/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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β€œIn the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.” -t. H. Jackson Brown

Short Stacks the Obvious Solution Robowaifu Technician 05/06/2020 (Wed) 10:51:46 No.2666
If we want a robowaifu that anyone can make at home then we will need to make it small enough to be printed on a cheap 3d printer. Let's say the ender 3 because it has a large printing area and a large community because it is so affordable. Our robowaifu doesn't have to be printed all in one go; in fact it would probably be better if our robowaifu was printed in parts, those parts used to make silicone casts around robotic internals. Short stack robowaifus provide an easily printable solution and require considerably less materials to make than conventional sexbots. They could be easier and cheaper for the average man to produce. There is also a large community surrounding short stacks as it is a popular fetish. Goblins, kobold, dwarfs, halflings, and gnomes are very popular in fantasy and several 3d models for them can easily be found on the internet which would give men options for their robowaifus. Engineering a smaller robowaifu would also be considerably easier. Less stress would be put on her skeleton and less energy would be required to make her move. Short stacks in particular often have thicker legs and feet which would fix a lot of issues with balance. What are your thoughts /robowaifu/ have you taken the short stack pill?
>>2666 >What are your thoughts /robowaifu/ have you taken the short stack pill? Satan, pls. Yes, the topics of the ramifications of the Square-cube Law have come up numerous times in our brief history at /robowaifu/. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square%E2%80%93cube_law >Goblins, kobold, dwarfs, halflings, and gnomes are very popular in fantasy and several 3d models for them can easily be found on the internet which would give men options for their robowaifus. Our good friends over at /monster/ certainlly might have a strong interest, but frankly, the vast majority of us would not. Beauty is one of the goals for our robowaifu companions. And as soon as you start producing child-sized models of companion robots you not only paint a large target on the manufacturer by threatened roasties as well as the always-offended feminists ofc, you also run afoul of actual US law that has been introduced on the very topic. This was done by lawmakers who probably couldn't give af about it in fact, but saw the posturing as a good political move for an 'easy moral victory' to help their careers along. Nobody has the desire to vote against such a clear Won't someone please think of the children!? bill ofc. It's certainly not something I will allow us to openly support here on /robowaifu/ therefore. What you do in the privacy of your own garage lab is ofc your own affair--also stipulated by law for the moment at least.
>>2672 I might also add that much of the East has no such compunctions regarding so-called 'lolibots', and highly neotenous dolls are already readily-available there. However even owning one of these has been deemed anathema in the US, and would likely land you in the newspaper after customs 'inspects' this child-sized package.
My robowaifu is going to be the same height as Chii, 152cm/5'0". I'd hate to make her shorter and then she can't reach the cupboard or something and asks me why did I make her so short. Most of her won't be made with a 3d printer either except to prototype joint parts before sending them off for CNC machining. If you wanna go really cheap there are ball-jointed dolls you can download and 3D print. People on a budget will probably opt for making smart dolls out of TPE rather than expensive silicone. And the strange thing is that a smart doll doesn't even need hands to play a computer game or a camera to watch something together. All it needs is an input/output interface. It'll probably make a great feature for someone with a gardevoir smart doll.
>>2677 Yes, that's my perfect size as well. As OP points out and mentioned ITT the square-cube effects present a significant difficulty-multiplier to practically every aspect of the engineering involved. But we're madmen enough to undertake this adventure in the first place, so who's going to let a little thing like having to defeat the Triple-Boss of this game to win the prize stop us heh? :^)
>>2672 >And as soon as you start producing child-sized models of companion robots you not only paint a large target on the manufacturer by threatened roasties as well as the always-offended feminists ofc, you also run afoul of actual US law that has been introduced on the very topic. Short stacks usually have pretty decent assets. Is the law really retarded enough to consider them to be child-like?
>>2677 >>2679 I'm sure that short stacks aren't going to be ideal for most people's robowaifus, but the sooner we get some kind of prototype up and running the sooner we can start refining the systems and designs nessicary to build bigger and better robowaifus. Short stacks would be a good starting point.
>>2685 > Is the law really retarded enough to consider them to be child-like? Heh, I would never underestimate the insanity of 'the law' at this stage of our Western Tradition, Anon. But no probably not as long as it looked like some kind of gremlin, etc. But the moment you start making it look like a pretty little White girl, then you just triggered the trap card nigga. I clarified my point that 'beauty' whatever that means, but I think we all get it was a common goal. Mixing beauty and neoteny in our robowaifus is a direct assault on roasties and on the social status-quo, and is a guaranteed target on not only our backs, but on Robi & Co's. I can't allow us to go there publicly-speaking. Again, what you do in your own lab is, for the moment, your own affair. Certainly it's none of mine nor of /robowaifu/'s. >>2687 Sure that's fine Anon. Just make sure they don't skirt the line of beautiful girls and we should be fine here.
