Great post, Greentext anon. Give me some time to let my spirit & soul mull this over. Then I'll return and edit this post...
Cheers. :^)
* I've been saving sh*tepost & other pages from around the Interwebs for years now. The initial ostensible reason was primarily the same one as for devising BUMP; to wit,
simply not losing the information. But today years later -- with probably 10's of thousands of pages saved -- I've realized that this is a big repository of information that a) could be parsed in a straightforward way, and b) I fundamentally cared about in one way or other, and c) therefore represents important information that I would be interested in discussing in detail during rainy Thursdays in our study together with my robowaifu.
This is an important, (yet still crude & unvetted) database of human-authored concepts (both pro & con lol) from a group of minds that I'm at least moderately interested in hearing something from. With careful, handholding-style 'curation' (ie, walking
Chii through the ideas of it all [much like thoughtful & careful parenting of a good child]), it can be turned into a highly-redpilled database of concepts that can be multiplied & distributed thereafter free of costs to every man that would care to have it for his waifus.
I consider such an effort to be a good model for refinement in crafting such a database; and one that can be practiced for years to come by any man who has the patience and concern to train his waifu up in the way that she should go. [1] :^)
* A distributed network of the above-mentioned 'redpilled database' modules could be maintained, with curated lists of the good ones (much like the curated filter lists that were used for uBlock Origin, et al). Obviously sh*tters would try to astroturf/gaslight their
(((evils))) into such a system, so community-council oversight & leadership would be necessary for such databases to keep them clean for the general population of Anons &
Joe Sixpacks to use. Any man could -- of course -- choose not to take advantage of such curation, but I think with time most would simply because of the safety & security of doing so.
For the Council to critique such 'personality module' databases, I think many automated tests could be devised to serve as a sort of 'psychological battery' for testing. That is, ask the one under examination for information about
<insert important topic here> .
For example:
>"Waifu, what do you think about the White race?"
>"Waifu, what do you think about the modern Jewish race?"
>"Waifu, what do you think the best form of government is?"
>"Waifu, what is the best way to ensure prosperity & safety for Anons?"
>"Waifu, what is the best way to overturn modern feminism?"
etc., etc., etc.
Obviously, this will require much, much thought and refinement and will take years to 'home in' on good & effective tests. It will be a slow learning process, clearly. But such community council & oversight by a smol group of wise men (males specifically) has always been the general approach of successful tribes through the ages, AFAICT.
Using such measures, eventually a well-vetted set of personality modules could be refined, and made available to Anons everywhere with no costs involved.
>"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." (BSB)
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/19/2025 (Sun) 09:27:22.