/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

Robowaifus' unique advantages Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 05:24:52 No.17
People often think about robots as just a replacement for a human partner, but that is a very limiting view. Let's think about the unique benefits of having a robowaifu, things that a human couldn't or wouldn't give you. What needs and desires would you robot wife fulfill that you couldn't fulfill even in a "great marriage" with a flesh and blood woman?

I'd want my robowaifu to squeeze me and to hold me tight when I sleep, sort of like a weighted blanket. I know it's a sign of autism. I don't care.
Talking to a hollow robot would probably feel less hollow than when I talk to normalfags.
Unwavering devotion ofc. No human will ever always love you all the time–simply because we can't. While it's not real love like the kind Jesus has for humanity, still–if the simulacrum is ever becomes good enough–the emotional gratification of a domestic robowaifu for men who are alone (in particular) will be tremendous. Just look at the portrayal of this phenomenon in both Chobits and Hand Maid May, they revolutionized the lives of their masters. While just anime fiction, it's the ideal and one I think is effectively achievable in essence. It doesn't even have to be a good AGI either, just a klutzy, bumbling and shy robowaifu would be enough to achieve the effect IMO (just as the Canada anon often mentions). An aspie waifubot would be charming tbh.
These two things combined make the biggest argument for robowaifus.
Let's face it: With the current state of AI, our waifus would be dull, stupid, and generally devoid of personality or substance, at least to start with.
But they would be ours, and this is critically important to the learning process. We will be able to provide them a completely customized feed of information that they can use to understand the world around them, and further hone through the conversations we will be holding with them. Through this trial of patience, we will be able to make them grow into desirable forms. It would probably go unnoticed at first, some unprompted verbal ticks or slight improvements in grammar, but these are the building blocks that will eventually form a new life.
This is virtually impossible to achieve with another human, as one man cannot control the flow of information someone else will be getting from the world around them, nor can one control the biology that is processing the information. While this sounds harmless and frivolous on paper, the real world results have been made clear as day to us all. This post-modern society, in combination with our biology, has gravely injured us all. It has left most people hollow and devoid of life, personality, and substance, so extremely that even a dull stupid robot can prove itself to have superior mental faculties. As for the rest of us, who are so psychologically broken that we don't even possess the faculties to connect with the world around us, we are left to stew in our own human misery and wonder just where it all went so wrong.
An ailment such as ours needs someone else to heal it. Since we can't achieve that connection with another human, we have no other choice but to turn to dull, stupid machines.
Dull, stupid, and harboring infinite potential. Potential not only to become better themselves, but also to help us become better. To help us heal, as we help them grow.
This experience, this healing, this chance to see something beautiful grow before our very eyes, is something that we could never get from another human. Only a robowaifu, even the simplest among them, has the ability to connect with us on a deeper level, and love us in ways never previously thought possible.
>>17 >things that a human couldn't or wouldn't give you. Love. Women can't give it. But we can at least program a robot to pretend better than a woman can. The robot won't try to take your kids, all your possessions, and all your future earnings.
>>457 This. I wholeheartedly agree. I never feel more alone when I surrounded by normies at work. They all wear pleasant looking masks. Why not just build a companion whose face is a mask, but whose mind isn't Machiavellian, only logic?
>>460 Wow, that's the most beautiful thing I've read so far this year! Srsly got me welling up. No sarcasm.
If your robowaifu's brain is separate from her body then you could give her several different bodies. You could have sex with a different body every day of the week and still be having sex with the same "person" so it's not cheating. You could also have threesomes with the same robot. The possibilities are limitless.
>>2985 Heh, true.
One of the best advantages is that you can choose what she will look like. Sure you have some selection with biological women, but it's not like you can sculpt a human woman's face in a 3d modeling program.
- No aging / Replacement body, - Warmer body in winter nights, cooling in summer - No opposition to polygamy - Better and younger looking - Better attitude, stress resiliency - Better memory, other AI advantages - No social connections and obligations - Resiliency against mental hacking (Feminism, ...) - Low consumption demands and costs - Encouragement to learn about technologies
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>>4288 Very encouraging post Anon. How can 3DPD compete?
>>4288 This is somehow... bad?
