpost thread >implying loli Optimus Prime isn't a great idea I'm pretty sure it's canon. I've never read Kiss Players, but I've been told that's pretty much what it is. And Takara seems just Japanese enough to license it for robowaifus, if we get a real company going. To link it to the OP, there are plenty of affordable, moving Optimus Prime toys out there (though Transformers are way too expensive these days, if you ask me). Give it the loli features from your pic and a fleshlight, and you're set. Make it a "salt" powered robot, like mentioned above, and have her beg you to fill her with your "Energon."
>>2543 >And Takara seems just Japanese enough to license it for robowaifus, if we get a real company going. This. Any chance you could think about a) finding cheap toys suitable for your approach b) obtaining at least one of these for modifications c) performing said modifications and photographing the process d) making a tutorial thread here on /robowaifu/ dedicated specifically to this entire effort? It would be both a big help and an encouragement to everyone here if you could do so Anon. Each of us have our part to play. For example, AI Anon is researching papers all day. I work on software most days. We have a lot to do here and splitting up the load will only help everyone tbh.
>>2545 >a) finding cheap toys suitable for your approach b) obtaining at least one of these for modifications c) performing said modifications and photographing the process d) making a tutorial thread here on /robowaifu/ dedicated specifically to this entire effort? I wish I could, but I don't have nearly enough capital for this. And I don't think it's literally as simple as buying a toy off the shelf, because the more advanced robot toys are too small. Going for a small size makes way more sense, both in terms of money and in terms of the actual energy it takes to power the robot, but there is a point where it literally becomes too small to fuck, which defeats the point. What we really need is a company with the capital to produce toys like robosapien (or a modern version of it) make one that is twice as big, and has a body that can actually fit a fleshlight inside it. The rest is just the case. Again, modifying the outside of a toy to our purposes is difficult. But if we were the type of people who had a company that could make toys, like Takara or Hasbro or whatever (not that Hasbro would ever do this), it would be a trivial matter to make a toy that was just cute from the start, and also had a space for a fleshlight in the torso.

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