I won't be making her look like a little white girl. I'm probably going to go with a goblin. I want to try a cooling system using the large ears.
>>2702 >I'm probably going to go with a goblin. Sure, that's perfectly fine. >I want to try a cooling system using the large ears. Yes there's a nice symbiosis possible between the surface materials and passive cooling systems. Good idea.
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>>2706 I stole the idea from nature.
>>2727 Those little guys are so cute. I actually saw a related species at the Grand Canyon one morning. It was a spiritual experience for me, actually. :^)
Does anyone know of any minimalist small biped walker systems I could use? Somethig like the bigfoot maybe?
>>3069 >Somethig like the bigfoot maybe? Pictures Anon?
>>3083 Ahh, got it. Can you find any old models of that Anon? They look like a pretty useful design tbh. Even just technical drawings might suffice to work out a kit parts from a 3D printer and such.
>>3083 I particularly like the design of that tallest one, somehow.
>>3084 This is where I found that pic. http://davidbuckley.net/DB/index.htm The guy has plans and designs for a bunch of simple robots.
>>3090 Wow, that's a good link Anon, thanks. > http://davidbuckley.net/DB/A_Minimalist_Approach_to_Biped_Walking.htm Well, I'd say you're golden then. Can you draw? They don't have to be perfect not yet, anyway heh but technical drawings are always the starting point for these kinds of things, generally speaking.
>>3091 No I can't draw worth a damn. Is there a free program I could use to make technical drawings?
I also want her hear, arms, and waist to be able to move as well. Are there any simple solutions for those? Is it even realistic at this point to have her make facial expressions?
>>3092 >Is there a free program I could use to make technical drawings? Fusion360 is a great tool, and Autodesk has a program available for amateurs: https://www.autodesk.com/campaigns/fusion-360-for-hobbyists A) I don't trust Autodesk very much, and B) it's strictly cloud-based. So if they deplatform you or you lose internet, you're basically hosed from any further work on your project. But all-in-all it's a remarkably good product for engineering work like this, and directly supports 3D printing software. Another possibility is SolidWorks, and they are offering a special deal to EAA members. Both are cheap. >>1175 Finally, ofc there's always Blender. And today, that's a very good choice indeed, given the improvements in version 2.8 of the project. We actually have a thread on this specific topic Anon, the catalog is always your friend here. >>414 >>3101 Yep everything else has to work as well. I'd recommend really digging in and getting your legs idea going first though Anon. Not only will you learn valuable lessons in the process (and help us all out here as well), but it will serve as a good 'base' after a fashion for you to build up the rest of the project. Just do it! :^) >Are there any simple solutions for those? In a word: no. We're pioneering inexpensive, simple approaches here on /robowaifu/ as we go, Anon. >Is it even realistic at this point to have her make facial expressions? It is, but it's either rather sophisticated ie, expensive such as the theme-park animatronics system Disney devised for the Avatar ride, or tends to be kludgey, such as various amateur efforts we've seen thus far (and I'm not judging them, this stuff is very hard to get right tbh). A middle-ground between the two needs to be pioneered here, actually.
>>3106 At this point all I want her to do is to be able to wave, hug, move her head, and move her waist so she could turn. A face that cod smile and make seductive faces would be nice too. Does anyone have some ideas for some simple solutions?
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>>3136 In that case I would focus on a torso-only solution, which also brings quite a few benefits to the table as well Anon. Hanson Robotics started off just making heads, and then grew it from there to a torso. Today, I believe they are probably dabbling with giving Sophia a functional body.
>>2672 Imagine having to argue with customs the difference between child sex dolls and goblin sex dolls. >"Officer, do children have tiddies like this?"
>>3164 >>"Officer, do children have tiddies like this?" kekd.
>>3083 I have noticed a very serious design flaw with these legs and I am surprised no one has pointed it out. How are you going to spread her legs?
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>>3167 Haha good point. I'm sure a good solution would be arrived at, they say necessity is the mother of invention after all. I think the design we see in nature is the best to follow on this issue if possible. A robo-hip-joint is needed ofc. My designs use biomemetics of the human form and include a ball & socket approach for the hip. After all, it's literally the most efficient design for all the motions needed. A 3-axis servo design could be devised as well in a case like this. It might serve well enough, I think. The whole system for leg motions is an oft-neglected masterpiece of engineering and aesthetic design.
>>3167 Think something like these would be better?
