/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” -t. Anonymous

Entry Level Waifu Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 08:02:15 No.245
So I've been lurking here for a little while. I figured it's finally time I made a thred so I have a place to share my ideas about a project I want to build. Robowaifus has been a dream of mind for a good while, i'm glad I stumbled across this place.

So with this project I want to focus on something that is viable now, with todays tech. And it has to be affordable, under $1k. I don't have 10k to drop on Real doll robot, or even 2k for a sex doll. This also has to be something an average anon like me can piece together. I'm not an engineer or a programmer.

So my fist version of this won't be including any robotics. The goal will be to put a computer inside a doll, with a voice interface and chatbot AI. As well as a battery pack so it's portable. I'm think by really focusing on the right elements, I can build an effective waifu.

I think AI is vital to robowaifus. More vital than the robotics. That's what's gonna make this whole thing a viable option. Having something you can connect with. I want to start exploring that.

That beings aid, I think from is really important too. There's no need to have an AI voice in a plain speaker like Amazon and Google are offering. We can easily do better than that. And without the botnet and privacy concerns.

I vastly prefer 2D over 3DPD. I also think it's a great way to sidestep the uncanny valley. It's herd to get a 3D version of a 2D character that looks right. One of the best I've seen are the 1/3 scale vinyl dolls like the Dollfie Dream. Danny Choo seemed like he was on the path to create a robowaifu version of these dolls with his Smart Doll, but the version he eventually released is non robotic. It does however have a mostly hollow torso that could be filled with electronics. I think the Smart Doll is a great base for a project like this, and they are highly customizable too.

Alright that's enough to start, I'll be going into more detail in future posts.
Cool man, welcome.

Note Danny Choo is now catering to normalfaggots, since he stopped with robotics plenty of other guys have made robotic dancing dolls. But if you want to wait for Smart Doll Cortex to come out, it's essentially going to be the first mass produced plastic model doll so will be cheaper than vinyl and easily customizeable like gunpla.
Hey anon, glad to see your project thread, welcome. Seems like you have good insight on costs. This stuff will be expensive, one way or another.

I also like the idea that good AI is a vital initial phase for your project. Sad to say, from my perspective at least, it's also the most difficult problem (in the long list of problems) to solve when inventing good robowaifus. But I think with everybody pitching in ideas, then some geniuses among us might pull of a breakthrough or two. We'll see. But as you said, we certainly do not want botnets infesting our beloved robowaifus.

And yea it's kind of a theme here "Waifubots, not slutbots", crude as it is. Why some big corporations are not already making cute waifubots is quite beyond me tbh. The pent-up demand is very plainly a huge one.

Obviously full-sized will be the most desirable, but I think for the first several years scale models are the only practical approach while keeping the costs relatively modest. Danny Choo's injection-molding line when it's in full swing will probably be a good model to look at for a BJD approach.

There's lots of challenges ahead. Good luck to us all anon.
Yeah it seems like the madman was actually gonna do it for a while, create robo waifus. They would have been expensive though and it would have been an even more niche product. Pandering to normalfags is probably the better business decision.

I see the goal of waifubots as simulating relationships and companionship. And it's not that i'm some puritan who's against the idea of sexbots, simulating sex has already been solved. Sex robots for both mean and women already exist, and have for years. Onaholes can be bought online for under $20, you can do VR on your cellphone. The technology is already here and readily available. When people say sexbot, they are usually talking about a full robotic humanoid that's also capable of having sex. That's like calling a computer a porn machine.
I know people want one that can move around and stuff, but wouldn't it be easier to focus on the AI and the mechanics first before making it fully portable? I know back when this board was on 8chan, there were a few on-going projects that just halted because of the magnitude of what they were trying to do. It would be nice to see someone's project come through without getting burned out or bogged-down.
>but wouldn't it be easier to focus on the AI and the mechanics first before making it fully portable?
Not that anon, but I agree with you anon. The challenge of creating an inexpensive bipedal robowaifu is challenging atm to a high degree imo. This is why the Visual Waifu thread was started, to enable forward progress in the AI and simulation arenas simultaneously with the mechanical systems.

>the magnitude of the problem
The laws of nature don't care how good one's intentions are, heh. You either satisfy the constraints of real physics or you fail. Simple as that. So yea, I think a lot of younger anons go into this over-enthusiastically w/o really understanding, as you indicated, the magnitude of the problem.

That opens up whole other areas of discussion about the correct approaches to this whole topic of DIY Robot Wives. I'd be happy to go there if you're up for it anon.

Hey, if this were easy, everyone would be doing it!

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