/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Stubbornly persist, and you will find that the limits of your stubbornness go well beyond the stubbornness of your limits.” -t. Robert Brault

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Galatea: Maid Robot GreerTech 11/13/2024 (Wed) 10:20:10 No.34324
For the last year, I have been working on my own robowaifu design. I call her Galatea. The design is very easy to build with the instructions and files, and is relatively very cheap, around $295 to make. It's also very customizable, you can choose the color, dress, hair, and even AI. I intend this to be the Model T of humanoid robots and robotic companions, while it is not the most complex, it is easy to mass produce and cheap.
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Here is her legs
For the AI, I just used a Bluetooth speaker with Backyard AI
She can also do some chores. She can vacuum, sweep, mop, sterilize surfaces, and do mental tasks.
Hello GreerTech, welcome! Good luck with your Galatea project. Hopefully, you'll share with everyone here your development progress with your robowaifu designs. Seems like you're using a robovac as your mobility base for her? This is a good idea, IMO. >I intend this to be the Model T of humanoid robots I would consider this much closer to the Model A during it's R&D phase. I too, am trying to devise a Model A robowaifu design : ( >>3001 ). Good luck with your robowaifu development adventures, Anon! Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/14/2024 (Thu) 04:13:14.
>>34335 Thank you! Yes it's a robot vacuum cleaner. Good luck on your own project!
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I added a counterweight, and to maximize functionality, I used an air purifier as the counterweight
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Here is the naked body.
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Galatea has been tested and is now officially released! Files and Instructions; https://greertech.neocities.org/galatea
>>34344 LEWD!
>>34355 Just compressed the main instructions manual.
>>34355 >>34360 Congrats, Anon! If you can manage it w/o doxxing yourself, I'd suggest you attempt some assembly videos for Galatea, pushed up to say, Rumble, and linked back here so Anons here can reproduce your work more easily. <---> Good progress so far Anon. Do you mean to continue refining your designs for her? If so, do you think you'll focus more on the hardware or the software next? I really like that you've made everything clean & simple at this stage (a real benefit of the Model A thru Model T lines by the great Henry Ford, as well). I hope you can continue that motif with any further advances for your robowaifu. >(cf. Gall's Law : >>33553 ) Cheers, Anon. :^)
>>34361 I am planning an add-on with a small, super cheap AliExpress smartphone, so you can do video-calls, virtual babysitting, and have the AI running all the time. I also am planning more variants of the Galatea AI.
>>34361 >so Anons here can reproduce your work more easily I made sure to make the manual very detailed and comprehensive so that anyone can build it. I'll post it here independently so anons can see how it's built and what materials are required.
>>34370 Great. I also see you edited your document a bit, that's good as well. I'm still certain that having assembly videos for Galatea would help the majority of Anons. From your document: >"The AI used is Backyard AI..." I'll presume you mean this one (around here we like to go straight to the sources)?: https://huggingface.co/backyardai <---> Looking forward to seeing your new progress! Cheers. :^)
>>34373 Here is the AI used. However, you can use whatever speaking AI you want, that's the beauty of an open-source, infinitely customizable design. https://backyard.ai/hub/search?q=%40greertech
>>34377 Great! Thanks for the info, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>34377 Just added new roles to my AI character.
>>34384 If anyone has any ideas for a role/trait, reply to this post
>>34366 Lately this kind of idea has been on my mind, android smart phones could be a nice alternative to the usual arm based SBCs. Your often getting a better SOC with more ram, you get sensors like a GPS and accelerometer and a built in UPS (the phone battery). The only obvious limitations is android (when compared to generic GNU Linux) and lack of IO. But I think both can be overcome with a little bit of effort. A termux chroot (especially if rooted) can be used to claw back more of a GNU Linux like environment. For IO, paring the phone with a micro controller capable of USB, is a way of adding IO. >>34377 The link seems to be broken, all I see is "No characters found."
>>34420 Try creating an account, and then make sure NSFW is enabled.
>>34420 I agree about using smartphones. They're a great example of cramming as many features into a small space. Plus, most of that space is taken up by the battery, so it's actually smaller than what you hold in your hand. The only part I'm concerned with is the IO. You basically have to have a robot brain stem with only two pins.
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Comparison of; Galatea, Woman body optimised for vase mode, and MaidCom I'm curious on how that dress looks from a side and back angle as I've been optimizing for clothing of a similar size.
>>34423 >le smart phones There's robot kits out there that you can control with apps on your phone, so you could probably develop some sort of bluetooth communication between the phone app and the robot. Mark Tilden described this as "horse and rider", where the horse worries about mundane stuff like not stepping in holes, going around that tree stump, and the rider decides the destination. But me, the cyberpunk that I am, don't trust corporate AI services: I don't want them stealing my mech and powerarmor building secrets >:3
>>34441 Funny you say that, because that's how the robot vacuum I used as a base works exactly.