>>3209 Now you've got the idea Anon. 3-axis motion will basically be necessary for our robowaifu's 'hip' joints.
>>3092 there is freecad https://www.freecadweb.org/ i haven't used i personally but it looks pretty good, and i know some anons have.
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Tiny can be quite the cute
>>21596 I think for all the yiffers fluffycyoot lovers, Shortstacks are an obvious choice. :^)
Short stack monster girl robowaifus would also solve the uncanny valley problem.
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>>21626 >>21750 Short flat > short stack Mini fox girls FTW, I've seen the light and it is small and cute. Humans are too hard to replicate, mini mechanical monster girls make more sense.
>>21838 >Humans are too hard to replicate, mini mechanical monster girls make more sense. Kind of like the movie M3GAN, life-sized robodolls will actually be a market for rich normalfags in the nearish future. Maybe you can capitalize on that as a 'fluffy headpat robodaughteru' market?
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>>21840 There are countless benefits to this design. Cute fluffy tails are fantastic for balancing. Fix ears are great for stereo sound localization, the fluffy white tuft will also act as a pop filter. She can just wear shirts as dresses. The benefits go on and on, just need to make it not be a loli somehow.
>>21851 >The benefits go on and on Indeed. The primary one IMO being smaller volume (which loosely correlates with smaller mass, in principle). Square-Cube Law and all that. I'll go ahead and venture an off-the-cuff 'estimate' that a humanoid robot which is ~130cm (full doll-sized, like M3GAN) would likely have only ~<60% the volume of a ~165cm one. That's a big savings for a 1 foot difference in height! That savings translates directly into much more feasible engineering designs, plus quicker & cheaper costs to manufacture & ship. If the dolly market is your target domain (instead of Anons+Robowaifus) then you'd have many benefits thereby, as you mentioned. But of course that kind of leaves Anon & the other men of the world cast adrift if we all choose that route, right Anon? :^) >just need to make it not be a loli somehow. Well I'd say just don't give her ladybits, for starters. 'Anatomically Correct' in the established doll markets might raise a few eyebrows, but for the robowaifu domain it will trigger an avalanche of snowflake feefees like a runaway freight train haha! However, I'm sure we'll all figure it out together in the end Kiwi. The key to our success here is to just keep moving forward. "Build More & Think Less" at this stage, as our motto-Anon has suggested. Cheers! :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/09/2023 (Sun) 00:16:08.
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>>21857 The difference in mass and volume will indeed be staggering. The balancing will be much easier as well. Honeslty, balancing at 150cm is one of the biggest pains. I don't see why a small fox can't be a waifu for the average Anon. Build more, think less is honestly great advice. I and many others, think too much.
>>21861 >I don't see why a small fox can't be a waifu for the average Anon. Maybe so, there's a large crowd of people that really just want some kind of tangible companion that can offer them some degree of interactivity. Headpat daughterus and visual waifus fall into this category for example. While there may be some anons who want a smol waifu, I think the vast majority would want something approaching lifesized.
>>21892 I was thinking about height. We want small for reduced cost but if you make it too small you could could social setbacks and possibly legal restrictions by people trying to ban them by equating them with children. So I looked about and found average heights around the world. Here's a link I found. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country Around the world most Women are roughly around 5"-2"" or so. United States – Asian Americans158.1 cm (5 ft 2 in) United States – Non-Hispanic Whites 164.5 cm (5 ft 5 in)(tall) 5 feet equals centimeters 152.4 cm. I think we could get away with this. It's about a couple to an inch off of the size of normal Women and so not too small but also not too big so less threatening. (don't tell them we make the strength twice a normal Women for utility). I've had this sort of 5" being a good height in the back of my mind. Now that I see it corresponds fairly well with human averages I think it would be a good target. Another good one might be to just go full 5'-2" so anyone who says it's a child, it's not, you can say this is average height and accuse them of racism and "White height domination" to shut them up. While I hate to go woke, it can be advantageous to use their own weapons against them.
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>>23773 Are we going through this whole topic again? Isn't this whole thread already about it? All the arguments? Anyways, my current idea is 1.40 meters. Later ones might be smaller or taller, we'll see.