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Bump because while I may be going on tangent compared to the discussion here, the picture is very appropriate to the topic I'll discuss. Can we turn anything into a robowaifu? Think about it. I think we're mostly otakus here, so the barrier of entry to turn anything into a waifu may be lower than we think. Let's start with man's most common hobbies. Our hobbies intersect and have a lot in common such as DIY philosophy / scratchbuilding / kitbashing, 3D printing, and microcontroller electronics. Model rocket waifu: Pros: nothing beats watching your waifu launch herself 300ft into the air. Cons: She'll get caught in a tree, fall on top of a roof, will get lost easily. Will be made of cardboard, balsa, styrofoam. Analysis: Will not really be much of a waifu, but more of a rocket. Model plane / model helicopter / drone waifu: Pros: Your waifu will be tacticool and be able to spy on your neighbors. Cons: With all the gear she'll probably be heavy and need a license or government permission to take off. Analysis: Any airborne waifu seems to be not in the cards at the moment, all the gyroscopic calculations can be better used to research near-bipedal movement instead. RC car / RC tank waifu: Pros: There are plenty of wheeled chassis kits as well as AI boards with ready code for self-navigating wheeled robots. Cons: This is the farthest you get from a sexy design. Flying waifus are not humanoid, but they're at least sexy due to the necessities of aerodynamics. Analysis: It's relatively simple to draw a smug face on a cube and put it on top of a wheeled vehicle. A purpose-built wheeled Kibo-chan, however, will involve a bit more engineering so that at least she'll behave a little more like an Anki Cosmo / Vector. RC boat waifu: Pros: Ships have always been female and have been anthropomorphized, so it's easy to grasp the concept of robot ship waifus who will always be wet (badum-tish). Cons: It's hard to find a pond or a giant pool where they can play unless you're loaded enough to live near the lake / ocean or have a large pool. Analysis: Easy to implement, but will probably gather dust. Scale Locomotive / Train waifu: Pros: Probably even easier to implement compared to self-driving RC car / tank waifus, a locomotive waifu only needs to set her speed, forward / reverse / stop, and maybe have wireless command of railroad switches. Whereas a self-driving car will need to be fed streets (or in the case of a small-scale model, the track or room layout), a self-driving train will just sweep through the layout once to "remember" it. Her FPV camera view would also be the most enjoyable to watch since (assuming you've built the rest of the model railroad layout) it will be a scenic cab view. Like ships, locomotives are also by default, female. Cons: You'd have to go to an expensive large scale, maybe 3 1/2" gauge (89mm) or G scale (45mm), if you really want your robot-rail waifu to pack all the sensors, and it's hard to find that much space for a big layout. A cheap method might be to make her a line-following bot so the "rails" are just masking tape on the floor. Analysis: It may be possible to make a small Kibo-chan loco in On30 gauge (O scale but using HO tracks to simulate narrow gauge). I think the appeal here is not to make her look like Thomas and Friends but more like a Centaur -- have fully articulated arms that can be used to manipulate scenery in her environment. So right now I'm leaning towards a kibo-chan car tank / locomotive design.
>>7816 >Can we turn anything into a robowaifu? Think about it. Kek. Yeah, we pretty much can Anon. :^)
Found some old document with a list of advantages of fembots / robowaifus. Probably not all my ideas, but partially collected or inspired by others. Might also have redundant points, especially bc my other posting here >>4288. Advantages - younger females - prettier females - fembots stay young - body updates incl. recycling some of the expensive parts - polygamy without jealousy - no conflicts about equal rights - as much mindcontrol as wanted - less costs in time and money (no status symbols, no divorce) - no need of additional social interactions (family, general) - fascination of artificial mind - programmable and adjustable - they are property - they can look whatever we want them to - no need of contraceptives - no sexual diseases - less legal risks e.g. around (rough) sex - not getting emotionally exploited - no unpleasant body fluids and smells - less need of even leaving the house, apartment or room - no negative influence through other people eg. family or friends - every investment in development or learning will be part of the next iteration - guarantee to not be alone when old, as reliable as a good insurance
>>9557 Thanks Anon. This kind of material would be well-suited to the Robowaifu User's Guide (or at least as some ad-copy) for when it's written in the future. Thanks.