>>34436 That's a pretty good side-by-side comparison, Kiwi. I assume you made some rough scaling transforms for it?
>>34436 Here's the sideview like you asked. I had some excess material, so I tightened it up with a binder clip, Homer Simpson-style. It's cool seeing my work side by side. Also that you found the original that it was modified from.
>>34436 vase mode! Very nice.
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>>34366 I finished the add-on. You can get it on the link from before. She can now act as a security camera, do virtual babysitting, act as a motion tripwire, do video calls, and take pictures. It can also remove certain burdens from your personal phone, such as streaming the AI, playing and streaming music, controlling Galatea, setting alarms, and acting as a dictation machine. https://greertech.neocities.org/galatea
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I also made a wall mount and table mount. Now Galatea can be all around your house.
I'm working on a cat ears accessory and expressive LED eyes. They both should be done by the end of the year.
I made an update to the base that's more stable
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>>34503 "Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality."
>>34534 Heh, very nice. Also, in that shot she looks a bit angry? (Maybe it's just the angle/lighting)
>>34535 Definitely the lighting. Later, I'll make a head with LED dot matrix eyes.
>>34536 >Later, I'll make a head with LED dot matrix eyes. Neat! I dream of a world filled with millions of 'walking lightshow' robowaifus; each one showing off colorful displays for her Master.
>>34652 Very cool! Thanks Anon! :^)
I'm making an updated version, with LED eyes, a better vacuum base, and new legs that are lighter and more proportional.
>>34681 One thing I love about Galatea is that you've taken the low-mass-robowaifu pill, Anon. You've also taken the simplicity pill as well. And you'll be rewarded for both accordingly : Many rapid-turnaround, inexpensive design iterations will be in your future, Anon! [1][2][3] :D Cheers, GreerTech. :^) <---> Keep moving forward. --- 1. ( >>4313 ) 2. ( >>33553 ) 3. If you stay this course, I doubt not you'll blow past all of us in reaching an inexpensive, effective & appealing robowaifu design.
>>34652 That is quite a contrast between the realistic face and the cartoony LED matrix glasses :)
>>34688 For sure. I decided to move from a human statue to a cuter robotic face that looks far more alive and expressive. My informal name for this effort was Project Aphrodite, after the goddess that gave Galatea life in the original myth.
Well done, interesting project. >>34681 > a better vacuum base Would you consider adding extra wheels on the sides? Making it so the vacuum would still pull it, but it would not need to take the whole weight upon itself. Especially since she might get heavier over time. >>34652 Unfortunately, the video isn't working. Maybe it's just my browser, though.
>>34788 I might try the wheel idea, but right now the limit isn't the weight on the base, it's the strength of the motors.
>>34804 fear not cause i came across the formula. its totque of the hip motor=weight of the robot in kg*height of the robot leg in meters*sin(45) if ypur robot is 60kg and the length of the leg is 0.45 meters the torque required would be 19 nm. you can down a gear train and a blcd. i am wary of sharing too much right around here however. i want to be selective of what i share. But this information shoukd get you going.
>>34690 >For sure. I decided to move from a human statue to a cuter robotic face that looks far more alive and expressive. Neat! Good luck with Project Aphrodite, GreerTech. Cheers. :^)
I got a new base with 14.4 volts, versus the old one's 7.4 volts. It feels like going from a prius to a Ford F-150. I heard brand-name roombas go up to 18 volts, which explains how I see fully grown cats riding on it.
>>34869 Neat! I hope your robowaifu system continues to incrementally improve in such a fashion for years to come, GreerTech! Cheers. :^)
Long Time No See! I have been busy with Christmas and New Years. I have been working on Galatea 2.0, and I finished before the holidays, however the design wasn't up to par. So in the spare time I had, I've been working on v2.1.0. I should finish it by the end of this week.
>>35522 Neat! Good to hear of the progress, GreerTech. Looking forward to seeing your results here. Cheers. :^)
>>34869 >>25783 >>25784 I'd like to suggest going the route of using a used hoverboard as the motive power for your base. They are usually rated to carry 220lbs and run on 36+ volts. Check flea markets and thrift stores like Goodwill or St. Vincent de Paul. I got my last one for $5.
>>35524 I've considered it, but I abandoned it because I would need extensive modifications to have the same features, remote control, mopping, and vacuuming. I will also need to buy it new, as I intend to make it able to be replicated. I will also need to make it be driven without leaning. Maybe in the future when I'm better at engineering, I could have a raspberry pi/arduino connected to the motors, while leaving the self-balancing intact.
I finished Galatea Version 2.1.0. Now I'm working on the "post-production", manual, website uploads, etc. I'll make a new thread when I'm done, because it's a different design from the 1.0, and my files are deleted.
>>35577 Excellent, GreerTech! Looking forward to this release. Cheers. :^)

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