>>23780 >Are we going through this whole topic again? Why would you say such a thing? Show me where there's a comment in this thread where the average size world wide with a chart on heights is equated to the legality of robowaifu heights? There's a lot of talk about heights but the only "reasons" stated are to reach cupboards and the ramifications of bigger equal more material strength. Nothing about what I highlighted. And just when did you become the arbitrator of all things to think about? Frequently you jump down peoples throats for the slightlest of reasons. I try, online and in person to be polite to everyone, unless. 1. They are rude to me and then I'm as rude as possible back. I do the same in real life. I have no use for assholes. They are assholes cause people let them get away with it. 2. When people say something blatantly untrue. I say,"no that's not true". Sometimes I provide links to to prove my case, sometimes not. In the case where I think people are gas-lighting me, I do not. They know they are lying. I won't waste time on their lies. I do not attack them unless they do me. And BTW since you favor criticism so much, your height is too damn small. "If", for whatever reason, a prosecutor got you in front of a jury I can see him hauling in this child sized doll and telling the jury how you built this to satisfy your lust for children and that real children are at risk for the same reason. Maybe not true but...the jury doesn't care. You are to them a child molester. Even if it's a doll. And don't respond with any of your womanish passive-aggressive BS. I'm not your bitch. Mind your own business not mine.
>>23799 > Show me where there's a comment in this thread where the average size world wide with a chart on heights is equated to the legality of robowaifu heights? Nobody knows how it is for each country. Your comment also hints at social problems and maybe PR considerations. I didn't count, but my feeling is that the topic of height in regards to these things came up dozens of times in this board. I didn't look but I assumed in this thread here as well, and probably here >>14388 and in many other places. >Frequently you jump down peoples throats for the slightlest of reasons. ... I'm not your bitch. Mind your own business not mine. No, that's just how you perceive any kind of criticism or rejection which isn't sugarcoated with all kinds of courtesy phrases or politeness. And then you loose it completely. Maybe talk to a therapist about that. >your height is too damn small. I try not to get into this. This is what I wrote above. It's true that I mildly try to shut down certain debates early, especially ones which are recurring and imo pointless, based on speculation, FUD, anxiety, and might lead away from dev talk to political debates. I think it is fair enough for me to mention if I would prefer not to go through a certain topic again or what I think of a topic. If others want to ignore this, then go on. I might just hide the thread for a while.
>>23799 >I have no use for assholes explains your propensity for verbal diarrhea
>>23800 >Nobody knows how it is for each country. Based on world bank and other studies. Average estimates of large populations can frequently be very close to the average so you are wrong. >No, that's just how you perceive any kind of criticism or rejection No you do this to others also. You drive people off. Maybe that's what you want to be a big man in small pond. Some people are like that. Maybe you are one of them. The point is why do you care if I show population estimates and and relate that to legal ramifications. There's no skin off your back for this. Are you a control freak? Obsessive? What's the point of your abrupt, frequently condescending behavior? Have you no social skills? That your motives are not some "pure" legitimate keeping things on track, show me where on this board there's a graph of average human height of girls and where that was equated to social and legal ramifications. You tried to conveniently skip that and blame me but you do not have that. You try to blame me for your behavior but it's not me, it's you. You are responsible for continuously being rude to people. I see it constantly. Stop being a jerk and pretending it others that are the problem. I defy you to find any comment I've made where I was rude to people, unless, they were rude to me. You won't find it or if I did make a comment that could be perceived as rude I try to apologize because that was not my intention.
>>23802 This conversation is already off the rails by making this about me. You could've crosslinked it to /meta and brought your concerns about my alleged rudeness up there. In regards to the topic, after my posting you could've used Waifusearch to look for similar conversations and linked those into the current thread.
>>23802 >show me where on this board there's a graph of average human height of girls and where that was equated to social and legal ramifications. That actually would be a useful thing to have Grommet (and this is exactly the correct thread to discuss the topic -- in depth if necessary). Mind giving it a go since you're already investigating the data Anon? TIA. >>23803 >In regards to the topic, after my posting you could've used Waifusearch to look for similar conversations and linked those into the current thread. I actually rather appreciate all your board-management contributions, and you have a good eye for helping to keep things on-topic NoidoDev. As the sole individual ATM responsible for the very-tedious, highly-errorprone process of copy-pasting posts, by hand, one-by-one, into a new thread, then deleting the old ones, whenever a conversation goes off-topic and needs to be migrated... > *whew :^)* You can bet I appreciate a certain degree of 'nannying' to help keep things in our conversations on-topic to prevent that. OTOH, this is an imageboard, not known for a lack of chaos. :^) My apologies to everyone for not updating the board JSON archives sooner. I hope to do that at least once every quarter. I'll plan to fix that soon (at least sometime during July). Please remember we're on the same team anons. WE HAVE PLENTY OF ENEMIES ALREADY. Let's not make it worse between ourselves, or their laughter will be our only reward. Keep moving forward! :^)
>>23804 >graph of average human height of girls Here, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country And graphical if it loads
>>23806 Great start Anon. Now can you cross-correlate >"...and where that was equated to social and legal ramifications" please? Add your own commentary on the matters if you will. I'm particularly interested in the specifics as they relate to five specific sovereign interests: 1. Burgerland 2. Yurope 3. Japan 4. Baste China 5. Baste Russia The reasons are these regions are by far the most likely ones to a) originate robowaifus in the first place, and b) have SHTF scenarios related to their cultural & societal introductions, and global distributions. TIA Grommet.