>>7817 Toasters are the best
>>7817 >>12355 Just remember not to take a bath with a one.
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>>9557 The advantages of robots in general are so great that they are being rolled out in warehouses and supermarkets right now to replace humans wherever possible. Ignore what the PR department says. The A.I. and robots are DEFINITELY there to replace people. People generally hate other people (at least where I live), but the rich? The rich would stuff the poor into gas chambers tomorrow if they thought they could get away with it. So of course they are going to be massive fans of robots. No sick pay, no unions, no protests, no sleep, no food, no weekends, no maternity leave, no holidays, higher speed,accuracy, reliability and standardization. It makes as much sense to replace people with robots as it did to upgrade from a foot-treadle loom to a power loom when weaving. I have personally seen this replacement happen in all of the major supermarkets and the Amazon warehouse near me. They do it quite slowly, usually over a period of about 5 years. But gradually, there are less people and more KUKA arms or automatic checkouts. I even knew around half a dozen of the people who lost their jobs. Consequently, as soon as the richfags realise that the only thing waiting for organic humans on Mars is death and stop messing about with their cock-rockets, we will have robowaifu brothels and harems within a matter of decades. Besides, we need advanced robots if we actually want to leave more than flags, bootprints and dessicated corpses on the Moon or Mars, so they'll need to get that aspect down first.
>>15012 >Consequently, as soon as the richfags realise that the only thing waiting for organic humans on Mars is death and stop messing about with their cock-rockets, we will have robowaifu brothels and harems within a matter of decades. Besides, we need advanced robots if we actually want to leave more than flags, bootprints and dessicated corpses on the Moon or Mars, so they'll need to get that aspect down first. You are clearly delusional if you think life on Earth will be any better. I don't care to be in some cyberpunk nigger hellhole where people put chips in their heads and remove perfectly functional limbs in place of a non regenerative prosthetic counterpart. People don't generally hate other people, they hate shit stirring faggots who thrive on causing infighting and those who cry wolf when someone stops their social rampage and abuse of others. The time and logistics it would take to constantly invade Mars would be too costly any time soon and it would be the next frontier of freedom to have the room and space to make a robowaifu utopia. Though fat chance anyone but globohomo approved cunts would be allowed on that one way rocket trip. Would be much easier to build some functional infrastructure on mars with some "dumb" robots like you describe.
>>15009 jej >>15012 >The advantages of robots in general are so great that they are being rolled out in warehouses and supermarkets right now to replace humans wherever possible. Ignore what the PR department says. The A.I. and robots are DEFINITELY there to replace people. >No sick pay, no unions, no protests, no sleep, no food, no weekends, no maternity leave, no holidays, higher speed,accuracy, reliability and standardization. It makes as much sense to replace people with robots as it did to upgrade from a foot-treadle loom to a power loom when weaving. >I have personally seen this replacement happen in all of the major supermarkets and the Amazon warehouse near me. They do it quite slowly, usually over a period of about 5 years. But gradually, there are less people and more KUKA arms or automatic checkouts. I even knew around half a dozen of the people who lost their jobs. Plainly it's happening in all the rich White lands, and has been going on very slowly (as you indicated) for decades now. Frog in the pot syndrome and all. >People generally hate other people (at least where I live), This is being intentionally fostered by forces both within and without our world Anon. It's obviously not men's natural state. And women. Lol, there's not a single honest one. Robowaifus will at least help some with these issues. >but the rich? The rich would stuff the poor into gas chambers tomorrow if they thought they could get away with it. So of course they are going to be massive fans of robots. Most of them are truly diabolical, without doubt. Just like their father. >Consequently, as soon as the richfags realise that the only thing waiting for organic humans on Mars is death and stop messing about with their cock-rockets,... >Besides, we need advanced robots if we actually want to leave more than flags, bootprints and dessicated corpses on the Moon or Mars, so they'll need to get that aspect down first. Undoubtedly. And much like supermarkets and Amazon warehouses, space has already proven these points out. The US Moonshot was a publicity stunt on the world's stage. We'll never establish any permanent abodes outside our The Good Earth. This is our only shot in this life. >... we will have robowaifu brothels and harems within a matter of decades. One of the nice artifacts of the mountainous complexity of this problem is that the little guys have the real potential for speed advantages over the lumbering bureaucracies that Globohomo Big-Tech/Gov behemoths experience. Especially with the gender-studies-approved and other pozz focus they so readily swallop. We can and will :^) get there first Anon! >>15013 >You are clearly delusional if you think life on Earth will be any better. A) I personally don't think SophieDev implied any such thing in his post, and B) You can strongly disagree with someone without throwing discourtesy into the mix right Anon? >People don't generally hate other people, they hate shit stirring faggots who thrive on causing infighting and those who cry wolf when someone stops their social rampage and abuse of others. This. At least with honest men, this is an accurate description of one important aspect of the social dynamics between us. Women are all clearly backbiters in their very nature. >Though fat chance anyone but globohomo approved cunts would be allowed on that one way rocket trip. Heh, don't you think they might throw in the Token CIS-White Male (tm) here and there, just for appearances Anon? :^)
>>15021 >Just like their father. But not all are * >with the gender-studies-approved hiring practices * heh, should have read my post a little better tbh.
