Finally printed flat face and went Mr. Potato head. I have Velcro eyes behind the phone, so can swap phone with different mouths or tablet onto face.
Still need to make some good live wallpapers. I have the chatbot running in small window, and one of the remotes has a keyboard for input, mic and air mouse for $25. I got the wrong universal remote though and can't train all the buttons for the vac.
Phone has 8GB ram, but can only run 3B models. 7B loads but is slow. I dont think there's a cheap 7\8 inch tablet right now that can run 7Bs quickly.
I was thinking of adding ESP32\8266 in head powered by phone and maybe some servos on the shoulders with pushrods to move head or forearms maybe. Or maybe neck servo, and two forearm servos. Looks like your print already has room in elbows too.
For privacy, can always turn on airplane mode if it actually works, and then enable Bluetooth so cell radio\wifi is turned off.