>>23807 Burgerland is the one you have to watch out for, if you have anything under five feet then you better give her the proportions of a cow milf otherwise expect the dyke feminist/dickless soyboy coalition to jump all over you. Russia doesn't give a fuck, China doesn't give a fuck, Japan doesn't give a fuck, Europe is iffy, divide it by west and east. East doesn't give a fuck, west is going to cry about it. Remember in australia they made titless skinny girls illegal because someone might imagine them under the legal age. Legal ramifications are non-existant, there's no case study covering it except possibly the code that covers depicting sexualized fictional minors and transmitting images over state/federal lines, if your waifu looks too young and you're taking sexy pictures of her you'll probably get dinged. You're really fighting social perceptions on this one, which is going to be the uphill battle because social considerations can lead to regulation and legal limitations. Think of how popular people took to the ida of 'child-like' sex dolls and then super-impose the worst arguments from that onto you're own project. Regardless of your intent, because of your project's goals you're painting a target on your back so of course size and age implications are going to be used against you.
>>23822 Thanks friend. Yes, we're well-aware here that the Globohomo are no friends of humanity, and that their literal favorite pet golem, feminists (and their soy ilk), will do everything they can manage to try to stop the existential threat to them that robowaifus pose. Doesn't matter, the market will still find a way around all that. What we're looking for here is a rigorous treatment of the actual national data itself, not hand-waving about what past-shelf-life 3DPD will or wont REE over. They have no inherent power, only what you yourself give them. :^) The Square-Cube Law is a law is from a much-higher Source however, and no amount of pandering on our parts will change either that fact, or the law itself. Regardless of any societal or other concerns, the simple engineering truth is that crafting a successful <1m humanoid is dramatically easier than, say, a 1.5m humanoid. In this particular context of autonomous robotic humanoid physics, engineering & design -- smaller is better (within reason). This is one reason I've been encouraging our cadres for the time being to forego their full life-sized waifu design efforts, and focus instead on doll-sized headpat daughterus (say, roughly the dimensions of the well-known Poppy Project[1]) as the primary initial research platform to wring out many of the pertinent ground-truth engineering solutions first, then scale them up into the actual life-sized primary production platforms thereafter (hopefully simply by incrementally tweaking things here and there along the way). The other reason is cost. Both in R&D, manufacturing, and sales & distribution: all 3 endeavors are cheaper the fewer materials/less mass required. Start smol, grow big. --- 1. https://www.poppy-project.org/en/ >=== -prose edit -add poppy-project hotlink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/04/2023 (Tue) 21:25:51.
>>23807 Legality of sex dolls seems to be scattered. I did find a page that I think sort of echos what I reasoned would be acceptable. It said, "...Are sex dolls legal in the USA? The answer depends on which state you live in. In general, it is totally legal in the USA if the doll is over 140 cm (4.59 ft) tall..." "...Quick facts for the USA, Europe, UK: Sex Dolls have these features would *NOT* be considers a child like doll * The height of the doll is over 140 cm (4.59 ft)..." https://www.hxdoll.com/guide-to-sex-doll-law/ So I think what I said about legal ramifications and how you would likely be good at 5' and even better at 5'-2" is likely how legislatures will see it also. Just common sense to make the doll roughly the same size as smaller women. And not too much of a neonatal childish look.
>>2666 This, but sell the sex additions as a separate package. You can bypass a lot of headache just by keeping the lewd things hidden. Sell it as a "companion" bot.
>>23828 Thanks for the contribution Grommet. If you ever run across further information related to this topic, please feel free to post it ITT. Especially if it pertains to either China or Japan. Cheers. :^) >>23831 That, or simply don't sex-enable your robo'waifu' at all. There will be plenty of market demand for robotic AI headpat daughterus. If some choose to create 'ladybits' aftermarket kits that's entirely their own affair of course.
>>23832 That's the thing, I would do aftermarket stuff for our own models. Anonymously.
>>23863 >That's the thing, I would do aftermarket stuff for our own models. Anonymously. I'd predict that would be a very-popular marketplace as well, Anon.
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An example of a 4ft 120cm robot prototype https://dannychoo.com/archive/en/posts/smart-doll-plus

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