/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

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Opensimulator opensimulator 08/01/2021 (Sun) 22:21:57 No.12066
Introduction: As we know, creating an acceptable functional robowaifu requires knowledge and techniques from different areas. One of them is simulation, there are many modern easy to use Game development frameworks or tools like Godot, Unity and Unreal engine. But even if they come with easy to use out of the box IDEs you would need to create environments, collect or make assets and if you are willing to spread your work you will have to supply the other members with the source code and assets. Here is where opensimulator comes to the rescue. What is opensimulator?: Opensimulator is a .NET based technology (which runs perfectly on mono) that allows you to create distributed 3D world simulator environments and users can visit them and interact with them using different client/viewers. You can split your simulators and connect them into a public or private grid, and grids can allow users from other grids visit them its called hypegrid (you can see hypergrid as a 3D internet based on opensimulator) Here is the list of popular public opensimulator based grids: http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Grid_List If you are wondering how many active users there are you can make an idea using this hypegrid index: https://opensimworld.com/dir This technology is an opensource clone of a private platform called secondlife which unfortunately is not well known or underestimated is selled as a simple social 3D platform when in fact is a huge collaborative 3D development environment (in which even robowaifus exists). What can I do inside opensimulator? You can do basic 3D building inside the platform, create terrains , avatars , NPC , it comes with scripting languages, as opensimulator is an opensource version of secondlife the most used scripting languaje is LSL http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Portal but even if the language is terrible verbose, it has a lot of features that would let you play with physics, and things that formal game engines would take a lot of time with the extra that you could share your work easily. Also opensimulator comes with NPC functions would allow you to simulate agents. How can I start with opensimulator? You have three flavors: > The super normie way, just make a secondlife account and start exploring (everything you learn there works exactly as opensimulator , there was a time where linden labs pushed opensimulator and they made the experiment to connect it to the hypergrid) > The not so much normie way, create an account in a public grid like https://www.osgrid.org/ and connect using an opensimulator viewer like firestorm https://www.firestormviewer.org/os-operating-system/ >The nerd way, download opensimulator, deploy a grid in your own server and enable hypergrid so other grids users can visit your simulators (they have access control list in case you wanna make private regions) >=== -add thread subject
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/02/2021 (Mon) 07:12:11.
>>12066 Thanks, but this should be moved to the simulator thread. >>155
Curious why you're starting a new thread to promote this OP? We already have a robowaifu simulator thread.
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>>12066 This reminds me of a video I saw of someone making a VRChat alternative that functions like a VR internet. People could physically hand people files, play with objects affected by physics, share pictures, open YouTube videos and do all kinds of fun shit. It reminded me of Dennou Coil in a way. People could explore other people's servers but also mix in their own stuff with it like augmented VR. If anyone knows what I'm talking about and knows the link, please post it. It was all anime too. >>12070 Agreed if OP doesn't have a server that warrants its own thread.
>>12076 >Agreed if OP doesn't have a server that warrants its own thread. I do but i feel like is not production level yet, not at least for the project, I need to make a PoC region for this. Just wanna to share .
>>12073 >Curious why you're starting a new thread to promote this OP? I had the intention to do it in the past, but I am bad explaining, don't want people to confuse it another simple game.
>>12076 >This reminds me of a video I saw of someone making a VRChat alternative that functions like a VR internet. People could physically hand people files, play with objects affected by physics, share pictures, open YouTube videos and do all kinds of fun shit. It reminded me of Dennou Coil in a way. People could explore other people's servers but also mix in their own stuff with it like augmented VR. If anyone knows what I'm talking about and knows the link, please post it. It was all anime too works exactly like that but is not VR well there are some VR viewers but they are experiments.

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