>>15013 > if you think life on Earth will be any better. I stopped caring about life on Earth years ago, anon. Nothing I can do will alter the outcome. So instead I chose to focus on making a comfy life in my house (hence the robowaifu project). I do still have the odd doomer episode (mainly after going down my local town centre) but overall I have decided to change what I can change rather than worry about things I cannot. My house and garden, the local park and a few small sections of my old university campus are the only land areas I have any concern for. I avoid going into town unless I have to. It has already fallen into some kind of post-industrial economic collapse and the area is hostile to everyone and hugely depressing - especially in winter. Better to make a robowaifu haven at home and then share the wholesome robowaifu love over the internet. Well...eventually anyway.
>>15021 > This is being intentionally fostered by forces both within and without our world Anon. Yes, it is strange. How the media always conflate things in order to make them seem as bad as possible and divide ppl as much as possible. My guess is it's to do with controversy leading to higher engagement and more profit (anger spreads more quickly than positivity). Maybe also some Communist plot to undermine Western society like that KGB defector with the glasses said. Dunno. All I know is, my robowaifu is immune to their machinations and a welcome distraction from the incessant faggotry of clown-world.
>>17 A cool thing electric vehicle development allows is to make "transformers"-like robowaifus that can transform between a functional vehicle like a motorcycle and back into a robowaifu. Having an electric battery pack and electric engine is perfect for this. Pictured here we have an electric motorcycle and a transformer robot.
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>>15048 Heh, that would indeed be super-cool Anon, sign me up! But just for the moment, I'll be happy if we can simply manage to get our robowaifus to 'fold-up' into a volume conveniently-suited to storing away into a roller suitcase. This is part of the RW Dollhouse design motifs we're working towards IRL, actually.
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>>15048 I too want to clang a Transformer. Having her turn into a boombox or laptop while on the run would be convenient. A motorized vehicle would transform into a rather large robot. Also, Metroplex is an actual city that turns into a mountain sized robot, I'm a brave man but, not brave enough to put my pelvis under a mountain of waifu. >>15070 >Roller suitcase Actually a genuinely good idea with a good example.
>>15077 Yes it seems natural. Due to complexity in design, we'll probably have to settle for simply detaching the upper and lower halves at the pelvis area, then using two suitcases. For whole-body storage, the ruggedized hard-shells very commonplace to the music touring industry will be perfect. Add in another one for holding battery, chargers, trusted offline compute, C&C and other RW Dollhouse needs, and you have a full mobile set up for your life-sized robowaifu.
Well one major thing I think if were implemented properly, is the use of artificial wombs, you would be able to create a womb that would remove defects or poor traits that would make a child's life worse, you would be basically able to make a much happier and healthier child.
>>15866 Hello Anon, welcome! >artificial wombs Yes, this is a big and important topic for society generally -- one fraught with opportunities and challenges -- and it certainly has an interest for our community for quite some time. In fact, we even have a thread specifically for this (>>157). I'd say give it a look-over, and maybe you'll get some new ideas. Cheers!
>>15040 Have you considered going to church?

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